• last year
Macam-macam nama kalau dengan kucing ni. Oyen tu macam biasa sangat dah. Kucing Tomok ni ha nama rare habis.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 Hi everyone, Assalamualaikum.
00:06 I'm so happy today because I got a rest from my rehearsal for
00:12 All Stars Kegamangganza for this week.
00:14 And today I'm taking my kids to Tompok Cat House.
00:19 So we're going to rest and chill at Tompok Cat House.
00:23 Let's go!
00:25 [Music]
00:28 I have a cat at home, so I want to ask him a few questions.
00:33 How do we know if he's not whining?
00:36 Usually, he's just eating.
00:39 He's not eating a lot.
00:41 Eating a lot is not normal.
00:43 Because he's on his second day of school.
00:46 He might not sleep well.
00:49 So when that happens, he might not be sick, but he's already sick.
00:54 But my cat sometimes looks stressed.
00:58 His nature is fine, but we can't take him out of the cage.
01:06 So he'll be gone if that happens?
01:08 Yes, but he'll have a leash.
01:12 [Music]
01:16 Okay, who likes cats the most?
01:18 Is that right, Adib?
01:20 No, no, no.
01:22 No, no, no.
01:24 He's so small.
01:26 How old is he?
01:28 Three years old.
01:30 We've had him since he was a kitten.
01:33 The cat has short hair.
01:35 [Music]
01:48 Welcome back to All Star GB Live Plus.
01:51 I'm here with Tomok.
01:54 Peace be upon you.
01:56 Tomok, you said you had a chance to spend time with the cats.
02:02 They really like it.
02:04 Can you tell us about it?
02:06 I have a cat shed at home.
02:08 So when I go to a place with a lot of cats,...
02:12 ...the kids get excited.
02:14 They spend a lot of time in there.
02:16 The kids have fun.
02:18 So does the father.
02:19 So the father is also interested in cats?
02:20 Yes.
02:21 What's the name of the cat?
02:23 My cat's name is Keladi.
02:25 What? What's the name of Keladi's cat?
02:27 It's a bit different.
02:29 That's a big name.
02:30 Yes, but we call it special.
02:32 Keladi.
02:33 But all three of you like cats?
02:35 I can say that both of us like cats.
02:38 The middle one is a bit lacking, but it's okay.
02:41 It's okay, you're not afraid.
02:42 Tomok, you said you met cats on the street.
02:46 Do you feed them regularly?
02:49 If I stop by a shop, or a cat shop,...
02:55 ...my wife and I usually do that.
02:58 If there's a cat, we buy it and give it to them.
03:00 If you see a cat, you give it to them.
03:03 Sometimes, cats from outside come to our house.
03:06 We feed them.
03:08 You give them food? -Yes.
03:10 We want to tell you that after the performance with Black,...
03:14 ...the song was so dramatic.
03:17 I want to ask Alia Iman, how was the contact?
03:19 How? It's a secret.
03:22 No, no.
03:23 How was the performance?
03:26 How was it?
03:28 I forgot.
03:29 I thought you were talking about me.
03:31 Alia Iman, how was the performance?
03:33 Was it heart-warming?
03:34 Alhamdulillah, thank you to Black and Alia...
03:37 ...for giving me such a high level of commitment.
03:40 They were part of the performance.
03:43 They worked really hard.
03:46 It means I'm not alone.
03:48 I have to give credit to Black and Alia.
03:50 Thank you, guys.
03:52 I really appreciate it.
03:53 I hope we can save it for next week.
03:57 But, Tomok, I heard Black did a slack during the rehearsal.
04:02 Yes, he forgot the lyrics during the rehearsal.
04:08 But, I told him not to play around.
04:12 He's okay now.
04:14 Alhamdulillah.
04:16 No problem.
04:18 Someone asked about Alia Iman's choice.
04:21 Did you choose Black?
04:23 It's a secret.
04:27 It's management.
04:29 It's a secret.
04:30 Tomok, say something to your fans.
04:33 Once again, thank you to all my fans...
04:36 ...who voted for me and my friends...
04:38 ...at the Gegar Baganza.
04:40 We really appreciate your support.
04:42 Especially at MBSA.
04:44 Once again, thank you to everyone who supported me.
04:46 Alhamdulillah. Thank you so much.
04:48 Tomok, next week is your 10th week.
04:51 You're still a trainee.
04:53 What are your promises?
04:56 If I'm blessed, I'll try to give my best...
05:00 ...different from what others do.
05:04 InsyaAllah. I'll pray for it.
05:06 Okay, thank you, Tomok.
05:08 Now, we want to see another star of All Star Gegar Baganza.
05:12 Let's watch Siti Nordiana.
