McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse JLA Plastic Man Wave Platinum Edition Mosiac John Stewart

  • 3 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse JLA Plastic Man Wave Platinum Edition Mosiac John Stewart


00:00The Emerald Knight was in need of a new release. Here's a look at McFarlane Toys
00:04DC multiverse the JLA's Green Lantern Jon Stewart.
00:30Jon Stewart is the go-to leader of the Green Lantern Corps, a natural leader with a tactical
00:36military trained mind. Jon has also been a frequent member of the Justice League and
00:41can step up to command when the league needed to take orders or when a mission doesn't fall
00:44under his realm of expertise. A longtime Green Lantern, Jon has felt the weight of making
00:49mistakes in this dangerous field and he's sworn not to repeat them at any cost. I'm
00:54not aware of Todd McFarlane having a power ring and yet he's constructed another Jon
00:58Stewart figure. Just before we get a closer look at that figure, the tape measure is going
01:02to tell us that Jon Stewart stands at six and three quarters of an inch in height or
01:06this Green Lantern is 17 centimeters tall. Barking now the fourth Jon Stewart figure
01:12we've gotten from McFarlane Toys and yet this is the first time we've gotten a brand new
01:15mold for him. In fact, the only other times we've gotten Jon Stewart have all pretty much
01:19used this mold here. This figure has been released already what three times, one on
01:23its own, one with energy constructs that weren't packed with the original figure release and
01:27then he was released again as a glow-in-the-dark variation. I do like the look of though this
01:31Jon Stewart, although the thing that kind of confuses me is bringing in the classic
01:34Hal Jordan. I thought it would simply just be a case of simple head swaps and they would
01:38have just essentially used the same body. You can see though proportionally though,
01:42Jon Stewart's torso specifically doesn't look at all like the torso that they use for
01:46Hal Jordan and they've also decided to texture his costume, something that Jordan never had
01:51before. Yeah, there was also the superpowers Jon Stewart too, which funny though like this
01:55figure wasn't using at all the same mold that they decided to use for the superpowers
01:59Hal Jordan. That being the case though, the character does come included with a trading
02:03card, a display stand, some energy constructs and the figure's feet. Not for him though,
02:07but for Plastic Man. Backing that though a bit, let's first start things first with looking
02:12at the trading card. The trading card is actually from issue number 87, which I believe is the
02:16first appearance of Jon Stewart. The only thing that's missing though is some text bubbles
02:20all around him. Something along the lines of like, they whipped Green Lantern, now let
02:24them try me. Kind of a sign of the times. The actual card though does depict a somewhat
02:30similar suit, although the thing that's a little bit different is the emblem. I do kind
02:33of wish that in a way that they could have used something of a similar classic Green
02:37Lantern emblem than the one they decided to settle on. But of course he is holding Hal
02:41Jordan, who's now fallen. Nice looking card. I mean, there's not a whole lot going on in
02:45the back, but to be fair though, issue 87 was also white background, so they really
02:49have just carried the image over from there. Funny though, it still also says Green Lantern
02:54down below, and it also says JLA. Nowhere to be found does it say Jon Stewart until the moment
02:59you flip it around. The real name is listed as well as a paragraph read, and it isn't so much
03:03necessarily the first opening stories or the first early adventures of Jon Stewart. It's kind of more
03:08just a very generic read up of the character, which is fine and good. I mean, it's not about
03:13problem at all. Nice looking trading card though, but again, to look at this, it does make me really
03:18miss the fact that they couldn't have settled on a very similar classic looking emblem.
03:23Let's move that off to the side. The figure also comes included, as already mentioned,
03:27Plastic Man's legs. Now the legs themselves also have his feet, nicely molded overall. We're going
03:33to go ahead and take the body because we haven't really done all that much with it. We had the arms
03:37earlier from when we looked at Aquaman. In Aquaman, I didn't decide to put the arms on
03:42just because Batman's also going to come with some pretty crazy looking arms for Plastic Man.
03:45He's also going to come with two different head sculpts, so I haven't really done anything at all
03:49until right around now. We can take the legs. We want to make sure, of course, they're facing the
03:53right way, so the curves of the feet go obviously inward. We're just going to take these and we're
03:57going to sandwich these on here. Now I may, though, afterwards, in between reviews, I may have to even
04:02heat these up just a little bit more so I can get the legs properly on here. I can already see right
04:06away. I don't have them completely attached onto the pegs, but what we're going to do is close
04:10enough of a job for at least right now, and I'll fix it up a little bit later. Attaching onto the
04:14legs, that's basically what we got so far. Still need the arms, still need the head, and again,
04:19we'll be looking at that with Batman. Funny, it's weird that Batman, I'm going to talk a lot about
04:23that when we look at the review of the Black Batman, is that he really is required to get
04:28both the heads, the two different heads, and the other pair of arms. So even though it is simply
04:32just a repaint of that original Batman, you really necessarily need it in order to complete
04:37Plastic Man. Let's move the figure off to the side. Now he does come with constructs. The
04:42disappointing thing about it, though, is nowhere to be found, is that he doesn't doesn't come in
04:45clear with the the actual green lantern. The lantern, this just happens to be the one I got
04:50packed along with the classic Hal Jordan. Nice little lantern. It was a little on the rubbery
04:54side, but at least you could say that Hal got one. You know, it would be disappointing. Why
04:59would he not have got included with this? But what he does get packed instead, I feel somewhat is a
05:03little underwhelming. Just before we talk about that, the figure also comes in clear with the
05:07display stand. Nothing really new to report there. Still has the DC logo, still has the peg.
05:12I'm going to bring that back a little bit later. The figure also comes, like I said,
05:15with those energy constructs. Now one is okay. I mean, this is basically like a little spiraled
05:20piece of plastic. My guess in mind is this is something that's going to go more on the hand
05:24that has the ring and not necessarily on the other hand. And then on the other hand, he has this
05:29sort of like swooshing effect. I feel like it doesn't really necessarily belong with a character
05:34like a green lantern. I don't feel at all it belongs to even like a release of John Stewart.
05:38I feel like this is something that probably would have been maybe belonging to like a Flash at one
05:42point and they would have just cast this into different plastic. That's my guess. I mean,
05:46to look at the things that we've gotten with other figure releases, specifically even like
05:50John Stewart, I'm going to bring in the ones we got with John Stewart's release. Now he got himself
05:53like a little mini gun. I mean, not even so mini, like a large Gatling gun. He also came with a
05:58backpack. The backpack can't plug onto anything on this one. So if you thought, for example,
06:02I'll just, you know, I'll just pillage the accessories that came with the other John Stewart.
06:06You can't do that. You use this, you just can't use this because there's no hole on the back of
06:10the figure's body. Yeah. See what I mean? There's no hole. You didn't believe me. I'll shame on you.
06:15Yeah. There's no hole on the back. So you can't use this backpack at all. So we'll just move that
06:18off to the side. I wish kind of like he's a military man. I wish that he could have come
06:21to something a little bit more interesting like this. And certainly a lot more interesting than
06:26just getting a swoosh effect. If you don't want to take those pieces, by the way. Now, again,
06:30he has one close fist. He has one gripping hand. I personally like to use this piece over top of his
06:36ring. So it looks like the ring is sort of starting to, you know, summon some energy here.
06:40I think it works a little bit better on this side than it does on this side. On this side though,
06:44just the fact that I am using these, even though I'm not going to display them at all with these
06:48accessories, this basically will just, you could fit it really up his arm this way. You could also
06:52just clamp it on his arm too. I mean, it works the exact same way and it still gives us a very
06:57underwhelming look to it. I mean, I guess the idea in mind is that he's swinging, but I mean,
07:02for this being like, he's had some pretty interesting things, not only in the cartoon,
07:06but also in the comics. I just feel like, is this the best they could have given him?
07:09Being the fact that this is Jon Stewart after all. So I'm never going to really display him
07:13with these. I mean, if anything, I might even display him with this accessory, but this accessory
07:18is only just going to go back in the bag with everything else that basically doesn't get used
07:21with my displays. Let's move off to the side. We'll take this also off too. And by removing it
07:27also gives me a chance to show you guys what the ring looks like. The ring isn't just a case of
07:31blobbing on some green paint and calling it a ring. No, they did in fact sculpt something
07:35somewhat resembling a ring. And I think it does look pretty good. Overall, I think, first of all,
07:40we'll start from first thing with the head sculpt. Now, obviously they want to go with a little bit
07:44more modern of a hairstyle. Like if we wanted to go back to the original card, which I just
07:48happen to have now over here, going back with the original card, I would have maybe given his hair
07:53just a little bit more fullness on the sides. If obviously not that we're supposed to be really
07:58replicating the look because clearly the costume is different. I would have liked just a little
08:03bit fuller of a hair. So we have more of kind of a classic looking Hal Jordan, but you know,
08:06still though the head sculpt is really nicely done, painted very well, sculpted exceptionally
08:11well. There's nothing at all. I would have really changed the head other than maybe just making the
08:15hair just a little fuller. I am going over here. We don't need clown hair, just a little bit fuller
08:20on the sides, but overall, again, like very, very happy with how the head sculpt turned out.
08:24I do think though, like it is a lot better of a head sculpt than we got with the original
08:27Jon Stewart. Like, you know, just again, pick where you like to have your universe exist. I
08:32mean, obviously from a modern standpoint, this Hal Jordan worked a little bit better.
08:36I kind of more myself like to display the characters with the classic looks. And I think
08:39this head sculpt works better for my situation at least. Now the bodies are very clearly different
08:44from one another, whereas this has a lot more panel lining to approach this more as like a
08:49modern looking Jon Stewart. They definitely took more of the cues of a classic look when it came
08:52to this Jon Stewart. The only thing I don't really like about it is the fact they felt the need to
08:57texture the suits. Now this wouldn't be so bad to bring back in Hal Jordan here. It wouldn't be so
09:04bad if both the figures had the same look, but by comparing the two, you can clearly see like
09:09Hal Jordan's is a much more smoother looking material. And obviously Hal Jordan, they decided
09:14the tech, well, they decided for Jon Stewart, they decided to texture it. I just don't think
09:18it makes much sense if you want the consistency between the two. The suits are obviously not the
09:23same. I mean, even like the bodies, looking at the bodies, they're not exactly the same either,
09:27but I don't understand why they chose to texture the suit when they had already done such a good
09:31enough job with the classic looking Hal Jordan. If it isn't broke, don't fix it. I mean, obviously
09:37they had to really change the correction paint, the paint on his neck clearly didn't match his
09:41face. But all in all though, like for the rest of the figure, it looked really good. I just wish that
09:45instead of making, it meant more work really on the sculptor's part to go in there and very
09:50meticulously add this sort of weaving effect there on a suit. I really don't think it was necessary
09:55in the first place. I mean, even like I had said earlier, I think honestly they could have even in
09:59fact just taken the Hal Jordan body and just used a different head sculpt. They could have, granted,
10:05painted it differently, but I think from a standpoint of a sculpt, if you already have a
10:09body that worked fine for a Green Lantern, why feel a need at all to change out the suit and
10:15texture something different? I have to think though, like they're probably going to be using
10:18this body down the road for something else. I can't imagine they're just solely tooling this
10:22only for Hal Jordan or for Jon Stewart. I just don't think it was necessary at all to add all the
10:26additional texturing when it really wasn't necessary in the first place. The paint, for what it is, is
10:30pretty good. I mean, again, you've got the green now across the shoulders. Jordan would not have had
10:34it. He has the black on the sleeves and he's got, again, like a more, a slightly different take to
10:39the Green Lantern symbol. Personally for me, I would have rather if it would just been the classic
10:43symbol myself, but you could say for the argument standpoint that at least it's different from Hal
10:48Jordan's. And I guess for that, it's good. I just would have rather a classic look. The gloves are
10:53generally painted well. I mean, again, we've already looked at the fact that the ring, for as small as
10:57that may be, has been painted quite well too. And like there really isn't any real paint problems.
11:01With like a character like this, there really shouldn't be paint problems anyways. The only thing
11:05I would say though, is looking at his legs. It is obviously, there's a little bit more of a sheen to
11:10the plastic on this guy, but like when you're looking at his legs, I don't know why here and
11:15there's a lot more of a sheen. I was almost even expecting when I took this guy out of the tray,
11:19that there would be sometimes, not with McFarlane releases necessarily, but sometimes when you get
11:24a plastic figure out of the tray, there's sometimes like an oil, like a little settled oil there on
11:29the plastic. So I was really kind of expecting to go across and wipe my fingers, my hand across
11:33this and expect this to smear off. But it just looks like it's got this weird permanent sheen.
11:38You can see it on this leg more so. Again, it's not oil. It's nothing like I have to wipe this
11:43away at all, but it's just strange that it's here and it's on nowhere else on the figure's body.
11:47The boots down below again, you've got nicely painted there green boots. Again, you've got
11:51the peggles on the underside of his feet. Nothing really new there. For the articulation on Hal
11:55Jordan, there we go again. For the articulation for Jon Stewart, he's going to rotate once again.
12:00It's on a bulge weight. He does have quite a high reach. So even though these figures don't come
12:04with flight stands, if you want to get a flight stand, you could get really Jon Stewart in a
12:07pretty good flying pose. The head looks down about that low and of course you can also move it back
12:12and forth as well. Arms, no issues there. You can easily rotate them all the way around. You can also
12:16as well bring these arms out even really beyond the point of 90 degrees. There's also a swivel
12:21in the bicep. The figure does have a double hinge on the elbow and the hand rotates all the way
12:26around. Yes, yes, this hand also rotates all the way around. For his upper torso, once again, it's
12:32got an upper torso ball joint. You can of course rotate it back and forth too. The only thing
12:36unfortunately it does, as it normally is the case, if you're going to print anything like the front
12:40of his body or really anything here, any time you're going to be swiveling the body, it's going
12:44to break up the the straight line of green that he has on the front of his torso. I mean obviously
12:50there's no way really around that but the figure does have a ball joint so you can move it up and
12:53down back and forth this way. He has a lower torso abdomen area too. I mean the only other thing I
12:59would say too is like the colors of the green don't quite match the colors of his trunks. Now
13:02here clearly they're using a green plastic. Here clearly they're using the paint on top of the
13:07plastic. The greens don't quite 100% match but they're pretty close. The legs do split out. You
13:13can take the legs and move forward, move them back. There's a swivel at the top of the thigh.
13:16The figure does have a double hinge on the knee. No articulation here for the boot unfortunately
13:20to say but he does have at least articulation in the ankle. You can rock it back and forth and yes,
13:25Jon Stewart, even though I called him Hal Jordan a couple times, Jon Stewart does have toe articulation
13:30as well. Good looking figure. The only thing again about it is I just feel like they unnecessarily
13:36needed to add some additional sculpting when the figure didn't really even need it in the first
13:39place. Head looks good. The hair again I probably would have made it a little bit more fuller just
13:43to match the issue the issue artwork that they used obviously to include with the with the
13:47trading card. And again like when you're displaying it with Hal Jordan, I myself at least when I like
13:52to have the idea of having all the green lanterns displayed together, I'd like to have you know some
13:57some unity between them. You know not that necessarily the costumes had to match because
14:01clearly as the case like Jon Stewart's got shoulder pads painted in green. Hal Jordan doesn't
14:05have that but at least to have the symbols match the same I think I would have liked and I just I
14:10feel like they didn't need to necessarily texture the body. If they had saved the time to texture
14:15the body and just simply use the body we already have here for Hal Jordan and just done a head swap
14:21I think that was all that really was necessary. I'd hate to think that on paper when it came to
14:25budgeting this character they had to kind of set aside some some funds and say okay well we're
14:29going to sculpt it with some additional weaving like kind of basket weaving there on his body
14:34that is going to kind of eat into some of the the plastic cost that we would have to produce
14:38and that might mean then we would have to sacrifice some of the cost of producing some
14:41additional added accessories. I rather would have just said use this body and then use then the
14:46additional cost to produce better like effect pieces to go along with the figure. This one's
14:51okay. This one I don't think I'm ever going to really find myself displaying with Jon Stewart
14:55and at the very least if he is though a green lantern you would think at the very least he
14:59should come included with his trusty lantern. I gotta say while I am liking the look of this new
15:04Jon Stewart I'm not necessarily liking the choice of accessories that they went with.
15:09The spiraled energy effect works well for the ring and even if I don't decide to use it with
15:13Jon Stewart I could very well then use it with Hal Jordan. That's going to stay in my collection
15:17space but what though isn't going to stay is the swooshing energy effect. I don't think it belongs
15:22necessarily with Jon Stewart. I don't think really for that matter it belongs with any other green
15:26lantern. It's just going to go ultimately though with the rest of my bag of accessories that just
15:30don't serve a purpose. I usually just kind of keep them stored away. If ever be the point down the
15:34road I decide okay you know what do I ever where's that swoosh piece where did I put that it's all
15:39kind of really all relegated in one big baggy. The look though of Jon Stewart is nice even though
15:44again I just don't think it is necessary that they had to take the time to texture the body.
15:48It does add a little bit something to the looking at the figure though unfortunately by doing that
15:53it then makes him look even different than Hal Jordan and again the same case was also there
15:58when we looked at the superpowers versions. Jon Stewart was notably taller and also Green Lantern's
16:03Hal Jordan was even a different color of costume. I don't mind again you have other characters from
16:08one core but the thing about it though is every core member should be somewhat consistent. It
16:12doesn't have to be necessarily the case that the symbols all have to match because clearly
16:16Jon Stewart has a different Green Lantern symbol than Hal Jordan but I think if anything just keep
16:21the kind of plastic that you choose. If you want to have smooth plastic suits on like Hal Jordan
16:26just kind of keep it consistent when you're doing with Jon Stewart too. What do you guys think when
16:29it comes to this? Do you like the idea that Jon Stewart does have a texturing to a suit or do you
16:34feel like they could have easily just gotten away with using the same body as Hal Jordan and just
16:38done a simple head swap? What do you guys think down below? Now of course we are some making some
16:42substantial progress. We're now three figures into the four figure wave of Plastic Man. That then
16:47leaves us with a black suit Batman and that through that not only we'll be looking at the fourth figure
16:52but we'll also be finally completing Plastic Man. I have a good suspicion that I'm probably
16:56going to be leaving Plastic Man and doing a separate review of him because there's gonna be
16:59a lot I'm gonna want to talk about. Have you guys had also the chance to be collecting any of this
17:03wave and if so what's your favorite figures from this? If you guys also in the meantime did
17:08enjoy this video, do it a solid. Do it a solid. Throw it a like. You have nothing else to do.
17:12Well I'm sure you have other things to do but at least right now. I like to think you don't
17:16have anything else to do right now. Make sure you hit this video with a like. Make sure of course if
17:20you haven't already that you hit that subscribe button down below. But the most important thing,
17:23the thing I always ask of you guys is make sure you're coming back regularly not only to see the
17:27review of Batman, not only to see the review of Plastic Man, but also see the other things that
17:31I'm posting on a regular basis. As always guys, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
