• 2 years ago
வயதானவர்களுக்கு இந்த விஷயத்தில் excuse கிடையாது | Dr.Natarajan | Part-1 | HTT
00:00 [Music]
00:10 I never worried about the patient
00:12 because he is a happy demons
00:14 He is eating, sleeping, sleeping, he doesn't know anything
00:18 He is eating in the bathroom,
00:20 he is going to the kitchen, he is like a child
00:23 We have to understand clearly
00:25 Medicine and disease
00:27 Both are confusing
00:30 Memory loss is a normal memory loss
00:33 A patient will forget his name,
00:35 forget the key
00:37 After some time, he will remember the patient
00:39 and get the key
00:41 This is normal age related memory loss
00:43 This is called memory loss
00:45 This is not dementia
00:46 What is the problem for ladies?
00:48 They have stress incontinence
00:50 Stress incontinence
00:52 If they laugh, cry, cough, or sneeze,
00:57 they will get stress incontinence
00:59 It will be very embarrassing
01:01 5 years back,
01:03 they didn't go to the doctor
01:05 They didn't go to the doctor to tell
01:07 They didn't go to the doctor out of shame
01:10 It is better to do surgery when asked
01:13 Whether it is hernia, piles, or high rose
01:17 In ladies, it is incisal hernia
01:20 In 38-40 years, they will be operating for delirium
01:23 or fibroid tumor
01:25 It will be good
01:27 What are the common health problems for the elderly?
01:31 Hello, I am Dr. V.S. Nararajan
01:33 I am a doctor in Muthigal
01:35 There are two important health problems for the elderly
01:38 One is health problems
01:40 That is medical problems
01:42 Next is family problems
01:44 Social problems
01:45 In general, medical problems are more
01:47 60% medical, 40% social
01:49 Now, the joint family is less
01:51 and people are living alone
01:53 Medical problem is 50% and social problem is 50%
01:56 Both are equal
01:58 If we take medical problem,
02:00 they will say that
02:02 They will catch the disease in the first place
02:04 They are of that age
02:06 They develop multiple disease and old age
02:08 If we see the GERIATRIC service started 50 years ago
02:11 At that time, the number of diseases was more
02:14 Cholera, typhoid, seropoiety, malaria
02:17 Typhoid, leprosy
02:19 There were many diseases
02:21 Infected type
02:23 Now, the number of diseases is less
02:25 and the number of diseases are more
02:27 Non communicable diseases are more
02:29 For example, dementia
02:31 Then, heart disease
02:33 Parkinson disease
02:35 Incontinence of urine
02:37 Urine is increasing
02:39 Cancer, obesity, kidney disease
02:41 There are many diseases
02:43 In Muthigal,
02:45 there is a doctor
02:47 He will tell me about kidney disease
02:49 If you see the exam,
02:51 there is BP, sugar,
02:53 and there are many problems
02:55 In Muthigal,
02:57 disease is more common
02:59 Multiple disease and old age
03:01 are more common
03:03 Communicable disease is more common
03:05 Doctor, you told about dementia
03:07 When we are old,
03:09 we remember about it
03:11 But, some people remember about it
03:13 What is dementia?
03:15 First, we have to understand clearly
03:17 Dementia is different from
03:19 leprosy
03:21 Many people confuse
03:23 Dementia is
03:25 a common memory loss
03:27 When we see a patient,
03:29 we forget his name and key
03:31 After some time, we will remember
03:33 the patient and get the key
03:35 This is an age related memory loss
03:37 This is dementia
03:39 Dementia is a leprosy
03:41 Symptoms are different
03:43 Classical symptoms of dementia are
03:45 people forget recent things
03:47 Remote things are well preserved
03:49 In the morning,
03:51 my son-in-law will give me coffee
03:53 He will have coffee
03:55 I will go to him and ask
03:57 who gave me coffee in the morning
03:59 He will say,
04:01 I gave you coffee just now
04:03 You didn't eat
04:05 Last week,
04:07 my friends came
04:09 They were talking about
04:11 their college and school
04:13 How can they remember all that?
04:15 How can they forget all that?
04:17 These are classical symptoms of dementia
04:19 Recent memory loss
04:21 Remote memories are well preserved
04:23 Symptoms will keep changing
04:25 day by day
04:27 If I go to Madurai,
04:29 I don't know how to say Madurai
04:31 There is a temple in the south
04:33 Someone has burnt it
04:35 I have to go to that temple
04:37 He will burn it
04:39 It is a classic
04:41 He will take a brush and paste it
04:43 He will keep it on his hand
04:45 There is no command from brain to the hand
04:47 His wife will ask,
04:49 why are you taking so long to brush?
04:51 He will say,
04:53 I have many symptoms
04:55 Mentally dead, physically alive
04:57 People who are mentally dead
04:59 and physically alive
05:01 This is dementia
05:03 There are many reasons for dementia
05:05 Treatable dementia,
05:07 not treatable dementia
05:09 In our country,
05:11 treatable dementia is more
05:13 Vascular dementia,
05:15 blood clot,
05:17 brain tumor, thyroid problem,
05:19 alcohol deficiency
05:21 All these are treatable
05:23 In Madurai, Alzheimer's dementia
05:25 is the most common disease
05:27 It is a malignant dementia
05:29 There is no treatment for it
05:31 Brain will shrink
05:33 Alzheimer's dementia has no treatment
05:35 Treatable dementia is the most common
05:37 in other dementias
05:39 We don't know much about dementia
05:41 We have found out that
05:43 our elder has dementia
05:45 What is the role of the family members?
05:47 It is very difficult
05:49 When the patient comes,
05:51 I never worry about the patient
05:53 He is a happy dementia
05:55 He is taking medicines,
05:57 eating, sleeping,
05:59 he doesn't know anything
06:01 He is like a child
06:03 Who affects him?
06:05 The caregivers
06:07 They take care of him
06:09 Relatives, sons, doctors,
06:11 wives, they suffer a lot
06:13 The child can sit with his eyes open
06:15 and ears closed
06:17 They can scold and threaten
06:19 Can we do like our grandparents?
06:21 They don't listen to us
06:23 It is very difficult to look after a child
06:25 The problem is only for the caregivers
06:27 not the patient
06:29 Is there any food for the brain
06:31 through diet?
06:33 Can we keep the brain active?
06:35 It depends on the cause
06:37 of the disease
06:39 It is rare to have
06:41 B1, B6, B12, folic acid
06:43 If it is less,
06:45 we can give them diet
06:47 It is less common
06:49 to have a disease
06:51 We have a relative
06:53 who is on a diet
06:55 It is rare to have
06:57 a disease like this
06:59 This is the dimension
07:01 Some people have a problem
07:03 with digestion
07:05 They say they are not able to digest
07:07 food
07:09 They say they are not able to digest
07:11 food
07:13 How to handle this?
07:15 There are two things
07:17 Indigestion, indigestion, belching, gas
07:19 Reflexes are increasing
07:21 This is common
07:23 In the age
07:25 of 4-5 years,
07:27 the quantity of food
07:29 should be reduced
07:31 The digestion
07:33 will be less
07:35 If we eat in a hurry
07:37 and sleep after eating
07:39 and wear a pink dress
07:41 Indigestion will be
07:43 a problem
07:45 To avoid this,
07:47 we should have a heavy breakfast,
07:49 moderate lunch, light dinner
07:51 We should have a good breakfast
07:53 We should have a good breakfast
07:55 We should have a good dinner
07:57 We should have a good dinner
07:59 We should have a good dinner
08:01 Many people,
08:03 especially the elderly,
08:05 they eat heavy food at night
08:07 They go to parties and weddings
08:09 They sleep as soon as they eat
08:11 The reason is,
08:13 the heart and core blood
08:15 are in the stomach
08:17 The heart will get less heart rate
08:19 and heart attack will occur
08:21 So, they eat heavy food at night
08:23 and light food at night
08:25 Hunger is rare
08:27 It is rare for the elderly
08:29 to get hungry
08:31 Some people say,
08:33 they have excessive appetite
08:35 If you have a happy atmosphere
08:37 like a grandparent's wedding
08:39 They are very happy
08:41 They eat a lot
08:43 Acidity
08:45 The peptic ulcer patient
08:47 eats every 2 hours
08:49 So, they have excessive appetite
08:51 As you know,
08:53 the anti-histamines
08:55 If you take the medicine,
08:57 you will get hungry
08:59 But, hunger is rare
09:01 We should see the indigestion,
09:03 asphyxiation, and well-being
09:05 The next important complaint
09:07 is that
09:09 they don't sleep at night
09:11 They say, I don't sleep
09:13 I am tired
09:15 How do we handle this?
09:17 I see this as a common problem
09:19 in the elderly
09:21 Many people say,
09:23 they sleep at night
09:25 There are many reasons for this
09:27 First, they sleep well during the day
09:29 They sleep for 2 hours
09:31 and don't sleep at night
09:33 They don't exercise
09:35 They have plenty of time
09:37 But, they don't have the mindset
09:39 They eat, sleep, and watch TV
09:41 They don't exercise
09:43 They sleep well in the afternoon
09:45 They have a high level of urinary tract
09:47 So, they sleep well during the day
09:49 They sleep well during the night
09:51 because of the diuretics
09:53 They sleep well during the night
09:55 because of the diuretics
09:57 They sleep well during the night
09:59 because of the diseases
10:01 like knee pain, heartburn, etc
10:03 They sleep well
10:05 Some people have mental depression
10:07 They don't sleep well
10:09 They don't sleep well
10:11 But, we can sleep well
10:13 even if we have a high level of diuretics
10:15 First, they go for a regular walk
10:17 There is no excuse for that
10:19 They walk for 40 minutes to 1 hour
10:21 They walk for 40 minutes to 1 hour
10:23 They walk for 3 to 5 km
10:25 They buy a brisket
10:27 They sleep for 30 to 40 minutes
10:29 They sleep for 30 to 40 minutes
10:31 They check up for any diseases
10:33 like heartburn, kidney disease, etc
10:35 They treat diseases
10:37 They can adjust the dose
10:39 They can drink water and eat at night
10:41 They can adjust the dose
10:43 They walk regularly
10:45 Some people go for a walk in the evening
10:47 They take a bath and eat light
10:49 Some people go for a walk in the evening
10:51 Some people go for a walk in the evening
10:53 They sleep well
10:55 They sleep well
10:57 MTS is helpful for sound sleep
10:59 MTS is helpful for sound sleep
11:01 Sound sleep is available for all
11:03 Sound sleep is available for all
11:05 Parkinson's disease is a common problem
11:07 Parkinson's disease is a common problem
11:09 How can we identify such patients?
11:11 How can we identify such patients?
11:13 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:15 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:17 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:19 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:21 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:23 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:25 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:27 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:29 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:31 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:33 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:35 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:37 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:39 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:41 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:43 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:45 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:47 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:49 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:51 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:53 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:55 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:57 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
11:59 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:01 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:03 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:05 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:07 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:09 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:11 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:13 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:15 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:17 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:19 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:21 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:23 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:25 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:27 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:29 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:31 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:33 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:35 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:37 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:39 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:41 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:43 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:45 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:47 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:49 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:51 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:53 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:55 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:57 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
12:59 We have seen many patients with Parkinson's disease
13:01 Dependency is the worst thing in old age
13:03 Dependency is the worst thing in old age
13:05 This is very common in Parkinson's disease patients
13:07 This is very common in Parkinson's disease patients
13:09 This is very common in Parkinson's disease patients
13:11 This is very common in Parkinson's disease patients
13:13 This is very common in Parkinson's disease patients
13:15 This is very common in Parkinson's disease patients
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