• 2 years ago
Rebecca Nadge holds down the fort with Denis Howard off mending.
00:00 Welcome back to another episode of Getting the Upper Land, where you'll get a rundown
00:13 of some of our top stories.
00:14 I'm your livestock editor, Rebecca Nagge, and in case you're wondering, I haven't
00:18 sacked senior journalist Dennis Howard.
00:21 He's actually recovering from surgery.
00:23 He made it to Agquip in Tamworth last week before promptly having to check into emergency
00:27 and have his appendix removed.
00:30 It really is extraordinary, the lengths that people will go to to get out of work.
00:35 Making news this week, Dennis did manage to file a pretty comprehensive wrap on the new
00:40 varroa mite detections in the Riverina and Sunrazer.
00:44 This has come at a very bad time.
00:46 There's about 300,000 hives down there, all set for almond pollination.
00:52 This week's cover story is by Simon Chamberlain and Jamie Brown, taking a look at durum wheat.
00:57 Following last year's wet season, a lot of producers opted not to go with durum this
01:02 time round, but the outlook coming into harvest is actually quite strong.
01:07 Plus in rural life, we've got a spread by Elke Devney, who's taking a look at people
01:11 who are restoring bush churches.
01:15 Over in livestock, we have a big wrap on the Rabobank Merino National Sheep Show and Ram
01:20 Sale.
01:21 As well as the show, the event also had a fleece competition, sashed the National Supreme
01:25 Ram, plus had junior judging and a Schools Weathers comp.
01:30 We've also got a report on the RAS Beef Challenge results, which saw a good spread of breeds
01:35 across the categories.
01:38 Competitors say it's a really useful event in terms of staying commercially relevant
01:42 and benchmarking against other studs.
01:45 And obviously, keep an eye out for those strong bull sale results.
01:49 Churro Whiteface topped at $130,000, with Dunoon Angus topping at $125,000.
01:56 You can of course buy the land today at all good news agents, and don't forget to jump
02:01 online and follow us at theland.com.au and like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram.
02:07 And the two of us will be back next week.
