FTS 9:30 10-11: In Palestine strikes hit near several hospitals in Northern Gaza

  • last year
FTS 9.30
*Mining contract strikes continue in Panama
*Spain: protests outside Socialist Party’s headquarters
00:00 In Palestine, Israeli strikes in New York City hospitals and northern Gaza as official
00:14 state tanks have surrounded medical facilities.
00:20 In Panama, demonstrations against the mining contract continue throughout the country.
00:27 In Spain, violence erupted during the first consecutive night of protests at the Social
00:32 Party's headquarters.
00:36 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:40 I'm Ana R. Sabat from the Dallas studios in Havana, Cuba, where we give you the news.
00:56 Israeli strikes near several hospitals in northern Gaza early on Friday as health officials
01:01 say tanks have surrounded medical facilities.
01:04 Several hospitals are among the civilian infrastructure attacked in another night of heavy bombardment.
01:10 Gaza authorities reported that troops struck the Al-Shifa Hospital courtyard and the orthodontics
01:15 department.
01:16 This is Gaza's largest hospital, where many are taken shelter due to the relentless attacks
01:22 and the fact that over 50% of the housing units have been damaged.
01:26 For its part, the UN's Humanitarian Office issued a statement describing northern Gaza
01:31 as "hell on earth", while an increasing number of civilians are forced to flee south with
01:36 no security guarantees.
01:38 At least 10,112 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.
01:49 In this context, the White House reported on Thursday that Israel has agreed to take
01:53 four-hour daily passes in its aggression in northern Gaza Strip.
01:57 According to the announcement, the measures are aimed at facilitating the evacuation of
02:02 civilians to the south of the Palestinian enclave that transfers to safe areas and the
02:07 entry of aid.
02:08 The National Security Council spokesperson, John Kirby, said that the passes will begin
02:13 on Thursday with no Israeli military operations during the duration of the passes.
02:18 This comes amid negotiations by the US, Egypt and Qatar, which had been discussing the possibility
02:23 of two- or three-day tours in the Israel war in the Gaza Strip, didn't change for Hamas'
02:29 release of the hostages.
02:31 However, Palestinian Resistance Movement pointed out that the agreement announced by the White
02:35 House on four humanitarian passes in the Gaza Strip was made unilaterally and did not trust
02:40 Israeli occupation forces to comply.
02:45 Meanwhile, Occupying Forces carried out a massive incursion into several Palestinian
02:51 territories in the West Bank and arrested more than 50 Palestinians on Friday morning.
02:57 The kidnapping took place in a series of raids on cities, towns, villages, hamlets and Palestinian
03:02 refugee camps all over the occupied territory.
03:05 According to human rights organizations, more than 2,500 hostages have been captured by
03:11 the Tel Aviv regime since October 7.
03:14 The incursion took place after the attack on the Jenin camp and a massive death toll
03:18 caused by the debarment of the Israeli forces, the number of Palestinians detained by Israel,
03:25 which have exacerbated the humanitarian crisis currently raging in Gaza and have drawn worldwide
03:31 condemnation against Israel.
03:37 In Israel, citizens rallied against the arrests of four Arab leaders.
03:42 The riot was in front of a police station in Tel Aviv neighborhood, where officers tried
03:46 to disperse the protesters.
03:48 On Friday, four former Arab legislators were arrested in a sarret for planning a rally
03:54 to police said would incite violence and threaten police order.
03:58 Since the beginning of the Gaza invasion, the Israeli authorities have been pressing
04:01 and preventing any kind of protests against the ongoing genocide.
04:05 The gathering also demanded the release of all Jordanian arrests since the beginning
04:09 of the war until today.
04:16 On Thursday night in El Salvador, the bloc of resistance and polar rebellion developed
04:20 a political and cultural act in the Palestinian square of El Salvador to condemn the aggression
04:26 of the Zionist state of Israel against the people of the Gaza Strip.
04:30 The event was also attended by militants of the Farabundo Marti from National Liberation,
04:36 together with the sympathizers with the Palestinian cause, internationalists and members of the
04:40 civil society.
04:42 The event featured revolutionary music, poems of denunciation and messages of solidarity
04:46 with the Palestinian people who are persisting the murderers on the slot of Israel.
04:52 Maricela Ramirez, activist of the resistance bloc, pointed out the importance of accompanying
04:56 the Arab people of Palestine with signs of solidarity and supporting them in the struggle.
05:07 Ecuadorians demonstrated on Thursday at the Israeli embassy to reject the genocide against
05:12 the Palestinian people.
05:13 The demonstrators expressed their solidarity with the Palestinian people and in particular
05:18 with the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, where the siege of the Israeli occupation army has
05:23 caused the death of more than 10,000 people.
05:26 The Ecuadorians rejected the actions carried out by Tel Aviv and reiterated their support
05:31 to the Palestinians, affirming that they are not alone.
05:39 Damascus hosted an art exhibition organized by the Iranian Cultural Consultancy in Syria
05:44 in solidarity with the Gaza Strip, an event that inspired a multiple expression of regional
05:49 support for the Palestinian people, in the face of the current aggressive escalation
05:54 of the Zionist occupation regime.
05:56 A correspondent in Damascus, Hicham Banu, with the details.
06:02 The exhibition was attended by 45 visual artists from Iran, Palestine, Syria and other Arab
06:08 and foreign nationalities.
06:11 The exhibition was a space that served to highlight the need to make use of all available
06:15 means, including art and culture, to confront the Israeli war of extermination against the
06:22 neighbors of the besieged Gaza Strip.
06:26 We cannot remain silent and we must act in the face of Israeli crimes, so that each person
06:31 contributes their bit from their place and their profession and on this basis we as men
06:35 of culture have decided to organize this joint exhibition of Iranian, Syrian and Palestinian
06:42 visual artists to express our united solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just
06:47 cause.
06:50 We have participated in this important activity to ratify our position of support for the
06:55 Palestinian cause because we, as Russia and the former Soviet Union, have always been
07:00 in favor of this cause and we have always supported the struggle of the Palestinian
07:04 people and the other peoples of the world against Zionism and racism.
07:13 The participants, besides expressing their feelings of solidarity with the Palestinian
07:17 people, reflected in their paintings of different styles and art schools the brutality of the
07:22 Israeli aggression against Gaza, the suffering of children, women and the elderly, and at
07:27 the same time the result of the Palestinians and their determination to continue the struggle
07:32 no matter how long until the long desired victory is achieved.
07:41 In its effect, art is equal to bullets on the battlefield and through art artists bring
07:46 the facts to the whole world, unmasking the crimes of the occupier and highlighting the
07:51 heroic deeds of the resistance fighters and their comrades in Gaza and in all the occupied
07:56 territories.
08:00 I have tried to capture in my paintings the anger and pain of the peoples of the world
08:04 who love Palestine and oppose the Zionist enemy and at the same time I wanted to reflect
08:09 the determination of the Palestinian people and show that no matter how hard the Zionist
08:14 enemy and the US enemy try to break the will of the Palestinians, they will not succeed
08:19 because the Palestinian are a people that fights in defense of their rights.
08:24 Each artist has his own style, but what unites the artists participating in this exhibition
08:29 is that they express in their paintings the deep wound of the Palestinian people that
08:33 continues to bleed for 75 years and more importantly, the continuous heroism of our people over
08:39 the last 75 years.
08:45 In addition to the pain, hardship and sadness that the Palestinians have been experiencing
08:49 for 75 years under Israeli occupation, the artists with their colors and lines embody
08:55 the hope and faith of this brave people in a future of peace, tranquility and prosperity
09:01 in their ancient usurped land which they trust will soon be liberated with the support and
09:06 solidarity of the other free peoples of the world.
09:15 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @ElZurEnglish where
09:19 we'll find you in different formats, new dates and more.
09:26 Artist Update is coming up, stay with us.
09:47 Welcome back.
09:48 On Thursday, demonstrations against mining contract in Panama continued throughout the
09:53 country.
09:54 Called by the union, social organizations and the civil population in general in the
09:57 Panamanian capital, the main mobilization left from the Port of Ras Park and marched
10:02 to the presidency.
10:03 At the same time, thousands of demonstrators from wide gathered in the town of Santiago
10:08 de Beragos in western Panama and called by the Influential Association of Educators from
10:12 Beragos who walked to the bridge in the Indian-American highway in homage to the two teachers who
10:18 were shot to death on Tuesday.
10:21 The Panamanian people have been in struggle since last October 20th, when the Parliament
10:25 and the Executive by means of Law 406 renewed for 20 years, renewal of all the exploitation
10:31 of the largest open pit fauver, copper mine in Central America.
10:38 In Venezuela, the registration of political parties and social sectors to participate
10:43 in the consultative referendum in defense of the Esequibo is progressing.
10:47 On Thursday, student organizations and the University of Guelph went to the National
10:51 Electoral Council to formalize registration for the referendum.
10:54 Spokesperson for the sector underlined that the universities have taken on the electoral
10:59 challenge, affirming that the territory of Esequibo forms part of the sovereignty of
11:04 the country, a fact which, according to them, is unquestionable.
11:08 They also emphasized that the Guiana Esequibo belongs to the right of Venezuela.
11:13 "We are here to adhere to the consultative referendum for the five yes, for our homeland,
11:24 our children, our family.
11:26 We are going to give the five times yes to the consultative referendum.
11:30 The Guiana Esequibo is ours of Venezuela.
11:33 Nobody gave it to U.S.
11:34 IT belongs to U.S. by right."
11:38 "The universities have taken this challenge because precisely the territory is won.
11:46 That is not disputed.
11:50 Sovereignty is not disputed.
11:51 And, of course, the Esequibo territory has historically been and has sufficient merit
11:55 to demonstrate from a legal and historical point of view that we have full rights over
12:01 this large strip of Guiana Esequibo.
12:03 That is our territory."
12:04 In the same way, the Artesis Guild joined the consultative referendum chronograms in
12:12 defense of the Guiana Esequibo.
12:14 ARES mobilized to the vicinity of the National Electoral Council to deliver the petition
12:19 and be part of the campaign.
12:21 The Guild offered statements and urged Venezuelan ARES to be part of this movement in defense
12:25 of the homeland.
12:32 In Colombia, Luis Manuel Díaz was released after being held by the National Liberation
12:36 Army since last October 28.
12:39 The humanitarian commission confirmed on Thursday that the father of the Fudo player Luis Díaz
12:43 was transferred to the city of Valledupar in the department of Cesar after his release
12:47 at a point in the Serrano de Tarija at about 10.30 local time.
12:52 Luis Manuel Díaz was intercepted together with his wife Silenis Murulanda at a gas station
12:58 in Barrancas.
12:59 Both were taken to the municipality of Fonseca.
13:02 However, the young group released Murulanda with a search operation was initiated by the
13:06 authorities.
13:12 The movement of victims of the Salvadoran regime of exception in Movir and relative
13:16 of the detained in the last 20 months urged the Ombudsman's Office to intercede for
13:21 the innocent people detained, especially minors.
13:24 The families of the victims spread their concerns about the passivity of the office and criticized
13:29 the interference about the association's abuses against the detained during this state
13:34 of emergency.
13:35 They also asked the institution to ensure that the human rights of children born in
13:39 prisons and their mothers be guaranteed.
13:42 The relative of those deprived of liberty continued to denounce the abuses committed
13:46 against the people who remained detained during this mechanism implemented by the Nayib Bukele
13:51 government.
13:52 "We are tired of seeing an Ombudsman's Office so silent, so passive in the face
14:02 of human rights violations, so tolerant of the violations of human rights by the regime
14:07 and we believe that we have given it too much time, believing that it was going to do something.
14:13 We see no signs at all that it wants to look after the victims' human rights."
14:20 "We are not against the regime of exception or the fight against crime, but let's talk
14:28 about real crime, because in my case we don't have any links with gangs.
14:37 We are without tattoos, a job in the diary, a formal job.
14:40 Well, they didn't give us any information about if he did something illegal.
14:49 They just took him away and he's under arrest, a kind of kidnapping, and we don't know if
14:54 he's alive."
14:58 We have a second show break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
15:02 channel, that you'll be able to rewatch our interviews, stories, special broadcastings
15:07 and more.
15:08 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
15:12 world's most recent events.
15:14 But now it's your break, don't go away.
15:37 Welcome back.
15:38 Violence erupted during the fourth consecutive night of protests at the Spanish Socialist
15:43 Party headquarters on Thursday.
15:44 Bottles, beer, cans and fireworks were thrown at a heavy police cordon protecting the headquarters,
15:51 and officers moved in using batons to break out the demonstrations.
15:55 The protests began after the Spanish Socialist Party struck a deal with the French Catalan
16:00 Socialist Party to grant an amnesty for a thousand people involved in the region's
16:04 failed cessation of the exchange for its backing act in Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez
16:09 to form a new government.
16:10 Sánchez, a social and unspoken leader since 2018, still needs the backing of a small-backed
16:16 party.
16:23 On Thursday, Portugal's President Montsello Rivera de Sousa dissolved Parliament and called
16:28 an election for March 10, after Prime Minister Antonio Costa resigned on a recombination
16:33 investigation.
16:34 Costa, Portugal's socialist premier since 2015, quit on Tuesday after being embroiled
16:40 in a corruption proof into energy-related contracts, sparking a political crisis.
16:47 De Sousa immediately heads of the main political parties on Wednesday that he decided whether
16:51 to ask the party leader to try to form a new government or to dissolve Parliament.
16:55 The men of opposition parties left and ran hard-urged early elections.
17:00 The Socialist Party wanted the appointment of a new Prime Minister who would govern with
17:04 a comfortable parliamentary majority.
17:07 Holding the election in March would give the Socialists time to find a successor to Costa,
17:11 one of the few left-wing heads of government in Europe.
17:20 People of Portugal, having been called upon to make a decision on the scenario created
17:25 by the resignation of the government due to the decision of the Prime Minister, I have
17:29 chosen to dissolve the Assembly of the Republic and hold new elections on March 10, 2024.
17:41 We must now look to the future and prepare to choose the people's representatives and
17:46 the government that will emerge from the elections, a government that will seek to establish stability
17:50 and economic, social and cultural progress while respecting freedom, pluralism and democracy.
17:57 Lawyers from Palestinian non-governmental organizations filed a complaint against Israel
18:02 for genocide at the International Criminal Court.
18:05 The request urges the institution to issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders for the
18:10 up-to-date and genocide committed against the Palestinian population and the war crimes
18:14 committed.
18:15 It also emphasizes the need to give urgent attention to the continuous rallying of residential
18:20 areas in the Gaza Strip.
18:23 The complaint also asserts that the actions of the Tel Aviv regime amount to a crime against
18:27 humanity.
18:44 After his visit to Gaza Stan, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived from Rostov-Don, where
18:49 he visited the headquarters of the Southern Military District, the closest to the Ukrainian
18:53 territory.
18:54 According to the official media, the President was briefed on the progress of the Special
18:58 Military Operation and got acquainted with the equipment.
19:02 The President was accompanied by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Chief of the General Staff Valerie
19:07 Gerasimov and other military commanders.
19:11 The visit on Friday is the second visit of the Chief of the State to the headquarters,
19:15 and it was the second follow-up visit to the headquarters in less than a month.
19:23 The White House Security Council report reveals the collapse of U.S. financial support for
19:27 Ukraine in recent months.
19:30 The text indicated that the United States spent 96 percent of the funds allocated to
19:35 Kiev.
19:36 Likewise, the agency assured that the U.S. Department of Defense has only $1.1 billion
19:41 for the replacement of weapons in the army's depots.
19:44 In this regard, the U.S. Agency for International Development informed that there will be no
19:48 more funding for direct military support to Ukraine and that the European country will
19:53 have to take emergency measures to overcome the situation which will probably damage its
19:57 economy.
19:58 Kenya's President Wularuto on Thursday defended his economy measures aimed at improving debt,
20:07 despite rejection from any sector of the people over the removal of subsidies and any series
20:12 of new taxes.
20:14 In the first State of the Nation address to Parliament after taking office, Wularuto reiterated
20:19 that the series of economic measures his government set are necessary to put the country back
20:23 on track.
20:24 In a sense, he also stated that Kenya has been left behind its benches, which he said
20:29 has led the nation into an unavoidable debt hole.
20:32 Kenya faces a number of challenges, including depleted government coffers, skyrocketing
20:36 inflation and a plummeting currency that has sent debt to surface and caused foreign.
20:42 A new direction may not be easy, but it is ethical, responsible, prudent and, above all,
20:47 fair.
20:48 The Kenyan leader added.
20:49 As I told Kenyans on my first day in office, times were difficult and many people are struggling
21:01 and necessary and effective sustainable solutions were urgently needed.
21:07 We must admit, Honorable Members, that as a country, we had been living large and way
21:15 beyond our means.
21:17 I can now confirm with confidence that we will and we shall pay the debt that has become
21:28 a source of much concern to citizens, markets and our partners.
21:34 And we have come to the end of this Brief.
21:37 But before saying goodbye, we want to thank our Caribbean audience, especially the audience
21:42 of Trinidad and Tobago.
21:43 We are pleased to share a new guest and contribute to provide an alternative news source of the
21:48 latest world events.
21:49 You can find this and many other stories in our website, Patel Sud English, the net, and
21:54 join us on social networks, Facebook, Instagram, Telerama and TikTok.
21:58 Patel Sud English, I'm Ana R. Sabal.
22:01 Thank you for watching.
22:02 [Music]
