• 2 years ago
What happens when you try to drive a 2022 Polaris RZR Pro R and a 2022 Polaris RZR Turbo R for 24 hours? Calamity, mostly...

Check out the full feature at https://www.utvdriver.com/story/reviews/polaris-rzr-pro-r-and-turbo-r-24-hour-break-in-challenge-2022/

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00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Aaron, where are we?
00:11 - We are at Windrock Park in Oliver Springs, Tennessee.
00:14 - Getting ready to do something
00:16 neither of us have ever attempted before.
00:18 It's real early, bud.
00:19 It's like 7 a.m.
00:20 - Yep, the sun's just coming up.
00:22 - Why are we here at 7 a.m.?
00:23 - We are going to drive this 2022 Polaris Razor Pro R
00:29 and that 2022 Polaris Razor Turbo R for 24 hours straight.
00:33 - Why are we running them for 24 hours straight?
00:35 - We were delivered both of these units
00:37 with zero hours on them
00:38 and they have a 25 hour break-in period.
00:41 - Oh, that's convenient.
00:42 - Yeah, it's great.
00:42 So we can't do anything with them, test them really.
00:46 We can't get the measure of the machine
00:48 until they have 25 hours on them
00:50 because you can't bury the throttle
00:52 until you've vetted the rings.
00:54 So we've got a lot of driving to do.
00:57 - Well, it's not just gonna be us though, right?
00:59 - No, we have a crew of eight guys, including us,
01:03 and we're gonna go in three hour shifts,
01:06 which seems responsible when you say it on paper.
01:09 We'll see how that lasts.
01:11 And each guy's gonna get a three hour shift in each rig
01:13 and ain't nothing to it, but to do it.
01:16 I think we oughta...
01:17 - Do they know that we're doing it for 24 hours?
01:20 - We told them.
01:21 It was in the email.
01:22 - All right, all right.
01:23 - Did anybody read that?
01:24 - That's fine.
01:25 - All right, we're good.
01:25 - All right, let's do it.
01:26 (upbeat music)
01:29 - I gotta say, the Pro-R is everything
01:46 that Polaris promised us.
01:48 Pulls from zero to red line.
01:49 It just goes and goes and goes.
01:51 There's torque everywhere.
01:53 Combination of that and the PBT,
01:56 you never have to worry.
01:57 It is as happy crawling up a mountain
01:59 as it is wide open down a gravel road.
02:01 The Pro-R, it's, I don't know, 18 inches longer
02:05 by wheelbase than the Turbo-R,
02:07 and that shows.
02:09 It is so stable.
02:10 We don't dish out praise that handsome that often,
02:13 and here we are.
02:15 ♪ It's take me ♪
02:16 ♪ Oh, down the river ♪
02:19 ♪ Where the kids can't find a friend and a sinner ♪
02:22 ♪ Oh, where the grave can't cry ♪
02:27 ♪ 'Cause I don't know ♪
02:30 ♪ Down the river with a hand on a coat ♪
02:33 ♪ And a finger on the trigger ♪
02:34 ♪ And I know ♪
02:37 ♪ Before dawn they try to find me ♪
02:40 ♪ So take me on down ♪
02:45 ♪ Oh, take me on down ♪
02:52 ♪ Take me, just take me on down ♪
02:57 ♪ Oh, take me on down ♪
03:02 ♪ Yeah ♪
03:22 - We're almost 11 hours in exactly right now.
03:25 - Yep.
03:26 - And what you can't see is a partially disassembled Pro-R.
03:31 No fault of the Pro-R.
03:33 I gave a very clear, very ominous speech this morning
03:36 about how the supply chain had put us in a tight spot.
03:39 We couldn't get any spare wheels and tires,
03:41 and on the very first run,
03:43 I put a spectacular gash in the sidewall.
03:45 - Well, we got that one fixed.
03:46 That one wasn't, we had a sidewall slug in it
03:49 in about, what, 15 minutes?
03:51 - Yeah. - Which worked great.
03:52 - Yep, sealed it right up,
03:53 and it seemed that everything would be--
03:55 - Hunky dory. - Hunky dory from there.
03:57 And run two. - Run two.
03:59 - Put a screen door in the same wheel.
04:02 - Yep, windowed it, as they say.
04:04 - Windowed it, went down to the general store,
04:06 they sell a thing called a glue tread.
04:07 - Yeah, it's a bunch of super glue and a piece of rubber.
04:09 - We had, I guess, like, run two and a half with the Pro-R.
04:14 The screen door came open again.
04:17 So we had to go pick the Pro-R up.
04:19 - Yep.
04:20 - And trailer it back.
04:21 - And this whole time, the Razor Turbo-R
04:25 has been running back and forth.
04:27 I think between the two of them, we've managed six laps.
04:30 So, well, and we're off-roading, you know?
04:33 This kind of stuff.
04:34 - Exactly, right?
04:34 We were talking about this earlier.
04:35 If off-roading was all cupcakes and roses,
04:40 it would be boring, right?
04:40 - Why would you do it? - Why would you do it?
04:42 Some of the fun is squaring off against an obstacle.
04:44 Sometimes that obstacle is a rock.
04:45 Sometimes it's two to three holes in your tire.
04:48 - Yep, and either way,
04:50 you know, you're left without a choice.
04:52 You have to meet it. - Right.
04:53 - Or you put it on the trailer and go home,
04:55 and that's no fun.
04:56 - Yeah, no, we wouldn't do that.
04:58 So, anyway, that's the SitRep.
05:00 It's about to get dark.
05:02 We're going to keep driving after two or three burgers.
05:04 So, you know, no starry night for us,
05:07 but again, Type 2 fun.
05:09 Type 2 fun.
05:10 - We're gonna get it done.
05:11 - Check out UTVDriver.com
05:13 and all of our social media channels
05:14 for news, reviews, and more every day.
05:16 (upbeat music)
05:19 - That's it. - That's it.
05:21 - That's all I got. - Yeah, that's perfect.
05:23 - Were you looking at me like that before?
05:23 - No, no. (laughing)
05:26 (thunder rumbling)
05:29 What happened?
05:30 - Did a little tumble.
05:33 - Okay? - Yeah.
05:36 - Sure? - Yeah.
05:36 - All right.
05:38 - Yep, those are in fact off the be, oh my.
05:45 - Go ahead and turn the lights off if you don't care to.
05:47 - Did you stop and take a look at the...
05:52 (footsteps crunching)
05:56 (footsteps crunching)
05:59 (footsteps crunching)
06:02 (water gurgling)