Adam Sandler Reveals Roseanne Barr Was Supposed To Sing 'The Chanukah Song'

  • last year
Adam Sandler Reveals Roseanne Barr Was Supposed To Sing 'The Chanukah Song'
00:00 - Congratulations on this film.
00:02 It's such a cute animation.
00:03 So what does this make?
00:06 Why is this a perfect family-friendly comedy?
00:08 - That's a good question.
00:09 I have no idea if it's perfect,
00:11 but we certainly worked hard on making it a movie
00:15 that the kids can have a good time in identifying with.
00:18 And we talked about what it's like being a parent
00:21 and what your thoughts are and what mistakes we can make.
00:25 And it was fun being a lizard.
00:28 And it just looks good.
00:32 It's got jokes in there, got comedy,
00:34 got some sneaky little heartbreaking moments in there.
00:38 - And how did you identify with Leo
00:41 in his wise advice for fifth graders?
00:43 - You know, I don't know if I'm as smooth with the advice,
00:46 but I certainly have a similar belly.
00:48 (laughing)
00:50 Sadly.
00:52 - Now, speaking of family,
00:53 this is round two of the whole family joining in
00:56 on the fun.
00:57 What is the highlight of working together?
00:59 - Oh, that was great.
01:01 I don't know, man.
01:03 We started this movie before the "Bat Mitzvah" movie
01:06 came out.
01:07 We've been doing this for like three, four years.
01:09 And just great being around those kids
01:13 and seeing them happy.
01:15 - And now, were there any ground rules for this one
01:17 and "Bat Mitzvah"?
01:18 You're a dad at home, but when you get on set,
01:20 does that dynamic change at all?
01:22 - It doesn't change that much.
01:23 They still stare at me like, "What's he mad at?"
01:26 (laughing)
01:27 That's about it.
01:29 - Okay, now with the holidays coming around the corner,
01:32 do you feel like you're the Mariah Carey of Hanukkah?
01:36 (laughing)
01:37 - No, no.
01:38 She's, Mariah Carey is for all of us.
01:42 But man, I'm happy to be a part of Hanukkah.
01:46 That was a good time of life to be associated
01:50 with the song and the holiday.
01:53 That's, very, very proud of that.
01:55 - Do you sing that song every year for Hanukkah?
01:57 - I sing it alone.
01:58 - What do your kids think about it?
01:59 - I sing it just without the kids.
02:01 I sing, I go into our basement, I rip it out.
02:05 I just, I do the soft shoe to it.
02:09 Now, if it comes on the radio and I hear it,
02:13 I get excited, that's still awesome.
02:15 - What do your kids think about it?
02:16 Are they sick of it at all?
02:17 - Oh my gosh, it's not, you know what?
02:19 The fact that it comes once a year makes it a little less
02:23 where my kids can get sick of it.
02:25 They're proud of it too.
02:26 - And then when you do think about writing it,
02:29 back in the day, the first time,
02:30 did you ever think that it would still be a hit?
02:32 Almost 30 years, however many years later.
02:34 - No, not at all.
02:35 I'm very thankful for that.
02:38 And I wrote it and when I wrote that,
02:42 that week on Saturday Night Live,
02:44 Roseanne Barr was the host.
02:46 And they were talking about Roseanne singing it.
02:49 And she was nice enough to say,
02:51 "No, I'll let Adam do that."
02:52 That's his, he wrote it, that's his song.
02:55 - Amazing.
02:56 Okay, now final question.
02:57 We are speaking with Henry Winkler on Monday
03:00 and he speaks very highly of you in his book.
03:02 Do you have a message for him and we can show it to him?
03:05 - Henry knows I love him.
03:06 Henry knows he's one of the best friends
03:09 anybody could ever have.
03:11 I met him many years ago and I still,
03:17 for the first maybe 30 times I saw him,
03:20 all I could think about was Fonzie.
03:21 And then I started thinking about just Henry.
03:24 And he's just a warm human being that you can count on
03:29 to always make you feel good.
03:32 (upbeat music)
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03:43 (upbeat music)
