Urgent : Les putschistes donnent un ultimatum à Paris

  • last year
Dans un contexte de tensions diplomatiques entre le Niger et la France, les relations bilatérales se trouvent ébranlées par des désaccords liés aux actions françaises et au renversement politique au Niger. Les militaires au pouvoir ont demandé au représentant français de quitter le pays, suscitant un conflit diplomatique. Cette situation résulte en partie de la remise en question des accords sécuritaires antiterroristes précédemment établis entre les deux nations, suite au renversement du président Bazoum. L'ancienne colonie française, le Niger, connaît ainsi une instabilité politique, impactant la coopération et la sécurité régionale dans le Sahel.
Le différend tourne autour de l'ambassadeur de France et des actions françaises perçues comme préjudiciables par les autorités nigériennes. Paris rejette la demande d'expulsion de l'ambassadeur, affirmant que seules les autorités légitimes du Niger ont le pouvoir de prendre de telles décisions. Cette situation délicate met en lumière la transition politique et l'instabilité actuelles, remettant en question la coopération antiterroriste qui était autrefois un pilier des relations entre les deux pays.
#MilitairesAuPouvoir, #AmbassadeurDeFrance, #TensionsDiplomatiques, #CoopérationMilitaire, #RelationsBilatérales, #RenversementPolitique, #AutoritésNigériennes, #CoopérationAntiterroriste, #SécuritéRégionale, #Sahel, #AccordsMilitaires, #ColonieFrançaise, #PrésidentBazoum, #GouvernementIntérimaire, #GroupesTerroristes, #InstabilitéPolitique, #ConflitDiplomatique, #ParisNiamey, #DemandeExpulsion, #CoopérationSécuritaire.
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00:00 At the heart of a tense diplomatic situation, relations between Niger and France, once
00:14 solid because of historical ties and military cooperation agreements, are
00:17 today put to the test.
00:18 The military in power in Niamey asked the French ambassador to leave the territory
00:23 within 48 hours, alleging French actions contrary to national interests.
00:27 However, Paris categorically rejected this request, provoking a diplomatic conflict
00:33 with potentially profound consequences.
00:35 The tension has crystallized around the French ambassador to Niamey, Sylvain Itté.
00:41 Nigerian authorities have announced that they have withdrawn the diplomatic agreement
00:45 from the ambassador, thus ordering him to leave the country within 48 hours.
00:49 This radical decision follows actions perceived by the government as harmful
00:54 to national interests.
00:55 The precise details of these actions have not been disclosed, but they have triggered
01:00 a series of chain reactions.
01:01 According to sources of confidence, Ambassador Itté would not have responded to a call
01:07 from the Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an institution now under the control
01:11 of the military in power.
01:13 These military men seized power on July 26, overthrowing the president in
01:18 exercise, Mohamed Bazoum.
01:20 Since then, they have expressed their disagreement with the military agreements established with
01:25 France, which has put a serious stop to security cooperation between the two
01:30 nations.
01:31 Faced with the departure request from the French ambassador, Paris reacted firmly.
01:35 The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected the request, emphasizing that the Putschists
01:40 do not have the authority to expel an ambassador.
01:43 According to the ministry, the agreement of the ambassador emanates exclusively from the
01:48 legitimate and elected authorities of Nigeria.
01:50 This position, communicated by the France Press agency, AFP, highlights the growing tension
01:56 between the Nigerian interim government and France.
01:59 The historical context cannot be ignored in this case.
02:02 Nigeria, a former French colony, had until recently maintained close ties with
02:08 Paris.
02:09 Indeed, France had played a crucial role in the supply of military equipment to the
02:14 country to fight against the terrorist groups operating in the Sahel region.
02:17 Drones and fighter jets had been provided, and a French military presence of 1,500 soldiers
02:23 had been deployed to strengthen security in the region.
02:26 However, President Bazoum's overthrow has led to a significant change of course.
02:31 New authorities have questioned security agreements with France, thus endangering
02:38 anti-terrorist cooperation in the Sahel.
02:40 It is not known.
02:49 (air whooshing)
