McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Dawn of DC The Flash Figure

  • 3 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Dawn of DC The Flash Figure


00:00800 races later and the Scarlet Speedster is starting over
00:04here's a look at McFarland toys DC multiverse dawn of DC gold label
00:08collection the flash
00:30his name is Wally West he was the fastest man alive from kid flash to the
00:36flash from accidental killer to pilot of Metron's Mobius chair
00:40Wally West has lived one of the strangest lives of any speedster
00:43traversing multiple planes of existence just to find his way back home after the
00:48events of dark crisis the DC universe has been rebooted and all the heroes in
00:53it just before we get a closer look at the dawn of DC the flash I'd like to
00:56thank the folks over at McFarland toys that did provide the sample we could
01:00have a look at the figure though is using the same flash body as before I'll
01:03show that in a second when we bring in the other flash but in the meantime
01:06though this version of flash is gonna stand at almost seven inches in height
01:10or about seventeen and a half centimeters tall in fact now that I
01:14think about it this flash mold has been used at least four times there was two
01:18different variations here of Wally West's flash one that had the smile on
01:21his face that we're showing right now one with an angry expression that got
01:24packed along with red death and there was also as well the reverse flash
01:27simply just flipping the colors around yeah I know counting on your fingers I
01:30only round off three the fourth and I'm sure there's even been more there's also
01:33black flash don't happen to have a black flash here right now what I do have
01:36right now at least it are the accessories that come in clear with this
01:39version of flash like the figure first of all comes to clear with a display
01:42stand the stand nothing really new here is just a regular black display stand
01:45that has yes the same DC logo branded down below and one off neighboring peg
01:51that can plug into either one of Wally's boots the figure also as well
01:54comes include with a trading card the trading card at least is relating to
01:57dawn of DC and it's not just some random photo of the flash kind of gives you at
02:01least an idea of what flash looks like from this universe essentially they just
02:05rebooted everything flash and I think Wonder Woman even got tied for 800
02:09issues that they counted clocked in before they kind of just reset the
02:13clock that seems to be something a DC likes to do but nice looking image
02:16overall it's pretty simple looking flash image down the front of the card and
02:19then on the back you get the same image of flash although just a little bit
02:22smaller the real name though is Wally West and a very simple to read paragraph
02:26I mean I could just leave it to you guys to read for yourselves I did also read
02:30this at the beginning of the review so you can also do that as well we're gonna
02:33move the card off to the side he also comes of course with some various speed
02:37force effects some of which most of which I'm sure we've already gotten
02:40before they're just more rhyme or reason as to whereabouts they actually go I mean
02:44they give you a kind of a suggested idea there's a hook on the end of it these
02:47are all been done by the way using translucent yellow plastic but you'll
02:51see that they have very much a unique hook on the end of it that's gonna pull
02:55on it to anything that you have success in plugging onto his body some of them
02:58work a little bit better better than others like these two I think work the
03:01best actually even like the arm attachments if you want to use them that
03:05is as arm attachments really hook on the arms the best way the one I had the
03:09hardest time to do is actually this one here it's split up the middle but you
03:13can see on the end if I don't I don't drop it on the end though it's supposed
03:17to hook on to something and yet though just the way it's just the way it's
03:21configured it just is a bit of a mess again you can just really decide for
03:24yourself whereabouts those exactly want to go I mean like if for example you
03:28want to plug this onto his arms for example now this would work so much
03:31better though if you granted had the figure in a running pose if you're just
03:34standing in straight like this I can't imagine he's mustering up much in the
03:37way of speed force but basically you just plug them all around his body
03:40anything I mean if it doesn't if it doesn't succeed right here just kind of
03:44keep continuing to move it around until finally it finds that sweet spot anyways
03:48you get those speed force effects let's move those all off to the side and
03:51getting though a closer look now at dawn of DC flash all in all though I like the
03:55figure but all in all though I think really what I like about the figure is
03:58just the body that we've already gotten before it takes sort of the cues from
04:02the original flash and just at least darkens the color to give us more
04:05primary colored flash things like for example if you didn't love the idea they
04:09lightning bolts jetting out from the middle of his emblem those are gone you
04:13didn't have to commit at all to that I mean even with these being not molded I
04:16mean they were just only painted in place it's a whole lot easier for them
04:19there is you simply use the body again without having to retool anything on the
04:22front of the torso the emblem is going to be the same placement it's sculpted
04:26the exact same way the thing that's obviously a little bit different is to
04:30be really honestly fair even though the emblem is molded over top of the body
04:33you can clearly also see as well that the lightning bolt is different this one
04:37has several different zigzags this this only has whoa I'm throwing flashes
04:42across the room this one only has just a single zigzag probably what they just
04:46ended up doing is obviously if this is just an extra bit of plastic it's so
04:50easier for just them to mold the whole body and then just take the plastic
04:53piece and glue it over top of the body so that's one thing if I wasn't throwing
04:56flashes across the room that's one thing that's easiest things to do it's just
05:00simply change out the emblem just because it doesn't belong to the body
05:03anyways the the little lightning bolts he has down below by his belt that's
05:07also something carries over from the original release and he also has the
05:10same lightning bolts there on his gloves he gets still the yellow boots and I
05:14promise that this time I'm not gonna throw you flash he gets the yellow boots
05:17but they are nicely painted this time or more so they're probably molded here in
05:21yellow plastic something about the original boots they seemed a little pale
05:25like almost as if they tried to paint in they couldn't get or they couldn't
05:28arrive on the right yellow something is also very interesting though about the
05:31feet is if you look at the bottom of them the sculpting of this CE not that
05:36that's really a big deal but it seems a little bit more noticeable on the newer
05:38flash than on the original release the yellows and the reds are handled I feel
05:42better here on the dawn of DC flash and so you would arrive on the idea that I
05:47like this flash a little bit more there's one thing I don't like
05:50necessarily about the figure and you're looking at it right now it's the head
05:53sculpt I like these on the side even though there are little little warps
05:58there's only just a little bit of thin plastic here kind of keeping the little
06:02wings they're attached to the sides of his head I would be a little bit
06:04worried about that those look good I don't know if I love though the head
06:08sculpt it's a couple of things that don't work for me necessarily I like a
06:12smiling flash but there's something looking a little sinister about this
06:15version of him it may not help the fact that first of all his face is super
06:19shiny but also that they've darkened the areas around his eyes now normally white
06:24eyed flash would work well for me but there's something by adding now a dark
06:28area around it that makes the figure almost look more like a villain than an
06:31actual hero again when we looked at say and I'm not gonna throw you this time
06:36when we looked at the original flash obviously he doesn't have white eyes he
06:40would just have his regular his regular eyes underneath the mask so it's kind of
06:44hard to compare the two if you are like like myself who likes more of just the
06:47white pupil flash this one for the most part does it well except for the fact
06:52again I just feel like the darker area around his eyes is maybe just too stark
06:55again it also seems to like his face a little too shiny if you're looking at
06:59that you're looking at the rest of his body even though really the plastic that
07:03they've used for the red is a little more on the reflective nature it doesn't
07:07seem nearly as shiny as it is for the head again I don't know what they
07:10necessarily have done differently whether they went and painted this all
07:13in where this would be just molded in red plastic but there's something a
07:16little jarring though about the face the gold doesn't match in all the places
07:19like say for the example the yellow or the gold that he has on the front of his
07:23emblem matches fairly well to the one that he has around his belt yet though
07:28if you're looking at it and you're comparing the two the yellow that he has
07:31on his gloves doesn't quite match the same yellow that they used here it also
07:34isn't matching really if I bring this really close like this it doesn't quite
07:38really even match the boots so this looks like they vote of just molded this
07:42in the plastic this they would have painted but I wish I wish that the boots
07:46could have been painted in that same sort of gold yellow that they use for
07:49everything else on the figures body that at least is that color for the
07:53figures articulation though it's going to be all the same retained articulation
07:56as the other earlier looked at flash so yes this version of flash does have a
07:59ball joint you can rotate the head all the way around it looks up it looks down
08:03and it looks also back and forth as well they're kind of going with more the new
08:07frontier look to flash kind of more of a classic look but again if there's
08:11something not quite arriving with the way they painted the head sculpt I have
08:15to just kind of wonder if maybe they had not painted this area in dark black
08:18if the figures face would have worked a little bit better anyways as for the
08:23arms the arms hinged out at 90 degrees there's no real problems there you can
08:26rotate the arms all the way around on both sides the figure does have a
08:29swivel in his bicep he also as well possesses a double hinge on his elbow
08:33and the hands do rotate all the way around the upper torso like with the
08:36original flash is on a ball joint the lower abdomen area right here also is on
08:40a ball joint so you can rotate that all the way around the figure is gonna have
08:43a softer sort of lower trunk area some have coined the figure diaper it isn't
08:49less isn't so much a diaper as you can see it conforms a little bit better to
08:52his lie his legs but it does a decent enough job of hiding the articulation
08:56inside the ankles are inside the thighs his ankles are down there let's go
09:00forward legs go back there's a swivel at the top of the thigh double hinge once
09:04again on the knees even though this seems to be a separate applied piece
09:07there's no articulation at all for the boots ankles move back and forth this
09:11way he also as well has an ankle rocker and the figure does have toe
09:14articulation as well you know again like looking at the figure for all intensive
09:19purposes I would say this is an ideal looking flash it kind of takes what I
09:22liked about the flash having more white pupils than say for example this version
09:26of flash which again we'll just move over and bring back in this version of
09:28flash you know I liked again like the mold that they used but you know the
09:33face didn't always 100% work for me this flash for the most part should work for
09:37me because now instead of having his just regular human eyes sticking out the
09:41cow he now has again white eyes but there again is some problems with the
09:46paints and I think for this they just arrived on the wrong ideas giving him
09:50the smile wasn't so much the deal-breaker but painting around the
09:53areas of the eyes is sort of now where you're taking a superhero and you're
09:56giving him almost more of a villainous look overall though the figure does look
10:00good because I already liked the initial mold for the figure the thing though I
10:04like also about this is that they're using more richer colors the red and
10:07the yellow even though again like the yellow and the boots don't quite jive
10:10with the coloring that they use for the gloves the boots and of course the side
10:13ear fins the colors don't necessarily work but at least the colors are a
10:18little richer than the original flash my takeaway from all this if there was to
10:22be a takeaway is that it it looks more to a flash that I would have wanted in
10:26my collection but it's still not quite arriving at the finish line with a
10:29perfect finished looking flash that actually looks perfect if anything I
10:34would say like if anything maybe if they just lightened up the areas around
10:38his eyes maybe if the smile again is not a deal-breaker at all but I think if
10:42anything it's the darker color that's ruining the figure of the flash for me
10:45making use of only the two of the provided for speed force effects I've
10:49got the flash looking as if he's skidding into the scene I don't think I
10:52necessarily need all four speed force effects I think most of the time usually
10:55when I display my flash doing something on the shelf other than just standing
10:58straight I usually just use two I think it kind of becomes a little more
11:02excessive I mean yeah if you want to have them in a running pose I suppose
11:06you could pull that off but a lot of times it's just a guessing game the way
11:09that they're molded you get the idea that the smaller ones are supposed to go
11:12somewhere on his arms the longer bigger ones are supposed to go somewhere on his
11:15legs and just outside of that it's just to you and lady luck to decide where
11:19about they go on the figure I guess they do a good enough job I guess if anything
11:23I'm glad to see at least they included it because if not for that the figure
11:26unfortunately would only be relegated to a trading card and a display stand
11:29though for the figure itself one other included accessory which is one thing
11:33that doesn't seem to be something that's ever packed with flashes he gets a
11:37running kind of flat hands as you'll see it's up right now and final looks and
11:40then he has a closed fist that is one thing that's kind of consistent with a
11:44lot of flashes you get sort of that flat pan like it looks like he's supposed to
11:48be swinging around at a fly and then you get always get sort of a closed fist I
11:52do kind of wish that they could have also included an alternate hand because
11:56if you're ever just planning to have the Scarlet speedster displayed
11:59standing then it looks a little out of place that he has this weird stuck out
12:03finger hand because it doesn't look like it belongs there on the figure the one
12:07other thing I would certainly say outside of the complaints I won't even
12:10call them necessarily complaints the critiques that I may have mentioned
12:13about the head sculpt is that looking at the source material for the dawn of DC
12:17flash it does seem though that the emblem is a little bit more white
12:20unfortunately by molding all the lightning bolt and the ring around it it
12:24doesn't leave much really for the white to show out and I think maybe they
12:27probably could have shrunk the size down or instead of molding the lightning
12:32bolt and the ring as two pieces maybe if they had just molded as one flat piece
12:36and then just filled the details in rather with paint than molding of course
12:41going back to the head sculpt the head sculpt is good but I think it could be
12:45so much better I think it it gives me at least a flash that I would have liked on
12:49my shelf with white eyes instead of his visible pupils but what it unfortunately
12:53also gives me is a very ominous looking flash the darker colors around the eyes
12:57I think I get where they were going with but I think there's just too much
13:01of it or instead of going with such a dark color had they only just gone with
13:05one shade darker than the plastic it would have at least suggested the idea
13:09that they're shadowing around his eyes without making it look like he's got
13:12raccoon eyes what do you guys think of the figure let me know down below in the
13:16comment section have you guys had the chance to pick up the dawn of DC flash
13:19or if this isn't a flash that's to your liking what would you say so far is the
13:23best flash we've gotten from McFarlane's team speaking though of McFarlane's team
13:27I'd like to thank the team over there that provided the sample the dawn of DC
13:30flash that we had the chance to have a look at this review if you guys did
13:33enjoy this video I want to throw it a like if you guys are loving the content
13:36you guys are seeing and want to stick around for more we will by the way be
13:39looking at more DC multiverse reviews about multiverse figures that is in
13:42upcoming reviews if you need your fix for right now at least popping up at the
13:46very end of this video will be playlist one from McFarlane toys one for DC
13:50multiverse feel free to give those a watch if you have a little bit of time
13:53on your flat fly swatting hands definitely need to get some extra hands
13:57for this guy if in the meantime though you guys want to stick around for more
14:00make sure you hit that subscribe make sure you turn on the bell but most
14:03importantly make sure you're coming back as always thanks for watching see you
14:07guys next time
