• last year
(Adnkronos) - ‘Lavorando sullo sviluppo delle persone e quindi sulla responsabilità sociale, si può dare una risposta anche nel breve termine’. Sono le parole di Alessandro Beda, consigliere delegato di Fondazione Sodalitas, durante il Salone Csr, l'appuntamento annuale dedicato ai temi della sostenibilità che si è svolto a Milano dal 4 al 6 ottobre.


00:00 [Music]
00:08 Sodalitas is an association that promotes social sustainability in Italy.
00:14 The Salone, too, since Sodalitas has been doing this for about 20 years,
00:19 together with other promoters, was born more than 15 years ago to develop this topic.
00:26 Sodalitas has 101 associated companies, which are among the largest and most advanced companies on sustainability,
00:35 and together they try to develop the theme of sustainability,
00:39 learning it naturally from all its aspects, both economic, environmental and social.
00:46 From now on, we have tried to focus on social sustainability of business,
00:53 because social sustainability is the part, in my opinion, that we consider most important,
00:58 because through social it touches people,
01:02 and people can naturally also push the environment and the economic part,
01:06 and therefore working on the development of people, and therefore on social sustainability,
01:11 is what, in my opinion, can give more results even in the short term.
