• 2 months ago
Reagen untuk cap jari sedia ada digunakan oleh pakar forensik dunia seperti SIRCHIE, yang menggunakan bahan kimia untuk mengesan minyak pada cap jari.
• Namun, inovasi ini menggunakan enzim lipase untuk mengesan minyak cap jari, dengan karbon nanotube memberikan warna kontras dan enzim lipase bertindak sebagai bio-sensor tanpa penggunaan bahan kimia.
• Inovasi ini adalah yang pertama seumpamanya di dunia..

Kalau korang suka produk ni, jangan lupa untuk mengundi Innovathon people choice awards di www.gempak.com/innovathon ok?

Merealisasikan Impian Inovasi Anda

INNOVATHON kembali dengan musim kedua, sebuah inisiatif menarik bersama Kementerian Ekonomi dan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi (MOSTI) dengan kerjasama Astro.

Saksikan pertandingan hebat dalam INNOVATHON Musim 2 yang akan disiarkan mulai 30 November 2024. Para inovator tempatan dari pelbagai latar belakang akan tampil dengan idea-idea kreatif dan berinovasi, bersaing merebut hadiah utama. Setiap episod menampilkan cabaran-cabaran sengit yang menguji daya kreativiti dan ketekunan peserta, sambil memberi peluang untuk merealisasikan impian mereka.

Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk melihat bagaimana idea-idea luar biasa ini berkembang dan bersaing di layar kaca! Saksikan #INNOVATHON Musim 2 di saluran berikut.

Setiap Sabtu, 9 PM

🔭ASTRO AEC (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 6 PM

🔭RTM (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 9 PM

#Innovathon2 #MotivasiInspirasi #AstroMalaysia #AstroBaharu #AstroGo #sookaMalaysia


00:00In the battle to change the world
00:06Every time a criminal tries to remove a case
00:09by throwing it in a water-like environment
00:12with the hope that their fingerprints will be lost.
00:14It is true that fingerprints will be damaged
00:16due to the nature of water and the movement of water,
00:19leaving a substance that does not dissolve fat
00:21only on the surface of the affected fingerprint.
00:23Science has proven that
00:25lipase, an enzyme that reacts specifically
00:28with lipid or fat.
00:30I am Prof. Dr. Roswanira Binti Abdul Wahab,
00:3451 years old, from Taiping, Perak.
00:38Our innovation is NBR,
00:41which is a nanobiobased reagent
00:43for fingerprint visualization
00:46using CSI research.
00:48It is an innovation based on enzymes
00:52that are combined with nanoparticles.
00:54When lipase is combined with the right nanoparticles,
01:00it is like a dog that detects
01:02when we put a flashlight behind it.
01:05It is a biosensor with nanoparticles
01:08that will give a contrast
01:10to see the fingerprint
01:12or the movement of the fingerprint.
01:17The process of making NBR
01:20starts by dissolving the enzyme
01:23in the right salt solution
01:26at a certain pH.
01:28Then, it is followed by adding nanoparticles
01:33to this mixture.
01:38After a few hours,
01:40the result is like this.
01:43So, the evidence is usually washed
01:48with clean water first.
01:51After that, we will inject
01:54the NBR reagent several times.
01:58And usually, after injecting,
02:01we leave it for a few seconds
02:03between 10 to 15 seconds.
02:06After 10 to 15 seconds,
02:09Because we need to let the lipase
02:12find the lumps in the fingerprint.
02:15So, when it sticks,
02:17it will stick in a few seconds.
02:20Then, we wash it with clean water.
02:26And the evidence will be seen
02:28on the surface of this knife.
02:33My hope for my family,
02:36friends, and viewers out there
02:39will be entertained by the green science technology
02:42that we bring from the local technology
02:45developed by BPM.
02:48And we really appreciate
02:51all the votes for us
02:53so that we can bring this technology
02:56to the next level.
