• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L’obiettivo è quello di fattorizzare il tempo per i controlli, che può sembrare economicamente perso, come un elemento utile alla tutela della salute”. Queste le parole di Pino Musolino, presidente della AdSP del Mar Tirreno centro settentrionale, in occasione dell’evento per la sottoscrizione dell’accordo attuativo del protocollo nazionale tra Inail, Mit e Assoporti dello scorso aprile sulla sicurezza delle operazioni portuali.


00:00 What are the challenges of the new Institute?
00:04 We will certainly increase, although we are the Institute's tasks,
00:09 if we do not already believe that we have done a lot,
00:12 but we will increase more and more because the tendency is to bring us to constant improvement,
00:16 we will increase our attention and our operativity on this.
00:19 It is clear that the Porti are complex organizations in which there are contacts with reality,
00:27 where the rules are less punctual, less pressing, less cogent,
00:33 with cultures and also different work.
00:35 It is clear that we, as far as we are concerned, do not make distinctions.
00:39 When one is in Italy, applies the Italian rules, must apply them 100%,
00:43 we do not even fear the phase of control exercise,
00:47 which is another element that is often seen as annoying.
00:51 Control slows down, inspection may waste time when everything is fine.
00:57 But in the only case, in the denied hypothesis, that someone gets hurt,
01:02 that control could have prevented the accident.
01:05 So we must factor that time that may seem economically lost,
01:09 as something that serves to protect health.
01:12 I would like to point out that the Italian model, the European model,
01:16 which is a model of worker protection, is what is then applied in other countries,
01:20 but we do not regret the issue of rights, of safety at work,
01:24 in name and virtue of a greater speed.
01:26 The model should not be that of the poor protection of Southeast Asia,
01:30 rather than China.
01:31 The model is to export the protection we have in Europe to other systems.
01:35 Otherwise, if I pass the provocation, the system will be solved very quickly.
01:41 We remove all safety rules and then we do not complain if there are deaths.
01:45 Of course, this is a deliberate provocation, in the sense that we must exercise control,
01:51 be aware that we have important rules that serve to protect the worker,
01:55 which do not always work and must work more.
01:58 This is a winning model.
