Grubb on Broyles Award

  • last year
UW offensive coordinator Ryan Grubb wasn't too impressed with himself when he heard he was a Broyles Award semifinalist.
00:10 >> No, I did not.
00:12 >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah.
00:15 >> What does that mean?
00:18 >> Not much after getting shut out of half of Oregon State, to be honest with you.
00:21 >> [LAUGH] >> So, it kind of sucks.
00:23 >> Just what happened in that second half that either didn't work or
00:28 the Oregon State did well, shut you guys out.
00:30 >> Man, a lot of things, but specifically,
00:34 we were 17 of our 23, or excuse me,
00:39 18 of our 23 rush attempts were not efficient.
00:43 So when people said just run the ball, I was trying.
00:48 And 44% of our run yards or something like that came on one of Dylan's runs.
00:53 So it was tough, it was a tough week.
00:56 And normally a room that's super consistent in our offensive line room was not.
01:02 And we had to shuffle some people around during the week with injuries.
01:06 And there was things that I thought showed up a little bit in practice and
01:10 showed up again in the game.
01:11 So some of those, it wasn't about the guys not being excited or
01:18 fired up for the game.
01:19 I think there was just a lack of ability to execute in some of the run game hits.
01:23 Even that first drive, if you really watch the film,
01:26 we were not hitting on our run plays.
01:28 And that was something that we really felt like at halftime,
01:33 we were gonna be able to clean up and do a better job of in the second half.
01:37 And that certainly didn't happen.