Pooh Oughta Be In Pictures (FULL)

  • last year


00:00 (thunder rumbling)
00:02 (dramatic music)
00:05 (panting)
00:11 Come on, this way!
00:12 Come along, Piglet!
00:18 (thunder rumbling)
00:21 (tires screeching)
00:28 (tiger growling)
00:30 Oh dear, if only such very small animals
00:37 didn't have such very short legs.
00:40 Hurry, Piglet!
00:43 No time to be brave!
00:45 Oh no, where can we go?
00:50 What can we do?
00:51 How can we hide?
00:52 Terrifying, isn't it?
00:54 Quick, under here!
00:57 (dramatic music)
00:59 Too late, it's found us!
01:03 It's the mummy!
01:05 Christopher Robin, could you please come out
01:11 and eat your vegetables?
01:12 Oh, Mom, carrots are so, so yucky.
01:17 True, but they're very good for you,
01:20 and we did have a deal, which is,
01:22 you finish your vegetables, and you can go to the movies.
01:26 (dramatic music)
01:29 (sighing)
01:31 You gotta bite your carrot, kiddo.
01:37 All right.
01:38 Carrots do your worst!
01:45 (groaning)
01:53 Oh, Christopher Robin, speak to us.
01:56 Oh, what a brave, brave thing.
01:59 All right, stand back, stand back.
02:01 Give the kid some air.
02:02 Well, you better not stay down there
02:05 enjoying your lunch too long.
02:07 You'll miss your monster movie.
02:09 Monster movie?
02:10 I thought we were going to go see a cartoon.
02:14 (dramatic music)
02:19 It certainly has a nice s-s-smile, hasn't it?
02:23 (laughing)
02:25 Yikes!
02:26 Oh, oh!
02:27 Remember, Piglet, it's only a movie.
02:33 It's only a movie, it's only a movie,
02:35 it's only a m-m-movie.
02:37 It, what is it, Pooh?
02:39 Hey, look, you guys, refreshments.
02:43 (dramatic music)
02:47 Wait here, Piglet.
02:49 I'll be right back.
02:52 Oh, boy, I hope those guys hurry.
02:55 We don't want to miss the part of the movie
02:57 where the monster eats the whole city.
02:59 The whole s-s-city?
03:01 Oh, perhaps we should move to the country.
03:04 Nah, wouldn't matter.
03:06 Sometimes movie monsters eat whole countries
03:09 and spit out the pits.
03:11 They d-d-do?
03:12 Oh, no!
03:13 Oh!
03:16 (growling)
03:18 Hey, guys, here's all the stew.
03:20 (crunching)
03:22 Lose your popcorn, kid?
03:29 I'm real sorry, Mr. Usher.
03:32 This is a movie theater, not a playground, understand?
03:37 Yes, sir.
03:39 (growling)
03:47 (growling)
03:49 Oh, boy, they call that a monster?
03:57 (gasping)
04:01 S-s-s-spider!
04:02 Oh, bother, where have my Honey Crunch bars gone to?
04:11 (growling)
04:14 Here, candy, candy, candy.
04:17 Oh, Pooh, let me help you.
04:19 No, P-P-P-Pooh!
04:26 The spider's gonna get me!
04:30 Oh, hee!
04:30 Spiderweb!
04:33 Oh, there you are, Biglet.
04:36 Hold tight.
04:38 You'll be free as me in a jiffy.
04:42 (grunting)
04:44 Ow!
04:45 (screaming)
04:49 Christopher Robin!
04:50 Now, how'd you two get so icky sticky with gum?
04:58 Oh, you mean it wasn't the spider?
05:01 Aw, Biglet, the spider's not real.
05:04 It's only a movie.
05:06 (growling)
05:09 It's only a movie, it's only a movie.
05:12 It's only a movie, it's only a movie.
05:14 Hey, Pooh Boy, let's change places
05:16 so I can see your half of the movie.
05:19 Maybe it's scarier.
05:20 All right, Digger.
05:21 (screaming)
05:24 (suspenseful music)
05:27 Ee!
05:31 Popcorn, Piglet.
05:33 Piglet?
05:39 Piglet, why are you swimming in the popcorn?
05:43 I don't mean to complain, but I'm afraid.
05:47 I'm scared.
05:49 (growling)
05:51 Don't worry, Piglet, popcorn can't hurt you.
05:54 Oh, no, Pooh, it's the big monsters.
05:57 I, uh, well, they don't like me.
06:02 Oh, Virgilla, that big spider?
06:07 Are they bothering you?
06:09 Why, they're the saddest excuses
06:11 for monsters that ever was.
06:14 Why, they're nothing, they ain't even real.
06:17 They're not real?
06:18 (laughing)
06:19 Of course not, buddy boy.
06:21 They're only shadows on the screen.
06:25 (laughing)
06:28 Well, I once saw a monster pillage a house,
06:33 a block, an entire village.
06:35 He ate until he reached his tillage,
06:37 but me, I stood right there.
06:39 I've seen 'em 90 stories high,
06:41 seen ones that swim and some that fly,
06:44 but I never flinched when they stomp by,
06:46 'cause tiggers don't get scared.
06:47 So you'll be all right, 'cause it's make believe.
06:52 It's just the light, it shines real bright,
06:54 and bounces off the screen.
06:56 So you'll be all right, and quite safe too.
07:00 There's no need to be scared
07:02 when a tigger is there with you.
07:03 But what about the other?
07:06 Oh, don't worry, Piglet, he's not in the movie.
07:09 I've seen 'em rip, I've seen 'em tear,
07:12 I've seen 'em trotting through the air,
07:14 but I stood by without a care,
07:16 'cause tiggers don't get scared.
07:18 It's just a bunch of movie tricks
07:20 to make you think this thing exists.
07:22 A piece of film is all it is.
07:25 It's really nothing less.
07:26 So you'll be all right, 'cause it's make believe.
07:31 It's just the light, it shines real bright,
07:33 and bounces off the screen.
07:35 So you'll be all right, and quite safe too.
07:39 There's no need to be scared when a tigger is...
07:42 And don't forget Christopher Robin too.
07:44 There's nothing to fear when your friends are here with you.
07:48 See you in the 100 Acre Woods!
07:53 (LAUGHS)
07:54 Oh, boy, that was great!
07:58 Hey, you guys, remember that big spider?
08:05 Yeah, and Birdzilla!
08:11 Hey, let's make our own monster movie.
08:15 A really scary one.
08:18 S-s-scarier than the one we...
08:21 Oh... just saw?
08:23 Oh, it'll be our movie, Piglet.
08:27 There's nothing to be scared of.
08:29 Well, as long as it's only a movie.
08:36 Christopher Robin, are you sure heroes always wear white scarves?
08:41 They do in the movies, Pooh Bear.
08:44 The white scarf makes them heroes.
08:47 The wolf!
08:48 You may be the hero in this picture, Buddy Bear,
08:52 but I'm gonna be the monster.
08:54 And, uh, and, uh, what sort of monster might that be, Tigger?
08:59 (LAUGHS)
09:00 I'm not telling.
09:02 It'd ruin the surprise.
09:04 Well, T-T-F-N, ta-ta for now.
09:08 (LAUGHS)
09:09 Christopher Robin, may I play the part of the very small animal
09:18 who hides under his bed?
09:20 But we need you, don't we, Pooh?
09:23 That's right.
09:24 You have a part that's even more important
09:27 than Tigger's monster.
09:29 I do?
09:30 Yes, Piglet.
09:31 Although it's not quite as important as the hero,
09:35 it's still very important.
09:37 Really? What is it, Pooh?
09:40 Uh, what is it, Christopher Robin?
09:43 You, Piglet, are the one who gets chased by the monster.
09:47 Oh.
09:52 Oh, did you dare?
09:53 (CREAKING)
09:55 Oh, boy!
10:03 Just wait till those guys get a load of this.
10:06 It'll be so scary,
10:08 people will come from miles around just to run away.
10:11 (GROANS)
10:13 Behold the ultimate terror,
10:16 the ugliest, scariest thing in the world.
10:22 A vicar bibble.
10:23 (LAUGHS)
10:25 (HUMMING)
10:34 Ah, so tasty.
10:40 (GASPS)
10:41 Ah!
10:50 Hey, what you doing, Rabbit?
10:59 I wasn't eating it.
11:01 Honest, I love my carrots.
11:03 I won't ever do it again.
11:05 I won't ever do it.
11:06 Hey, what's the matter, Rabbit?
11:07 It's only me, Tigger.
11:09 T-I-double-g-e-r.
11:11 That spells Tigger.
11:13 That's Tigger's voice.
11:15 (SCREAMS)
11:17 The giant carrots eat Tigger.
11:19 (LAUGHS)
11:21 I'll show you.
11:23 (GRUNTING)
11:25 Hey, the zipper is stuck.
11:29 Rabbit, will you...
11:33 No, no, come back.
11:37 Hey, help me out of this thing.
11:39 Hey!
11:40 Hey!
11:42 And... action.
11:49 Oh, help.
11:51 I will save you.
11:55 Oh, help.
11:58 I will save you.
12:00 That's great.
12:02 Okay, Piglet, now you run from the monster.
12:06 Uh, Christopher Robin, what monster?
12:12 Help!
12:16 Help!
12:18 Monster!
12:20 Hey, my film.
12:22 Monster!
12:24 Orange Tigger and giant carrots.
12:27 But Rabbit, Tigger doesn't even like carrots.
12:33 (LAUGHING)
12:35 Hi, guys.
12:39 Say, can somebody give me a hand?
12:41 It's only a movie. It's only a movie.
12:46 A monster.
12:49 Oh, come on.
12:51 Somebody help me out of this thing.
12:53 Who there?
13:01 Piglet?
13:03 Hey, where'd everybody go?
13:05 Quick, this way.
13:12 (PANTING)
13:14 In here. Hide.
13:21 Hey!
13:23 Where are you guys?
13:25 (GRUNTING)
13:27 Come on, guys, please.
13:38 I need help.
13:41 (HOWLING)
13:43 Uh, P-P-P-Poole, shouldn't we do something for Tigger?
13:48 Piglet.
13:50 You're right.
13:53 Think, think, think.
13:56 All right, now remember, when the carrot comes,
14:04 you frighten him into the hall with the cymbals.
14:08 What?
14:10 You'll scare the carrot into the hole.
14:14 Okay, okay. No need to yell.
14:17 And, uh, what shall I do with this honeypot, Poole?
14:21 When the carrot falls into the hole,
14:24 you pour the honey all over it.
14:27 Not too much, of course.
14:32 And then I'll save Tigger with this.
14:36 Ooh, good idea, buddy boy.
14:39 But it won't do much with a stuck zipper.
14:42 The monster!
14:44 Pooh Bear, how am I supposed to know when to scare it?
14:47 I can't hear a thing, Pooh Bear. Pooh Bear?
14:50 Come on, Pooh Boy. Quit fooling around.
14:55 I'm stuck. You got to get me out of here. Help!
15:00 The honey, Piglet.
15:03 Help!
15:06 Someone save Pooh.
15:09 I don't want honey. I want to get out of here.
15:15 (CRASHING)
15:19 Help! Help!
15:22 Oh, my.
15:26 It's not moving.
15:31 It's not moving.
15:34 Good. Let's bury it before it wakes up.
15:40 Hey, you're getting my costume all dirty.
15:44 Costume?
15:46 C-C-C-C-Costume?
15:48 Yeah, it was my scary costume for Christopher Robin's movie.
15:53 Oh, my. Why, so it is.
15:58 It's only a costume.
16:01 It's only a costume.
16:04 You see, Piglet? It wasn't a monster.
16:16 It... Oh.
16:19 Piglet? Why, Piglet, what's wrong?
16:25 Oh, nothing, Pooh. You're a hero.
16:29 You... You saved us.
16:31 But me, I was too scared to help you.
16:35 Oh, we were all scared, Piglet.
16:38 But it's all right now.
16:40 No, Pooh. When I thought you were in danger,
16:44 I couldn't even help you.
16:46 No one needs a friend who's always afraid.
16:51 ( dramatic theme playing )
16:54 It's only a costume, and I let it scare me.
17:09 ( gasps )
17:17 Piglet! Are you home?
17:21 I brought you a cheering-up present--
17:24 my hero scarf.
17:26 Thank you, Pooh, but I'm no hero.
17:30 But Christopher Robin said this scarf would make you a hero.
17:34 Remember?
17:36 No, Pooh.
17:38 Not only am I a very small animal,
17:40 I'm a worthless, no-good,
17:42 can't-even-save-my-best-friend type of animal.
17:45 You don't want to be friends with the Freddy cat.
17:49 Goodbye, Pooh Bear.
17:52 Oh, my poor friend, Piglet.
18:07 I shall have to get Christopher Robin's advice for cheering him up.
18:11 It was only a costume, after all.
18:14 ( thunder )
18:16 Help!
18:20 Oh, help!
18:22 Help, Piglet!
18:24 Help!
18:26 Pooh Bear!
18:28 Piglet! Piglet! Piglet!
18:32 Whoa!
18:34 Tigger, Rabbit, Christopher Robin!
18:38 A hero scarf.
18:40 ( thunder )
18:43 I'll save you, Pooh Bear!
18:46 Oops.
18:48 Oh, Bear.
18:50 If you wouldn't mind terribly, Mr. Monster,
19:00 could you please let go of my best friend, Pooh?
19:03 Whoa!
19:05 Piglet, you saved me.
19:10 I did?
19:12 Yes, Piglet. You're a real hero.
19:15 I am?
19:17 Oh, yes. Just wait till everyone hears about this.
19:22 ( growling )
19:25 Psst, Pooh. You're on.
19:28 Oh, help! Oh, help!
19:34 Oh, help!
19:37 I'll save you, Pooh.
19:42 Now, Mr. Monster, you leave my friend alone.
19:46 ( growling )
19:48 ( barking )
19:50 I ain't never dressing up in anything bigger than myself again.
19:54 ( laughing )
19:56 Hooray! Hooray, wonderful!
19:59 Oh, my! Wonderful!
20:01 Hooray!
20:03 Here's a real hero.
20:06 Ah, it was only a movie.
20:09 ( growling )
20:12 Well, I suppose we don't have to be afraid of carrots anymore.
20:23 Not after the brave thing Piglet did.
20:27 Yeah, but Mom's got a freezer full of broccoli
20:31 waiting to invade tomorrow's dinner.
20:34 Oh, Christopher Robin, if it's all the same to you,
20:40 could we skip dinner and have breakfast instead?
20:45 Silly old bear.
20:48 ( music playing )
20:51 ( music playing )
20:54 ( music playing )
20:57 (upbeat music)