• 2 years ago
#stress #मानसिकतनाव #stressmanagement
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. It is your body's reaction to a situation. But when stress lasts for a long time, it may harm your health.
"Stress Management With Yoga & Home Remedies" By Naturopath Therapist, Alankar Shrivastava.

You can also view our other videos to get solutions to any type of problem at home only with simple and yet effective home remedies.
00:00 Welcome to Health Care at Home.
00:14 Stress is an integral part of our life.
00:19 Why do we get stressed?
00:21 If we have a problem and we are unable to solve it,
00:25 then we get stressed.
00:27 Why are we unable to solve the problem?
00:30 Because our brain is not functioning properly.
00:34 Why is the brain not functioning properly?
00:36 Because the brain is not getting enough oxygen.
00:39 How will we get oxygen?
00:41 If our brain has a supply of blood, then we will get oxygen.
00:43 Because the carrier of oxygen is blood.
00:46 So basically, what I mean to say is
00:50 if the brain gets a proper supply of oxygen,
00:53 that is, a proper supply of blood,
00:56 then your brain will function properly to solve the problem in front of you.
01:03 And the possibility of you getting stressed will decrease.
01:07 So how to increase the oxygen supply to the brain?
01:12 It is a simple thing.
01:13 If the flow of blood is going towards the brain,
01:16 then the brain keeps getting oxygen and blood in a proper amount.
01:20 Anyway, the brain is a very selfish organ.
01:24 It saves 20% oxygen for itself.
01:29 Although its size is not that big,
01:31 if we look at it according to your body,
01:33 then your brain is not around 20%,
01:36 but it keeps 20% oxygen for itself.
01:40 This is the reason that when we die,
01:43 that is, when the heart stops pumping,
01:46 our brain remains alive after that
01:49 because it has saved 20% oxygen for itself.
01:53 So you just have to increase the supply of oxygen.
01:56 How will it increase?
01:57 A simple exercise is Sarvangasana,
02:00 in which your feet are up,
02:02 you raise the portion up to the waist,
02:04 then the flow of blood goes towards our brain.
02:08 The second way is this.
02:10 So if you do Sarvangasana,
02:12 that will keep getting oxygen, i.e. blood in your brain in a proper amount.
02:17 The second way is to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.
02:21 How will it increase?
02:23 Anulom Vilom Pranayam.
02:25 When you do Anulom Vilom Pranayam,
02:27 then the absorption of oxygen in the lungs starts increasing.
02:35 That is, the lungs start dissolving more oxygen in the blood,
02:40 which improves the supply of oxygen to all organs.
02:45 And if the brain keeps 20% oxygen for itself,
02:47 then it improves the brain as well.
02:49 So Anulom Vilom Pranayam.
02:51 Do 15 minutes Anulom Vilom in the morning,
02:53 and 15 minutes in the evening.
02:55 Okay, many times what happens is that our brain is not working properly.
02:59 It remains hyperactive.
03:01 Especially when we are angry.
03:03 At such times, if we calm the brain,
03:07 then the possibility of stress is reduced.
03:10 How can the brain be calmed?
03:12 There is a Brahmari Pranayam.
03:14 This is a brain calming Pranayam.
03:16 Many times, due to high blood pressure,
03:18 the brain becomes hyperactive.
03:20 So at that time, if you do Brahmari Pranayam,
03:23 do 20-21 times of Brahmari Pranayam,
03:25 then you will see that your brain will be calm.
03:28 And when the brain is calm,
03:30 your stress level also starts reducing.
03:32 And if your blood pressure has increased,
03:34 then the blood pressure also starts decreasing gradually.
03:37 So do Brahmari Pranayam regularly.
03:40 There is another way.
03:42 Many times, the stress is such that
03:44 we get worried about small things.
03:47 And during the fight,
03:49 that stress lasts for a long time.
03:51 If you have a fight with someone in the market,
03:53 and someone says a few wrong things to you,
03:56 then when you go home,
03:58 the same thing keeps running in your mind.
04:01 I will tell you a simple way for that.
04:04 Use what I use.
04:07 Whenever we talk to someone,
04:09 when I talk to you,
04:11 I first give a smile.
04:13 So if you give a smile and talk to someone,
04:16 20% of your stress will be reduced.
04:19 Up to 40%, the chances of you having a fight
04:22 are reduced by just a smile.
04:24 So whenever you talk to anyone,
04:26 if you start with a smile,
04:29 then you will see that
04:31 it is very helpful in controlling your stress level.
04:34 And anyway, your popularity will increase overall.
04:37 If you give a smile and talk to someone,
04:40 people will like talking to you more.
04:43 Now let's come to the remedy.
04:46 What should we do to control our stress level?
04:50 For this, we have to take 100 grams of Ashwagandha.
04:54 We have to take 100 grams of Brahmi's lime.
04:58 We have to take 100 grams of Shankh Puspi's lime.
05:01 We have to add about 50 grams of nutmeg.
05:05 We have to add 50 grams of fennel seeds.
05:07 We have to grind the fennel seeds.
05:12 You have to mix all these things well.
05:16 After mixing, you have to grind the thin almonds,
05:20 100 grams of almonds and 50 grams of walnuts.
05:25 And 50 grams of flax seeds.
05:28 You have to grind all these and make a powder.
05:32 You can do all these powders together.
05:34 If you want, you can add a little honey to it.
05:36 Like Chyawanprash.
05:38 If you want, you can add a little amla and its pulp.
05:45 It will be more effective.
05:47 You have to take this mixture in the morning.
05:51 And take 2 spoons when you start sleeping.
05:54 You will see that your stress level will be controlled.
06:00 You will get a good sleep.
06:02 Always remember that sleep also has to do with your stress level.
06:07 If you are sleeping for 8 to 10 hours, but your sleep is not deep,
06:11 then your stress level is high.
06:13 If you are sleeping for 4 to 5 hours, but you are sleeping deeply,
06:17 then your stress level will be low.
06:20 So take a deep sleep at night.
06:23 What is deep sleep?
06:25 If you don't sleep deeply,
06:27 then massage your feet with mustard oil.
06:32 And do Anulom Vilom Pranayam before going to sleep.
06:35 You can do Anulom Vilom Pranayam after eating.
06:38 After that, when you lie down, you will see that you will get a deep sleep.
06:42 And deep sleep itself is very beneficial in reducing stress level.
06:47 So just follow these methods.
06:49 Your stress level will also be low.
06:51 And if you want to know more about it,
06:53 then subscribe to our channel.
06:55 We wish you to stay healthy, stay busy, stay happy and keep meeting us.
06:59 Thank you.
07:00 [Music]
