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College Football Show | Barstool College Football Show
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - Welcome to the Barstool College Football Show,
00:28 week 10 of college football.
00:30 We are back in studio in Chicago.
00:32 We were on the road last week in Madison.
00:34 Dan, incredible crowd.
00:36 - Incredible crowd.
00:37 - Madison's always the best.
00:38 - Stuck in the game, played tough.
00:40 I'm bullish about where Luke Fickle has the program pointed.
00:45 I know Dave thinks that they stink.
00:50 They kept with Ohio State.
00:51 I mean, that was a seven point game in the fourth quarter.
00:54 Big Ev, I know for a fact,
00:56 he'll pretend that he wasn't a little nervous.
00:58 He was definitely nervous
00:59 because Ohio State's offense stinks.
01:01 Kyle McCord stinks.
01:03 Marvin Harrison Jr. is awesome.
01:05 Everyone else stinks.
01:06 That was, they're in for a bad, bad game against Michigan.
01:10 I'll say that right now.
01:11 Yeah, what?
01:12 What?
01:13 - I don't know, this is Big Ev's time.
01:15 - What did I also say, Ricardo Hallman?
01:17 - I don't remember.
01:18 - I said that before the game, Ricardo Hallman.
01:20 He picked off Kyle McCord.
01:22 He did a good job.
01:23 They were basically, Ohio State had a game plan
01:25 to get Marvin Harrison off of them.
01:27 That kid is a stud.
01:28 - How many Travion Henderson ran for, what, 150 yards?
01:30 - Yeah, he ran well, but they got to score touchdowns.
01:33 A seven point game in the fourth quarter.
01:34 - They got a really good defense.
01:35 - Offense had a bad day, for sure.
01:37 - We're on our second best, our second quarterback.
01:39 - Horse cock lock?
01:40 - Horse cock lock.
01:41 - He's good.
01:42 - So the last time we were in studio,
01:44 at the very end of the show,
01:45 is when the stuff with Michigan started to break.
01:47 Then we were on the road, obviously.
01:48 - That's been two weeks that stuff's been breaking?
01:50 - So Dave, I'm gonna just give the floor to you
01:52 because every single day,
01:53 there's more stuff that comes out
01:54 about this Michigan-Connor Stallions situation,
01:57 the Michigan Manifesto.
01:58 You're obviously wearing the Manifesto shirt.
02:00 How are you feeling about everything
02:01 that's going on with your program right now?
02:03 - Great.
02:04 - Just great.
02:06 - Well, I mean, there was a coaches only meeting
02:10 in the Big Ten last night,
02:11 where all the Big Ten coaches got together.
02:13 - Yeah, yeah, and I don't blame 'em.
02:15 Listen, if you're staring down the barrel of a loaded gun,
02:19 I'd do whatever I can to get that gun out of the guy's hands.
02:22 So yes, Cryin' Ryan Day and James Franklin
02:26 are gonna plead and do whatever they can
02:28 to get this done now
02:29 'cause they want no part of us on the field,
02:31 and that's what this is all about.
02:33 So of course, of course, listen,
02:35 if they didn't feel like Michigan
02:39 was a threat to beat the ever-living piss out of them,
02:42 you think they'd be like, "We need this done now?
02:44 "We need this done now?"
02:45 - I would like to just interject for a second.
02:48 We got four Big Ten guys on this panel,
02:52 Dave, Michigan, me, Wisconsin, Buckeye, Brandon, and Big Ev.
02:55 I would like to right now, here and now,
02:58 and I think I know Luke Fickle very well,
03:00 I would like to disavow that coaches meeting
03:02 because, listen, Michigan probably cheated.
03:06 You can't have a coaches meeting
03:08 trying to kick out the team
03:09 that has literally not lost a Big Ten game
03:12 in almost three calendars years.
03:14 I disavow, go beat 'em, go beat 'em.
03:17 - Brandon. - Harbaugh should be gone.
03:18 - It's crazy. - But go beat 'em.
03:20 - If, if-- - That is loser shit.
03:24 - That is loser shit. - Of course it is.
03:26 It's crud, right? - For three years,
03:27 let me tell you this. - For three years of running.
03:28 - I was told I couldn't say anything,
03:31 but I got a screenshot of a tweet,
03:36 and they're like, "Please don't use it."
03:41 But one of my good friends
03:43 is very good friends with Chris Day.
03:45 He's the one who runs the investigative services firm
03:49 out of New Hampshire.
03:51 And he says, "See 'Portnoy Theory' about Chris?"
03:53 Yeah, laugh out loud.
03:55 The one from two days ago, or is this a new one?
03:57 They talked about a pick 'em.
03:58 I saw a Jack Mack video.
03:59 Let's just say these guys aren't that far off.
04:01 I'll tell you tomorrow.
04:02 There was random guys who flew
04:04 and stayed with us in Notre Dame,
04:06 all with binoculars looking for somebody.
04:08 Never seen these guys before.
04:10 Ohio State's scared out of their mind.
04:12 - So what you're saying is the proof you have
04:15 is Ohio State, Chris Day going to Notre Dame
04:19 and trying to catch Michigan cheating?
04:23 The fact that that was necessary should tell you something.
04:25 - Please change the word cheating to gamesmanship.
04:30 And let's take this Central Michigan thing, right?
04:35 Which I love.
04:36 - Where the guy wouldn't even show his face on camera.
04:38 - Hey, hey.
04:39 - It would hire like a fucking coward.
04:41 - Buckeye Brandon, Buckeye Brandon.
04:43 What is the difference between standing on the sidelines
04:46 versus buying a fourth row ticket?
04:48 - There is a gigantic difference.
04:50 And you can't have said that seriously
04:52 where he's standing there wearing sunglasses
04:54 at eight o'clock at night with a fucking camera in him.
04:56 If it didn't work, he wouldn't have done it.
04:58 - What is the difference?
04:59 - If he didn't work, it wouldn't have done it.
05:00 He's closer to the action.
05:02 He can see right across the field.
05:03 He's got the goddamn camera in.
05:04 It's a much better, a much clearer point of view.
05:07 - From why?
05:09 Cameras are pretty strong.
05:10 You can zoom in.
05:11 - I can't with this dumb motherfucker.
05:12 We're really doing this stupid shit.
05:13 No, I'm unbiased here.
05:15 - If it didn't work, he wouldn't have done it.
05:18 - Brandon, I'm unbiased here.
05:19 I think Michigan obviously is going to get penalized.
05:21 I think that the lengths they went to is pretty ridiculous.
05:23 But at the end of the day,
05:25 it does come down to the fact
05:27 that Michigan is killing everyone.
05:29 Everyone's crying about it.
05:30 I don't like this.
05:31 It's loser talk.
05:34 You change the signs.
05:35 - Losers.
05:36 - Change the signs.
05:37 - They're losers.
05:38 - But everyone knew that they were cheating,
05:38 so change the signs.
05:39 - But when the Congress Alliance got higher,
05:40 they immediately started winning.
05:41 - Okay, but change the signs.
05:43 TCU, change the signs.
05:44 TCU had a dummy guy.
05:45 - But Ohio State has changed the signs multiple times.
05:47 That's why against Notre Dame,
05:48 they had to try to find the guy
05:49 who was stealing the new signs.
05:50 - No, no, no.
05:51 Let me ask you this, Brandon.
05:52 Let me ask you this.
05:54 And I've said this,
05:54 and I don't wanna be repetitive,
05:56 but I have said this.
05:57 Everybody always says sign stealing is part of the game.
06:01 We've heard every coach say it over and over and over.
06:05 So we have this guy, Connor Stallions,
06:08 who, as I've said, is a Marine,
06:10 and thank you for your service.
06:12 But this guy, no other school has somebody like him
06:15 who seems to be so dedicated,
06:17 singularly focused to bringing Michigan to dominance.
06:21 All the way, you don't find guys
06:23 coming out of high school.
06:24 He's like, "You know what?
06:25 "I can go to Michigan,
06:28 "but I'm actually gonna go to the Naval Academy."
06:31 Because he studied, who else has gone there?
06:34 Oh, like Belichick, and Saban, maybe?
06:37 All these great coaches
06:38 who have gone to military institutes.
06:43 So he's like, "I'm gonna go here
06:44 "because I think it best prepares me for Michigan."
06:46 He literally takes classes in code breaking.
06:50 All because signals, and this is all gamesmanship.
06:54 But he becomes so good at it.
06:56 Everyone knows they're doing it.
06:58 They're doing dummy stuff, this, that.
07:01 The only thing we're being penalized for
07:03 is he is actually better than his competition,
07:06 because he's studied his whole life,
07:08 and he's being penalized for being great at it.
07:12 That's it.
07:13 - I don't know if there's ever been somebody
07:14 that loves their school or their team
07:16 as much as Connor Sully loves Michigan.
07:18 - Brandon, let me ask you this.
07:19 - What's the combo, Casey?
07:20 You need somebody who loves the school that much,
07:23 which we have, and he's clearly a very bright,
07:26 intelligent guy. - We're glorifying a guy
07:27 for cheating his ass off.
07:28 - And then you have the guy at Mississippi State
07:31 who may be ringing the cowbell with one tooth
07:34 and has two working brain cells,
07:37 and he can't figure out what one plus one equals two.
07:40 So we're being penalized
07:42 for being a more intellectual program.
07:45 - Let me ask you a question.
07:46 Let me ask you a simple question,
07:47 'cause this is how I'm judging this whole thing.
07:49 And again, I think Michigan will get suspensions.
07:51 I think some are deserved,
07:53 but at the end of the day, - Jail.
07:54 - but at the end of the day,
07:56 if Mississippi State was doing this-
07:57 - I've asked him this a million times,
07:58 he won't answer. - Would you be okay with it?
07:59 Because if Wisconsin was doing this,
08:01 I would be like, "Yes, finally!"
08:03 - Dan, I've asked the same things.
08:04 I've said if A&M was doing it, I would be so happy.
08:06 - Right. - You've never answered me.
08:06 - So that's my test. - Will you answer him?
08:08 - No, first of all,
08:10 if Mississippi State was doing this and winning games,
08:12 you would be like, "Oh, stop, please."
08:14 - I'm like, "Finally, you try it!"
08:16 - College football is very important to me.
08:18 It's important to my life,
08:18 but not as important as decency and honor and integrity.
08:22 And I actually believe that.
08:23 Not like a lot of people at this company, I believe that.
08:25 So no, I do not put integrity below cheating in football.
08:28 - Did you say you would kill your mom
08:30 for a national championship?
08:30 - If it were, huh?
08:31 - You said you would-
08:32 - I did not say I would kill my mother
08:34 for a national championship.
08:35 I said if she died and we won a national title,
08:37 I would be fine with that.
08:39 That's what I said.
08:39 - How'd she die?
08:40 - Huh? - How'd she die?
08:41 - That's neither here nor there.
08:43 That's somebody else's question.
08:44 - But Dave, if it wasn't a big deal,
08:45 why did he wear a disguise?
08:47 - He's addicted to it.
08:50 He's addicted to it.
08:51 - Because he's a Marine!
08:52 He's lived his life in a stealth mode.
08:56 - I mean, the guy wrote a 600-page manifesto.
08:58 So we obviously are all gonna be
09:00 in different sides of this,
09:01 but we do know that it's gotten ridiculous.
09:03 It's become a funny story.
09:04 - Oh, it's been funny for weeks.
09:06 - We're actually all on the same side.
09:10 Buckeye Brandon and Fadev can't admit it
09:13 that they know this has nothing to do
09:16 with what happens on the field.
09:18 We're better than them.
09:19 And if Michigan didn't rise to dominance,
09:21 nobody's be saying a word.
09:23 And it's gamesmanship that we are better than they are at it.
09:27 It's no different than Spygate.
09:28 Once you start winning, people look for anything.
09:31 And by the way, I'm not mad that-
09:32 - You haven't won anything.
09:34 You've won nothing.
09:35 - Well, two Big Ten championships,
09:37 and we're gonna win the whole thing this year,
09:38 blood on the floor. - Can't win a playoff game.
09:40 - Here's what I say,
09:42 and I'm not mad at Cryin' Ryan
09:44 for hiring his brother to do this investigative thing.
09:47 This is what it is.
09:48 This is international espionage.
09:50 Cryin' Ryan can't be next to the field.
09:52 His only hope is to get Michigan disqualified
09:54 because if he shows up November 25th in Ann Arbor,
09:58 he's gonna get blitzed, humiliated, degraded,
10:01 and it's gonna happen.
10:02 And now at least Buckeye Brandon and Fadev admit,
10:04 well, they had our signs, except you know it's coming.
10:07 And if you can't change the signs now,
10:10 then you two deserve each other in kindergarten.
10:12 - What Dave is saying, and I actually agree with this,
10:14 you should be excited about this
10:16 because Ohio State, your guys' beloved Ohio State-
10:19 - I'm not gonna, big M's in Ohio State, though.
10:21 - Your beloved Ohio State has a chance.
10:22 If they beat Michigan in the last week of the season,
10:26 Michigan looks like the biggest fools of all time.
10:28 - I mean, without cheating, I don't think they can beat
10:29 Penn State.
10:30 - That's the one thing that Dave is leaving out
10:33 is that conveniently they started winning in the Big Ten
10:36 once they started doing this.
10:37 He's failed to bring that up.
10:38 The timeline matches up perfectly with that happening.
10:40 - They did win before COVID as well.
10:42 - Not to this level.
10:43 - Not to this level, but they did.
10:44 - They were winning the Penn Games year.
10:47 - We got the guys.
10:49 - I'm saying like-
10:49 - We got the guys.
10:51 - They got the cheaters.
10:52 - Yeah, they started cheating and lying.
10:54 - Listen, I put it all on the line.
10:57 I've said whoever, this is the no excuse bowl.
11:01 The most important November 25th game
11:03 in the history of Michigan, Ohio State,
11:05 'cause whoever loses is gonna have nobody to blame
11:09 but themselves.
11:10 Look in the mirror, it's gonna validate
11:12 the last two seasons or the complaints.
11:14 I'm saying that.
11:15 That's the blood oath I took with you, Buckeye Brannon.
11:19 Fat Ev, I do the same.
11:21 Once we beat you, then what?
11:23 Because the thing's just like the Patriots
11:24 when they won the Super Bowl.
11:25 Same exact thing.
11:27 Oh, it's this, this, this.
11:28 All right, well, we just went and won the Super Bowl
11:30 when all these things are out the window.
11:32 So when it happens, I don't wanna hear a word about it.
11:35 You're just gonna have to sit there
11:36 and admit we're your daddy.
11:38 - I'm the only one who's being honest here
11:39 of the whole panel.
11:40 - I'm being honest.
11:41 - No, I'm being honest.
11:42 - I'll even agree with him there.
11:43 - Because if Ohio State did it,
11:45 Dave would criticize Ohio State.
11:46 I have no dog in this fight
11:48 and I wish Wisconsin was doing this.
11:50 - I feel the exact same way.
11:51 - Maybe KC too.
11:52 We're the only ones who are being honest.
11:53 - I would love if A&M was winning games
11:55 and they were like, well, it's 'cause somebody's smart enough
11:56 and loves A&M enough to do what is happening.
11:58 Now, here's the question, Dan.
12:01 Do I?
12:01 I would 100% be criticizing Michigan.
12:06 I mean, if Ohio State did it.
12:08 I've been there.
12:09 That is the crazy thing about this.
12:11 The dynamics, if you told me five years ago,
12:14 six years ago, seven years ago,
12:16 the dynamics have changed so much
12:18 where Kryan Ryan and all of Ohio
12:21 need to grasp at these conspiracy theories.
12:24 It's incredible how it has changed.
12:27 Michigan is now the bully.
12:29 We walk down the street,
12:31 Ohio State sees us coming,
12:32 they jump in a dumpster and hide.
12:35 It's crazy how this has changed.
12:37 I love it.
12:38 I'd be doing the same thing.
12:39 These excuses are the last refuge of an absolute loser.
12:43 - Dan, here's the question,
12:44 because we know that there's probably gonna be
12:46 some sort of consequences coming,
12:48 but do you think that they come fast enough for this season?
12:50 That's the issue.
12:51 - No, no, no.
12:52 We're still investigating COVID things.
12:53 - Right, so it's like,
12:54 even if they have to eventually vacate wins,
12:56 which I don't think they're gonna have to do
12:57 if like suspension's all of that,
12:59 if Michigan still wins this year,
13:00 it's not gonna matter because-
13:01 - No, the only way,
13:03 the NCAA does not go that fast.
13:05 So if the NCAA is the one that acts on it, no, that's a no.
13:07 If the Big Ten decides, you know, too much is going on,
13:11 the Big Ten could step in.
13:12 That's the only way they get punished this year
13:13 if the Big Ten does it themselves.
13:15 - And again, on the Big Ten stepping in,
13:17 okay, if you're James Franklin and crying Ryan
13:23 in Ohio State and you think this is the reason,
13:26 why would you want them to step in?
13:28 You have your chance to prove it on the field
13:30 because they know they're gonna get fucking dominated
13:34 and then they're gonna zip it.
13:35 - You just said the words,
13:36 why would they want somebody to step in
13:38 when they got cheated multiple years?
13:40 Why would they want that to stop?
13:41 That's what you just asked.
13:42 - Right now, it's like a fist fight.
13:45 Listen, you can go, you can go court of law.
13:48 Somebody in your mind screws you or does you wrong.
13:51 You have the opportunity.
13:52 Oh, you can take them to court and lawsuits
13:54 or you can get in a ring with them
13:56 and punch them in the face.
13:57 They can punch them if they don't want to.
13:59 They don't want to punch them in the face, Buckeye Brandon,
14:02 because they know what happens.
14:04 They're gonna get their nose busted
14:05 into their brain and die.
14:08 - All right.
14:09 - We'll see what happens.
14:10 - We'll see.
14:10 - You said we have to stop now?
14:13 - Ed can't even talk.
14:14 He's paralyzed with fear.
14:15 He has to say a word.
14:16 - I mean, everything you're saying is just blah, blah, blah,
14:19 blah, blah, just nonsense.
14:20 You don't even believe what you're saying.
14:22 Like you said, if it was the other way around,
14:23 you'd be saying the same thing.
14:25 Conveniently, you start cheating.
14:26 You won a couple of games against us.
14:28 I've made no excuses about the games.
14:29 I agree with what you said, a blood oath.
14:31 On November 25th, we'll see what really matters.
14:34 We'll see what really happens.
14:35 Was it really cheating or did you just beat us?
14:37 We'll find out.
14:38 I'll be in Miami on your couch.
14:40 We'll see what happens.
14:41 - All right, it's time to get into
14:43 the High Noon Game Day package as we announced last week.
14:46 The new High Noon pack,
14:47 the El Prez pack with the new flavor, tangerine.
14:49 Dave, I know we had them when we were in Madison.
14:51 I've been drinking them all week.
14:52 The tangerine is unbelievable.
14:54 You did such a good job on this pack.
14:55 And it actually is not just 'cause it's your pack,
14:57 it's actually 'cause it's very good.
14:59 - Yeah, no, tangerine's actually my favorite.
15:00 We got number one.
15:02 I ranked them yesterday, made a little electric video.
15:05 So it's tangerine, passion fruit, pineapple, pear.
15:08 That's how I rank them.
15:10 So yeah, go get them.
15:11 They should be rolling out.
15:12 If you can't find them, you'll be able to find them soon.
15:14 But it's a great, I mean, they're my favorite flavors.
15:18 So obviously, I love it.
15:19 - Yeah, they are very, very good.
15:21 You can go to highnoonspirits.com to find the El Prez pack.
15:23 Of course, we've got the tequila.
15:24 We have all the flavors to go out and find,
15:26 but the new limited edition Prez pack is available.
15:28 Let's start with Bedlam, number nine, Oklahoma,
15:31 number 22, Oklahoma State.
15:33 Oklahoma right now favored by 5 1/2,
15:34 the over-under at 16 1/2.
15:36 And Brandon, I will start with you
15:37 because last week we were on the road.
15:39 Oklahoma loses to Kansas.
15:40 You got to do your victory lap as well you should.
15:43 Oklahoma State, though, is a very interesting case
15:45 'cause early in the season, they lost.
15:47 They look really bad.
15:48 They're having a really good season.
15:50 They're six and two.
15:51 It's the last Bedlam for a long time
15:53 with Oklahoma going to the SEC.
15:55 Are you taking it a step further?
15:56 Is Oklahoma as fraudulent
15:58 as losing to Oklahoma State in Bedlam?
16:00 - I don't think that's fraudulent.
16:01 I think Oklahoma State's a better football team.
16:03 Oklahoma State lost by 26 to South Alabama.
16:05 They changed everything.
16:06 Ollie Gordon is one of the best players
16:08 in the country right now.
16:09 He's got like 900 yards over the last four games.
16:11 He's fantastic.
16:12 Oklahoma's defense can't really stop the run.
16:14 Kansas gashed 'em all day.
16:16 Oklahoma State is going to win this game.
16:17 Oklahoma State is better than Oklahoma.
16:19 And we all assumed when Oklahoma beat Texas
16:21 that we're heading towards a rematch.
16:23 No, if Oklahoma State wins this game,
16:24 they're going to play for the Big 12 Conference Championship
16:26 and I think they are going to win this game.
16:28 - Yeah, and we'll talk about Texas in a little bit,
16:29 but multiple big games in the Big 12,
16:31 because it's all of a sudden a little bit more wide open
16:33 than we thought.
16:34 Dan, I personally don't think that Oklahoma is fraudulent.
16:36 Obviously losing to Kansas was not good for them,
16:39 but I think that this team is still pretty damn good.
16:41 Where do you stand on that?
16:42 - I disagree, yeah.
16:43 I have Oklahoma State as well.
16:44 It's bullshit.
16:45 This game's being played at 2.30 in the afternoon.
16:47 It should be a night game.
16:48 It's the last Bedlam.
16:49 It's sad that they're going to not play Bedlam.
16:52 Bedlam is so old,
16:54 they started playing Bedlam before Oklahoma became a state.
16:57 That's how old Bedlam is.
16:59 That's how old Bedlam is.
17:00 So it's very sad for me,
17:02 but I think Oklahoma State's going to win this game.
17:04 I do think Oklahoma is fraudulent.
17:06 And Oklahoma State had a tough September.
17:10 They've completely turned it around.
17:11 They've been playing really good football.
17:13 Their bye week came at a perfect time.
17:15 They figured out their offense.
17:16 I have Oklahoma State in this game
17:17 and the over because I have to.
17:19 - Dave?
17:20 - I'm a little alarmed that I'm on the same side
17:22 as everybody else.
17:23 It almost makes me think it's a little bit of a rat game.
17:25 I had Kansas outright last week, so it's all over that.
17:29 I think it's going to be a very close game.
17:31 I think this will be a memorable last Bedlam.
17:33 I think there's going to be points.
17:35 So I'm on Oklahoma State in the over.
17:37 - Anytime these rivalries die like this,
17:39 it's always sad to see,
17:40 not even just if you're in the state of Oklahoma,
17:42 just as college football fans in general,
17:43 but we know Oklahoma State does not want to play Oklahoma
17:45 moving forward.
17:46 We'll see if that ever happens.
17:47 I personally think Oklahoma is going to win this game
17:49 and it's not because I'm boomer sooner, Dave.
17:51 It's because I do think that they are
17:53 still a good football team.
17:54 I think Dylan Gabriel is going to be able to put up points.
17:55 I do think it's going to be much closer.
17:56 If you would have asked me, you know, in September,
17:58 I would have said they would have won by 50.
18:00 It's going to be close, but I'm going to take Oklahoma.
18:02 - You can't think they're that good
18:04 because they lost Kansas the week before
18:05 they could have lost the what, UCF?
18:07 - UCF, yeah.
18:08 - But the Big 12 in general to me is like,
18:10 I don't know who's going to end up
18:12 in the Big 12 championship.
18:13 I still think it's going to come down to Oklahoma and Texas,
18:15 but five and a half points,
18:16 it's not like I'm saying they're going to win
18:17 by three touchdowns.
18:18 - So when you say they're pretty good,
18:20 you mean pretty good for the Big 12?
18:21 - Yes, yes.
18:22 Like I don't think that they are a fraudulent team.
18:24 - Because when you say they're a pretty good team,
18:26 like I don't, they're not.
18:27 - I do think they're a pretty good team.
18:28 They beat Texas who beat Alabama.
18:30 They're pretty good.
18:31 - Well, I don't know that we can do that game.
18:34 - But that happened, right?
18:35 I mean, they beat Texas.
18:36 - What happened, but it's transitive property.
18:37 - But that's still.
18:38 - Correct, good use of transitive property.
18:39 - Whenever we get to the college football playoffs,
18:42 they do use transitive property to say.
18:44 - No, we don't, we're not on the committee.
18:46 We're just idiots.
18:47 - So do you have Texas over Alabama in your top 10
18:49 or do you have Alabama over Texas?
18:51 - I'll have to look at my top 10.
18:53 - And you know you have Texas.
18:53 - I honestly don't remember.
18:54 I honestly don't remember.
18:55 - Okay, all I'm saying is I don't think
18:56 that we can just throw out wins
18:58 just because it's transitive property.
18:59 - But, but.
19:01 - I'm not saying that they're going to win
19:03 the national title.
19:04 - Texas beats Alabama like early.
19:05 Oklahoma, since they've played Texas,
19:09 has not looked good.
19:11 So I mean, teams change during the course of the year.
19:13 - They absolutely do, but I don't think it's fair to say
19:15 that they're a bad or fraudulent team
19:17 when they beat Texas.
19:18 That's all I'm saying.
19:19 - I didn't say bad, you said you still think
19:21 they're a really good football team.
19:21 - No, because Dan and Brandon said they were fraudulent.
19:23 I'm saying I don't, I think that they are
19:24 a pretty good football team.
19:26 They beat Texas.
19:27 - I think they're the most fraudulent team in the country.
19:28 - Like that.
19:29 - Okay, that's fair.
19:30 - That's putting nuts a little high.
19:31 - You know what, we're all entitled
19:32 to our opinions here.
19:33 We'll see.
19:33 - I gotta get Casey's list of really good football teams.
19:36 - How many are there?
19:37 - That then I can judge.
19:38 - I said pretty good.
19:39 - How many pretty good teams are there?
19:40 - Can I make a list?
19:41 - Yeah, make a pretty good list.
19:42 - Yes, I'd love to see a pretty good list.
19:44 - I would say the top 15 teams in the country
19:47 are pretty good football teams, no?
19:49 - Okay, well then fine.
19:49 - And they're a top 15 team in the country.
19:52 - Then I have no problem with that.
19:53 - Okay, top 15 team, pretty good teams.
19:55 I didn't say great.
19:55 I didn't say they'd win a national title.
19:56 I said they're pretty good.
19:58 Let's move to the next game in the Big 12.
19:59 That's obviously another big game
20:01 for the Big 12 championship.
20:03 Number 23, Kansas State at number seven, Texas.
20:05 Texas right now favored by four and a half.
20:07 The over under 49 and a half.
20:08 Dan, we know that Malik Murphy is gonna be playing.
20:10 He got his feet wet last week.
20:13 Quinn Ewers is hurt.
20:15 And Kansas State is rolling.
20:16 Kansas State right now also six and two.
20:18 So again, the Big 12 is very interesting.
20:20 Do you buy Texas in this spot?
20:22 - So this is my rat line of the week.
20:25 I can't get myself to bet Texas.
20:28 I'm gonna take the over.
20:29 But I am feeling like everyone is falling in love
20:33 with Kansas State to a point
20:35 that it doesn't make a ton of sense to me.
20:38 They beat Texas Tech, TCU, and Houston.
20:40 Those are three of the worst teams in the Big 12.
20:43 I just, it feels like everyone's like,
20:45 Kansas State, Kansas State, this is gonna be the spot
20:48 that they pick off Texas.
20:49 I don't know.
20:50 I'm gonna take the over so it's kind of a cop out.
20:52 But I just, there's something in the back of my head
20:54 that keeps saying, Texas is gonna be up for this game.
20:58 This is their last big test
20:59 before the Big 12 championship game.
21:01 I know Kansas State has been playing great.
21:03 The two quarterback system.
21:04 - I'll be right back.
21:05 - It just keeps, it keeps bugging me
21:07 because Kansas State's killed teams
21:09 but they've been the worst teams.
21:10 - Can I ask you a question about this game?
21:11 'Cause if you've noticed, I circle both teams.
21:14 This game is killing me.
21:15 - Right.
21:16 - But you're taking the over.
21:18 - Yeah.
21:19 - Doesn't that total look weird?
21:20 49 and a half, isn't that too low?
21:21 - Yeah, no, I think this is gonna be a game
21:22 no matter what I pick, I'm gonna lose.
21:24 - Oh, you've accepted that you're probably gonna lose.
21:26 - Correct.
21:27 'Cause if I take Texas, Kansas State will win.
21:29 If I take Kansas State, it's gonna be an obvious Texas game.
21:31 - Can I just throw this at you?
21:32 If I bet on Kansas State and I bet on Texas,
21:34 I'm gonna win, right?
21:35 - Yeah, that's true.
21:36 - I'm gonna hit the all button.
21:37 - So I might hit the all button.
21:38 - And the over and the under, yeah.
21:39 - So I like Texas.
21:41 I think Texas is the best team out there.
21:42 I think Texas is a very good team.
21:45 It's their backup quarterback.
21:46 They didn't look good against Houston a couple weeks ago
21:48 but they did look good
21:48 with their backup quarterback last week.
21:50 Kansas State looks a hell of a lot better than they did.
21:52 - And Texas is good.
21:53 - But they've also played a bunch of trash cans.
21:55 - Yeah.
21:56 - I...
21:57 - It doesn't it feel though that everyone
21:58 is like Kansas State?
21:59 It's almost like a foregone conclusion
22:02 that Kansas State has won this game.
22:03 - But it's a dangerous spot for Texas.
22:05 If Quinney loses--
22:05 - I don't know about dangerous spot.
22:07 They know this game is everything
22:09 'cause they don't have anything else on their schedule.
22:10 - It's not really about what they have.
22:11 It's about that they have to play this game
22:13 and this team with a backup quarterback.
22:14 - I understand.
22:15 - And that's the danger part of it.
22:16 I'm gonna...
22:17 - But Brandon, before you make your pick,
22:20 but remember it might be dangerous
22:22 but Malik Murphy also may be potentially playing
22:24 for the team that he's gonna play for next year
22:26 when they start archmanning.
22:27 So this means a lot to him as well.
22:28 - Yeah, but they didn't let him do much last week.
22:31 Like all his throws were like at the line of scrimmage.
22:33 I'm gonna pick Texas.
22:34 Texas, I'm gonna go Texas.
22:36 - I'm gonna go Texas too.
22:37 It's an 11 a.m. kickoff.
22:39 Oh, you're gonna just hit the all button.
22:41 What about the over or the under?
22:42 - Huh?
22:43 Not touching it.
22:44 That number's weird.
22:45 That number should not be that low in this game.
22:46 - Okay, Dave, who are you taking?
22:48 - I like Kansas State.
22:50 Dan, I know he thinks it's a little bit of a rat.
22:53 I do.
22:54 It's their defense that's like got me a little bit awake.
22:57 Nobody's scoring.
22:58 I just side note one time when I'm doing podcasts,
23:00 I'd like someone else to help me get the food
23:02 when it comes in.
23:03 I got the gate that doesn't work.
23:04 It's incredible.
23:05 I'm the only person in the world who can't get a gate
23:07 that just simply opens and closes.
23:09 It drives me fucking crazy.
23:11 I'm gonna take Kansas State.
23:12 - It's Dave.
23:13 It's also, it's Bosco's in my head
23:15 'cause he has, you know he has his circle.
23:16 - Yeah, he loves them.
23:17 - What does he have?
23:18 - His Kansas State is a win.
23:19 It's like no doubter win.
23:21 And I know he's got a couple weeks in a row with his locks,
23:24 but when he's like no doubter win,
23:27 and I was feeling that too.
23:28 I was waiting all week last week.
23:30 Like I can't wait to bet Kansas State.
23:33 And then it's just something in your head.
23:34 You're like wait, it's never this easy.
23:36 It's never this easy.
23:37 - Rico also, like after last year,
23:39 'cause he wanted Kansas State to be in the conversation
23:41 for the playoff last year.
23:42 - He loves Kansas State.
23:43 - So he's still on that.
23:44 So it is a thing that he's doing.
23:46 Okay, let's go to the Pac-12.
23:47 Number five, Washington.
23:49 At number 20, USC, Washington right now favored by three.
23:52 The over under at 76 and a half.
23:53 Dave, I will start with you.
23:54 We know that USC has struggled.
23:56 Their defenses look terrible.
23:57 Washington's defense has also not been great,
24:00 but it's Michael Pennix Jr. versus Caleb Williams
24:02 who are you taking?
24:03 - So I think Washington has had a letdown
24:08 the last few weeks after their big win against Oregon.
24:11 They played two teams not good.
24:13 They haven't looked great.
24:14 Yes, I know USC obviously this looked like
24:17 a much bigger game two weeks ago.
24:19 I still think you just get up for USC.
24:22 Even if they're struggling,
24:23 I think Washington gets back on track, so to speak,
24:26 in terms of looking good,
24:27 looking like a national title contender.
24:29 So I like Washington here.
24:31 - Dave, or Dan, you love to bet the over.
24:34 That's the thing.
24:34 This number is so high.
24:36 - You have to be perfect in this game.
24:37 You have to have no minutes of no scoring.
24:40 I'm going to go USC though.
24:42 I think everyone's written off USC.
24:44 They've looked equally as bad.
24:47 I don't know.
24:48 This is another game that...
24:49 - Uh-huh.
24:52 - Yeah, I don't know.
24:53 It's a really tough game.
24:54 'Cause I mean, when you have an over this high,
24:56 you're basically saying it's gonna be a shootout.
24:58 The volatility of this game is gonna be insane.
25:01 This might be my live bet game of the week,
25:04 where if any team goes down 14 points,
25:07 just hammer the other team,
25:08 because I think it's going to end up being a shootout
25:11 that comes down to the last possession.
25:12 - And Bray, and like I said,
25:13 we know how bad USC's defense is,
25:15 but when you look at Washington,
25:16 I mean, the fact that they beat Oregon is great,
25:18 but their defense has not played well.
25:19 - No, it hasn't been great.
25:21 Dave's got a good point that Washington's had these couple
25:23 of...
25:24 They had those games against opponents that they knew
25:26 they could kind of put it in third gear
25:29 and still win the game.
25:31 But I do go with USC here,
25:32 because I think Lincoln Riley,
25:34 he's obviously not coaching for his job,
25:36 and he's obviously not coaching for his future,
25:37 but I do think he's coaching to prove to USC
25:40 that this thing's going the right direction,
25:42 he's gonna be good.
25:43 It wasn't just Caleb Williams last year.
25:45 So I think Lincoln Riley needs to win some games
25:47 down the stretch, particularly a big game.
25:48 So I'm gonna go USC.
25:50 - I'm gonna take USC as well.
25:51 Ev, you went to a USC game.
25:52 How are you feeling about this team?
25:54 - I mean, I said before the Notre Dame game,
25:56 I thought USC would lose at least three more games.
25:58 They've lost two since then.
25:59 They honestly should have lost to Cal.
26:01 Cal got screwed.
26:02 It was a clear hole that they didn't call
26:03 in the two-point conversion.
26:04 Their defense is just atrocious.
26:06 They even lost, I know they started adding corner safety.
26:08 That was like their best secondary guy.
26:10 I mean, this should be like a get-right spot
26:11 for the Washington offense.
26:12 I'm taking Washington.
26:14 - Let's go to the big game in the SEC.
26:15 Brandon, number 14, LSU.
26:17 At number eight, Alabama.
26:18 Alabama favored by three.
26:19 The over-under at 60 and a half.
26:21 You and I talked about it this week on Unnecessary Roughness
26:23 about how everybody seems to be on LSU right now.
26:25 We know how good Jaden Daniels has been,
26:27 but their defense also has been struggling.
26:29 How are you feeling about this game at night
26:31 at Bryant-Denny?
26:31 - Well, they might have the worst defense in the country,
26:33 and they might have the best offense in the country.
26:35 And I just said those two sentences knowing
26:37 that I'm gonna pick the under in this game.
26:39 Because in these big games,
26:40 Alabama's defense has been the real side
26:42 that has shown up this year.
26:43 Against Ole Miss, they held a great Ole Miss offense
26:45 of 10 points at home.
26:46 They've been a very good defense.
26:47 I think they keep it under 60 and a half here.
26:49 That's my pick.
26:50 - Dan?
26:52 - I'm gonna take Alabama in this game.
26:54 I've been throwing this trivia question out all week,
26:56 so anyone who's heard it, don't answer.
26:58 Last quarterback to beat Nick Saban two years in a row.
27:01 - I know it.
27:03 - What is it?
27:04 - Do you want me to say it?
27:05 - Yeah.
27:06 - I saw it on Twitter.
27:07 - Oh, Drew Brees.
27:08 - Yes, Drew Brees.
27:08 - Yes.
27:09 - Drew Brees at Purdue.
27:10 - I don't think that Jaden Daniels
27:11 can beat him two years in a row.
27:12 - No, that would be something.
27:13 I mean, and the best defense that Jaden Daniels has played
27:16 was Florida State.
27:17 They didn't play very well offensively that night.
27:19 They did put up numbers against a bad Ole Miss defense,
27:21 a bad Arkansas defense,
27:23 but Alabama's defense will be the best he's seen all year.
27:25 - And I do think that Alabama has at least figured out
27:28 a little something on offense in the fact that
27:31 Jalen Milrow can throw a good deep ball,
27:34 and you saw it in the second half against Tennessee,
27:36 taking a couple shots.
27:37 - Jermaine Burton's been good.
27:38 - Their defense obviously was a big reason
27:40 why they just squished Tennessee in the second half,
27:44 and it comes down to who's gonna get a stop
27:46 in the fourth quarter?
27:47 Give me Alabama over LSU in that scenario.
27:50 - Brandon, just to clarify,
27:51 you're just taking the under, you're not--
27:52 - I'm taking the under, yeah.
27:53 - So you're not gonna--
27:54 - If you made me pick a side, I would pick Alabama.
27:55 - Okay, Dave?
27:56 - So I thought a couple weeks ago at LSU,
28:00 I said my hot take LSU will beat Alabama,
28:03 go to the big 12, go to the SEC Championship and win it.
28:08 I no longer think that.
28:10 I think Alabama's turned the corner a little bit.
28:12 I still think glaring problem is LSU's defense.
28:15 I'm taking Alabama here.
28:16 - Yeah, this is, I guess, scary 'cause we're all doing it,
28:18 but I'm gonna take Alabama.
28:20 I know, only three points, but it is--
28:21 - Well, I said under.
28:22 - Yeah, you said under.
28:22 - I didn't make me say Alabama.
28:23 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:24 - I didn't make you, I was just curious.
28:25 I was just clarifying for the graphics what you were taking,
28:28 but I am gonna take Alabama.
28:29 Okay, in the SEC East, number 12 Missouri
28:32 at number two Georgia.
28:33 Georgia favored by 15 and a half,
28:35 the total at 54 and a half.
28:38 Dave, I will start with you.
28:39 Missouri has had a very good season.
28:41 They're seven and one.
28:42 Georgia is rolling.
28:43 Do you think that Missouri can keep this one close?
28:47 - Yes, I do.
28:48 I think this is gonna be a letdown spot for Georgia.
28:51 12 Missouri, no.
28:55 You know, make a face there, Brandon, I wanna explain.
28:57 Number 12, there's certain teams
28:59 that I don't care what they're necessarily ranked.
29:01 It's like, ugh, it's Missouri.
29:02 Like, Mississippi State comes in at number seven.
29:04 Are you like, oh, no, it's Mississippi State.
29:07 You don't take them seriously.
29:08 Georgia is not gonna take Missouri seriously.
29:12 I believe they're coming off
29:14 the world's greatest cocktail party.
29:16 I forget, they have Tennessee and somebody else good.
29:19 The next two weeks--
29:20 - Ole Miss, they have Ole Miss.
29:21 - Ole Miss, so you do take an Ole Miss seriously.
29:25 So to me, yeah, I know they're 12.
29:28 I don't think you're gonna get
29:29 the A-plus effort from Georgia.
29:31 I do think you'll get the A-plus effort from Missouri.
29:33 So I do think they keep this game close.
29:35 More of a lack of attention from the Bulldogs.
29:38 I like the points, Missouri.
29:39 - Brandon.
29:40 - Okay, so theoretically what he just said kinda works,
29:44 but Georgia is the opposite.
29:46 They proved this theory wrong.
29:48 Because Georgia, every time they get a chance
29:49 to play one of these upstart teams that comes into Athens,
29:52 they beat the shit out of 'em.
29:53 Last year, Tennessee came in.
29:55 Tennessee's number one in the country.
29:56 They beat 'em 27-13, but they controlled that game.
29:58 - Well, Tennessee is not Missouri.
30:01 - Okay, I'll give you a couple teams that are Missouri.
30:03 Two years ago, Arkansas started 6-0.
30:05 They walk into Athens, they give you 37-0.
30:07 They couldn't get a first down.
30:08 This year, 5-0 Kentucky, they're ranked in the top 15.
30:11 They go to Athens, they can't get a first down.
30:13 They get killed.
30:14 Missouri is a team that is riding
30:16 as high as they've ever ridden.
30:18 Georgia loves putting these teams in the fucking dirt
30:21 and doing it fast.
30:22 I think Georgia destroys Missouri.
30:24 And I've been on Missouri all year.
30:25 I said Missouri would win nine or 10 games in May.
30:28 I like Missouri.
30:29 They're not ready for Georgia when Georgia's fired up,
30:31 and I think Georgia will be fired up.
30:32 - Well, and that's why I was gonna say that,
30:34 'cause it's not like you're saying,
30:35 "Oh, Missouri's a bad team, Missouri stinks."
30:36 Like, you have been very, very high on them.
30:38 You like their wide receiver a lot,
30:39 maybe one of the best in the country,
30:41 but you are looking at this Georgia team
30:42 and saying they're just that much better.
30:43 - In these fuck you spots, Georgia has a fuck you mode.
30:46 They did it to Arkansas two years ago.
30:47 They did it to Kentucky earlier this year,
30:48 and I think it fits the mold here with Missouri.
30:50 - And Dan, what's interesting too,
30:51 is a lot of people talk about how easy
30:52 Georgia's schedule was going into this season.
30:55 It's actually looked a lot tougher now
30:56 at the end of the season,
30:57 'cause they are playing number 12 Missouri.
30:58 They have Ole Miss.
31:00 Do you think that this is a spot
31:01 that they can get caught up a little bit?
31:02 - No, I think Georgia has the switch.
31:05 They've done it pretty well.
31:06 I'm taking the over, though, in this game.
31:08 Georgia's offense has been,
31:09 when they hit the switch, they score.
31:12 And I think Mizzou's offense is gonna be able
31:14 to get in the 20s here.
31:15 So a 35-20, that's a nice over right there,
31:20 somewhere around there.
31:21 So yeah, I like the over in this game.
31:23 - Ev, what do you think?
31:24 - Yeah, I'm taking Georgia and the over.
31:26 I think it's a squish one, but I agree with Dan.
31:27 Mizzou's offense is pretty good.
31:30 They'll score a few points,
31:30 but I think Michigan's ends up,
31:33 Mizzou's defense is bad.
31:34 They've let up a ton of points.
31:35 - What'd you just say?
31:36 - What'd you just say? - Michigan's so in his head.
31:38 - Yeah, I know. - Oh my.
31:39 - That's a bad look, big guy.
31:40 - My God.
31:41 - He said Michigan. - He's taking us
31:42 off his list. - I said they were fast.
31:43 - He's seeing Connor Stallions in the shadows.
31:46 - They're just swirling around in Big Ev's head.
31:48 - The boogeyman, Connor Sosa, Kaiser Sosa,
31:51 everywhere you go, he's a spook story.
31:54 Big Ev can't get us out of his mind.
31:57 - That's tough, Ev. - Michigan, Michigan.
31:58 The first thing you see when you wake up,
32:00 the last thing you see when you go to bed, Michigan.
32:03 - I can't wait to kick your ass.
32:04 - Michigan, Michigan, Michigan.
32:05 - We're going to kick your ass.
32:07 - Michigan, he's so scared.
32:08 Even when we pan to him, he's like,
32:11 Michigan, Michigan. - Everyone's saying
32:13 Michigan is bad and they're going to get squished.
32:16 - Michigan, Michigan. - It's so easy
32:18 to mess up team names, especially when you do shows
32:21 so often, it just sucks that it happened to be Michigan
32:23 that you spelled. - Well, that was great.
32:25 Casey, that is not, what Freud calls that, what?
32:29 - A Freudian slip. - Yeah, that's what that was.
32:32 That was not no accident.
32:34 It's not like, oh, he just happened to pick that out of a hat.
32:37 No, he can't stop thinking about us
32:39 and worrying about November 25th.
32:41 Michigan, Michigan. - Yeah, that was tough.
32:43 - That was tough. - I can't fucking.
32:45 - It was tough.
32:46 Just for the sake of the picks, I'm going to take Georgia.
32:49 Let's move on to trivia with Brandon.
32:51 - That was unbelievable. - That was tough.
32:53 That was tough.
32:54 All right, Brandon, what's your trivia this week?
32:56 - All right, here is the trivia.
32:57 And if you've been off Twitter, I think this is almost,
33:01 this is level impossible if you didn't see.
33:03 - Why do you do this knowing that Dan and Ev
33:05 are going to be the only ones that play?
33:05 - It's level impossible if you didn't happen
33:06 to see this tweet the other day,
33:08 but if you did see it, it might be a little easier.
33:09 Anyway, we've been going on now 10 years
33:12 of the college football playoff.
33:13 Name the five teams, a lot of answers here.
33:16 Name the five teams that have never, ever once been ranked
33:20 in the college football playoff committee's top 25.
33:22 - So obviously Power Five.
33:24 - Power Five. - Oh, Power Five.
33:25 Yes, yes, Power Five teams.
33:26 - I got three off the top of my head.
33:28 I don't know if we can workshop this, Ev.
33:31 But I got three no doubters.
33:32 - Everybody can throw one out there.
33:33 - I got three no doubters. - It's going to be
33:34 a group activity.
33:34 - You know that Dave and I are really bad at trivia.
33:37 - I actually have four no doubters.
33:37 - We can name one, I'm thinking of it.
33:39 - Vanderbilt.
33:40 - That is one.
33:41 - I got, yeah, Vandy, Rutgers.
33:44 - Yep. - Maryland.
33:45 - Yep.
33:46 Everybody got their answer ready?
33:50 - Cal.
33:50 - You saw the tweet.
33:55 - No, I really didn't.
33:56 - You saw the tweet.
33:58 You could have just said you saw the tweet.
33:59 - I didn't see the tweet.
34:00 - You could have said you saw the tweet.
34:01 - I really didn't.
34:01 - You could have said you saw the tweet.
34:02 - I swear on our podcast, I have not seen the tweet.
34:05 - Right now, I'm going to work with Ev on this.
34:07 Right now I have Cal, Vanderbilt, Maryland, Rutgers.
34:09 Who is the, there's got to be--
34:11 - Those four are correct.
34:12 - Kansas has been good enough.
34:13 - Kansas is right now.
34:14 - Kansas State has been, oh yeah,
34:16 Kansas State has been good enough, Iowa State.
34:18 - Has Tech been that good in the last 10 years?
34:19 - I like that one.
34:20 I'm trying to, I'm just going through all the names.
34:23 Duke's been good enough.
34:23 - Tech is the one that's came to my head that--
34:25 - D.
34:26 - I don't know if they've been that good.
34:27 - Syracuse has been ranked.
34:28 - I only get four.
34:29 I only have four.
34:30 The answers are Cal, Vanderbilt, Maryland, Rutgers,
34:34 and big Ev?
34:35 - Texas Tech.
34:36 - Oh, nice.
34:37 - Nice one.
34:38 - Damn, I can't believe Texas Tech.
34:39 - Who tweeted that?
34:41 - Brent McMurphy.
34:42 - Okay.
34:42 - That's a good trivia question.
34:44 - Yeah, it is.
34:45 - I couldn't get the fifth.
34:45 - It was a nice little workshop.
34:47 Let's go to the Pizza Hut, Hut take of the week.
34:49 Pizza Hut may not have invented pizza,
34:50 but they sure did make it famous.
34:51 Whether it's a team celebration
34:52 or just a casual get together with friends,
34:54 no one out pizzas the Hut order.
34:57 Now, Dave, what is your Hut take
34:58 for week 10 of college football?
35:00 - I think this is a little bit of a Hut take
35:02 with everything going around right now.
35:03 And I know everyone's like,
35:04 "Oh, this just turned into a Michigan, Ohio show.
35:06 I'm sorry, Michigan is national news with this scandal,"
35:10 or whatever you want to call it.
35:12 Jim Harbaugh will far outlast Ryan Day at the two schools.
35:18 In fact, I think Ryan Day will be bye-bye after this year.
35:23 - It is a Hut take.
35:25 - He currently has the number one team in the country.
35:28 - And Brandon, they're a seven point underdog
35:31 in the look ahead line.
35:34 - It's hard to get rid of a guy
35:35 that's just making it to the playoff.
35:37 - It's hard to have a look ahead line
35:38 for a team that's played nobody.
35:39 - Yeah, and just keeps making the playoff.
35:41 - Oh, like Ohio State's played anybody.
35:44 They got Rutgers this week.
35:45 - They're beating multiple teams in the top 15 right now.
35:48 Multiple teams.
35:48 - ULV almost broke into the top 25.
35:52 I know you'll watch that.
35:53 I was watching the late opening.
35:53 - Almost doesn't cut it.
35:54 - Almost broke into the top 25.
35:56 - Almost.
35:57 - I mean, Ohio State is number one
35:59 in the playoff rankings because of their resume.
36:02 - Harbaugh's gonna be gone after this year.
36:03 - He's gonna be the parent of the Santa.
36:04 - Michigan. - He's out.
36:05 - Michigan. - Going this last season.
36:07 This is it. - Michigan.
36:08 - That's not a hot take.
36:09 - Michigan. - He's out.
36:09 - Dan, I know you really want Harbaugh in Chicago.
36:12 - I want Harbaugh to coach.
36:13 - Yo, fruitcake guys.
36:13 - Is there a report that he's asking about the-
36:16 - It was just a fake, like one of those fake-
36:19 - That's a report.
36:20 - Yeah, no, listen.
36:21 I quote treated it to try to get everyone talking about it.
36:23 I know what I'm doing.
36:25 - The actual report, the Wall Street Journal said
36:28 Michigan wouldn't extend the contract.
36:30 And then the president of the school's being like,
36:31 "We're trying to fast track.
36:33 "This is our man for life."
36:35 - If they were trying to fast track it,
36:36 wouldn't they just announce that it was done?
36:38 How hard is it to fast track a contract?
36:40 - Are you aware of how detailed contracts are
36:44 and legalities?
36:45 You do have to work that stuff out, Walker.
36:47 - Negotiations, yeah.
36:48 Okay, Dan, what's your hot take?
36:50 - My hot take, now I know there's still a lot of ball left,
36:53 but I made a switch last week.
36:54 I talked about it on Pick 'Em.
36:56 I can say it here.
36:57 I had taken the Washington Huskies at 18 to one
37:02 to win the national title.
37:04 After they beat Oregon, I cashed out for a profit
37:06 and I switched to Oregon to win the national title
37:09 at 25 to one.
37:11 They went and bullied Utah.
37:13 They are now 12 to one.
37:14 I think Oregon is very much live
37:17 to win the national title this year.
37:18 I think they're gonna get in
37:20 and I think they can beat any team.
37:22 - I like that.
37:23 Brandon Huttings.
37:24 - Poenix has played more.
37:25 I think he officially passed it.
37:27 He played more games than anyone at quarterback
37:29 in college football history.
37:30 - Two weeks ago, he passed Sam Hartman.
37:33 - The man knows how to play college football.
37:35 - I think that's a fantastic switch.
37:37 - I like that.
37:38 - It already paid off.
37:39 - Oregon is better than Washington.
37:40 - I could cash out Oregon right now.
37:41 I'm not going to, but yeah, Oregon's 12 to one,
37:43 Washington's 14 to one, so Washington went backwards.
37:46 - Brandon, your hot take.
37:47 - So I'm gonna, the one I wrote down
37:48 and gave Blattman last night, I'm actually gonna change it.
37:50 So don't even put up my graphic
37:51 because I'm changing it right here.
37:53 - Okay.
37:54 - In the Heisman odds right now,
37:55 you've got the guy at Michigan who hasn't played anybody
37:58 falsely in the front of it.
38:00 You've got Jaden Daniels up there.
38:01 - Say his name, Buckeye Brandon.
38:03 - I don't even remember.
38:04 I haven't even watched the game he's played in.
38:06 So anyway, I got a name at 25 to one.
38:10 It was 25 to one on Monday.
38:11 I don't think it's changed.
38:12 Carson Beck of Georgia.
38:14 - He's good.
38:15 - Carson Beck is very good.
38:16 He throws for 325, 350 yards every week.
38:19 Brock Bowers got hurt, didn't matter.
38:20 He threw for 315 last week against Florida,
38:23 three touchdowns.
38:24 He is fantastic and they've got,
38:26 not only do they have number 12 Missouri this week,
38:29 they got number 10 Ole Miss in a couple of weeks.
38:31 And then they play Alabama with the last statement,
38:34 or probably Alabama.
38:35 They play Alabama for the last statement
38:37 before the Heisman Committee in the championship game.
38:39 This guy is worth a flyer, 25 to one.
38:42 He is very good and he could win the Heisman.
38:44 - Yeah, I like that pick.
38:45 - That's good.
38:46 Ev, your hot take?
38:47 - My take is this year, it's been like the year of parody,
38:50 the year that we need a 12 team playoff, all this.
38:53 My hot take is it's going to end up being the same four teams
38:55 that it usually is going to,
38:57 the other conference is going to cannibalize themselves.
38:58 It's going to be Ohio State.
38:59 I think Bama is going to beat Georgia
39:01 in the conference championship.
39:02 It's going to be Georgia, Bama,
39:04 and they'll probably throw Michigan a bone,
39:05 even though I'm planning by the lose Ohio State,
39:07 still get in, same four teams.
39:09 - Michigan will not get in if they lose to Ohio State.
39:11 - Definitely not.
39:12 - Or I'd say Oregon, who they have made the playoff.
39:13 - Well, Florida State still exists.
39:15 - No, Oregon would get in over Michigan.
39:17 If they both have one loss,
39:19 Oregon would absolutely get in over Michigan.
39:21 - No, that I'm saying,
39:22 they still have some tough games left.
39:24 - You're saying that--
39:25 - You're saying they might not have one loss,
39:26 is what he's saying.
39:27 - What take depends on Ohio State beating Michigan,
39:30 'cause Ohio State could potentially get in
39:32 if Michigan beats them.
39:33 - Just like last year.
39:34 - Michigan can't get in if Ohio State beats them.
39:35 - Right.
39:36 - But I'm saying, but then in that take,
39:37 I still would be, the take would still be correct.
39:39 - You-- - What?
39:40 - What you're saying is that all the other conferences
39:41 are going to cannibalize themselves.
39:42 - Yes, that's what I'm,
39:43 I'm basically saying that Texas
39:44 is going to cannibalize themselves.
39:44 - What about Florida State?
39:45 - I said, that was my take last week.
39:47 - For--
39:47 - That Florida State, I think they're going to--
39:48 - You think the ACC, the Pac-12,
39:49 and the big convo will get themselves?
39:50 - I think they're either going to drop to Miami,
39:53 in Gainesville, or the conference championship.
39:55 - Okay, so when it is Oregon, Florida State,
39:57 Georgia, and Michigan, we need a retraction.
40:00 - Yeah, if that happens, I mean, obviously I'll say--
40:02 - Can you have a retraction
40:03 after it's already been proven to be false?
40:05 Don't you have to retract before it's false?
40:06 - Oh yeah, that's true.
40:07 - Well, but it's also his hot take.
40:08 It's supposed to be--
40:09 - It's his hot take.
40:10 - I'm saying the hot take is all these teams
40:11 that they've been like, Texas and Florida State,
40:13 that they're all going to kind of just eat themselves alive.
40:15 The conference is going to eat themselves alive.
40:16 - Sure.
40:17 - I don't even know if this is a hot take or not,
40:19 but I think Clemson fans might be the most selfish fans
40:22 in college football.
40:22 I think that they might actually be the worst.
40:24 This whole thing with Dabo, and I know, Brandon,
40:25 you are not a big Dabo guy.
40:27 The fact that you were on Dabo's side this week,
40:29 he's got a guy calling in asking
40:31 how he gets paid so much money,
40:32 11 and a half million dollars a year to go four and four.
40:35 Clemson fans won national titles
40:37 within the last couple of years.
40:38 Like, they've won two, and they're complaining.
40:40 They're saying he shouldn't get it.
40:41 Can you imagine, Dan, if Wisconsin
40:43 had a couple national titles and were four and four,
40:45 and you were calling in to bitch at your head coach?
40:46 - The only thing I would say about defending Tyler
40:51 from Spartanburg is Dabo, the way it's slipping,
40:56 it feels like Dabo doesn't want to adapt.
41:00 So that's the only thing that you could say
41:02 if you're a Clemson fan, but I agree that, like,
41:05 he's raised the bar so high that to then turn around
41:09 on their first really, truly bad year and be like,
41:11 you stink, it's crazy to do that.
41:14 We'll see how he adapts.
41:15 - It's similar to what I deal with with the Patriots.
41:18 You don't hear me trashing Belichick, and we're terrible.
41:20 - But it's, yeah, it is kind of similar.
41:22 Like, if Belichick doesn't, if you go another year
41:24 and he doesn't adapt, then you probably will start hearing.
41:27 - Yeah, I mean, I would never trash Belichick ever.
41:32 I don't know, and I think the success,
41:35 that it was longer with the Patriots,
41:36 but the success that Clemson had,
41:38 and they were not a successful program for a long-ass time,
41:41 I think that almost buys you infinity, like, goodwill.
41:46 - I think he should be unfireable at Clemson.
41:49 - But it's the fact that I think where the frustration
41:54 comes from is Dabo is very, very firm on how he doesn't
41:58 want to use the transfer portal.
41:59 He thinks players shouldn't get paid.
42:02 Like, I think he will adapt, because you have to adapt,
42:05 but take Nick Saban, for example.
42:07 Nick Saban has adapted in every single turn
42:10 of college football.
42:11 He used to win championships playing defense,
42:14 running the ball.
42:14 The game became a spread offense.
42:16 He went and got the best wide receivers, quarterbacks,
42:19 all this shit.
42:20 NIL, he embraces it.
42:21 Like, that's, I think, the frustration.
42:24 I understand that frustration.
42:25 I think it's crazy to criticize him one year into being bad,
42:30 but if he doesn't adapt, I think then they get a little bit
42:33 of a fair argument, like, dude, you've built this thing,
42:36 and you're gonna watch it crumble because you refuse
42:39 to get with the times.
42:40 - That is fair.
42:41 I also asked this question earlier this week, though.
42:42 Outside of Georgia and Alabama and maybe Michigan,
42:46 depending on if you're actually having them tell the truth
42:48 or not, any team in the country would take Dabo right now,
42:51 right?
42:52 - I don't know if he doesn't adapt.
42:53 - No, I don't know about that.
42:54 - I will. - Really?
42:55 - I think I agree with it.
42:57 I mean, I can't think of many teams that wouldn't want
43:00 to take Dabo right now.
43:01 - After the way he built Clemson up after they were so bad
43:04 and won national titles. - But you can't build it
43:04 the same way that he won national titles.
43:06 That's my whole point, is like, again,
43:08 I don't think that criticizing him to that point
43:12 in one year is right.
43:14 It's the next couple years.
43:16 If Dabo stays with his stubborn way and he says,
43:18 "We're only getting our guys,
43:19 "we're not hitting the transfer portal,
43:21 "we don't, you know, name, image, and likeness
43:24 "is in the name, image, and likeness of God,"
43:26 all that shit, then you get a fair frustration
43:29 because, like, dude, that was the past.
43:31 It's a different era. - How's he gonna bring it
43:32 to God that he's changing the NL?
43:33 - I don't know.
43:34 He's gonna have to have a long talk.
43:36 - I obviously have the best coach in the country,
43:38 so I'm set, but let's say if I did not have that,
43:41 I would not want Dabo.
43:45 I don't think he's, just to say, "Oh, he can adapt to,"
43:48 it's a totally different world.
43:49 - He's gotta show it.
43:50 He's gotta show it. - Can I just,
43:51 can I ask Dave a quick question?
43:52 I know we gotta move on.
43:53 Can you be the best coach in the country
43:54 if you've been there a decade
43:56 and have never won a playoff game?
43:58 - Yes. - No.
43:59 That's a hard no.
44:01 Just the fact that you said yes
44:02 should be embarrassing to you.
44:02 No, obviously not.
44:04 - Well, how long's NIL been going on?
44:06 - Kirby Smart exists.
44:07 Nick Saban exists.
44:08 - Kyle Whittingham.
44:10 - Kyle Whittingham.
44:11 All these people exist.
44:12 - How long has NIL been going on?
44:13 - It's about three years.
44:15 Also, the length of your cheating scandal.
44:19 - I would like to unrecognize Dabo.
44:19 - Or, or, or, or, maybe in this new world,
44:23 Harbaugh's the perfect guy.
44:25 - He hasn't won a goddamn thing in this new world.
44:28 - He's won two Big Ten titles.
44:29 - Okay, Kirby Smart's won two national titles.
44:30 - Let me tell you this, Buckeye Brandy.
44:31 - Kirby Smart's won two national titles.
44:33 You just said Jim Harbaugh's the best coach in the country.
44:35 - Let me ask you this.
44:36 - Laughable.
44:37 - Has Mississippi State ever won the SEC?
44:38 - Our coach died, yes, 1941, right before the war, okay?
44:42 Our guy, our boys were getting ready for this.
44:43 - So if you won the SEC,
44:44 would you count that as a title of any sort?
44:48 - What are you talking about?
44:49 - If Mississippi State won the SEC,
44:52 would you be, "Oh, we had a great season.
44:55 We won the SEC."
44:56 - I say it's a great season.
44:56 - I mean, now we're talking about my coach.
44:57 - I mean, if you want to be in the same sentence
44:58 as Mississippi State, sure.
44:59 - Didn't you say Ryan Day stinks?
45:02 - Yes.
45:02 - He's won two Big Ten titles.
45:04 - He also won a playoff game.
45:06 - Uh-oh.
45:07 - That was before Michigan was around.
45:08 - Okay, but he's won two Big Ten titles.
45:09 - Yeah, Michigan definitely wasn't around.
45:11 - Jim Harbaugh was there.
45:11 - Way, listen, two Big Ten titles don't get you the dobble.
45:16 You don't need national.
45:18 Right now, we are the team in the Big Ten.
45:20 You keep winning Big Ten titles like they're coming off of-
45:22 - But Ryan Day has the same resume.
45:24 - Ryan Day has the same resume.
45:26 - Ryan Day took over a program
45:29 that was at the peak of its powers
45:31 and have driven it right into the ground.
45:34 - Okay.
45:34 - He made the playoffs.
45:35 - They just keep making the playoffs.
45:36 - Yeah, I mean, they've done more than Michigan's done.
45:39 - That's just, that's only because of Michigan.
45:41 Michigan's so good that they build the resume
45:44 up of Ohio State.
45:45 - I cannot wait for this game this year.
45:49 - Yeah.
45:49 - Every single year we say that, but this year-
45:50 - I can't wait 'til next year,
45:52 Dave's just gonna be like his head in his ass
45:53 the whole year.
45:54 He's gonna have nothing to say.
45:55 - I will say, blood oath, blood oath, big boy.
45:58 - For sure.
45:58 - Blood oath.
45:59 - Are you blood oath too?
46:00 - I've also, I made a bet with LaJuan last night as well.
46:02 - What were the-
46:04 - So the official, the bet with Taylor is,
46:06 if Ohio State wins, when they win,
46:07 I get to basically have a weekend
46:10 getting with my boys at his mansion in Nashville,
46:12 do our fantasy drive with all my friends I grew up with.
46:15 If somehow by fluke, Ohio State loses,
46:18 I have to put on Michigan gear,
46:20 do the fight song for a video.
46:23 - I don't even want you doing that.
46:24 - And I can't say anything bad publicly about Michigan
46:28 basically the entire off season.
46:30 - Dave's-
46:31 - And the week of the game next year.
46:33 - I feel like that's a loss for us.
46:35 - He said that's disgusting.
46:37 Let's go to the Roback-
46:38 - I think I made a decent deal.
46:39 - The Roback dog of the week.
46:40 As always, we are all outfitted by Roback.
46:43 Grab your gear this football season.
46:44 Go to rhoback.com, use code football
46:48 for 20% off your first purchase.
46:50 That's 20% off all polos, shorts, hoodies,
46:52 and more with code football.
46:54 Dave, who is your dog of the week?
46:56 - Maryland.
46:58 Maryland at home.
46:59 I think Penn State stinks.
47:01 I think James Franklin is so obsessed with Michigan
47:05 that they're not going to be paying attention to this game.
47:07 They play Michigan the week after.
47:09 He's seen ghosts.
47:10 He's hearing goblins.
47:11 It's Halloween night every night for James Franklin.
47:14 The boogeyman, he's afraid of him.
47:16 I think they are sleepwalking in Maryland.
47:18 Maryland beats them.
47:19 Dog of the week.
47:20 Plus nine and a half.
47:21 - My dog of the week is the entire MAAC conference.
47:23 Maction is back.
47:24 Last night I watched every single snap
47:26 of one in seven Kent State versus one in seven Akron.
47:29 It was awesome.
47:30 It was a great game.
47:32 These guys, listen, it's not the most beautiful football,
47:36 but it's the funniest football.
47:37 And I love Maction so much, and it's great to have it back.
47:40 - You know what was so funny is when we did
47:41 the pro football show and Clinton Portis heard you guys
47:43 talking about betting on two one and seven teams,
47:45 he was like, I can't hang with you guys.
47:46 - Yeah, Clinton Portis, Dave, like was disgusted
47:49 when I was like, yeah, I watched one in seven
47:52 versus one in seven.
47:53 - And he was like, why?
47:54 He said he's going to block your number.
47:55 - You don't understand, dude.
47:56 It's Maction, baby.
47:57 - Yeah, he said he's going to block your number
47:59 because he doesn't want to hear about one in seven bets.
48:01 Okay, Brandon, what is your dog of the week?
48:03 - So in the Big 12, you have Texas is four and one.
48:06 You have Oklahoma State is four and one.
48:09 You have Oklahoma four and one.
48:11 Iowa State, who was terrible to start the season,
48:14 they're also four and one.
48:15 They're in the mix for everything.
48:17 Kansas coming off the win against Oklahoma,
48:18 has to go on the road to Iowa State.
48:19 Iowa State minus two and a half.
48:21 - That's not a dog.
48:22 Why are you doing your proper pick?
48:23 - Oh, I did my proper pick, fuck.
48:24 - Jesus Christ, man. - I was on the wrong.
48:26 - Damn it.
48:27 - He said about Michigan too.
48:28 - Michigan. - No, I'm not talking
48:29 about Michigan. - Michigan.
48:30 - You're right, you're right, sorry.
48:31 - Michigan. - I didn't say Michigan.
48:32 - Michigan. - I didn't say Michigan.
48:34 - Michigan. - Michigan's got you guys all.
48:36 - You rattled. - It's unbelievable.
48:38 - I have a double dog of-- - They can't even function.
48:41 - I'm wearing a little bag. - Michigan.
48:42 - I gotta do my sponsor. - Michigan.
48:44 - Okay. - Michigan.
48:46 Michigan.
48:47 - I have a double dog of the week.
48:49 - Okay. - Double dog of the week.
48:50 - Let's try it again.
48:51 - And it is in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
48:53 Ollie Gordon, one of the best players in the country.
48:55 He is leading the country in rushing.
48:57 He's only played four games.
48:58 Leading the country in rushing.
48:59 The number two guy has 55 more carries
49:02 than Ollie Gordon has.
49:03 Ollie Gordon and Oklahoma State plus five and a half.
49:07 Double dog in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
49:08 - There you go.
49:09 Okay, Ev, who is your dog of the week?
49:11 - What's funny, we just spent so much time talking about it.
49:12 I'm thinking Clemson.
49:13 I think they get right, I think they win.
49:15 They're catching up to two and a half or three.
49:17 I think they win.
49:18 All the talk this week with Dabo,
49:19 he said the guy from Spartanburg or whatever.
49:22 And they get back on track.
49:23 I don't think, they're not,
49:24 obviously not as good as they have been.
49:25 They're not nearly as bad as I think people think they are.
49:28 I mean, a couple of bad bounces,
49:29 they should have beat Florida State at home.
49:32 At home here, I mean, I think it was the same,
49:33 this is the same line pretty much.
49:35 Florida State, now it's Notre Dame.
49:39 I mean, gimme Clemson wins.
49:41 - It kinda sucks for like the storyline.
49:43 'Cause going into the season,
49:43 we would have obviously thought in week 10
49:45 we'd be talking about Notre Dame.
49:46 Clemson is one of the top games of the week and it wasn't.
49:48 So it's a weird spot for the Clemson fans.
49:51 Okay, Brandon, I have to do this.
49:53 I'm making Tommy Walker my dog of the week.
49:56 And Dan, I don't know if you've seen this.
49:57 - I saw it, oh, I saw it, I saw it.
49:58 - Dave, live on our podcast,
50:02 Tommy Walker broke Brandon's heart
50:03 and came out as an Alabama fan
50:05 and has disavowed the Walker family
50:08 and will not be a Mississippi State fan.
50:09 - Oh no.
50:10 - Well, that's smart.
50:11 That's like his mother, who is a lovely woman,
50:13 Brandon's mother.
50:14 So why would anybody want their son
50:18 to be a Mississippi State fan and an Alabama fan?
50:19 - Why would anybody value loyalty?
50:21 And why would anybody?
50:22 - Your mother is an Alabama fan.
50:24 - I don't care about my mom.
50:25 All right, who cares about my mom?
50:26 - So why weren't you loyal?
50:27 Why weren't you loyal?
50:28 - To what?
50:30 - Your mother.
50:30 - We grew up, I grew up 15 minutes
50:32 from the gates of Mississippi State University.
50:34 And she won't tell anybody,
50:35 she worked at Mississippi State University, okay?
50:37 She worked there and she was an Alabama fan.
50:39 But I love Mississippi State.
50:41 I will always love Mississippi State.
50:42 And I don't love teams because they win.
50:44 I love them because they're my team.
50:45 I'm a Mississippi State guy.
50:46 Fuck Alabama forever.
50:48 - I will say that it broke my heart for you
50:51 because I can't imagine if one day my son came in
50:53 and was like, "I'm not an A&M fan."
50:56 I would be so sad.
50:56 - He's not getting any money if he does Alabama stuff.
51:00 So no, he's cut out.
51:01 He's cut off.
51:02 - My dad did say that if I went to Texas, he'd come here.
51:04 - I'll take care of him.
51:05 - You're not gonna take care of my, no, no, no, no, no.
51:07 - If he goes to Alabama?
51:08 - No, ain't nobody taking care of nobody.
51:10 I got my kids.
51:11 No, no, no, no, no.
51:14 - Don't let Tommy Walker hear that Dave will take care
51:16 of him if he goes to Alabama.
51:17 'Cause you just fucked yourself.
51:18 - If he's going to Alabama.
51:19 - Tommy Walker's a ride or die too, Dave.
51:22 Ride or die.
51:23 When he, when we-
51:24 - He's going to Alabama.
51:24 - When we landed at the airport a few weeks ago,
51:26 he was picking up Brandon and I gave him-
51:29 - But I'll have to call me daddy.
51:30 - And I gave him a hundred bucks and I told him,
51:34 don't tell your dad what I gave you.
51:37 Wouldn't squeal.
51:38 Wouldn't squeal.
51:39 - I watched that happen and I was like,
51:40 is he really not gonna tell?
51:41 - He's ride or die.
51:42 He's ride or die.
51:42 - Brandon is-
51:43 - I'll be his uncle.
51:45 Daddy Portnoy and uncle Big Cat.
51:47 - Yep.
51:48 - Oh no.
51:49 - What's the next topic?
51:50 - Well, you've already spoiled your next topic.
51:53 So do you just want to move on?
51:54 Okay.
51:56 So the proper picks presented by Proper Number 12
51:58 Irish Whiskey, rich and smooth.
51:59 Proper Number 12 Irish Whiskey for every bottle sold.
52:02 A donation is made to support our brave first responders.
52:05 Order your bottle now.
52:06 Proper Number 12 Irish Whiskey from Drizzly today.
52:09 Big Cat, pour the roar.
52:10 I will say I am abysmal at these this year.
52:12 I am completely, I suck so badly.
52:14 Hopefully you will have better luck than me.
52:17 - I'm getting hot.
52:18 I'm getting hot.
52:19 - Proper Number 12.
52:19 I've won, I think three in a row.
52:21 Proper Number 12 Irish Whiskey.
52:22 The apple, the Irish apple is delicious.
52:25 I will take my shot.
52:26 - Pour that roar.
52:27 - Delicious.
52:29 And then I will take Ole Miss at home,
52:31 minus three against Texas A&M.
52:32 Ole Miss' defense is legit.
52:35 And do you still think you're going to win this Egg Bowl?
52:37 - Of course I think we're going to win the Egg Bowl.
52:39 - Okay.
52:40 - Unless, unless, unless we need to lose
52:42 to fire our coach and move somewhere else.
52:44 - Well, see, that's the, that's the pickle that I'm in
52:47 is that I don't want the fans, the team-
52:48 - I think A&M might beat Ole Miss.
52:49 - I don't want the players to lose.
52:51 I don't want the fans to lose,
52:52 but I want Jimbo to lose.
52:53 So I am in a pickle.
52:54 - I think you're too far.
52:55 I don't think you're firing him this year.
52:56 I don't think- - No.
52:57 - You're, you're, you're firing three, right?
52:58 You're fi-
52:59 - A&M fans think that they're a 10 win team.
53:02 They've won 10 wins once in the last 20 years.
53:04 - That's not the point.
53:05 - And they're like, "Well, why isn't Jimbo winning 10?"
53:07 - Dan, the guy got paid almost a hundred million dollars
53:09 and said the goal is to win a bowl game
53:11 or to go to a bowl game.
53:12 That is pathetic. - Yeah, you gotta set
53:13 a baby step. - It's a loser shit.
53:14 - Go to a baby step. - It's a loser shit.
53:16 - That is a crazy quote.
53:17 - Okay.
53:18 Oh, the standings are here.
53:21 So let's put those up.
53:22 - Yeah, I'm getting hot. - Yes.
53:23 You are getting hot?
53:24 Yes, thanks.
53:25 As I said, I'm abysmal.
53:26 So Dave, you are winning six and three.
53:29 What is your pick?
53:30 - Yeah, I forget.
53:31 It's something I'm gonna change.
53:32 I may have had Northwestern last week,
53:34 but I like Northwestern again.
53:35 They're better than I thought they would be this year.
53:38 Credit to them.
53:39 I thought once the whole Pat Fitzgerald
53:41 and that controversy went crazy,
53:42 that would be the end of the program.
53:43 They're playing tough.
53:44 They were two touchdown dog that beat Maryland last week.
53:47 This game, Iowa, gonna go to the end.
53:50 I think they win again.
53:50 I'm taking Northwestern.
53:52 - Brandon, you've already done yours.
53:53 So would you like to-
53:54 - I'm just gonna repeat it.
53:55 - Okay, repeat it, yes.
53:57 - Kansas, Iowa State, all that stuff I said earlier,
53:59 just transfer it over here.
54:00 Iowa State minus two and a half against Kansas.
54:02 - Okay.
54:03 When this goes out on social media as its own pick,
54:05 they're gonna be like, "Why didn't he elaborate?"
54:07 Well, it's because you just did it all
54:08 for the wrong segment.
54:09 Okay, Ev, your pick?
54:11 - Yeah, I like Oklahoma State here.
54:12 I agree.
54:13 I don't think Oklahoma's very good.
54:14 I'll gladly take the points at home.
54:16 Last sped with them in the same conference.
54:17 Give me Oklahoma State.
54:18 - I'm gonna take Utah against Arizona State.
54:21 Arizona State hasn't won on the road since last October.
54:23 I believe right now the number is at 11.
54:25 Utah is gonna be motivated after losing to Oregon.
54:27 Again, I'm really bad at this,
54:28 so I'm just praying that Utah can get it done.
54:30 - That's a dangerous pick there.
54:31 - I know.
54:31 I've won two this year.
54:32 - Arizona State's pretty good.
54:34 - Yeah, they're playing very good ball.
54:36 - I'm still gonna take it.
54:37 I'm taking it.
54:38 I have to do it.
54:38 Viva La Hooters, top 10.
54:40 Head over to your local Hooters
54:41 and tweet a picture of your wings
54:42 with #VivaLaHooters to win a trip
54:44 to the national championship.
54:46 We will also choose one person weekly
54:47 to win a $50 gift card to the Barstool store.
54:50 We have the Hooters girls coming in.
54:51 I could smell the wings.
54:53 I assume they smell so good.
54:55 As soon as the girls walked in,
54:56 they are over there with Ev.
54:57 Ev, what do you got this week?
54:59 - Notice I'm here with the lovely Hooters girls.
55:00 We're gonna be tasting,
55:01 we're tasting different flavors each week.
55:02 This week's flavor, honey Thai chili pepper.
55:05 Sounds delicious.
55:07 Download the Hooters app and enter coupon code
55:08 Barstool23 for $5 off your order of 15 or more.
55:12 Valid at participating locations only,
55:14 so check with your local Hooters.
55:15 Barstool23, $5 off.
55:17 Honey Thai chili pepper.
55:19 - Every single time the girls walk in with those wings,
55:22 I immediately get hungry.
55:23 They smell so good.
55:24 So let's unveil our communal top 10.
55:26 Now we do have the college football playoff rankings already.
55:29 We know that Ohio State came in at number one.
55:31 Let's see what we ranked this week.
55:33 Okay, so Georgia, Ohio State, Florida State, Michigan,
55:35 Washington, Oregon, Texas, Alabama, Penn State,
55:38 and Oklahoma.
55:39 - I have a complaint.
55:40 - Well, go ahead.
55:41 - On my poll, I included an asterisk by Michigan
55:44 for cheating, and I asked that it be included
55:46 on the communal poll.
55:48 I think the asterisk should be there.
55:50 - Why are you complaining to me about that?
55:51 - Well, I'm just complaining out loud
55:53 because we're on the show,
55:54 and there should be an asterisk by Michigan
55:56 for being dirty ass cheaters.
55:57 - I have a complaint.
55:58 - What's your complaint, Dan?
55:59 - Air Force is a top 10 team.
56:01 I don't know why they're not there.
56:02 I put them in my top 10.
56:04 They're undefeated.
56:05 Shout out Air Force.
56:06 - Ev, do you have any complaints?
56:07 - No.
56:08 - As we're all complaining.
56:10 I mean, Dave, any complaints for you?
56:13 - No, I'm one of those guys, I don't,
56:15 the poll, great, great, whatever, blah, blah, blah.
56:18 Like, this comes down to Michigan's gonna take care
56:20 of their business.
56:21 I'm worried about Georgia.
56:22 That's gonna be a great game.
56:23 Winner of that one wins the national title.
56:26 If we can't get 'em this year, we're never gonna get 'em.
56:28 - You're never gonna get 'em.
56:29 - Yeah, well, it's just--
56:30 - You don't break through 'til you break through.
56:32 - It's true.
56:33 - It's a good point.
56:34 - It is a very good point.
56:35 Brandon, go ahead and, why don't you have one?
56:36 And I wanna see--
56:37 - I also think anyone who's, like,
56:39 I love Taylor, Luan, but he was like,
56:43 why is Michigan not number one?
56:44 - Well, he's a dummy, though.
56:46 He's one of those guys who played foot,
56:48 and I love him, he's a Michigan guy.
56:50 The guys who played football their whole lives,
56:52 they don't, like, they'll reveal their actual knowledge
56:55 of football, like, you know, once every couple weeks.
56:58 That was just one of those tweets.
56:59 - Yeah, I mean, Ohio State should be the number one team
57:01 in the country. - Yeah, no problem with it.
57:02 - Yeah. - No problem with it.
57:03 - Here's my question, Dan, for you with that,
57:05 because obviously, Ohio State has the best resume,
57:07 so then if they are looking at that,
57:09 why wouldn't Washington be in the top four
57:11 because of Oregon?
57:11 Like, that confused me a little bit.
57:14 - Well, they're five, right?
57:15 - Right, but I'm saying if you look at resume,
57:16 they clearly have a better resume.
57:17 - But it's not just resume, it's combination.
57:19 - Well, no, I know what I'm saying.
57:19 - And also, Washington's only big win is Oregon.
57:21 - But who's Florida State's big win?
57:23 - Florida State beat LSU.
57:25 - Okay, who's Georgia's big win?
57:26 - Georgia has kicked shit out of Kentucky,
57:29 and who did they just beat last week?
57:32 - Florida. - Florida.
57:33 - Michigan's big win.
57:34 - Michigan doesn't have a big win.
57:35 - So that, I'm just-- - ULV.
57:36 - But Michigan's been killing teams.
57:38 I have no problem with it.
57:39 Washington, they've been playing close games.
57:42 Yeah, I have no problem with Washington being number five.
57:46 They have one win at home.
57:48 - It's all gonna take care of itself.
57:49 Michigan's gonna beat the fuck out of Penn State,
57:52 we're gonna beat the fuck out of Ohio State,
57:53 and then we'll be in the playoffs.
57:55 - Without cheating?
57:56 - Well, yeah, if they win those two games,
58:00 then you'll have to--
58:02 - This is disgusting. - What if?
58:02 - Well, they're not gonna win those,
58:03 why? - I'm disgusted by this.
58:04 - It's not-- - Then you'll be right,
58:06 Brandon, you'll be right.
58:07 - I'm gonna be right.
58:08 - It's gonna be a great game.
58:09 - A great game. - I can't wait for them
58:10 to play it.
58:11 - I know, it's gonna be exciting.
58:12 - Gonna watch it all.
58:13 You guys gonna livestream or just clips?
58:14 We need to figure out a livestream.
58:15 - Michigan.
58:16 Michigan. - Thanksgiving in Miami?
58:18 - You take a big dump at his house?
58:19 - Yeah. - Boom.
58:20 - Yeah, you gotta take a big dump at his house.
58:22 - Don't worry, I got a little in-law help area.
58:27 - You could also just be in his pool the whole time.
58:30 - That's, am I staying at the house, Dave,
58:32 or at the hotel and coming for the game?
58:32 - I don't know, we'll figure it out.
58:34 I will figure it out, Big F, don't you worry.
58:35 - I would like to take a big dump in the pool.
58:36 - It's gonna be quite a weekend.
58:38 So next week we are heading back out on the road.
58:40 We do not know what time the show is yet
58:42 because it's a TV flex, but we will be at TCU
58:45 for Texas at TCU in Fort Worth.
58:47 I will say that the--
58:48 - When do they tell us what time this game is?
58:50 - Monday. - It's killing my schedule.
58:52 - Monday, 'cause it's the six-day window.
58:54 The spot for this game, or for this show that we have,
58:57 is right in front of the stadium.
58:58 It's gonna be awesome. - Love it.
58:59 - It's gonna be great, so we will be there.
59:01 And of course, as you're watching this,
59:02 we don't know the time yet,
59:03 but pay attention to all the social media announcements,
59:06 and we will see you in Fort Worth.
59:07 Anything else, guys?
59:09 - No, great show. - Great show.
59:11 - Love college football.
59:12 - All right, see you guys next week.
59:12 - Michigan, Michigan, Michigan.
59:16 (whooshing)
