McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Gold Label Edition Final Crisis Black Lightning
00:00 your collectibles are about to get more electrical here's a look at McFarland
00:03 toys DC multiverse the gold label collection black lightning
00:28 Jefferson Pierce was born in Cleveland Ohio the son of newspaper reporter
00:32 Lewis Pierce he was a tremendous athlete and even won an Olympic gold medal for a
00:36 decathlon when Jefferson decided to become the superhero black lightning in
00:40 order to protect his underserved neighborhood and share his life as an
00:42 educator by day he teaches kids as a principal in Metropolis at night
00:46 Jefferson becomes black lightning and as the field leader for the outsiders
00:50 trains the next generation of heroes to fight for justice for criminals to say
00:54 that lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice I've never really run
00:58 into Jefferson Pierce before of course we get a closer look at the black
01:01 lightning from final crisis I'd like to thank the folks first over at McFarland
01:05 toys that did provide the sample we could have a look at black lightning
01:08 stands six and a half inches in height or the figure is going to be 17
01:12 centimeters tall another hero that has some experience with the outsiders
01:16 here's what the figure looks like with a caped crusader this is Batman from
01:19 Nightfall of course we can also bring in as well the recently looked at this is
01:23 the DC vs. Vampires Hal Jordan green lantern and of course we can also bring
01:27 in and well the likes of say blue beetle let's bring in the say the flash and a
01:31 slightly bigger and bulkier figure here's what the figure looks like with
01:34 the DC rebirth Superman not really a lot does come in clue with black lightning
01:37 first the figure comes include the same black molded stand that has the same BC
01:41 logo printed down below and if you could believe it still has one neighboring peg
01:44 off to the corner that you can plug on to the either boots either boots of
01:47 black lightning you have to choose one unless you have more than one of these
01:50 stands I have more than one of these stands gonna move that to the side the
01:54 figure as well comes include the trading card depicted though on the front first
01:58 of all it's comic art which I like that right away but if you look at it the
02:01 suits are very similar other than the fact that's notably different this black
02:04 lightning doesn't have hair at some point I would love to get a variation of
02:08 this one that doesn't have the hair because when I think of black lightning
02:11 I tend to think of him more in this look if we flip around though to the back of
02:14 the car his real name of course is Jefferson Pierce and a substantial read
02:18 up that you can either pause and read for yourself or in fact you can rewind
02:22 to the beginning of this video as it was the same thing I read when the figure
02:25 was turning around on my turntable and move that card to the side now one thing
02:29 I did do differently normally I would have then had the defaulted hands
02:32 already on the figures forearms and then it would have also showed you just all
02:35 the extra hands that you can then plug in place did things a little bit
02:39 differently this time around I figured it was more more pizzazz to then pop on
02:43 the electricity hands but the defaulted hands aren't actually these hands here
02:47 you get a closed fist you get a relaxed hand but then you also get the same
02:52 thing but done in this really cool translucent blue plastic it doesn't do
02:56 things exactly the same because technically it's a mirror flip so you
02:59 have for example a relaxed hand on this side you get a relaxed electricity hand
03:04 that goes then on this side and vice versa of course when you get the closed
03:07 fist these are very nicely done I would love to get more of these even looking
03:11 at these I was also thinking Captain Atom I think that would be a fun like
03:15 pair of hands I could also possibly use for Black Atom unfortunately then would
03:18 mean that Black Lightning then does without but it would certainly like to
03:22 see maybe as an accessory pack down the road McFarlane could include things like
03:26 electricity hands I think they're just too fun to not just be kept to one
03:30 figure to change out the hands though is actually quite easy we're just first of
03:33 all gonna take the hands pop them off from the provided pegs and then we're
03:37 gonna go ahead and take the hand that's appropriately thumbs of course facing
03:40 inward we're gonna have the hand on one side we're gonna do the exact same
03:43 thing on this side now you don't even have to have say for example you wanted
03:46 to have one electricity hand you could just do it that way and keep just a
03:49 regular defaulted right or just regular non electricity hand on the other side
03:53 but to get the full effect I like the full effect we're gonna pop those off
03:56 and we're gonna replace them the thing about it though is it's a little harder
04:00 to kind of line things up you want to make sure they're you want to kind of
04:03 get the electricity just around the top of the forum it is at least a bendable
04:07 plastic so that's one thing that's good at least about it but boy does that ever
04:11 jazz up the figure and adds a lot of cool additional effects to the figure
04:15 that wouldn't have already had it from before now again when you get out of the
04:18 packaging he already has this look I've just made things a little bit more
04:22 boring by starting with the other hands instead head sculpt wise I really like
04:25 the way that this one turned out now the head in this case actually if you look
04:30 at say like the comic for example or in the closest case that we have right now
04:33 we have the card he has kind of more of a translucency to the goggles so you can
04:37 kind of see his eyes inside of the mask this time though for the figure you're
04:41 actually getting just the painted eyes and gold instead it's a good it's still
04:45 a good look I really like the way that this did turn out but I have to wonder
04:49 that down the road if we can only get ourselves a shaved head version of black
04:52 lightning I think that would be a pretty cool looking figure as well but the
04:55 paints been handled extremely well I think the head sculpt looks really quite
04:58 good and the use of the darker purple that they have here is very actually in
05:02 fact close enough in color scheme it kind of even looks like this is maybe
05:05 just a tad bit darker than what we're getting here for the neck but the colors
05:08 are still pretty close additionally to that we also have again all this blue I
05:13 did say it's kind of a more of a purple purplish blue it kind of does look a
05:15 little bit more like a purple blue when you get to the mask but then when you
05:18 get the further down on the figure it actually comes across more like a navy
05:21 blue speaking though of the blue he also has a lighter blue that runs across the
05:25 center of his chest and then basically lightning bolts its way out then to his
05:29 forearms on the ends he have he has of course the darker blue gloves but I love
05:34 the additional gold that they've outlined here for the lightning bolts on
05:37 the front of the figures front of his torso he doesn't seem to have that
05:40 anywhere else other than the front and the back of the figures body he has gold
05:44 down here but it isn't quite the same gold as what they've actually painted
05:47 here so my guess is they probably molded this in the plastic I do wish in a way
05:51 that they could have actually painted this about the same sort of color scheme
05:54 because again like if you were to look at the comics the costume in the comics
05:57 the colors of the gold are usually matching and this one very obviously has
06:00 been more more molded in the plastic and this has been clearly painted instead it
06:05 still looks good and the paints been handled extremely well the lower half of
06:08 his body I can't imagine there's any paint that's actually happened here I
06:11 mean maybe they may have painted the boots but my guess is that they probably
06:15 just used and relied on the molded blue plastic alone part of his trunks
06:19 obviously aren't quite the same coloring of the plastic here it also doesn't help
06:23 either that this part is more of a matte plastic and down below here is very
06:26 visibly more shinier plastic so there's a bit of a breakup when you look at the
06:30 trunks comparing it to the torso and the legs below it but all in all it's a nice
06:35 looking figure even the parts that really aren't painted at least he gets
06:38 some additional sculpting there on the sides of his legs he also has that too
06:40 running down the middle section or the side section there also of his torso so
06:44 there's sculpting where it counts even though if even if the paint isn't
06:47 delivering in those areas now for the figures articulation I'm gonna get his
06:51 arms first of all out of the way black lightning's head sculpt is gonna be on a
06:55 ball joint once again so it rotates all the way around even though he doesn't
06:58 technically have a neck joint hinge the ball joint I think is more than enough
07:02 to accommodate the things that you need from the figure so the head looks down
07:05 this far the head looks up that far you can also rock it back and forth as well
07:09 once again the shoulders do rotate all the way around I didn't know so at least
07:13 on my figure that's loose on this one side I don't know why because I've only
07:17 really had to figure out the packaging for about an hour or so but I've already
07:20 noticed that it's quite loose in this area at least more in his shoulder this
07:23 shoulder isn't so bad both the arms actually do hinge out at 90 degrees of
07:28 course he also has the little cup joint there on the inside it serves more
07:32 there just to kind of hide the joint of the of the inside the shoulder as you
07:35 can see right there kind of gives more of a cleaner consistent look for the
07:38 molding figure has a bicep swivel if I can actually just hold on to the
07:41 shoulder bicep swivel right there the figure as well possesses a double hinge
07:45 on the elbow and the hands do rotate all the way around the upper torso is on a
07:50 ball joint it's good to always see those and he also as well has a ball joint at
07:54 the base of his abdomen now again like this is a softer plastic but at least it
07:58 forms pretty close to his legs it does though if you look at his abdomen area
08:02 does stick out a little bit further on the sides but I don't think it looks
08:05 like the quote figure diaper that some people have also called this line I
08:09 think this one specifically maybe just stick a little bit more here on the top
08:12 but at least it looks a little bit more consistently contoured I think with the
08:17 rest of the figures legs speaking of the legs the legs do swivel slightly up and
08:20 down or back and forth on the top of the thigh it does move forward this way and
08:24 back you can also split the legs this far in black lightning figure does have
08:28 a double hinge on the knee which unlike the shoulder the knees are actually and
08:32 the legs are especially quite tight on the figure which is good ankles move
08:36 back and forth this way you can rock the ankle back and forth this way and yes
08:40 once again the figure does have toe articulation there as well yeah you know
08:43 again like it's a good-looking figure it's one of those again cases where it
08:46 is a gold label edition so I'm like looking at the body and I'm trying to
08:49 pinpoint where I've seen this body before I want to guess that it's a
08:53 Superman body or even possibly as well maybe it's no I don't think it's the
08:58 hush Batman I've definitely seen this build before I just can't pinpoint where
09:02 I've seen it it does look good it's a nice-looking figure overall he's not
09:06 skinny I mean black lightning should be a bigger figure I feel at least must on
09:10 a muscular level the thing also I did want to mention which I didn't actually
09:13 mention up to this point is the fact that let me just pick the figure back up
09:16 once again the lightning bolts is one of the thing I did I wanted to make sure I
09:20 did say before we kind of jumped to the final looks before I forgot about it
09:23 but the lightning bolts are one thing that aren't quite centered you can kind
09:27 of see like it sits okay on this one side but this lightning bolt kind of
09:30 wants to kind of doesn't want to meet itself in the middle so I'm gonna see if
09:34 maybe I can I don't know if I could would be able to heat this up a little
09:36 bit it isn't quite fully symmetrical I mean other than that though it's a nice
09:40 looking figure of black lightning hope I hope that we do get ourselves a
09:43 variation of this figure I mean I don't think they'd have to really do anything
09:46 mold wise differently to this figure and maybe just give us an alternate head
09:50 sculpt one that has the shaved head and hey you never know maybe one that also
09:53 could have translucent goggles on his on his mask all in all though great looking
09:57 figure from the folks over at McFarland toys now I guess there are a couple of
10:00 things that black lightning does come up a little short in one is accessories and
10:04 the other is the paints accessories I'm willing to give them a pass because even
10:07 though he only has two pairs of interchangeable hands one of those pairs
10:10 just happens to be electricity hands I caught who's not gonna want to display
10:13 their figure with electricity hands the other really is the paints there really
10:17 isn't when you look at it a lot of paint really on the figure most of them in
10:20 fact is either blue molded plastic or lighter blue molded plastic for his arms
10:24 but to the credit though of McFarland's paint team they managed to actually
10:28 mirror the light blue pretty good on the lightning bolt that they paint on the
10:31 front of the back of the figures body the blue looks really close to the arms
10:34 I wish the same could be said in fact for the outlining in the gold now the
10:37 gold is handled well there's no real paint problems at all with paint
10:41 splotching or paint missing on those lightning bolts but with using a matte
10:45 gold for the actual belt area the two goals don't quite match it's the only
10:49 real complaint I could possibly really make about the figure and maybe for the
10:53 fact that at some point I do hope we get a variation this guy with a shaved head
10:56 but all in all though I think they've done a really great job here with black
10:59 lightning what do you guys think of the figure let me know down below in the
11:02 comment section could you guys see yourselves wanting to pick up the final
11:04 crisis black lightning let me know what you think of the figure down below in
11:08 the comment section once again a big thank you to the folks over at McFarland
11:10 toys that did come through and provide the sample of the brand new final crisis
11:13 gold label edition black lightning really great looking figure if you guys
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11:39 at the older content popping up also as well will be a playlist if you don't
11:43 mind me plugging of all the other DC multiverse stuff that I've looked at in
11:46 the past feel free to check that out if you have a little bit of time on your
11:49 hands of course as always guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
11:54 you
11:57 you
11:59 (whooshing)