Decorating the Flower Shed for Fall! __ Garden Answer

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Decorating the Flower Shed for Fall! __ Garden Answer


00:00 And I think we might get rain. Anyway, I thought it might be nicer to start here. We'll plant the pots up here
00:05 We'll move them out to the flower shed and yesterday
00:08 I went out and cut some corn stalks and we've got pumpkins in the barn
00:11 So we can just add a little bit of fall out there because I haven't done a thing
00:15 Now these are a type of aqua pot. This is the style Chicago
00:20 I've got two of them here, which I thought would look really pretty flanking the double doors out there
00:24 And we did plant up some aqua pots which are self-watering
00:27 That's a self-watering insert right there. We planted it them up earlier this season and not to throw Aaron under the bus
00:33 But he stopped watering them when it got really hot
00:36 So even if you have a self-watering container, you still do have to add water to that reservoir every once in a while
00:42 but the beauty of this at this point of the year is that we already have two pots out there that have boxwoods that we've
00:48 Been watering on like like twice a week, maybe even once a week at this point basis
00:52 Which is about how often we would need to check the reservoir
00:54 so it's kind of already on our schedule and I think we will succeed with this group of
01:00 Pots and this group of plants now, these plants are awesome you guys
01:05 So for our centerpiece, I don't know if I'm gonna use all of them
01:08 I always say that and then I always tend to do it, but we've got three four different perennials
01:13 We're putting in these pots. The first one is this gorgeous Carex called ice dance
01:18 This is a zone five through nine
01:21 So we can leave it in this container
01:22 It will come back next spring most likely as long as we keep some moisture in there
01:26 Or we can pop it out and put it in the landscape
01:29 But this is such a fresh looking grass hard to come by this time of year
01:33 I think we've also got a couple of hookahs here called peach berry ice and these are a zone four through nine, I think
01:40 Yeah zone four through nine big beautiful autumnal shade here
01:46 And this is one of the hookahs that I have better luck with having them return not all hookahs do well here
01:52 But this one has been a good performer for us. The other perennial we have is cat's pajamas Nepeta. I
01:58 Just saw these and thought oh they look so good in bloom and look at how beautiful those look together
02:04 And we can use these out in the landscape later. We've got a couple of ivy
02:09 This one is yellow ripple and it's a zone five through nine and look at how robust it looks right now
02:16 I mean, this is already gonna be like
02:18 Trailing on the ground. We're gonna need to do some trimming and what was the other thing?
02:23 I've got a couple of ornamental kale down there. I may or may not use those
02:26 I brought those over just in case and we've got some ornamental peppers
02:30 Which is an annual so the kale and the pepper are the only two plants in these arrangements that will not come back for us
02:39 I think that's pretty good. Now a few details on this pot
02:42 These are 19 inches tall and the diameter is 20 just over 20 inches and the pot itself. They're lightweight
02:49 They weigh 11 pounds and then the insert which is something you can get separate
02:54 To put in your own containers that you already have these hold just under three gallons of water
02:59 Which in the heat of the summer might buy you two or three days this time of year. It might buy us two weeks
03:05 We'll see how it goes. So let's put this together
03:09 Whoop
03:11 See the inside there's your water reservoir super
03:16 Tightly wrapped here. Hang on
03:20 There we go
03:23 And this right here is our water where we put our water in so you just slide that up through the little hole here
03:32 And it tell it oops
03:34 But you don't want to do too too much. Otherwise you pull it right out
03:38 Hang on technical difficulties here get that
03:41 Screwed on and see how that telescopes up
03:45 It rests down like that
03:48 And it goes down in your pot like so
03:51 Right like that. That's all you have to do. So, you know, you'll see this maybe probably not today. Their plants are so fluffy
03:59 But when we planted our other ones with annuals and when the annuals were still really small
04:03 You could see it right in the beginning and then it kind of gets covered over a little bit with the flowers
04:07 So having a bright color right here is handy because you can locate it really easily
04:12 So I'm just gonna fill these with potting soil, which I brought over several bags and we're gonna get to planting here
04:20 Using the organic potting mix packing it down in
04:25 We'll see how much this takes I'm not sure what capacity these are
04:32 *bag crinkling*
04:34 Because we're dealing with some larger root balls, I'll probably just start with that
04:51 So that was just over one one cubic foot bag of soil
04:55 And we are positioning these pots
04:58 toward a
05:01 wall, so I'm going to put the the
05:04 Centerpiece toward the back of the pot and I'm going to position this to where it's off to the side of it. Oh
05:10 my
05:13 That came out a lot easier than I thought it was going to
05:16 Not super root bound. Just do a little teasing here just a little bit
05:21 Look at that. It's already wanting to spread we could pop that off right there and start us a new plant. Okay
05:30 *bag crinkling*
05:32 Make sure that the root ball has soil all the way around it
05:37 Like that
05:41 See and that way we'll always know that the water access is right next to the grass that makes it easy
05:50 Probably want to do our hookah next
05:55 I haven't even thought about how these are gonna come together. We'll see I might have to play with it a little bit. Watch your eyes
06:03 Poke you in the eye, okay
06:06 Hollow out a little spot here
06:10 In go the hookah
06:12 My goodness, that's a big plant
06:14 I'm just grabbing soil from the front and dragging it back around the root ball of the grass just to make sure it's all
06:20 Tucked in nice and cozy back here. Don't want any air pockets. Let's do our Nepeta next now
06:27 This is a zone three through eight
06:29 12 to 14 inches tall 18 to 20 inch
06:32 Wide I have these all over in the landscape. I love them
06:36 How pretty that is I think I need more soil just just just a little bit
06:46 I
06:48 Sneak some down in there
06:54 Say that was about a bag and a half and smell that Nepeta. It smells good. Now we have to decide
07:00 How we want it to look up front?
07:03 I don't know if I'm gonna use the IV. I might just keep it clean. No trailers
07:15 Let's do this one
07:17 And remember you can tip these root balls a little bit if you want the face of the cabbage to shine a little bit
07:25 So we'll just do kind of a diagonal hole here. Oh
07:31 That looks so pretty
07:34 And then we're gonna tuck our pepper right back here, yeah
07:41 Okay
07:43 I'm just twirling it around where I like the way it looks
07:56 So if we added this in
07:59 Do you think too much? Yeah, I earn things too much. So we'll skip the IV for now
08:04 We'll find another use for that. But that is
08:07 gorgeous, so
08:10 One two, three, four five five plants all together nice big plants
08:14 But keeping in mind you can use these three in your landscape later
08:18 So you can kind of get a twofer which is nice
08:20 So I'm not gonna water these in or fill the reservoirs until we get them moved out there
08:24 So I need to plant one more then we'll move them out
08:26 Then I'll add all my other goodies
08:29 You
08:31 They both turned out so pretty and I do think that you're right Aaron that if I added this like take a look
08:58 If I added this then you wouldn't really be able to see the pot and it would look maybe a little bit not balanced
09:04 Unless I had more than just one around the perimeter of the pot now since we're flanking a doorway
09:10 I did do them opposite
09:11 I did have to I had to take this one apart a little bit to retool because I just started copying what I had done
09:16 Here, but then you would end up with the hooker both on one side and that would look kind of odd
09:21 So you want to do, you know, just mirror image, right?
09:25 Is that right mirror image each other so that the peppers are facing the hookerism are on the outsides and the doors will be right where?
09:31 I'm standing right here. So Aaron and I are gonna load these up in the back of the Gator
09:35 We're gonna take him out to the flower shed get our corn stalks up and get our pumpkins up
09:38 I'm really excited because I have done
09:40 Virtually nothing out there this year. It's pretty bare up there
09:44 *Music*
09:46 *Music*
09:48 *Music*
09:50 *Music*
09:52 *Music*
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10:53 All right guys, we got it all done
11:16 and it turned out so dang cute.
11:17 Look at this.
11:19 It doesn't take much to just spruce up the front here.
11:22 I mean, the corn stalks were already growing out
11:24 in the garden.
11:25 So fun to go out and get those.
11:26 Now, in order to have these stay put,
11:29 I just used a wood stake, pounded into the ground
11:32 and then tied the bundle
11:33 that I had already pre-tied together.
11:35 Just tied that to the stake.
11:37 So nothing has to be attached to the building,
11:39 which is really quite nice.
11:40 And I do think that they will stay put
11:42 a lot better that way.
11:43 And then we came in with the containers
11:45 and then the pumpkins.
11:46 Oh, and I did put some white pansies in around the boxwoods.
11:49 I thought that that would add a little bit of charm
11:51 and a little bit of color.
11:53 And that will go into winter as well, nicely.
11:55 And there's really no rhyme or reason to the pumpkins.
11:57 We just brought out a load and I just started unloading them.
12:00 I was going to do, you know,
12:01 the whole hay bale or straw bale thing in between,
12:04 and then just decided, no, I didn't really want that mess.
12:06 I just wanted it to be simple, a little bit of color.
12:08 The containers look so good though.
12:11 I mean, look at the color that just those bring.
12:14 I love them.
12:15 So when I came into water,
12:16 when you initially water in a self-watering container,
12:18 you do want to water them in from overhead.
12:20 So I put my hose wand down in here
12:22 and got everything settled.
12:23 And then I found our little spout.
12:26 See, it's kind of nice that it's blue in there.
12:28 So you can see it.
12:30 And I stuck my hose down in there
12:31 and I waited until, you can hear it.
12:33 You can hear when it's about ready to be filled up.
12:36 I also noticed it running out the bottom.
12:38 So it does have, you know, an overflow
12:41 and it will go down through the bottom drain hole
12:43 if it gets too full.
12:44 So that was my indicator right there.
12:46 And then there's my spout in this one.
12:48 They're both kind of facing the back of the shed.
12:50 So it's easy to get in there
12:51 and know exactly where to find them.
12:53 So I had planted a few little perennials in here this spring.
12:56 There's some columbine
12:57 and there's actually a clematis right here at the corner.
13:00 And that is as far as I got, clearly.
13:03 And we put these stones in here last fall
13:07 so that we would have a way to get from where the grass was
13:10 into the shed without there just being a muddy mess.
13:11 So there's really, there's absolutely no art to that.
13:14 We just plump the stones down.
13:16 I kind of love it.
13:17 It's a little bit haphazard, like it's not total uniform.
13:20 It's something we'll probably fix eventually
13:21 but I love how the grass goes right up to the door as well.
13:25 And I think I'll try to keep that.
13:26 I think that's really, really pretty.
13:28 And then we'll just carve out some very relaxed flowerbeds.
13:32 Something that can just kind of like almost merge
13:34 with the grass here.
13:36 And then in order to not mess up the water to the orchard,
13:39 I'm thinking, you know, we could train that clematis up.
13:42 We could also train a climbing rose.
13:44 Wouldn't that be beautiful?
13:46 Maybe we pop the clematis over, put a climbing rose here
13:49 and kind of train it up and over the windows.
13:52 I'm a little torn about that too, because I love the shed
13:54 and I think it's so cute.
13:55 I don't really want to mask it
13:56 but that would maybe just add to the charm.
13:59 I just love this space out here though.
14:00 Anytime of the year, I'm so grateful for this shed.
14:04 I mean, we were able to keep so many things out here
14:06 that we use right here in the cut flower garden.
14:08 So it's not a back and forth, back and forth.
14:10 And even in the heat of the summer, I mean
14:12 like when we were making wheat wreaths in here this summer
14:14 and it was a hundred plus degrees outside,
14:17 you open all the windows and you have fans going
14:20 and it's completely pleasant in there.
14:22 And it feels, it feels good.
14:24 So we do have the little heater that we can run
14:27 if we want to do some projects in the winter
14:29 but it's just been such a versatile area.
14:31 And it's an area that I can kind of trash.
14:33 Like the floors are just concrete.
14:35 I mean, I've showed you in here before and I don't trash it.
14:38 I mean, clearly it's clean in here
14:40 but I can just do my projects, drop everything on the floor
14:42 and not worry about crunching it all over.
14:44 I don't care if the floor gets marked up
14:46 and stained and things.
14:47 I think that adds to the patina.
14:49 Anyway, guys, that is it for today's video.
14:51 Super happy to have this little area done.
14:53 I think it turned out really sweet and it was very easy.
14:57 I like sweet and easy.
14:58 That's nice sometimes.
15:00 So thank you so much for watching the video.
15:01 I hope you enjoyed it.
15:02 Hope you're having a great day
15:03 and we will see you in the next one.
