• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L’attenzione alla sostenibilità, lo spirito di inclusione e l’approccio multidisciplinare e concreto accomunano Axa e la Dolomite Conference, per questo abbiamo scelto di sostenerla”. Così Giacomo Gigantiello, Ceo di Axa Italia, a margine della presentazione della seconda edizione della Dolomite Conference on the Global Governance of Climate Change, intitolata “A new hope for climate: action beyond words”, di cui Axa è founding partner assieme ad Autostrada del Brennero. La seconda edizione si svolgerà il 5, 6 e 7 ottobre a Trento e si concluderà a Bolzano il giorno successivo.


00:00 [Music]
00:08 There are three fundamental reasons.
00:09 The approach to sustainability and the strategy of sustainability of AXA, which is fundamental,
00:15 but also to the culture of inclusion that we have in AXA.
00:19 We like the multidisciplinary aspect of this multigenerational conference and also the focus on sustainability.
00:27 The second element is that it embraces all aspects of sustainability,
00:31 from the environment, society and governance, with a particular focus on social inclusion.
00:38 The third element is the element of pragmatism and sharing.
00:43 In a more fragmented world, the idea that more people from more nations,
00:50 but also from different types of training and experience,
00:54 can come together to bring concrete examples or concrete proposals, we liked it a lot.
01:00 It is an important strategy that starts from the founder himself,
01:06 who said that the noble action or the noble purpose of insurance
01:09 must be to accompany society and support it in important changes.
01:15 Climate change is a very important change.
01:18 There are three aspects that we follow as investors, as insurers and as a single company.
01:24 As investors, we aim to reduce by 50% the carbon footprint of our investment portfolio by 2030.
01:33 As insurers, we aim to reduce the impact of emissions of our self-insured portfolio by 20% by 2030
01:43 and by 30% the emissions of the portfolio of companies and customers that we always have by 2030.
01:50 As a single company, the third dimension is a reduction of emissions,
01:58 a very challenging goal of reducing emissions by 50% like AXA.
02:04 The second aspect is to increase awareness.
02:07 This is a complex issue that can be solved when we talk about it more.
02:11 We highlight the difficulties and challenges
02:16 and we can really discuss together proposals on how to accelerate this transition.
02:22 It is a fundamental role,
02:26 a key role in insurance, in providing protection in the event of risks.
02:32 In this sense, not only look at the impacts and economic damage
02:37 that climate change can cause,
02:41 but also look very carefully at the social impacts.
02:45 I referred earlier to about 130 million people who could be under the threshold of poverty in the next 10 years.
02:55 This is one of the issues to pay attention to.
03:00 We do this with solutions that reduce the gap, especially in the areas of the population that are most fragile.
03:07 The elderly, women, young people, even small businesses, with the goal by 2023 for AXA
03:14 to provide protection to about 12 million of our customers who are in that situation
03:20 and continue on this path without abandoning the element of inclusion.
