• last year
00:00 I'm Breanne Maranthes with Mike Fisher here at Dallas Cowboys headquarters.
00:04 Mike Fisher, how many seasons have you covered the Dallas Cowboys?
00:06 >> I think this is, I got here in 1990, so this must be 34-ish.
00:10 >> Wow, 34.
00:11 >> And I don't look a day over 94.
00:14 >> So in the last ten years though, how does this Cowboys roster rank?
00:19 Are they the best team that you've covered in the last ten years?
00:21 >> I think it astounds me that the CEO, Stephen Jones,
00:24 says this might be the deepest roster we've ever had.
00:28 And the toughest cuts we've ever had, because I was there in the 1990s.
00:32 >> Right. >> And I thought that was one of the handful of deepest teams ever assembled.
00:35 Now, sometimes maybe I make the mistake in my head of jamming 92, 93, 94 all together.
00:41 >> Well, yeah, I'm sure it's a little bit of a blur.
00:43 >> A little bit.
00:43 And so all those guys on all those teams didn't all play together.
00:47 But if this roster and the difficulty in cutting down to 53 is anywhere close to that,
00:54 then the Cowboys have a chance to be very special.
00:57 And I think that's what Stephen Jones is really saying here.
00:59 This is an elite roster in this NFL.
