• last year
(Adnkronos) - Al via la campagna di sensibilizzazione “Stay Alive” promossa da Danacol di Danone in collaborazione con la Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS con lo scopo di sensibilizzare i cittadini sulla prevenzione attraverso un percorso di salute per scoprire i 7 rischi cardiovascolari. Alla conferenza stampa di lancio, presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano, era presente anche l’ambassador della campagna, l’artista Elio.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 After the success of the campaign "Listen to your heart" launched in September 2022, Danacol di Danone and the twin polyclinic in Rome return to talk about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases with erotic, engaging and light tones on the occasion of the seventh edition of the Month of the Heart.
00:22 The new campaign, presented at the University of Milan and entitled "Stay Alive", once again sees the singer-artist Elio as an ambassador.
00:31 For Danacol it is very important to continue this path of prevention of cardiovascular diseases through cholesterol control. We have been doing it for many years with great results and great numbers.
00:44 We want to reiterate that we started last year with a campaign that was very successful, with our ambassador for an important cause such as cholesterol control, which is Elio. We do not call him a witness, we call him an ambassador because he is absolutely very sensitive to this topic.
01:02 We do it with another equally famous jingle and known as the previous one, and this is "Stay Alive". We really want to reiterate with this campaign and with this somewhat funny tone that when we talk about health, we should not do it in a heavy way, we can do it in a light way, which does not mean being superficial, it means being within everyone's reach.
01:27 To be able to be not only long-lasting but also in good health, prevention is essential. A balanced and healthy diet, a good dose of physical exercise and regular checks are valuable tools to achieve this goal.
01:42 We started this project 10 years ago and even today when we ask people "Do you think you have normal cholesterol?" Yes, we check the cholesterol, 220, 230, 240, people are amazed and think they have normal cholesterol.
01:57 This is the main point, on these people we have to act with prevention, controlling cholesterol and possibly treating cholesterol with two very simple factors, physical exercise and diet. And in the diet, certainly, plant sterols are an extraordinarily important aspect to guarantee that reduction that makes us re-enter the cholesterol in normal values.
02:21 The theme of prevention is particularly dear to Ambassador for Ecos, Elio.
02:27 I confess that I have led a lifestyle that led me to the heart attack, but this happened many years ago. For a long time now I have been leading a perfect lifestyle.
02:42 This obstacle was a few months ago when to achieve the new Danakol spot I did like the great actors of Olive, to enter the character of the potentially infected I voluntarily increased many kilos.
