• last year
This 20-year-old 'ancient' dog has baffled vets

transcript https://www.temi.com/editor/t/6_FdIy106-YeXMPGO7aLJUHNlf8MKMgtALDw0qH8OPIX2t7Yb_wKyebm6vQPXEhWKsPFE1xOxoCkZf_HgssMtdUx3Fo?loadFrom=Dashboard&openShareModel=False
audi - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/455xlekxmwa630i0dtbr2/elephant-video.mp4?rlkey=wkr4qk9dkr4pyynk7l8j834mc&dl=0
credit - elephant_retires/Instagram

(vo - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fiv5s1d76ssmyajg7bls5/elephant-vo_10.wav?rlkey=oclzy8q2w1nwn4pxqqfry0hru&dl=0

I've never seen a dog
as close to the end as him,
but with so much light
in his eyes to live.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/paweue6kvmpqjys9fyxrs/43_elephant_retires-ng5-start.jpg?rlkey=8f2thibp10k4p85bu4g7c33uw&dl=0 - use still

33:19 i'm rosalyn...geobeats
Elephant's Story by GeoBeats Animals
visual - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kg7t2qh7swlq58mzerwiv/9_elephant_retires-ng5-close-face.mp4?rlkey=i4t5z4vn928e6d6flxlgsargb&dl=0 36T38
S https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p6stbak3lw7o5f5bu4ixe/Screenshot-2023-08-03-10.02.24.png?rlkey=qmjd07tkoj7ya53893mgslc44&dl=0
E https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bf4nnkx9mmopzmf5s89eg/Screenshot-2023-08-03-10.02.30.png?rlkey=ipbv7qyt2p2jpt95vxe2lkkum&dl=0
(adjsut frame so frame below bottom line
00:00 I've never seen a dog as close to the end as him, but with so much light in his eyes to live.
00:07 I'm Roslyn, this is Elephant's story for GeoBeats.
00:11 Elephant was with his original owners for about 18 years, and he became quite sick.
00:17 He was in this rural Manitoba area.
00:19 They were going to get rid of him because he had a lot of issues,
00:23 and that's when a rescue stepped in to offer some end-of-life support.
00:28 But they brought him in and they got to know him, and they were like,
00:31 "Oh my gosh, this dog definitely has life in his eyes."
00:34 I was contacted by Team Dog Rescue, and they said,
00:38 "Well, we anticipate he'll maybe have three weeks-ish left."
00:41 So he did the two-day trip from Manitoba to me.
00:45 I was watching the Rough Riders transport, because they're the team that went out,
00:49 and they picked him up, and I got to see his whole journey from Manitoba to Ontario.
00:55 We anticipated he'd be here three weeks, and that's going on over two years now.
01:00 They brought him over to me, and they were like, "Oh, Elephant, this is your new mom."
01:04 His eyes met mine, and he just gave me the biggest kiss.
01:07 When we got Elephant, he was completely emaciated.
01:11 He had no fur from his shoulders all the way back to his tail.
01:15 He was anemic, he was fighting infection, he had a pretty nasty tapeworm.
01:20 He also had a really large tumor in his prostate.
01:23 We decided to neuter him, and all his tumors started to shrink,
01:26 and they eventually just disappeared.
01:28 He started putting on weight, his fur started growing back.
01:31 Here, your monster.
01:34 Instead of declining, he did the complete opposite.
01:41 He fought to live. He was taking all his medication,
01:46 he was eating so much food and keeping it down.
01:49 Someone's feeling great today.
01:53 He was just so vibrant and so full of life.
01:56 He's always, always loving to other dogs.
02:01 All of the other dogs gravitate to him.
02:03 He makes people laugh all the time.
02:13 When we go into hydrotherapy, he has very much mastered the art of, you know,
02:18 doing the least amount of work is best for him.
02:22 This is very much Elephant's world. We're just here to serve him.
02:26 We actually bought this house with Elephant in mind,
02:29 because everything is on one level.
02:31 We built a ramp for him outside.
02:33 He can still go for two short walks a day, like around 20 minutes.
02:38 We're taking him to a cottage in the summer,
02:41 and we have a wagon for him just so he can keep up.
02:43 And we're also at the point where I never thought I would have to get him to lose weight,
02:47 because he's quite chunky now.
02:48 So that's been surprising for me.
02:51 Elephant has become quite accustomed to the good life.
02:56 He sleeps beside the fireplace.
02:58 He has about three different beds, 20 different blankets.
03:02 Elephant!
03:03 I don't want him to worry for a second anymore.
03:07 Elephant should be around 20 now. He's ancient.
03:12 I'm living on this bonus time with him, just complete bonus time.
03:16 [Music]
03:22 I'm hoping I can really lean into listening to him,
03:25 because I understand him so much,
03:26 and I can give him that really peaceful end when the time is here.
03:29 He's my forever Valentine.
03:32 [Music]
