Labour: HS2 in jeopardy due to Tory financial chaos

  • last year
Labour’s Deputy National Campaign Coordinator, Ellie Reeves, has attacked the government for putting the fate of HS2 in jeopardy over questions on funding.
Reeves said: “It's astonishing that after 13 years of a Conservative government, their flagship levelling up policy, connecting London to the north now seems like it's in jeopardy.” Report by Covellm. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00 We have said that we fully support HS2.
00:05 It's astonishing that after 13 years of a Conservative government, their flagship levelling
00:10 up policy, connecting London to the north, now seems like it's in jeopardy.
00:17 We need to see what the government have got to say about this.
00:21 I think it's right then that we reflect.
00:25 If they blow a hole in this project, it's difficult to know what will be left at the
00:30 next general election.
00:32 But we should never have got to this place in the first place.
00:36 One of the difficulties is that the government have kept us in the dark about HS2, the costs
00:42 so far and the future costs of it.
00:45 And it's astonishing, the Prime Minister has talked about the costs escalating.
00:50 He was the Chancellor and before that he was the Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
00:56 So him saying, "Oh, well this has all got a bit out of hand."
00:59 It happened under his watch and it's right that as an opposition we look at those figures
01:06 and see where we are with it.
01:07 But it should never have got to this stage.
