40% of global workforce need to be reskilled in next 3 years due to AI, IBM study finds

  • last year
A new study by computing giant IBM finds about 40% of the global workforce or about 1.4 billion will have to be reskilled in the next three years.

Full story: https://www.rappler.com/technology/ibm-2023-study-ai-impact-global-workforce/
00:00 A new study by computing giant IBM finds about 40% of the global workforce, or about 1.4
00:08 billion, will have to be re-skilled in the next three years.
00:12 87% of executives surveyed agree re-skilling will be necessary as job roles will be augmented
00:19 rather than outright replaced by AI.
00:22 Entry-level jobs will experience the heaviest impact by 2025.
00:26 IBM says "AI won't replace people, but people who use AI will replace people who don't."
00:33 People skills have increased in importance, with time management skills and ability to
00:37 prioritize, ability to work in team environments, and ability to communicate effectively rising
00:44 to the top three spots.
00:46 Basic computer and software application skills, which was the second most important skill
00:50 in 2016, also dropped to 11th place in 2023 as technology becomes more user-friendly.
