Muhammad Discusses Utah

  • last year
00:00 >> I noticed on Alphonso's pick, you seem to notice before everyone else.
00:04 >> Yeah, I was probably like 20 yards behind.
00:08 And then I glimpsed at him, the ball's in a one yard line,
00:12 I seen him drop it and I was like, no way.
00:15 But at the end of the day, it all worked out.
00:18 It's our brother, we got him up, told him when he's playing,
00:23 hey, send him in, so.
00:25 >> How important is that for you guys to have that reaction to it?
00:28 >> That just goes to our brother and the camaraderie we have on the defense.
00:32 No matter if somebody gets beat on the back end, no matter if somebody misses
00:35 the sack, no matter if somebody misses the tackle, it's next play.
00:38 It's so coming to us, telling us, hey, next play, we got y'all.
00:41 Let's come to them, next play we got them or the D-line.
00:44 You know what I'm saying?
00:45 So it's never a pick-me game.
00:47 Everybody's patching them back, everybody's lifting each other up.
00:49 >> How did he respond to it?
00:51 >> Yeah, I grabbed him, I went to him and told him, we gotta be smarter.
00:56 We got you, but we're gonna keep you started, we're gonna go win this game.
00:59 He responded well, honestly.
01:01 He had a smile on his face probably the next couple of jobs,
01:04 he had a smile back on his face.
01:05 But I know that's gonna eat at him a lot.