Jayvon Parker on Facing Michigan State

  • last year
Huskies' sophomore defensive lineman shares his thoughts on returning home.
00:00 >> Yeah.
00:01 >> So ever since your recruitment, I'm sure this game has probably been circled
00:06 in red and everything else.
00:07 Now that it's come, what are you thinking?
00:09 >> I can't wait.
00:09 I've been looking for this game the whole season.
00:11 When I seen the schedule and said we'll be at home at Michigan State,
00:14 I was like, yeah.
00:16 >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, I can't wait to go back.
00:18 I got a lot of fail be coming out too, so it's gonna be a good one.
00:20 I can't wait for it.
00:21 >> So I know you guys have the one on one mindset every week, every week, but
00:25 how hard is it to kind of keep that in the back of your mind knowing how excited
00:29 you're gonna be for this one?
00:31 >> I think it's kind of easy.
00:32 We all drive the one on one mindset here.
00:34 So I'm like, I just focus on doing my job now.
00:37 When we get to that situation, we're gonna get to it.
00:40 You get to Michigan State, we're gonna execute what we're practicing all week.
00:44 But I always keep the one on one mindset.
00:46 I'm gonna do this thing, I'm gonna do this on this play, I'm gonna do this on
00:48 this play, and then do it.
00:50 Worry about what's gonna come next.
00:53 >> Do you have a family history or any history at all with Michigan State?
00:56 >> Not really.
00:56 We just, since my recruitment, I just know the coaching staff and
01:00 coaching players and stuff like that.
01:01 And that's mostly it.
01:03 None of my family went to Michigan State, I don't know.
01:06 So it's just like that thing, they didn't recruit me as much.
01:09 I just wanna get back there and show them I'm the guy.
01:13 He should have came to get.
01:14 >> I'm sorry, go ahead.
01:16 >> I was gonna say, how many tickets did you have to get for this game?
01:19 >> Yeah, I'm still working on it right now.
01:21 I'm asking the teammates, can I get some tickets?
01:24 Cuz a lot of people are trying to come off of that game.
01:26 They already asked me, can I get the ticket, can I get the ticket, can I go?
01:29 And stuff like that.
01:30 So I'm making sure I got enough tickets for them to go.