Unions demand dialogue with Milei over budget cuts

  • last year
In Argentina, after Javier Milei was declared president, some union sectors have met to discuss the announcements made by the newly elected president, especially those concerning public budget cuts. teleSUR
00:00 Welcome back.
00:01 In Argentina, after the election that proclaimed Javier Millet as the future president of the
00:04 country, some trade union sectors held assemblies to discuss internally their positions in relation
00:10 to the announcements made by the president-elect about cuts in public spending and privatizations
00:15 in the state sector.
00:16 Let's see what different union secretaries say in the following report by our correspondent
00:20 Santiago Correa.
00:25 The first statements made by president-elect Javier Millet were against the workers, with
00:30 threats of massive layoffs that jeopardized the employment of thousands of Argentinians.
00:40 We say that we have to give value to the state, not eliminate it, so that this country can't
00:45 really return to being the power that this right-wing or ultra-right-wing says it wants
00:51 to be.
00:52 The truth is that we are very sad, we are very tired because we have been fighting for
00:57 our wages, for our salaries for years, and now we have to fight for our jobs as well.
01:03 So we are thinking about how we are going to respond to the attacks that this ultra-right-wing
01:09 has against us, and how we are going to solve it.
01:16 The State Workers' Association rejects the announcements and declares a state of permanent
01:21 assembly in all the agencies of the national public administration, as well as in the provincial
01:26 and municipal states.
01:35 We need to plan urgently to be able to withstand the attacks that the next government of Javier
01:40 Millet is going to propose to Argentine society, and particularly to us as workers of state,
01:46 because it is already clear that the first thing is stated and confirmed, it is he will
01:52 close state companies, that he will close public media, and the truth is that we have
01:58 already lived part of this story with the MACRISMO, and we understand that we have to
02:03 attack quickly.
02:11 From the State Employees' Union, we declare ourselves in a state of alert and mobilization.
02:16 We are on our way to a massive plenary meeting on Monday, and a mobilization on Thursday
02:20 in defense of jobs, to demand job stability and to demand that our society does not lose
02:25 a single right.
02:29 The Buenos Aires Press and Workers' Union also met after Millet's promise to privatize
02:34 the TALAM news agency, public television and national radio.
02:39 Press workers need to stress the importance of private and public media to strengthen
02:44 democracy and to guarantee the diversity of voices.
02:47 So we are going to be present highlighting the importance and the need for this to exist
02:52 in our democracy.
02:56 Three days before the elections and prior to the swearing-in of the new government,
03:01 other sectors are expected to take a position on the adjustments promises made by Millet.
03:07 Santiago Corey, TELESUR, Argentina.
03:09 [APPLAUSE]
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