Swift Shifts -- Dr. E. Dewey Smith

  • l’année dernière
00:00 How he loves you and who I loves me. Come on give God praise right there
00:05 He gave his life get to get your Bibles. Listen, let me jump right into this word the book of Isaiah
00:10 We honor the Lord for all of our ministers who are here, all of our officers, all of our
00:13 Viewers, those you know overflow those who are online God bless you. Isaiah 43 you see these words in verse 1
00:21 but now
00:23 Thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob
00:27 He that formed thee, O Israel. Fear not I
00:31 Have redeemed thee I've called thee by name
00:34 Thou art mine
00:38 When thou passest through the waters
00:40 I will be with thee and through the fires
00:47 They shall not overflow thee
00:51 To the rivers and when thou walkest through the fire thou shall not be burned
00:58 When I pass it through the waters, I'll be with you through the rivers. They shall not overflow thee when thou walkest through the fire
01:04 Thou shalt not be burned. I want to talk for a few moments from this thought
01:11 Swift shifts
01:15 Swift shifts
01:18 I have
01:23 I've been brokenhearted the past few days
01:27 watching on the news
01:29 The total destruction of arguably my favorite place to visit in the world
01:36 There's no place a very few places in the world like Maui
01:44 And the island this island in Hawaii
01:49 I've been heartbroken
01:52 to see
01:54 the wildfires on the island of Maui
01:57 Which have been stated to be
02:01 the deadliest
02:04 wildfires that the US has experienced in over a century
02:08 Most recent count
02:12 nearly 100 deaths have taken place and
02:16 Already they're expecting that the death toll is going to rise astronomically over the next several days
02:24 Maui has been destroyed by fast-moving
02:28 wildfire in the western part of Maui
02:32 Sad enough that a summer of ferocious weather across the US
02:39 has yielded
02:42 The most
02:45 deadliest wildfire
02:49 25 miles 2,500 miles off of the west coast in Hawaii
02:54 It's been said that what started as a scattered
02:59 brush fire on the state's biggest island Hawaii in Maui
03:03 turned into a
03:06 total inferno by the middle of last week
03:08 By last night's account 93 people had been confirmed dead and many more
03:14 unaccounted for on the island
03:18 It's been said by the FEMA that over six billion dollars is going to be required to build Maui all the vacation spots
03:26 businesses homes lost
03:28 Making it the nation's
03:31 deadliest wildfire since fire hit Northeast, Minnesota in 1918
03:38 When you think about we just have come out of the worst pandemic
03:45 Something our nation hadn't seen in over a hundred years and
03:48 While that pandemic is perhaps epidemic is not going anywhere now
03:53 Last week reports of leprosy
03:56 Resurging in Florida and
04:00 Now the deadliest wildfire to hit the United States in over a 100 years. It makes you wonder
04:07 What's really going on?
04:10 Brothers and sisters experts have
04:15 Tried to determine
04:17 The exact cause of the fire
04:20 And as of yet
04:24 There's a lot of conjecture as to what caused it
04:27 One possibility is that an active power line
04:31 Fell into high winds and that ignited the wildfire that spread throughout Western Maui
04:38 What was interesting here is that those fires?
04:43 which also
04:45 Was a result of low humidity and strong mountain winds that were brought by hurricane for
04:51 category storm called Hurricane Dora
04:54 that in between the winds of Hurricane Dora a
05:00 category four storms and low humidity
05:04 It's also been said that 85% of most wildfires are the result of some human initiation
05:12 And then others have suggested that the cause of the fire is due to climate change
05:19 Attributed by global warming
05:23 What really got to me brothers and sisters is that a red flag warning?
05:29 Fire risk had already been extended for Maui and parts of Hawaii
05:33 And the reason why this red flag warning had already been extended prior to this wildfire is
05:41 Because of low humidity and because the island was already in a drought
05:45 It really when I read that my homiletical antennas went into full gear because the area was already dry
05:54 and when an area is already dry
05:58 It serves as an accelerant
06:02 for destruction
06:05 When the area is already in drought
06:10 When the area is already dry
06:13 Anything that would try to bring destruction
06:17 Can't find anything better to destroy
06:21 Rather than something that is already dry
06:26 Made me wonder about our own lives and
06:32 while the enemy
06:34 Wants to get us and to ensure that we all dry
06:40 That we're in a drought
06:43 The enemy wants to make sure that there is something about us that there is that there is
06:50 Something about us that we're dry in spirit
06:53 That we're dry in hope
06:56 It's no wonder that the hand of the Lord allowed I said last week Ezekiel to go down into a valley of dry bones
07:04 Sometimes
07:07 Commitments can make us dry
07:09 Sometimes feeling hopelessness can make us dry and no wonder the enemy's
07:18 Primary abode inevitably will be a place of fire
07:23 and I thought about how the fire of
07:27 Judgment and how the fire of destruction which will be the enemy's ultimate abode
07:32 How hell is personified by dryness?
07:36 and
07:37 Hell will be a place for folks who do not have the living water of Jesus Christ
07:43 to saturate and infiltrate the dryness of the spirits and spiritualities
07:49 To make them a new with Christ to drink to drink and thirst of living water brother and sisters. How many of us today are
07:56 experiencing dryness
07:59 Our prayer lives have run dry
08:02 our worship lives
08:06 Have run dry
08:07 We've allowed the cares of this world and deceitful riches and human letdown
08:13 To put us in a place where it seems that depression and stress and anxiety
08:19 Have made us dry our personalities are now dry. We've lost our mojo
08:24 Because of the dryness that life can bring I stopped by to tell you today brothers and sisters with the homiletical red flag warning
08:34 That what the enemy wants to do is to catch you at your driest
08:38 because if he can catch you with your driest and catch you at your lowest and
08:44 Allow any type of storm or wind to blow your way
08:48 That may be an inferno in your life
08:51 Can it can eliminate the rest of the hope and the possibilities that I came today to ask God
09:00 That the every person who's experiencing dryness today that God will let us say like this hymn is used to saying Lord I hear
09:08 of showers of blessing
09:11 showers of thirsty souls
09:13 Refreshing let some drops
09:16 Now rain on me. I want to say like John P used to keys to saying God of mercy God of love
09:25 Rain on us from heaven above because if the rain of the Holy Spirit
09:30 would infiltrate and bring
09:33 Liquidation to the dry areas of our lives then somebody will be able to declare. I shall live and not die
09:40 As a matter of fact, I'm getting my life back as a matter of fact. I'm getting my joy back. I'm getting my hope back
09:48 I'm getting my expectation back
09:49 I would not let what has hurt me keep me stuck in a perpetual place of dryness because my dry my dry
09:58 areas become the enemies playground
10:00 That he can use to bring total destruction in my life someone open your mouth and say God give me back my spring Oh
10:10 Open the floodgates of heaven and let it rain on every dry area of my enemy
10:17 You will not take another life rain on our families rain on our children rain in our
10:24 institutions rain in our nation's rain on somebody's
10:28 finances rain in somebody's mind rain in somebody's soul rain on somebody's spirit rain on somebody's student aid in the name of
10:36 Jesus let it rain in our life
10:38 It's amazing that you have brush fires on one side
10:46 and
10:48 Hurricane winds and water on the other side and you had citizens in Maui to this day who are unaccounted for
10:54 because some were running from the fire on one end and
11:00 Jump into the ocean on the other end
11:03 What happens when you're in between?
11:06 destructive firewaters and
11:09 Destructive hurricane
11:14 Destructive fire on one end and hurricane waters and wind on the other side
11:19 folk jumped into hurricane
11:21 field waters
11:24 in order to avoid
11:26 Fire on the other side what happens when on both sides is destructive
11:32 What happens when you can't swim
11:35 But the only way to save your life is to jump into the ocean
11:41 What happens when you in between?
11:44 Destruction on every side and you got to choose how you want us to how you want to die
11:50 Brothers and sister what happens when you jump into hurricane waters?
11:55 only to drown
11:57 Because drowning was more preferable than being exterminated and eliminated by fire
12:04 When I saw that juxtaposition between the fire in Maui and the hurricane winds and the waters in the oceans
12:12 In the Pacific it makes me want to hear how do we rationalize?
12:18 When you're in between?
12:20 destruction
12:21 And then I heard God say to the prophet
12:24 in our text
12:27 God says right here to the prophet Isaiah that such will be the case of the children of Israel and
12:33 In many ways such will be the case of many of my inevitable believers
12:37 God sent the prophet Isaiah in the 8th century BC to prophesy of a day
12:43 When the children of Israel will be caught between the fires and the waters
12:49 Seemingly because of them rebelling and turning their back on God
12:54 Self-destruction would be on one hand on the other hand was going to be the nation of Babylon
13:02 Led by Nebuchadnezzar's son Nebuchadnezzar who was going to come to offer
13:07 destruction on the other what happens when on one hand you got self-destruction and
13:13 self-sabotage
13:15 And on the other end the enemy is trying to pounce on you as a result of a situation
13:21 You've gotten yourself in and I don't know who I'm talking to today
13:24 But I came with a word of hope and a word of admonition that even when we find ourselves
13:31 like these children of Israel like the people in Maui in between hurricane and
13:37 between fires
13:40 Here's what the word the Lord says God says to the people of Israel through the prophet Isaiah
13:44 when thou passest
13:47 through the waters I
13:50 Like that word win in Hebrew that is conjunctive, but it's necessary to understand that it is not the word if
13:58 It
14:00 Is not the word maybe
14:05 But Isaiah uses the word the conjunction win
14:10 win
14:12 not a homily
14:14 win
14:16 not a simile
14:18 win
14:19 not metaphorically
14:21 win
14:22 not hyperbolically
14:24 win
14:26 not figuratively
14:28 win
14:29 not imaginatively win
14:31 not hypothetically
14:34 win not possibility
14:36 win not probability
14:39 win not figuratively
14:41 win
14:44 Literally in other words you and I will find ourselves every now and then in between
14:50 Circumstances where it seemed that you won't have any where to run
14:56 But when you find yourself what it looks like
14:59 Destruction it is on your left and on your right and that the walls of life are
15:04 Crushing in on you and you can't fly away like David to be at rest
15:10 The prophet Isaiah says that when you have to pass through the waters
15:14 Be encouraged his wife because I will be with thee and when it seemed like you got to go through the rivers
15:22 Hold your head up. They shall not
15:25 Overflow thee and when you have to walk through the fire
15:29 He said I've already given you the assurance this look back
15:33 That what's going to happen that the fire is not going to let sure that you'll burn. It's amazing
15:40 Because in the seventh century in the eighth century BC
15:45 Isaiah is prophesying about something that was going to take place when the when when
15:51 Jerusalem and Israel would be destroyed and what it does first of all, he reverts back to give them a word of history
15:58 He said when you pass this through the waters
16:01 This was an indication of Egypt
16:04 He was taking them back in memory to that day when Moses would bring them about an Egyptian captivity
16:11 But in between them and their deliverance they would have to go through what the Bible calls in Exodus 14 the Red Sea
16:19 Or what the Hebrew calls the young soothe they came to the Red Sea and mountains were on the left and right
16:26 See in front Pharaoh's army behind they were caught in between mountains of sea and an impenetrable
16:33 Armored chasing from behind but God said to Moses don't cry out to me stretch out your all
16:39 Y'all got the brakes on me and Moses stretched out his rod and the Red Sea
16:43 Parted and they passed through and they got through the Red Sea God allowed the highway in the sea to fall on
16:50 The Egyptian army and now we sing today Mary. Don't you we?
16:55 Tell Martha not to moan
16:58 Pharaoh's army got drowned in the Red Sea
17:02 Let me put a quarter meeting pop there for a second because I know I have some of you who highly enlightened
17:07 And so you read this in the Hebrew and you say it doesn't say in the Hebrew Red Sea. It says yum soothe
17:13 And the M soothe for some they suggest was not the Red Sea but a marshland
17:18 And they would suggest those scholars would suggest that they'd ever drown in the sea that that's something that Rudolph Buckman would call
17:26 We need to demythologization of scripture and they would suggest that it was not the Red Sea
17:32 Simply that Pharaoh's army came through the marshlands and their chariots and horses got stuck in the mud and God dried up
17:41 The jump soothe so the children miserable could pass through but Pharaoh's arm is cherished and horses got stuck in the mud
17:47 So they really didn't get drowned. So get your preaching right preacher and stop preaching that it was the Red Sea
17:53 It was the young suit that never got drowned
17:55 That cherished and horses just got stuck in the marshlands their wheels got stuck in the mud
18:00 Therefore they could not penetrate get your preaching right preacher. All right
18:04 If that's what you want to believe
18:07 If that's what you want to suggest that's fine with me, too. But the truth is I don't care. It was the Red Sea
18:13 the young soothe I
18:16 Don't care if it was the Charles River
18:18 The Thames River. I don't care if it was Lake Alatuna
18:23 I don't care if it was the swimming pool at Gresham Park
18:27 All I know is God performed the miracle and the children of Israel able to get up out of Egypt
18:34 You worried about how he did it my response is anyway, you bless me
18:39 I don't care if you do it by check by promotion
18:42 I don't care if you do it by loan God if you got a blessing with my name
18:46 I'm opening am I talking to anybody who does not matter how it gets a blessing to you. Just do what you want to do
18:53 So he gives them
19:00 He gives them a word of history
19:03 That when you find yourself in a bad situation
19:06 It is look back
19:09 Wow
19:12 On what he's already done
19:14 In other words, this ain't your first time going through some waters
19:18 Am I talking to a college student here?
19:21 This is your third fourth fifth year and you spend Hades ever since you've been there with financial aid when you start the week off
19:28 But somehow someway
19:31 Even when your classes get added and get dropped
19:33 even when you get a teacher didn't want to look for even when you got a
19:36 My god drop some classes because you want to flunk before the end of the semester somehow someway
19:42 God has kept you right there and kept you listen
19:46 So when you run into a new challenge look back and see what he's all y'all got look back and see what he's already done
19:52 Matter of fact some of y'all can't enjoy this worship service
19:56 Because your money is funny and your change is strange
19:59 Some of y'all can't say man because it seemed like your finances are low
20:04 But the truth of the matter is if you are honest
20:07 Most of us this ain't the first time you've been broke
20:11 Okay, look how you look at that man now am I talking to somebody who's had some broke days before
20:17 The order of your left hand your right hand your feet bar somebody else's in other words you've been here before
20:25 Don't let the enemy
20:27 confuse you cause of your new challenge look back and see what is already done and
20:33 If he's done it before
20:36 I'm foolish enough and got faith enough to believe he'll do it again
20:41 Is there anybody you've been sick before saw mama six or brother six or a spouse sick or a loved one sick?
20:48 But somehow God healed there
20:50 Well, it ain't no secret
20:54 What God can do what he's done for others he'll do this
20:58 So that that's why you can't give up now you've come too far. You've already been through the water
21:04 No semester you've been through struggle before
21:13 You've been you've been through difficulty before
21:16 But the same God who was with you when you came to the waters of the Red Sea or the Yom Suv
21:22 It the same God who's gonna be with you in your current challenge
21:25 Please do me a favor
21:27 I start to get myself caught back up in the politics of our day and watch the news to see what's going on with the
21:33 Indictment and when fortune-counter is gonna do this God said turn it off
21:37 Cuz do what you get to consume with that stuff acting like
21:43 I'm intimidated
21:47 By if they gonna convict or indict
21:50 Boy, stop reducing me to an abstract metaphysical ambiguity
21:55 Stop reducing me by your limited and by your intimidated and by your insecurity. Don't you know?
22:03 This ain't my first rodeo
22:07 I've always dealt with folk in government who were crazy. I'm the same God
22:13 Y'all quiet on me who dealt with Tutmoses the fourth. I'm the same God who dealt with Ramesses
22:19 I'm the same God who who dealt with Nebuchadnezzar. I'm the same God who elevated Cyrus and Darius
22:26 I'm the same God who dealt with Nero Harold a gripper. I'm the same God who dealt with Tiberius
22:32 I'm the same God who dealt with Domitian. I'm the same God that dealt with Stalin
22:37 I'm the same God that dealt with Hitler and if I took care and if I was in control
22:42 Back then I'm the same God who's in control right now. If you believe it give God praise and get him glory
22:49 So when you pass through the waters
22:56 Look back on what I did for Egypt
22:59 That's why I thank God for my ancestors today. I thank God for the struggles that they endured
23:06 Some of y'all get tired of you and your mama get old. She'll tell you the same story five times
23:12 When a mama starts to leave you my start to leave you get tired of her repeating herself get tired of daddy repeating himself
23:18 You call it dementia
23:20 You call it dementia you you you you you call it you call it dementia y'all quiet on me here
23:27 Let me tell you something. It ain't dementia
23:29 Now they're not repeating themselves because they got dementia
23:33 They repeat themselves cause you got stupidity
23:39 They keep repeating themselves
23:41 Cause the Holy Ghost is on their spirit telling you you ain't got the lesson. So let me keep repeating the lesson
23:47 So when I leave here you have the assurance that the same God that took care of your grandmama and 14 kids
23:55 When we were sharecropping walking to school five miles and barefoot in the snow
24:00 It's the same God who'll take I wish I had a witness if God took care of them
24:06 So
24:08 When you walk through
24:15 the waters
24:17 When you come through the Jordan River
24:19 Which is which is a reference here to Joshua
24:23 That you got across the River of Jordan before you enter the promised land
24:26 But then he moves from a word of history to a word of prophecy and when you go through the fires
24:34 Now here's where it gets interesting
24:36 Linguistically here. He gives us two words of history and one word of prophecy. I
24:41 Look back through Israel's history and want to know where when did they walk through the fire?
24:45 He said you missed it
24:48 It was a shift in language. I
24:50 Shifted from the rivers and from the waters that was history, but fire is gonna be prophecy. I
24:56 Said what you mean? He said because a hundred plus years later
25:00 That'd be three guys
25:03 Name Michelle
25:05 Azariah in other words, there'll be three guys who be named Shadrach
25:13 Meshach and Abednego or as I said back home and a bad Negro
25:20 Shadrach Meshach and a bad Negro were gonna be taken by Nebuchadnezzar a hundred years later
25:27 And they would not bow down to the king
25:30 But yet the king would throw them in the furnace
25:33 Seven times hotter than it was supposed to be it was gonna burn up the people that throw them in but somehow
25:39 Some way though everything around them was burned. They would spend all night in the flame, but early in the morning
25:47 When the king goes to look in the flame to see what was left. They gonna say hey behold
25:54 We threw in three
25:57 but it looks like
25:59 That's a fourth one in the flame and the fourth one looks like
26:04 Y'all got the brakes on me here. Now. Here's what got me. This is
26:09 2600 years this is 600 years
26:12 before Jesus
26:15 Jesus don't come into the New Testament
26:20 so how
26:23 in Daniel
26:24 Can they say the fourth one?
26:27 It's gonna look like
26:29 the Son of God
26:32 How you know?
26:34 What the Son of God look like?
26:36 And he ain't here yet
26:38 Could I tell you what he's trying to tell us he's trying to tell us before you get into your fire
26:47 God has already put himself
26:50 In the fire you gonna be in and no matter what you are facing you can be encouraged
26:58 I
27:00 Wish you praise God right now
27:02 Not for what he's done
27:05 But for the fact when you get in trouble
27:07 He already be in trouble with you
27:10 Come on nudge your neighbors. I don't know what you're going through. I don't know when it's gonna be a shift Swift
27:24 But what I do know when you get there
27:27 Somebody's in the fire chemotherapy
27:44 Talk to late last week who said pastor they said my my cancer stage four
27:51 And say pastor trying to figure out I'm in stage four, but I still got my hair
27:55 I'm in stage four
27:59 But it don't look like what I'm gonna tell you why cuz you don't look like
28:03 What you're going through cuz that is a God
28:07 And so God says listen here's what I want you to know
28:12 Sometimes like the nation of Israel you will have a swift
28:17 shift
28:19 The fire it'd be beautiful in Maui one day and the next day you got
28:25 Hurricane Dora category four in the water
28:28 It got wildfires
28:31 Coming in Western Maui
28:33 He says he says but here's what I want you. I want you to know
28:37 Fear not
28:41 Fear will make you and I
28:49 Do some crazy things
28:51 Don't you ever make a decision out of fear
28:57 When you make a decision out of fear guilt and shame
29:05 You exacerbate the problem
29:08 rather than find freedom
29:11 what the enemy wants to do is not get you with a
29:16 With a with a with a with a with a serpent
29:19 with a pitchfork
29:22 with a tail and
29:24 with ears
29:25 What the enemy wants to do is get in between your ears
29:29 And
29:32 If the enemy can get in between your ears
29:35 When the transition and this shift has been swift he says fear not here's why
29:41 Here's why he says so wouldn't when that's when when this shift is swift hit what I want you to do three things three words
29:47 I want you to remember this word number one redemption
29:49 I've already
29:53 Redeemed
29:56 The
29:58 Now here's what you got to get this he says
30:01 When thou passest through the waters
30:04 Present tense I'll be with you
30:09 When you go through the rivers
30:11 They shall not overtake thee and when thou walkest through the fire
30:16 Thou shall not be burned when you go through the waters
30:20 When you go through the rivers
30:23 When you walk it through the fire present
30:26 That's all present tense
30:29 But before you get into your present tense
30:32 He says before you get into your present situation
30:37 Let me give you your personal foundation
30:40 Foundation comes before
30:44 Situation hit the foundation
30:46 Fear not I have
30:51 Redeemed thee I have called
31:05 D by name
31:07 So when you go through the fire
31:10 Go to the waters go through the rivers
31:13 Here what he says you will go through the waters you will go through the fire you will go through the rivers
31:21 But prior to you walking through the rivers walking through the waters going through the fire fear not I
31:27 have
31:29 redeemed
31:34 You know what you know when the shout what he's saying is you were redeemed before the rivers
31:41 You were called before the chaos
31:47 So what you have to do is remember what God does before you face the damage
31:55 The damage can't take you out
32:00 Because your destiny was already asserted and affirmed
32:04 Before you ever yo listen. That's why Paul's I'm not just a conqueror
32:09 I'm more than a when God's hand is on your life
32:13 You have to run to see what victory is gonna be you've all listen God God help me get through this
32:19 I don't know who I'm talking to right now
32:21 But I came to tell you stop looking for victory and thanking God from a place of victory
32:29 So a lot of us praise God for victory
32:32 But don't praise God from a place of victory when you praise God from a place of victory
32:37 That doesn't mean that the situation has manifested in your life
32:41 What it does mean faith says I see the end and
32:48 Up the end is already where I wish I had somebody who's starting this who's starting their junior and senior year of college
32:56 I wish you praise God right now for me
32:59 Y'all quiet. Yeah, don't start shouting once you get in the graduation line
33:04 Praise God right now before it ever manifests
33:08 Don't praise God for victory praise God from a place of victory
33:13 So those who got chemo tomorrow when they hook the machine up start shouting. I'm already healed stop praising God
33:20 I'm already delivered listen
33:22 You and I don't realize the power of our thoughts
33:25 Too many of us are constantly negative. I don't know. Lord in this last chapter of my life that make me allergic to negative folks. Take your negative self. I don't know. Hey, how they gonna make it? Oh God it look bad. Lord I ain't getting no.
33:55 I'm broke ain't got no money. No, I ain't broke
33:58 Ain't never been broke. I just been temporarily suspended in between paychecks, but I ain't never been broke
34:05 I wish I had somebody to talk to me here
34:07 I know God I wish I had somebody around this house that can praise God not for victory but from a place of victory
34:15 Let the weak say I'm strong
34:17 Let the poor say I'm rich let those who are captive say I'm already set free
34:23 You
34:25 Have been
34:35 Redeemed
34:37 Before
34:39 You saw the rivers. I
34:41 Like I like how the Greek puts that word redeem
34:44 The word redeem in the Greek is the word agar agar. Azo
34:48 It means to buy out. I
34:52 Won't use as a cross scripture cross testament or reference Jesus and Galatians 3 Christ has redeemed us
34:59 That word there is not agar. Azo is ex agar. Azo
35:03 X or the prefix where we get the word exit from excavate
35:07 S excavate exit to to to agar. Azo is the by ex agar. Azo is the buyout
35:18 I
35:20 Can rise over to go in and buy ex agar. Azo is the buyout I
35:27 Like the reference of redemption in the end of in the in the in antiquity
35:32 They had them they had what they would call marketplace. We call them a flea market
35:36 They have places set up in there where people can go in and people could sell things in the marketplace wholesale
35:44 But what they would do if you depending on how big the marketplace or the flea market was you could buy something on one side
35:50 go to the other side and
35:53 resale
35:56 So the people who come on that side
35:59 Will see your price first and buy from you, but it was all within
36:03 the marketplace
36:06 It's called agar. Azo
36:08 redeem
36:09 but when Christ came
36:12 Which is the reference here that Isaiah is referencing to it won't be agar. Azo
36:16 To go in the marketplace and buy and go to the other side and resell it the Greek here is ex agar. Azo
36:24 Which means when I go in there to buy I walk out of that with it
36:30 Never to sell it again
36:33 Y'all miss your shot when Christ came
36:37 He didn't buy us on one side and go back on the other side and resell us to the devil
36:42 Well, he would he bought us walked out took the keys from death held in the grave and say devil
36:49 I never said them to you again. I wish you would give God praise. He loved you so much. I
36:55 Wish somebody will take a moment and thank God that you're not going back through that. Listen, I don't know who thank you
37:03 Holy Ghost God has brought some of you out of some situations open your mouth. So I'm not going back to that
37:08 No last semester with the last semester for me dating fools ain't going back to that
37:15 No, the last semester with the last semester for me acting depressed
37:19 Acting mad and sad cause somebody left my life. No, this is my semester to get my head back to get my jaw back
37:26 This is my semester to look out for me
37:28 Oh God to do good for me to take myself to dinner to get my hat fixed for me to go to the gym
37:36 For me to paint my totally other white my finger the white city girl summer for me
37:41 This is my semester to get my jaw. I'm not going back to what the God am
37:47 I talking to somebody who God has delivered you from some I'm not going back to what God has delivered me from
37:54 redemption
37:58 I'm finished. You got redemption
38:00 He says but now do you have redemption?
38:03 He says secondly, I want you to have recognition
38:06 Recognition is just I have called thee by name
38:11 Thank You Tasha Cobb he knows
38:24 Part of our problem in this world is social media
38:28 Has gotten us trying to do everything
38:34 to build our brand
38:36 To get my podcast
38:39 To get my name out there
38:41 So folk can know
38:44 my name
38:46 But what good is it?
38:48 if folk
38:51 Know your name
38:53 But you don't know
38:55 That God not only knows your name. He's already called you
39:01 So God give us freedom today
39:07 Free us from the disease
39:10 That can become social media if we're not careful
39:14 Don't let it become our God
39:18 When we run to it and spend more time with it trying to find names
39:24 Well, I spent all my time posting my videos of Bay and Blue Ivy
39:44 But ain't posted nothing about the King of Kings and the Rose of Sharon
39:49 If I can post about how they make me feel
39:54 I'll be able to post about if it can't get me higher than the Holy Ghost
39:59 Ain't that wrong with posting in Bay? Ain't that wrong with going to Renaissance?
40:03 But thank God for the Reformation and the Renaissance that he's brought to your mind
40:07 And has he changed anybody's mind? Has he changed anybody's spirit? Well, let the redeemed of the Lord
40:14 I'm finished
40:17 Our self-esteem will become low
40:21 We'll get higher if we know that you've already been called
40:26 So if you don't get the invitation
40:29 If you're on the outskirts
40:31 If people don't think you're worthy to be included
40:34 know
40:36 Recognize that you already call. He said I want you understand redemption have a recognition but in third and finally that's a relationship
40:44 He says get this
40:47 vow
40:49 art
40:51 Vow art
41:05 Mine
41:07 So he says this
41:09 So when you get this here what he says, I'm finished verse 19. He says get this
41:13 He says I want you to not remember the former things
41:17 Neither consider the things of old
41:24 He says here's what I want you to understand when you get redemption
41:28 Get the recognition that he knows you
41:33 Understand the relationship that you belong to him. He says now there's some things I need you to get amnesia
41:38 The key to your tomorrow is having amnesia today
41:47 If you don't know when to have amnesia
41:54 You'll spend your life stuck in the pain of a sudden and swift shift
42:02 I
42:03 Said amnesia. What is amnesia?
42:05 Forget it
42:11 Remember not he's telling them Israel forget Babylon once you come out
42:18 Don't allow Babylon to be a constant
42:23 Source of pain and agony when I bring you out of it forget it
42:28 Look to the new
42:32 I'm finished, but you know why some of us can't enjoy this service because you ain't got amnesia
42:37 You're stuck on what was
42:42 You don't have amnesia to the point
42:46 Where when your last boyfriend your last girlfriend you see him in the mall. Hey
42:53 The
42:55 One that calls you to negativity
43:05 The one that calls you to heartbreak
43:08 The one that was unhealthy and dysfunctional kept you stuck and took you to a place that you didn't know yourself
43:14 When God brings you out of it
43:18 Develop a good case of amnesia. Hey, you remember me?
43:22 No, you look familiar
43:25 you I
43:27 See you before somewhere
43:29 Y'all quiet on me here
43:32 My god go through your phone and every person that calls you harm and pain
43:37 Beside that name type the word amnesia
43:43 So the next time the phone rang you look and you'll see amnesia calling that means I got the decline
43:48 It's all cuz guess what cuz I'm not going back to the stuff that almost destroyed man
43:55 I'm not gonna be so desperate so alone
43:58 So insecure that I'm drawn back into the thing that got no God free me
44:04 He'll me so the stuff that had me in bondage. I'll never go back to it again
44:10 I wish I had somebody who's I'm forgetting those things that are behind me and I'm pressing toward the mark of the pride of the heart
44:17 Calling which is in Christ Jesus
44:19 he says
44:22 Forget not the former things
44:24 Now that he says don't you even consider the things of old?
44:28 Here's why
44:30 behold I
44:32 Will do
44:39 A new thing in you
44:46 Some of y'all still slow and sleepy behold
44:49 I will do a new thing in you
44:57 Y'all wonder where I'm going. This is the eighth month eighth is the month of new beginnings behold
45:01 I will do a new thing in you
45:08 What you gonna do about last semester's relationship that didn't work behold I
45:11 Will do what you can do about the business that failed in 2019 behold I
45:17 What you gonna do about the thing about the mistake you made by the shame you brought upon yourself
45:21 You don't live the rest of your life in guilt
45:24 Are you gonna say God throw my stuff into the sea of forgetfulness and give me a new opportunity to dream again
45:31 To reimagine again to love again to hope again to believe again to praise again
45:38 To worship again to go to higher heights and deeper depths am I talking to somebody who wants God to do a new thing
45:45 in your life
45:47 I want y'all to stand I want you to stand
45:53 The sudden shift the swift shift
46:01 Often happens
