Drame à Niamey: Kémi Séba Dénonce les Traîtres Africains

  • last year
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Dans ce récit passionnant, une manifestation massive à Niamey, la capitale du Niger, a été le théâtre d'une expression collective de frustration et de colère. Les manifestants, dirigés par le panafricaniste Kémi Séba, ont dénoncé les présidents du Bénin, du Sénégal et de la Côte d'Ivoire pour leur soutien à une intervention militaire contre le Niger, qualifiant cela de trahison envers leur propre peuple. La CEDEAO a imposé des sanctions économiques après le renversement du président nigérien par des militaires, ce qui a exacerbé les tensions dans la région ouest-africaine. La manifestation, symbolisée par des slogans, a également souligné les divisions régionales, avec le Mali et le Burkina Faso soutenant les nouvelles autorités militaires, tandis que la France a mis fin à sa coopération militaire avec le Niger, marquant un tournant significatif dans les relations franco-nigériennes.
Cette protestation reflète le désarroi profond d'un peuple se sentant trahi par ses dirigeants et les influences étrangères. La situation au Niger met en lumière les complexités politiques de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, avec des tensions régionales, des interventions étrangères et des luttes pour le pouvoir. Alors que le continent cherche l'unité et la solidarité pour surmonter ces défis, cette manifestation devient un appel poignant à la stabilité politique et à la gouvernance démocratique dans la région, symbolisant l'importance cruciale de la solidarité africaine face à l'impérialisme et à la trahison politique.
#KemiSeba #Presidents #CEDEAO #Manifestation #Impérialisme #Solidarité #CrisePolitique #France #EmmanuelMacron #AfriqueOuest #Trahison #Bénin #Sénégal #CôtedIvoire #Niger #Militaires #Sanctions #Pouvoir #Africains #RégionOuestAfricaine

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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and share the video too.
00:08 Don't forget to like and leave your point of view in the comments.
00:11 In the animated streets of Niamey, the capital of Niger, a huge crowd gathers,
00:17 carrying a mixture of determination and anger on their faces.
00:20 It is a show of solidarity towards the military who took power at the end of July.
00:25 But beyond the national unity, it is a widespread ralble that is being heard here.
00:31 The cries of protest echo against a decision that shook not only Niger,
00:36 but all of West Africa.
00:38 Kemi Seba, a renowned Pan-Africanist, is at the heart of this agitation.
00:42 He stood up in front of this crowd to denounce what he calls the betrayal of the leaders
00:47 of Benin, Senegal and Ivory Coast, who accepted a military intervention against their neighbor,
00:52 Niger.
00:53 According to him, these presidents betrayed their people by accepting the aggression against
00:58 Niger, an affirmation that resonates deeply in the hearts of those who stand here.
01:02 The anger of these protesters is fueled by the decision of the CDAO, the economic community
01:08 of the states of West Africa, to impose economic sanctions on Niger after the overthrow
01:13 of President Mohamed Basoum by a group of military led by General Abdourahman Chiani.
01:18 These sanctions, presented as a way to restore constitutional order, have been
01:22 perceived as a suffocating constraint around the Nigerian people.
01:25 In the midst of this tumult, Kemi Seba did not hold back his words.
01:29 He not only accused imperialism, but also the traitors of Chenoulle who, according to
01:35 him, sell Africa to foreign interests.
01:37 In a cry of powerful rallying, he named the presidents who, in his eyes, have betrayed
01:42 their continent.
01:43 Drahman Ouattara, Patrice Talon, Maki Sal, Sisoko Mbalo and all the others, your betrayal
01:50 will soon cease, he proclaimed, his voice bearing the echo of frustration and indignation
01:55 of thousands of people.
01:56 This demonstration, organized by the Pan-Africanist NGO Urgence, took place on the outskirts of
02:03 a military base housing a contingent of French soldiers, thus symbolizing the complex
02:07 mixture of politics, power and international influence that defines the current situation
02:12 of Niger.
02:13 This political crisis has also brought to light the divisions within the West African
02:18 region.
02:19 While the CDAO imposed sanctions and mentioned the option of a military intervention, some
02:24 neighboring countries of Niger, such as Mali and Burkina Faso, have expressed their support
02:28 to the new military authorities.
02:30 This regional split underlines the complex challenges that West Africa is facing
02:35 in its quest for political stability and democratic governance.
02:39 Before continuing, don't forget to subscribe to Ebene Media TV and follow us on other social networks too.
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