Met Office Afternoon Weather Forecast 08/10/23 - Sunny spells to the south

  • last year
Amber rain warnings remain in place for parts of Scotland early on Sunday afternoon, with focus of the heaviest rain shifting eastwards. It will generally ease and become patchier through the afternoon though. Further south, largely dry this afternoon and into the evening with some sunny spells. Mild all round, with parts of central and southern England and Wales again reaching 20 degrees. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 08/10/23. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Jonathan Vautrey.


00:00 Hello there. It definitely has been a soggy weekend so far across Scotland. Parts of Argyll
00:05 and Bute have recorded around 150mm of rain, which is very close to what we'd normally
00:11 expect to see across the entire month of October on average. There are still amber weather
00:16 warnings in force until 2pm this afternoon. The focus of the rainfall is shifting from
00:20 western areas more towards parts of Angus, Moray, Aberdeenshire in the east. Generally
00:25 into this afternoon as well. It will be turning lighter and more patchier, but still some
00:30 rain persisting on. Elsewhere, a largely dry day, a fair amount of cloud for parts of Northern
00:34 Ireland, northern central areas of England though, some parts of the west, Midlands and
00:38 into southern areas of England and Wales as well, seeing a few sunnier spells developing.
00:42 Certainly with the rain easing off across parts of Scotland, it will be a notably milder
00:46 day today. Temperatures climbing up by 5 or 6 degrees Celsius upon what we did see underneath
00:51 the persistent rainfall yesterday. For parts of Blackpool to Hull southwards though, widely
00:56 seeing 20 to 23 degrees Celsius. Some spots crouching towards 24, 25 degrees Celsius once
01:04 again as well. So notably warmer for the time of year. As we head into this evening and
01:10 overnight, the rainfall across Scotland will begin to again ease off, but also shift its
01:15 way southwards. So to the early hours of Monday morning, starting to see some rain pushing
01:19 into Northern Ireland, into Dumfries and Galloway, the Scottish Borders and maybe into the far
01:23 north of England as well. Elsewhere again, largely dry, but a good chunk of cloud pushing
01:27 into western coastal areas could turn quite foggy and murky here. For most of us though,
01:31 it will be a relatively mild night. Temperatures rounding off around 11 to 15 degrees Celsius.
01:38 Might drop into some single figures where we see some clearer breaks across parts of
01:41 Wales and southwest England, but more likely across areas of northeastern Scotland. As
01:47 we start off the new working week then, we do have this thick band of cloud across Northern
01:51 Ireland, southern Scotland, northern England. Could produce some showery outbreaks of rain
01:55 drizzle in places as well. The cloud in the west will begin to burn back towards the coastline
02:00 slowly, but some of it could persist for a good chunk of the afternoon as well. Generally,
02:05 the further you are east into Wales, central southern areas of England, more likely to
02:09 see some of those sunnier spells developing into the afternoon though. Still, some wispy
02:13 cloud around could make the skies hazy at times as well. Temperatures for all of us
02:17 though still 5 degrees above where we'd normally expect them at this point in October, ranging
02:22 between 16 degrees Celsius in Scotland and 24 degrees Celsius in parts of southern England.
02:29 Will be a relatively dry end to the day for most of us. The cloud returning into Irish
02:34 Sea coastal areas, so again, turning quite misty and murky here. Some drizzle and rain
02:39 pushing across parts of northwest Scotland. This does begin to signal some changes as
02:44 we head into the start of Tuesday, where this weather front is going to start pushing its
02:48 way in from the northwest, slowly moving south eastwards as we head towards Wednesday as
02:52 well as a band of rain. It will, though, bring some cooler conditions behind it. So whilst
02:58 most of us will see some rain over the course of this week, we'll start to see temperatures
03:03 trending downwards as well, more closer towards average for the time of year. We'll keep you
03:08 up to date with all of that, though, across all of our social media channels, so make
03:11 sure you're following us there. We'll be back with you again very soon. Bye bye.
