McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Infinite Frontier Scarecrow Black Light Edition

  • last year
00:00 plenty of scares coming in psychedelic colors here's a look at McFarland toys
00:05 DC multiverse the infinite frontier blacklight edition scarecrow
00:11 as a young child Jonathan Crane was subjected to sick and twisted
00:37 experiments on fear conducted by his own father emotionally scarred and mentally
00:41 unstable from the ordeal Crane spent his childhood living in fear until he made
00:46 an important realization if he could control fear he would never again
00:49 control him over his time his interest in fear became an obsession graduating
00:54 from college with a doctorate in psychology and speciality in phobias
00:58 Jonathan began experimenting on others subjecting them to hallucinogenic fear
01:03 toxin he developed that brought out their worst nightmares Crane is
01:06 constantly improving upon his formula creating more potent and deadlier
01:10 versions hmm I wonder what fear will find with a little bit of light before
01:14 we get a closer look though at the blacklight edition infinite frontier
01:17 scarecrow which happens to also be an entertainment earth 2023 exclusive
01:21 limited to only 3,000 pieces let me go ahead and thank the folks over at
01:25 McFarland toys that did provide this sample we could have a look at grabbing
01:29 as well the tape measure so we can see how tall the figure stands now this is
01:32 clearly a casting of you already looked at infinite frontier scarecrow I'll
01:36 bring him in more in a moment but in the meantime though you're looking at the
01:39 blacklight edition version of the figure being seven and three quarters of an
01:42 inch in height or it's 19 centimeters tall yes we did we did have a look at
01:47 the infinite frontier for scarecrow from before essentially it's gonna be using
01:50 the same mold but now swapped out kind of more the muted colors of the green
01:54 and that burgundy pinkish kind of salmon color that would have made the lower
01:58 skirting of the original scarecrow has now been swapped out for a very bright
02:02 neon colors of green pink and blue other than that though it's essentially the
02:06 exact same scarecrow and I was really a big fan of the infinite frontier
02:09 scarecrow kind of had sort of like a scooby-doo bad guy look to him I was
02:13 already a really cool scarecrow and I really like what they've done here with
02:16 the brighter colors another figure we can always bring in for comparisons we
02:19 can always bring this guy in is here's what he also looks like with the Batman
02:22 nightfall Batman and I think even if you were to scale the two even though there
02:26 come from completely different comic runs I think the scarecrow would still
02:30 work well whether you decide to go with the original color scheme or the brighter
02:34 neon colors that we're getting here with the black light edition black light
02:38 edition doesn't solely mean that scarecrow has been painted over with
02:41 highlighters but rather that the figure comes also include with smaller
02:45 spotlights with black lights built inside some assembly is obviously
02:49 required as you can see there's a whole just spreading out of different display
02:54 parts that have to all then come together but of course we actually
02:57 before we do that I did also want to show you guys that the figure comes
02:59 included with a display trading card the trading card this time around happens to
03:03 also be the same one that was shared before with the infinite frontier
03:06 scarecrow a little bit smaller and of course then the bottom gets cut off by
03:10 having this purple banner that says the black light edition other than that
03:14 though it's the exact same image done here in black and white if you flip
03:18 around though to the back there was a read up on the original card the newer
03:21 one doesn't have a read up rather instead it actually has a certificate
03:24 of authenticity indicating once again that this is out of a limited run of
03:28 3,000 copies the one though that was provided was an artist proof number 24
03:33 always good to hold on to these it's also easy to hold on to them to the fact
03:37 that the figure comes include a little standee the standee does say infinite
03:41 frontier and if you look to the back of it I believe these are also the same
03:44 stands that we did get from also the movie maniacs line although with the
03:48 movie maniacs would have been all done here in silver this time we're treated
03:51 to a more black display stand but only then you take the card and fit it into
03:54 the provided grooves on the back and now you got a little stealth a little
03:57 standee that you can have that the card displayed but if we were to say move
04:02 that away now you've got all this extra stuff to worry about well first of all
04:06 the figure comes include with this very elaborate looking display stand
04:09 something I would almost expect to see Tony Stark standing in the middle of
04:12 it's all been cast here in black plastic if we flip around the bomb here other
04:16 than two holes placed on either side those have a provided purpose I'm not
04:20 though it's just a simple black display stand even just to say simple sort of
04:24 diminishes I think how cool the stand actually looks there is one peg right
04:27 here that can plug into either one of the boots of crane and simply just again
04:31 picking up the figure we'll decide on that more in a moment but then you also
04:34 get all these extra parts I'm gonna do my best to kind of show you guys walk
04:38 through step by step how to all put the things together so you get these little
04:41 eye these little brackets they're not necessarily high brackets but you get
04:44 yourself a little brackets that will actually fit on the bottom of those
04:46 holes that we already had a look on the display stand why am I pointing so much
04:50 at the display stand but what you will want to do though I suppose before we do
04:54 that also comes include these metal posts these are metal they're not
04:57 plastic cool to the touch and they clearly feel like they're metal these
05:00 will then fit into the holes provided on the end now you may find it's easier to
05:04 put this in first or you may prefer instead to attach this onto the bottom
05:08 either way though what you will want to do is take these little provided pegs
05:11 there's two of them line them up then to the two holes on a bomb of the base and
05:15 then you just fit them together now this will be the either front or back you can
05:21 then decide for yourself we'll kind of talk more about that in a moment and
05:24 we'll do the exact same thing then on the other one so we'll just fit the
05:27 metal post into the hole there and then you're gonna take let me just flip this
05:31 upside down at least the pegs are secure enough so I mean even just to flip this
05:35 upside down it's doesn't seem like it's going anywhere then you're gonna just
05:38 take again do the exact same thing now the second time and plug that in place
05:43 my only real criticism about that is even as far in as I've got it it will
05:48 cause a little bit of stability if you were to say for example let's just move
05:52 scarecrow out of the way for a second if you were to put this down you can kind
05:55 of see maybe you guys can see it sort of sits a little bit on an angle one
05:59 workaround to that is you can also take yourself the standee of the card and
06:02 just prop the card underneath it it kind of levels it off a little bit but I
06:07 think really I guess the plan was in mind that if you didn't want to have all
06:11 the elaborate lighting and set up you can then just simply remove these and
06:14 you'd have yourself a flat display base but again by adding the things that we
06:17 are on the back of it or on the front I'm sure we're gonna be going more with
06:21 the front it just will cause a little bit because it isn't quite leveled then
06:25 you can kind of see like this sticks up just a little bit more on the bottom
06:28 either way though you also get these little black lights I can't believe we
06:33 actually got these and packed along with it now I was a little bit more surprised
06:37 because when I first opened up the box I saw instructions built into the box that
06:41 said required was AG 13 or LR 44 batteries times three and I thought
06:46 myself oh no well I have to then go and buy the batteries actually I already had
06:50 the button cell batteries upstairs I would have to just kind of run upstairs
06:52 and go grab them but so pleasantly surprised to see that the lights were
06:56 already the batteries were already built in so McFarland's team already installed
07:00 the lights you can see there's the black light right there what kind of gave it
07:05 away also was the fact that there was no plastic tab usually there's like a
07:08 little plastic tab right there to tell you that there's batteries already built
07:10 in mine didn't actually have the little tab so that's probably why I thought I
07:14 need to still install the batteries but not the case at all so there's a little
07:18 on and off switch you can probably see it on the back there that switches it on
07:22 and obviously switches it off and then you get two of these and these will then
07:26 mount on to the front of these now the way they mount on if you look at the
07:29 back here there's this little clip the clip will then fit on to this part here
07:34 into the post just clip it in on one side you'll then clip it obviously then
07:38 on the other side and don't worry if they're facing downward because there's
07:42 actually pose ability to the lights you can if I just pick this up you can take
07:46 the lights and then move them forward they are on ratcheted joints so you can
07:50 actually have yourself basically a little spotlight set up to have your
07:53 figure standing in the middle of it now if you were to say take the lights let's
07:57 turn them off for right now I want to make sure I've got them actually on here
08:02 it one thing is it might even be easier just to turn them on first then clip them
08:06 in place but cell batteries aren't the kind of batteries you really want to
08:10 have things running for a long period of time for so you may not always want to
08:14 have this and you're set up always on because obviously you can be draining
08:17 through the batteries fast but once you got that all set up then you take your
08:21 figure and you place them basically in the middle now you can decide for
08:25 yourself where you really want to have it with the thing at least of the lights
08:28 is that you can bring them move them forward and basically all you're doing
08:31 is then shining the black light onto the figure itself if I can get my hand out
08:36 of the way now the thing about it also is that there's the peg so we want to
08:39 maybe put the figure on the peg there we go and essentially will then shine the
08:43 light now it's only gonna shine a little small patch it's not gonna cover the
08:46 entire figure but at least with this you can actually take the lights and slide
08:50 them up and down be easier obviously just to unpick them on both sides clip
08:54 them then to the areas where you want to have them on the post but at least then
08:57 you can also move this up and down so again like you can you know if you want
09:01 to have a little bit lower down for example you just take this off clip it
09:04 back into place and shine it then into the area where you want it man is that a
09:08 really nice interesting setup now obviously it's a little easier probably
09:13 look at the black light on the figure if we have to figure up close so what I
09:16 will do is just attach this for right now I'm gonna turn this off I'll do the
09:20 exact same thing on the other side as well and just turn this off first of all
09:24 I just want to say I'm glad to see the McFarland actually included the batteries
09:28 I mean the batteries themselves wouldn't have been super expensive but it's always
09:32 nice to know that you don't have to then worry about going out and buying the
09:34 batteries right away because I don't think anywhere on the packaging does it
09:37 list maybe it does list on the back of the box that it batteries are required
09:41 or batteries have to be installed but I'm glad to actually to see that the
09:44 batteries were already installed getting though a closer look at the infinite
09:47 frontier scarecrow still like the designing of this guy I'm just gonna
09:51 reach off to sign up bang the display stand here bring in the original
09:55 scarecrow so you can see the difference between the two the sculpting is gonna
09:58 be exactly the same from the top of his straw hat his gas mask all the way down
10:03 is torn and tattered rags the only thing again different about the figure of just
10:07 to spin this around is this the might brighter approach that they went with
10:10 for the colors instead of more like the softer greens the more kind of earth
10:14 colors of the greens and kind of that salmon pink now you've got these vibrant
10:18 greens than pinks and blues now one thing I also did as well as I took the
10:23 liberty of bringing in my own black light just because it is gonna be a
10:26 little bit brighter and a lot easier to make out some of the features on the
10:29 colors something that maybe like the smaller lights wouldn't be able to do as
10:32 well if I was just to go back and grab one of the lights right now I'm just
10:35 gonna switch this back on there we go I mean you can kind of see it does a fair
10:40 fair enough job but because you're only gonna have like you're basically gonna
10:44 only have like a little spotlight section where the lights gonna shine
10:47 over it that you maybe don't get as well the full effect unless you have the
10:51 lights cut rather though let's actually grab my black light and I'm just gonna
10:56 shine this across the figure and what it still does it doesn't necessarily make
11:00 the colors a different color necessarily but it just makes the existing colors a
11:05 little bit more stand out a little more vibrant now things like the pink for
11:09 example little splotches of pink that he has all over his costuming do then pop a
11:13 lot more when you've got a light source shining on it all the more pink seems to
11:17 be the color that really is the thing that pops on the figure the tube that he
11:20 has running down to his arm leading into his syringe fingers spin around to the
11:24 back the coloring of course on the top of his hat the greens and the blues
11:27 shine really well as well but I feel like it's the pink that really is the
11:30 star of the color schemes here and again like that goes all the way down to the
11:34 lower end of his legs so where now he's got black black legs for example you can
11:39 see like how bright that pink really pops on the figure itself articulation
11:44 on the figure is gonna be though exactly the same as the one before I guess just
11:47 before we do that I want to show you guys a closer look at the head sculpt
11:50 there's something so charming about this design of Scarecrow it may not be though
11:53 everyone's thing I get that but if you are certainly kind of more the again I
11:58 just kind of compare it still to be like something you would see like a witch
12:01 doctor in Scooby-Doo really like the design of it it's not like I still like
12:05 a classic look to Scarecrow but there's something to be said about the design of
12:09 this one that really has it as a really charming looking design character
12:13 anyways though for the articulation on it's gonna be exactly the same as the
12:16 one before so the head does rotate back and forth while doing it though you just
12:20 want to be careful because the hose runs just underneath the straw hat so when
12:23 you are turning his head you want to make sure that you don't turn it to the
12:26 point where you rip the hose off the side does move back and forth this way
12:29 you can hinge it up and down it's a little harder to do it of course because
12:33 you've got so much hair happening here arms come out at 90 degrees so that's
12:37 still the same as the other figure from before you can take the arms and rotate
12:40 them forward and back technically all the way around but again you're gonna
12:43 want to worry about really the hose the hose being the thing that really between
12:47 really bending the elbow isn't so much the biggest issue but hinging the arm
12:51 out and more rotating especially all the way around that's the thing you really
12:55 want to avoid at all costs the wrists do swivel back and forth you can also hinge
12:59 them in and out as well the upper torso there's so many layers of things
13:03 happening here but if we were just to kind of lift underneath the hood just to
13:07 kind of peel back the layers of clothing you can actually see that he has a ball
13:11 joint working behind the scenes so it does move the torso up and down this way
13:15 you can rock it back and forth and you can rotate it back and forth this way
13:18 legs do split outs and luckily with the side that they've with they've actually
13:22 designed the front and the back you can see that there's little splits on the
13:27 side so it allows the legs then move outward maybe not to the extreme of what
13:30 I have it right now but at least there's freedom to bring be able to move the
13:34 legs forward and back go the legs I should say also say there's a little bit
13:38 of swivel there also in the thigh but there's a double hinge also on the
13:41 figures knees and there's articulation back and forth on the ankle both that
13:45 way this way and also the always important toe articulation I know how
13:49 some of you guys really love the toe articulation these figures all in all
13:53 though like again it's a really interesting looking figure if it wasn't
13:56 for the fact that the figure had all the elaborate display stand option as well
13:59 just get this guy to stand for the right now let's just grab myself a DC logo
14:03 stand doesn't technically come with a logo stand but he comes with it again
14:08 like that bigger stand if it really wasn't even the case where the figure
14:10 came in clue with the black lights spotlights and get him to stand if it
14:15 wasn't really even just for the fact that the figure came in clue with this
14:18 and solely was just colored it differently I would really be interested
14:22 in getting this figure as well just because again I like the initial mold of
14:24 him which just happened to be this one right here the brighter colors may not
14:28 be again everyone's thing he definitely won't blend in as well when you've got
14:31 colors as bright as he is right now he kind of looks again like someone that
14:34 would have been pulled from the palette of like Batman forever I like those
14:38 brighter colors of those of those cronies those criminals hiding in the
14:42 alleyways but again I already like the initial mold design of Scarecrow and
14:45 again it's just taking that initial core design and then just sort of turning it
14:50 on its side brightening up the colors to just an obscene level but then when you
14:54 get yourself a display stand like this let's just move this figure out of the
14:57 way when you get a display stand that has this and also has movable lights
15:02 that have an LED light source that is such an impressive thing to include it
15:06 with the figure as well it takes the idea of a black light character and
15:09 elevates it even more especially when you have it on your shelf now obviously
15:13 when you have an interesting-looking Scarecrow like this colored as well as
15:17 he is and coming in clue with quite an elaborate display stand it will though
15:20 ask a little bit more of your shelf space than the earlier looked at
15:24 infinite frontier Scarecrow but I think if you have the space available this is
15:27 a great-looking figure to be putting on the shelf something just because again
15:31 like how often have we ever gotten figures that have their own spotlight
15:34 setup the thing about the spotlights though is at least you can move the
15:38 lights around you see here in final looks I've got one light a little bit
15:41 higher one light a little bit lower so between the two they sort of sort of
15:44 share the amount of surface space that the plastic figure has the brighter
15:49 lights actually they're fairly bright too for as small as they may be and I
15:53 was really pleasantly surprised to see as well that McFarland's team already
15:56 installed the AG 13 batteries because when I was taking everything out of the
16:00 tray and I saw the little label on the inside of the box that said AG 13 times
16:04 3 I thought oh I'm gonna have to go and get my button cell batteries I have a
16:08 whole stack of them upstairs not the case the batteries were already
16:11 installed thank you for that by the way the only thing about the display stand
16:15 is it's a little off-kelter just because again you're adding those parts to the
16:18 side to hold the spotlight black lights that then the display stand doesn't sit
16:22 as flat as maybe it would if you didn't have those things attached but still
16:27 that's a sacrifice I'm well worth willing to make if it means I can have a
16:30 figure like this displayed on the shelf not the case you're always gonna want to
16:34 be having the light shining on them because even though you're having three
16:36 button cell batteries on either light button cell batteries aren't gonna last
16:40 very long especially if you always have the lights turned on but it's certainly
16:44 nice and it's fun if you have your friends over for example or just
16:47 occasionally you go up to the shelf turn on the lights you can see how well it
16:50 illuminates the front end of the figure oh I guess really also the back of the
16:54 figure depending on how those lights stretch around big thank you once again
16:57 to the folks over at McFarland toys that did provide the sample of the infinite
17:00 frontier entertainment air earth exclusive which was a 2023 exclusive of
17:05 scarecrow it was limited to only 3,000 pieces but again if you guys are
17:09 interested to get this one for yourself you may have to then order this one
17:12 online but it's definitely an interesting it wasn't already
17:15 interesting looking scarecrow but then you take how cool that scarecrow was in
17:18 the first place and now you add all these brighter colors to them and then
17:22 the means to have those colors pop it's a really interesting pickup if you get
17:26 the chance to find one for yourself if you guys enjoyed this video want to hit
17:29 with a like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you
17:31 certainly do want to stick around for more hey now we are gonna be looking at
17:34 some more DC multiverse stuff so that that's the kind of thing I like to think
17:37 you're coming back to this channel for I like to think you're coming back to
17:40 this channel for other things as well but if really the bread and butter for
17:43 you is the DC multiverse stuff rest assured there will be a lot more coming
17:46 your way so of course as always guys thanks for watching see you guys next
17:50 time
17:52 you
17:55 you
17:57 (logo thuds)
