• last year


00:00 - Previously on "When Calls the Heart."
00:02 Cunningham has withdrawn from the governor's race.
00:04 - They're looking for a new candidate to run against Balfour.
00:07 - What do you say, Bouchard?
00:08 - They're the only one who can beat him.
00:09 - You know, there's an injunction
00:10 on all water diversion projects in the valley.
00:12 - We're quite aware.
00:13 And when Governor Balfour is re-elected
00:14 and the injunction is lifted,
00:15 we'll continue our work where we left off.
00:17 - Mr. Bouchard, could you tell us why you think
00:20 you would do a better job than the incumbent?
00:22 - Current Governor Balfour,
00:23 he wants to destroy small and vibrant towns,
00:25 so I don't want to run.
00:26 I need to be able to run.
00:27 - I'm not going to run.
00:28 I want to destroy vibrant towns,
00:30 so I don't want to run.
00:31 I have to run.
00:32 - You're bound for a bigger stage.
00:34 And I think in your heart, you know that.
00:36 - Maybe these paths are meant to be.
00:38 [dramatic music]
00:41 ♪ ♪
00:43 - Three weeks have passed
00:44 since that night on the train platform.
00:47 ♪ ♪
00:49 There are reminders of Lucas everywhere
00:52 and of how he stood up for Hope Valley
00:54 and how he's bravely taking on
00:56 the people who want to destroy our town.
00:59 It hasn't been easy,
01:01 but as hard as it was to say goodbye to Lucas,
01:04 for me and for little Jack,
01:06 there are also reminders of why we had to stay.
01:09 - Little Jack, come see the tag poles.
01:11 - Oh, boy, can I?
01:12 - Yes, you may.
01:14 ♪ ♪
01:18 - All right, so the poles open
01:21 at 7 a.m. on the dot,
01:23 so we'll definitely want to be there
01:24 just a few minutes beforehand.
01:26 - I can't believe the election is here already.
01:28 - Oh, thank you.
01:29 Uh, now, Emily is going to have Goldie.
01:32 She said she's more than happy to have little Jack as well.
01:36 And now, dare I ask,
01:39 how are you doing, given tomorrow?
01:42 - Lucas and I were supposed to be getting married.
01:45 There's no need to tiptoe. I'm fine.
01:48 I'm sad, but it makes it much easier
01:50 knowing I'm coming home to little Jack
01:52 with you and Lee next door and Goldie.
01:56 Our baptism is right around the corner.
01:58 - Don't you worry about that. We have everything covered.
02:00 In fact, Lee and Joseph have taken care of all the details.
02:03 All anyone should be thinking about right now
02:06 is this election.
02:07 - I know there are items for me on that list,
02:09 and I am just as invested as anyone.
02:12 - Good for you.
02:15 - Welcome, everyone.
02:17 Tomorrow is election day.
02:20 Does everyone know what that means?
02:23 [soft music]
02:25 - What's going on with all of you this morning?
02:28 Are you still feeling sleepy?
02:30 - Yes, Opal.
02:32 - The election means everyone's supposed to vote
02:34 for Mr. Bouchard to save the town.
02:39 But what if we don't like Mr. Bouchard?
02:43 - Why don't you like Mr. Bouchard?
02:46 You were supposed to get married, and now you're not.
02:50 - Aren't you mad at him?
02:52 And shouldn't we be mad at him too?
02:55 - No. Of course not.
02:59 Mr. Bouchard is working very hard to protect our town,
03:03 and he's a good man.
03:05 I've always thought that, and--and I still do.
03:08 - Then why aren't you getting married?
03:11 [soft music]
03:14 - Sometimes people realize they just aren't meant to be married.
03:18 Sometimes they're just meant to be friends.
03:21 - Good. I like Mr. Bouchard.
03:23 He helped us get our own time at the hot springs.
03:26 - And he's gonna help a lot more people if he's elected governor.
03:29 Especially Hope Valley.
03:32 But I want to thank all of you for being protective
03:36 and for letting me know you care.
03:39 Now, since we are discussing voting,
03:44 shall we learn about how an election works?
03:46 Do any of you know what a ballot box is?
03:50 [soft music]
03:53 [upbeat music]
03:56 ♪ ♪
04:04 [train rumbling]
04:07 ♪ ♪
04:14 - Oh. Isn't it beautiful?
04:29 - It is.
04:30 - Do you think my mom ever could have imagined that one day
04:33 her granddaughter would be baptized
04:35 in the same dress that I was?
04:37 - No.
04:38 - I am going to get this all ready for your big day.
04:42 - Is that what she's gonna do? - Yes.
04:44 - Is she gonna get that ready for you?
04:46 I think--oh, that, uh, that reminds me.
04:49 - There we go.
04:50 - Uh, we need to see Joseph later on
04:52 to go over the details for Sunday.
04:54 - Yes, I haven't forgotten.
04:56 - But...
04:59 - But?
05:00 - Well, we still need to figure out
05:01 who Goldie's godfather is gonna be.
05:03 - I know. I know.
05:06 It's just such a huge decision.
05:08 - It is.
05:09 - We waited so long for this little miracle.
05:12 - We really did.
05:13 - Whoever it is needs to be just as special as she is.
05:16 - Exactly.
05:19 I have an idea,
05:20 but I think you're gonna need to sit down for this one.
05:24 - Oh, dear.
05:25 - There you go.
05:26 - Lee?
05:27 - Um, look.
05:30 Okay, it's gonna sound a little wild.
05:32 - What?
05:34 - Henry.
05:37 - Henry Gowen?
05:38 - I know, but he lights up whenever Goldie's around.
05:43 You saw him when he was singing to her.
05:45 He's probably the last person to admit this,
05:47 but Henry's pretty good with kids.
05:50 Remember the whole community garden?
05:52 - And he did set up that scholarship.
05:55 You loved when he worked for you.
05:57 - I really did. I did.
05:59 Look, I'll be the first to acknowledge
06:01 that Henry has had his troubles,
06:03 but he is the wiser because of them.
06:07 - Wisdom is something you want in a godfather.
06:10 - Exactly.
06:13 - On the other hand, he can be so cantankerous.
06:17 - So cantankerous.
06:19 But maybe with Goldie in his life,
06:21 it'll inspire him to be less so.
06:27 - Maybe he needs Goldie just as much as she needs him.
06:31 - Yeah. Maybe he does.
06:35 - Hmm.
06:37 - Well, I haven't seen much of you lately.
06:39 - Yeah, it's all these injunctions
06:41 against Union City Holdings.
06:42 - Gotta make sure they're not digging trenches
06:44 where they're not supposed to be.
06:45 - Well, that'll all change on election day if Lucas wins.
06:47 But of course, what we know about Belfort and Montague,
06:50 he's gonna have a fight on his hands.
06:52 - Yeah, I'd say so.
06:53 - So any other reason you've been out of town so much?
06:56 - No. I'm just doing my job.
06:58 - Where are you headed now?
07:00 - Benson Hillsway.
07:01 I got a report that there's some Pinkertons up there.
07:03 Probably Montague hires.
07:06 - What are you doing?
07:09 - Coming with you.
07:10 I've been sitting around town waiting for the polls to open.
07:13 Besides, the last time you got mixed up with Pinkertons,
07:15 I had to come to your rescue anyway.
07:17 - I had that handled.
07:18 - Of course you did.
07:21 - Wow, that is a lot of posters.
07:28 I hope people show up to vote.
07:30 - Just you wait.
07:31 This is going to be our biggest election ever,
07:33 thanks in no small part to the efforts of the
07:35 Bust the Ballot Box for Bouchard Committee.
07:37 - That's a lot of B words.
07:38 - That is a lot of Lucas.
07:40 Hello. Oh, mm-hmm.
07:42 - Oh, hey, Elizabeth.
07:44 How are you?
07:45 - I'm fine, thanks, Mike.
07:48 Our sole focus is the
07:50 Bust the Ballot Box for Bouchard Committee.
07:52 Elizabeth and I will be manning the voting booth
07:54 from dawn until dusk.
07:56 - Wow, that's so...
07:58 - Great?
07:59 - Yeah, great.
08:00 - Yes.
08:01 - Especially with everyone voting for, you know...
08:04 - Well, we hope they will be.
08:05 Voting for Lucas.
08:06 - Yes, we do.
08:07 And I would love some of those
08:09 Vote for Lucas Bouchard flyers.
08:10 - Oh.
08:11 - The children have become much more interested
08:12 in tomorrow's election,
08:13 and I know they would love to help distribute them.
08:15 - Great.
08:16 Well, here you are, on behalf of the BTBBFP.
08:20 Bust the Ballot Box for Bouchard.
08:22 - That is a lot of Bs.
08:24 - Hmm.
08:25 - Shall we? - Mm-hmm.
08:27 - Henry.
08:34 - Yeah?
08:35 - Just the man I was looking for.
08:36 - Morning, Lee.
08:37 - Uh, you got a second?
08:38 I just want to ask you a question.
08:40 - Sure thing.
08:41 - Great, um...
08:44 [laughs]
08:45 Okay, look, I'm just gonna come right out and say it.
08:47 - Okay.
08:48 - Um...
08:49 Uh, Goldie's getting baptized on Sunday.
08:51 - Congratulations.
08:52 She is an absolute delight.
08:53 - Yeah, thank you very much.
08:54 Yeah, I think so, too.
08:55 Um, anyway, Elizabeth has agreed to be the godmother,
08:59 but we still need to name a godfather,
09:02 and, uh, Rosemary and I would like that to be you.
09:06 - Me?
09:07 - Yeah.
09:08 - Oh, Lee, I...
09:10 I don't--I don't know much about God,
09:12 and I think if you spoke to my son,
09:14 he'd tell you I know even less about being a father.
09:18 I'm very honored that you would think of me,
09:21 but surely you have a better choice.
09:24 - Listen, Rosie and I wouldn't ask you
09:27 to help raise our little girl
09:28 if we didn't know in our hearts
09:29 that you were the right man for the job.
09:32 So please, just promise me you'll think about it, all right?
09:37 - I surely will.
09:38 I appreciate that.
09:40 Thank you, Lee.
09:41 - Thanks, Henry.
09:42 Talk soon.
09:44 - Huh.
09:48 - I wish everyone could just magically forget
09:52 what tomorrow is supposed to be.
09:55 I really am fine.
09:56 - People ask because they care.
09:58 - I know they do.
10:00 Even my students.
10:02 It was very sweet.
10:03 They told me they were angry with Lucas.
10:06 - That's because they love you.
10:08 We all do.
10:09 No one wants to see you sad.
10:11 - But I am sad.
10:13 And that's all right.
10:14 I'm happy, too.
10:16 More than that, I just feel at peace about it.
10:20 - Well, that's how you know you made the right decision.
10:23 And perhaps that's what engagements are for.
10:25 Oh, dear.
10:26 - Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
10:28 - There you go.
10:34 - I haven't seen Nathan in several days.
10:37 Is he out on rounds?
10:39 - I'm not sure.
10:40 Haven't seen him either.
10:42 We had a little disagreement.
10:45 - Oh.
10:46 - It was nothing.
10:47 He was questioning what I wanted and if I was happy.
10:52 - One might say he had a point.
10:56 - I think he might be avoiding me.
10:58 But it's nothing.
11:00 Everything's fine.
11:03 - All right.
11:05 That is what we will continue to tell him.
11:08 - Well, it's another group of Pinkertons
11:11 we're not gonna have to worry about.
11:13 - Nice.
11:14 How'd you do it?
11:15 - I just persuaded them that guarding an irrigation site
11:17 that's not actually irrigating anything
11:19 isn't worth going to jail for.
11:21 - Good.
11:22 - Next stop, Rock Creek.
11:23 - Okay.
11:25 - Thanks for coming with me, Bill.
11:26 I really appreciate it.
11:27 - Well, I figured you'd use some company out here
11:29 and get pretty lonely.
11:31 - Eh, I'm fine.
11:32 You know, knowing Allie's loving staying with the Canfields.
11:34 - She probably prefers Minnie's cooking over yours.
11:36 - I think if she had her druthers,
11:38 she'd move in with them and take little Jack with her.
11:40 - How's Elizabeth holding up?
11:42 - Yeah, um...
11:44 Honestly, I haven't seen her around too much.
11:47 - Is that on purpose?
11:49 - No.
11:51 So what's happening with Madeline?
11:53 - It's the life of a bachelor for me.
11:55 - Life of a father for me.
11:57 - Not exactly the same.
11:59 [soft music]
12:02 ♪ ♪
12:09 - There you are.
12:11 - Evenin'.
12:12 - [laughs] Evenin'.
12:14 - How's your day going, Henry?
12:16 - You know, pretty fair, you know, a few surprises.
12:19 Yours?
12:20 - Same.
12:22 I heard Lee asked you to be Godfather.
12:25 - Indeed he did.
12:27 - It's quite an honor.
12:29 - It is.
12:30 One that I don't know that I feel quite equipped for.
12:33 - This is the kind of thing that could be good for you.
12:36 Goldie can do a lot worse than having
12:38 Harry Gowen as a Godfather.
12:40 - [chuckles]
12:42 - Careful, Mike.
12:44 - Oh, thank you.
12:46 Hi, Mae.
12:48 Lazy man's load.
12:50 - You? Lazy?
12:52 Hardly.
12:53 Seems we never see you anymore
12:54 since you took over the saloon.
12:55 - I tell you, there aren't enough hours in the day.
12:58 - Hmm.
12:59 - Lucas made it look so easy.
13:01 - Well, Lucas had you.
13:03 - Maybe that's what I need.
13:06 A me.
13:08 - I never see you in the cafe anymore.
13:10 - Well, I could stop by tomorrow.
13:13 I could even have lunch with you.
13:16 - I would love to, but I have to go up to the hot springs
13:18 to collect clay for our masks.
13:20 - I'll come with you and help carry.
13:22 You know, return the favor.
13:24 - That'd be great.
13:25 Meet you at the cafe at 3?
13:27 - It's a date.
13:29 [soft music]
13:32 ♪ ♪
13:39 - This is the Capital City Hotel operator.
13:43 Your party is now on the line.
13:45 Go ahead. - Elizabeth?
13:47 - Hi.
13:48 I'm so glad I caught you.
13:50 I got your message.
13:52 How's the campaign going?
13:54 - It hasn't been easy.
13:56 There's a lot of ground to cover.
13:58 The Valleys may know all about Balfour's corruption,
14:01 but he still has a lot of support north of Union City.
14:04 - Well, you have a lot of support here.
14:06 Especially from me.
14:09 - I think I needed to hear that.
14:12 [inhales]
14:14 You know, if each day,
14:15 meeting more and more people of the territory,
14:18 hearing their stories,
14:20 it confirms why I needed to do this.
14:23 - Lucas, I am so proud of you.
14:26 - You were right.
14:28 As much as I wanted to stay,
14:30 if I hadn't gotten on that train,
14:32 I would have regretted it.
14:34 ♪ ♪
14:36 I just feel like I may have actually found my calling.
14:39 ♪ ♪
14:41 [indistinct chatter]
14:43 - Rosemary, I thought everyone who votes
14:46 could get a button they could wear.
14:48 And that way, we can compliment people
14:50 on doing their civic duty
14:52 or scold them if they haven't.
14:54 - Oh, Ned, I'm not sure about scolding people,
14:57 but rewarding them for performing their civic duty?
15:00 Well, I think that sounds perfect.
15:02 - Lovely.
15:03 How, uh, how are we doing?
15:05 - Oh, neck and neck in the polls.
15:07 The current governor has an operation ten times our size.
15:10 But we have passion,
15:12 we have moral clarity.
15:14 - And...
15:16 the press.
15:17 - The Beagle and the Beetle?
15:19 - Full endorsements for Lucas.
15:21 - Fantastic.
15:22 - Yeah. - [laughs]
15:24 - Oh!
15:25 Elizabeth doesn't need to be here.
15:27 - She's perfectly fine.
15:29 - We can find an easy job for her,
15:31 one without so many references to you-know-who.
15:34 - Do you mean Lucas?
15:36 He'd like his speech to be broadcast to the entire saloon,
15:38 and he's hoping to be quoted in "The Valley Boys" tomorrow.
15:41 - How did you know that?
15:42 - I just talked to him.
15:43 - All right.
15:44 Time for his speech.
15:46 - I told you.
15:48 Perfectly fine.
15:50 - Good evening, friends.
15:53 A few weeks ago, I never thought I would be here today,
15:56 running to stop a governor, our governor,
15:59 who wants to destroy our fields and our farms
16:02 and our way of life.
16:03 I knew I had to try to stop him.
16:05 And once I began this campaign, I realized
16:08 it was much bigger than just one crooked governor
16:11 and his cronies.
16:12 Now it's time someone looks after towns
16:15 like ours, someone who cares about the valleys
16:18 and the cities and who wants to make things better,
16:21 and not just by making it worse for someone else.
16:24 Now I want to stand for Rock Creek and Benson Hills
16:27 and Jamison and, yes, Hope Valley,
16:30 and everyone who deserves a fair shake.
16:32 Thank you.
16:33 - No!
16:34 - And now we turn to our original program.
16:37 [applause]
16:40 ♪ ♪
16:47 - Henry.
16:55 - Elizabeth.
16:57 - What are you doing?
16:58 - Oh, came to see Lee and Rosemary.
17:03 - Godfather?
17:05 - I'm humbled by the offer, but...
17:09 - Hmm.
17:11 - It's been a while since we've talked.
17:14 - Seems I talked too much last time.
17:17 - You were honest.
17:20 And you were trying to help me.
17:24 Truth is, you're always trying to save people.
17:27 - How do you figure that?
17:31 - It's a Loon fire, a Derek fire, a mine.
17:37 - [laughs] I think you mean that I blow things up.
17:41 - Hmm.
17:42 Well...
17:44 we all blow things up every once in a while, don't we?
17:49 - You have the truth.
17:52 - You've taken responsibility.
18:02 You've done everything you can.
18:07 - Never be enough.
18:10 - That's the point of forgiveness.
18:13 Remorse is enough.
18:17 And when you forgive someone, we find peace.
18:21 It's an act of grace.
18:24 Henry...
18:32 if they've forgiven you...
18:36 let them.
18:38 You owe it to them.
18:41 And you owe it to yourself.
18:45 Say yes.
18:49 You'd make a wonderful Godfather.
18:52 And you and I both know we'd make a great team.
18:56 - [gasps]
18:58 [soft music]
19:03 - Thank you, Liz.
19:06 I appreciate your friendship.
19:11 - I appreciate yours too.
19:15 - [chuckles]
19:25 - [sighs]
19:32 [soft music]
19:39 - Still working on your sermon for baptism?
19:46 - Odier.
19:48 - Yes, Odier.
19:53 - You can always just use the liturgy.
19:56 It will be fine.
19:58 - I can't give Lee, Rosemary, and Goldie fine.
20:02 I'm just stuck in my own thoughts.
20:05 - Is that all?
20:07 - Yeah. Just think about Henry too.
20:10 - Mm.
20:11 You can't change him faster than he wants to change.
20:16 - You're right.
20:18 - Yes.
20:19 And I'm also right about you getting some rest.
20:24 Come home.
20:27 The words will come.
20:30 [soft music]
20:47 - And the lunch is down there.
20:50 - It's quite the turnout.
20:55 - You're late.
20:57 Almost...right on time.
21:00 - Everything's gonna be fine.
21:02 - Fine? It's going to be great.
21:04 Look how many people we already have lined up to vote.
21:07 We haven't even opened the doors yet.
21:09 Usually we're lucky to get a buckboard
21:11 with three farmers and a goat.
21:13 Oh, it's time.
21:14 Hickam, where are the ballots?
21:17 - I thought you had them.
21:18 - Why on earth would I have the ballots?
21:19 - I don't have them. - I have them.
21:22 - It all comes down to these two names.
21:28 - A simple decision.
21:30 - Ready? - Mm-hmm.
21:33 - Not with the buttons.
21:37 - Hello.
21:41 Here is your ballot, Mrs. Nevin,
21:43 and you can vote right there through the curtains.
21:46 - Our first customer.
21:49 - [sighs]
21:50 [soft music]
21:59 - Look at it. I got the perfect spot.
22:01 - Okay. - I'll be right with you.
22:03 - I'll take you over there in just a minute.
22:05 Now here's your bill. - Oh, my.
22:07 - I'll be right with you.
22:08 - You ever seen it this busy?
22:10 - Hickam gave my booth away.
22:11 - Here's your key for you, and I'll bring your suitcase up
22:13 as soon as I can.
22:14 Oh, thank you for coming.
22:15 - Michael, the place is really buzzing.
22:17 You must be cashing in on all the election business, huh?
22:20 - Tell me about it.
22:21 I gave the staff time off to vote.
22:23 Of course, the line--
22:24 - All the way to Abigail's we saw.
22:26 - Abigail's. Oh, no, no, no, no.
22:28 We're supposed to be meeting May for our date.
22:30 - It's never a good idea to keep a lady waiting.
22:32 - We, uh--
22:34 Look at that hand.
22:35 - We? - Yeah.
22:36 - Really? - Sure.
22:37 - Oh, I owe you guys.
22:39 - Hey, Hickam, I need my booth back.
22:41 - Anything you want.
22:43 - Excuse me.
22:46 - Nuts.
22:53 - This line is moving slower than molasses on a cold day.
23:00 They're still halfway down the street.
23:02 At this rate, we're gonna lose half of these voters by nightfall.
23:05 - It's taking forever in there.
23:07 - There's only two options.
23:09 What can be so complicated?
23:11 - Rosemary, the curtains from the ball.
23:14 - Elizabeth, this is no time to be talking about redecorating.
23:16 - That's not what I meant.
23:18 We can use the curtains to make more--
23:19 - Voting booths, yes!
23:21 All right, I'll be right back.
23:23 Oh, goodness.
23:27 - Well, that took a long time.
23:34 - Mike stood me up.
23:36 - What?
23:37 I waited almost an hour.
23:39 - Well, that doesn't sound like Mike at all.
23:41 Something important must be keeping him.
23:43 - Hmm, like working the election? Running the saloon?
23:46 - I think he made himself very clear he's not interested.
23:49 I'll just stop pushing it.
23:51 When does Mike ever make himself clear?
23:56 - Clear as mud.
23:58 - And there's your button.
24:04 - Looks like we did it.
24:06 And well done with the voting booths, Rosemary.
24:08 They worked like a charm.
24:10 You got all but 22 people voted.
24:12 - All but 22 people voted? Hickam!
24:14 Governor Balfour won by a margin of less than a thousand votes last time.
24:18 We all know how that turned out.
24:20 - Polls close in one hour.
24:22 - Oh, my goodness!
24:24 - What are you gonna do, Rosemary?
24:26 You can't force these people to vote.
24:28 - Desperate times call for desperate measures.
24:30 - Looks like I'll be dusting off my elocution expertise.
24:34 - You'd be surprised what a stern talking-to by yours truly can accomplish.
24:39 - I'm glad I voted.
24:41 - How are you going to identify all of the non-voters?
24:43 - Yes, how are we going to find them?
24:45 - You'll know who isn't wearing a button.
24:48 - Exactly.
24:50 Elizabeth, grab your jacket.
24:52 It isn't over until it's over.
24:54 May I have that clipboard? Thank you.
24:56 - Oh, thank you.
24:58 - Ladies, ladies.
25:04 We need every last person to vote.
25:06 Would you mind looking for people without buttons?
25:09 - Oh, absolutely.
25:11 - Thank you.
25:12 - Well, think about the world you want for your children or your grandchildren.
25:16 - Oh!
25:17 - Go in and vote, and then you can be rid of me.
25:20 - Yes!
25:22 - Papers! Give me my papers!
25:24 - Oh!
25:26 - Oh! Oh!
25:27 - Hello.
25:28 - It's a lovely day to vote.
25:30 - Wouldn't you agree?
25:31 - Make your voices heard and do your part to save Hope Valley.
25:35 - Oh, oh.
25:36 - Hi, Scout.
25:52 - Hi.
25:53 - Well, thank you for performing your civic duty.
26:05 - I am exhausted.
26:10 - Uh-huh.
26:11 - Elizabeth!
26:13 - I know, I know. I still need to vote.
26:16 But you get home to Goldie.
26:18 I'll stay and clean up.
26:20 - We did everything we could.
26:22 - We sure did.
26:23 - Nathan.
26:36 What are you doing here?
26:38 - Voting.
26:39 - Right. Um, looks like we're just under the wire, so...
26:44 Um, here you go.
26:47 Just... okay.
26:48 - Thank you.
26:49 - I was worried you weren't going to show.
27:01 - Well, I was on duty, but I always planned on making it back in time.
27:05 - It just seemed like you were...
27:08 avoiding me.
27:10 - I'm sorry that I overstepped.
27:14 You know, I...
27:17 I had no right to question you like that.
27:19 - You were just trying to help.
27:24 And it may have been hard for me to hear, but I...
27:30 I appreciate what you said.
27:35 - Elizabeth.
27:39 Good night.
27:46 - Good night.
27:47 - Thanks for bailing me out today, gentlemen.
28:02 - Oh, don't worry about it.
28:03 I run plenty of businesses in my time.
28:05 Always start out a little bumpy.
28:07 - Lee was much nicer to the customers than I was.
28:09 - Yeah, it's true. It was.
28:11 - I wish I hadn't missed May.
28:13 I wouldn't be surprised if she never speaks to me again.
28:16 - I would not be surprised either.
28:18 May seemed pretty upset with you.
28:20 - Don't blame her.
28:21 It got so crazy here today, I just lost track of time.
28:24 - It was. It was really crazy.
28:27 - Well, I'm not getting involved again.
28:30 I have sworn off meddling. It never works.
28:32 - Are you kidding?
28:33 It's the only thing that worked for me. Please meddle.
28:35 - Mike, you have to figure this out for yourself.
28:38 - But...
28:39 how?
28:42 - All right.
28:44 Okay, here's what you need to do.
28:46 You have to tell her how you feel.
28:48 How is she supposed to know if you don't say anything?
28:51 - Good luck with that.
28:54 - Come on, Jack. We don't want to be late.
29:02 - Oh! I love your hat.
29:07 - I do too.
29:08 - Maybe we can save it for after the baptism.
29:10 - Okay, Mama.
29:11 - Okay.
29:12 - Close the door behind you, please.
29:18 - Let's go.
29:22 - Oh, hello! Here's Sharon!
29:29 - Hey, guys.
29:30 - Nice to meet you.
29:31 - Hi.
29:32 - You look very handsome.
29:35 - Hey, where's, uh, where's Henry?
29:37 - Me?
29:39 - Have a little faith.
29:41 - ♪ This little light of mine ♪
29:46 ♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪
29:50 ♪ This little light of mine ♪
29:53 ♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪
29:56 ♪ This little light of mine ♪
30:00 ♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪
30:03 ♪ Let it shine, let it shine ♪
30:06 ♪ Let it shine, let it shine ♪
30:10 - Couldn't find a tie.
30:15 - Friends, today, Rosemary and Lee
30:34 are presenting their daughter, Marigold, for baptism.
30:37 For baptism is a sign and seal
30:40 of God's eternal covenant of grace with us.
30:43 Goldie was born into a community of love and kindness,
30:48 of forgiveness and healing,
30:51 by the guidance and example of her parents,
30:54 Rosemary and Lee,
30:56 and godparents, Elizabeth and Henry.
31:00 Goldie will know where to seek help when she needs it
31:03 and how to give it when it's asked of her.
31:06 And if she falls, like we all do,
31:09 she will find forgiveness.
31:11 Forgiveness is our path towards grace.
31:15 When we ask for forgiveness, we find redemption.
31:20 And when we accept forgiveness, we find peace.
31:25 Marigold Elizabeth Coulter.
31:30 I baptize you in the name of the Father,
31:33 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
31:37 Goldie, we welcome you with open arms
31:40 to this family of faith.
31:42 [applause]
31:45 ♪ ♪
31:54 ♪ ♪
32:01 Did Buddy win?
32:07 We're about to find out.
32:09 And now, directly from Capital City,
32:11 we are thrilled to announce the results of--
32:13 This is it! Everybody quiet down! This is it!
32:16 You're the only one making any racket!
32:18 Voter turnout has been unprecedented.
32:20 We have 76-55 to 76-76
32:23 by a margin of a nail-biting 21 votes.
32:26 We have a new governor, Governor Lucas Bouchard!
32:29 I knew we could do it!
32:31 [cheers and applause]
32:34 ♪ ♪
32:39 [laughs]
32:40 Oh, that's wonderful.
32:44 ♪ ♪
32:49 ♪ ♪
32:54 ♪ ♪
32:59 ♪ ♪
33:04 [indistinct chatter]
33:07 ♪ ♪
33:14 ♪ ♪
33:21 Henry.
33:29 Elizabeth.
33:31 Lucas won.
33:33 So I hear.
33:35 Oh.
33:37 I'm really glad you came today.
33:39 I know it meant a lot to Lee and Rosemary.
33:42 Goldie is as sweet as anything,
33:44 and I'm proud to be part of her life.
33:47 So what are you doing here?
33:50 I'm just trying to make sense of a few things.
33:55 You know, I, uh--
33:57 I sat here for quite some time.
34:01 I sat here and did my work.
34:05 She did hers over there.
34:09 Her on her side of the street,
34:12 and me on mine.
34:15 ♪ ♪
34:18 I was born in the shadow of a mountain
34:22 in a shack that never seemed to see the sun
34:25 didn't matter what time of day.
34:28 I spent my life trying to escape that shack
34:32 and separate myself from those people.
34:37 People like those 47 men.
34:42 They were numbers in my ledger,
34:44 and I sent them into the mine
34:46 so that I could wear a fancy hat.
34:49 ♪ ♪
34:52 I lived in the darkness so long
34:55 that I couldn't see beauty anymore.
34:58 ♪ ♪
35:01 But sitting here...
35:05 across the street...
35:08 helped me see it again.
35:11 ♪ ♪
35:14 The view hasn't changed from here,
35:17 but I have.
35:20 ♪ ♪
35:22 Henry...
35:25 I think she would really appreciate who you are now.
35:29 ♪ ♪
35:32 ♪ ♪
35:35 ♪ ♪
35:40 ♪ ♪
35:44 [indistinct chatter]
35:47 - I am exhausted.
35:49 Thank goodness for Allie taking little Jack home.
35:51 What a day.
35:52 - Oh, what a year.
35:54 Hard times, boom times,
35:56 a birth and a baptism,
35:59 and this election.
36:01 - [chuckles]
36:02 And everyone saving the day.
36:04 [indistinct chatter]
36:07 ♪ ♪
36:09 - May, give the guy a break.
36:12 - He had a good reason for not being here.
36:14 - I'm sick of mixed messages.
36:16 I just want to know where I stand.
36:17 - Well, then you should tell him how you feel.
36:21 - All right, then I will.
36:23 ♪ ♪
36:24 [sighs]
36:26 ♪ ♪
36:28 - Michael, I have to say-- - I'm so sorry.
36:30 I didn't mean to stand you up.
36:31 - I'm confused about how you feel,
36:32 but I really like you.
36:34 ♪ ♪
36:36 - Your voice is my favorite sound.
36:39 ♪ ♪
36:41 Would you like to, uh, uh, uh...
36:45 - Yes.
36:46 ♪ ♪
36:53 I'm so happy for them.
36:55 - Me too.
36:57 - So maybe your meddling wasn't so bad after all.
37:00 - Oh, I don't know about that.
37:03 [chuckles]
37:05 I think I know why I do it.
37:08 Meddle so much.
37:10 - So you don't have to worry about your own love life?
37:13 - Maybe.
37:15 ♪ ♪
37:17 - Henry really stepped up.
37:20 Maybe you've reached him this time.
37:22 - Yes, he did.
37:24 I realized something.
37:26 - What's that?
37:28 - Humility means accepting that it's my job
37:31 to lead people to the light.
37:33 - Hmm? - Whether or not they want to see it
37:35 is between them and God.
37:37 - Amen to that?
37:39 - Amen. [chuckles]
37:41 ♪ ♪
37:48 [indistinct chatter]
37:51 ♪ ♪
37:58 - Adaline.
38:11 What are you doing here?
38:12 - We were in Buxton,
38:14 and when Jamie heard Lucas won,
38:15 he insisted we drive to Hope Valley to celebrate.
38:18 But he couldn't keep his eyes open.
38:20 He's asleep in the car.
38:22 ♪ ♪
38:23 - I see you parked in front of the hitching post.
38:25 - Old habits die hard.
38:28 I know I can't expect you to forgive me for what I did.
38:32 But I want you to know what Hope Valley has meant
38:34 to Jamie and me.
38:38 What you've meant.
38:40 ♪ ♪
38:46 - Good work, everyone. Thank you.
38:48 Good night.
38:50 ♪ ♪
38:57 - What are you doing here?
39:01 ♪ ♪
39:16 - You were my great love.
39:20 But when I lost you...
39:24 something inside me just broke.
39:28 I thought of going through that again.
39:32 I loved Lucas.
39:38 But I think I was looking for something safe
39:43 so I couldn't get hurt again.
39:47 Because what if...
39:50 What if I broke a second time
39:57 but couldn't put the pieces back together again?
40:01 I couldn't risk it.
40:05 Especially when I have little Jack to think of.
40:10 But that wasn't fair to Lucas.
40:14 He deserves to have...
40:18 a great love.
40:21 We both do.
40:28 - Jack.
40:32 ♪ ♪
40:40 [door closes]
40:42 ♪ ♪
40:49 [knocking]
40:53 [doorbell rings]
40:55 - Abigail?
40:59 ♪ ♪
41:07 [sighs]
41:09 ♪ ♪
41:16 Nathan.
41:20 - Elizabeth.
41:22 - What are you doing here?
41:24 - I don't know. I was just...
41:28 What are you doing here?
41:31 - I...
41:34 just...
41:36 - Bill. What is it?
41:39 It's Lucas!
41:41 I need you both. Now!
41:44 ♪ ♪
41:51 ♪ ♪
41:56 ♪ ♪
42:06 ♪ ♪
42:13 ♪ ♪
42:20 ♪ ♪
