Episod 676 My #QuranTime Selasa 5 Julai 2022 Surah Al-Hadid (57:12-18) Halaman 539

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Episod 676 My #QuranTime Selasa 5 Julai 2022 Surah Al-Hadid (57:12-18) Halaman 539
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26:26 So, how many 'frufru' are there? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
26:34 The last seven 'shampo' that we use is 'tiwakaf'.
26:38 The seven 'frufru' in this example, we read them all with 'tebal'.
26:42 Because it is lined up, it is lined up in front, and it is dead before it is lined up.
26:48 So, for example, in the verse we read earlier, all 'rua' are read with 'tefkhim', with 'tebal'.
26:54 'Rua' cannot be read with 'ra'.
26:56 'Wa gharrat' cannot be read with 'ra'.
26:59 'Ru' even though it is lined up in front, it is read with 'tebal'.
27:02 'Al gharur' cannot be read with 'al gharur'.
27:06 We do not want to really 'nebalkan' the letter 'rua'.
27:09 So, that is a little bit about how to say the word 'tebal'
27:13 or in the term 'tajwi' 'tefkhim' in the word 'rua'.
27:18 Let us practice together and let us read a lot in surah Fatihah.
27:21 Bismillahir rahmanir rahim.
27:24 It is read with 'tebal'.
27:25 Alhamdulillahir rabbi'l 'alam.
27:27 'Rua' is read with a 'tebal' voice.
27:30 Wallahu'ala.
27:31 Thank you Ustaz for the explanation that is very clear for the children.
27:37 But that is how it is for us Malay people.
27:41 If 'rua' is lined up in front, we usually hear 'tebal'.
27:45 But the problem is when 'rua' is lined up in front.
27:48 When 'rua' is lined up in front, sometimes there are many that do not 'tebal'.
27:51 Is there a difference in the level of 'tebal' that is read?
27:55 Yes, it is certain that if 'rua' is lined up in front, the 'tebal' is not the same as 'rua' in front.
28:00 But it is still read with 'tebal'.
28:02 It is just that the sound is not as 'tebal' as it is when it is lined up in front.
28:06 But it is still read with 'tebal'.
28:08 You cannot read it as 'ka-fa-ru'.
28:10 You cannot.
28:11 'Ka-fa-ru' is read with 'tebal'.
28:13 It is the same for the lower 'ba'.
28:15 If we read it as 'bi-ri', 'bi-ri-h'.
28:19 We cannot read it as 'bi-ri'.
28:20 We cannot read it as 'ri'.
28:22 We read it as 'ri'.
28:23 Alhamdulillah.
28:24 Thank you Ustaz.
28:25 So, ladies and gentlemen, out there, you know that 'rua' has its own thickness.
28:30 And its thickness is in levels.
28:33 The thicker one, if it is the upper level, it has to be thicker.
28:36 The lower level is also thick.
28:38 Do not not make it thicker.
28:40 The lower level is only 'tarqiq'.
28:42 But here, we may hear 'tafqim', 'tarqiq', but ladies and gentlemen, the Quran cannot run from 'talaqi' and 'mushafah'.
28:50 You need to go back and look for Ustaz to correct the 'rua'.
28:55 Alhamdulillah.
28:57 We are back to page 539.
29:02 If we look at it, from verse 12 to verse 15, Allah SWT stresses about 'al-munafiqun'.
29:12 Where they have no light to illuminate their path in the dark of the hereafter.
29:20 Which means that they will fall.
29:23 Before they can go to the 'tityan sirak', they will fall into the fire of hell.
29:29 So, as we have mentioned, we ask from Allah SWT to keep us away from the attributes of the hypocrites.
29:38 Because that is what the Prophet SAW said in a hadith in the verse of Abu Dawud.
29:42 The Prophet SAW prayed, "O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the evil of the unrighteousness, the hypocrisy, and the evil of the immorality."
29:50 Where the Prophet SAW asked for protection from Allah SWT from the evil of the hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and the evil of the immorality.
30:04 So, verse 16.
30:08 Before we go further, I would like to invite Ustaz Tirmizi to read verse 16 to verse 18.
30:16 Please proceed, Mashkora.
30:18 Alhamdulillah, thank you, Father Doctor.
30:20 Let's proceed to verse 16, 17, and 18.
30:24 Surah muqasirah 539.
30:29 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
30:37 (Recitation from Quran)
31:06 (Recitation from Quran)
31:27 (Recitation from Quran)
31:53 (Recitation from Quran)
32:22 (Recitation from Quran)
32:27 (Recitation from Quran)
32:51 This is a question that Allah SWT has asked us all.
32:56 If we look at the face of this surah,
33:00 we see from the verses that were discussed a moment ago,
33:04 how the light was formed on the believers,
33:09 and we also see how the hypocrites
33:13 were trying to get the light from the believers,
33:18 but Allah SWT did not allow it at that time.
33:23 When we hear how the hypocrites will be punished by Allah SWT,
33:28 in the verse 15,
33:30 (Recitation from Quran)
33:33 "Your abode is Hell."
33:35 The hypocrites wanted to give them a punishment.
33:38 "Take anyone,
33:40 but set us free from the fire of Hell."
33:43 But Allah SWT did not accept it.
33:46 When we hear all of this,
33:48 when we see these verses,
33:50 Allah SWT asks us,
33:52 "Is it not yet time, Ustaz?"
33:56 "Is it not yet time for the believers
34:00 to be satisfied with the remembrance of Allah
34:04 and the truth that has been revealed by Allah SWT?"
34:09 "Is it not yet time for them?"
34:12 Sometimes, we young people say,
34:15 "It's okay, there's still a lot of time."
34:19 "When I get old, I'll go to the surau."
34:23 "I don't have time now."
34:25 "I have a lot of work to do."
34:28 "There's no time for religion,
34:30 but there's a lot of time for the world."
34:33 "But when he gets old,
34:36 he'll go to the surau."
34:39 "Because he's not trained when he's young."
34:43 This is what Allah SWT asks us.
34:45 "Is it not yet time for you
34:50 to submit and obey Allah SWT?"
34:55 "For your heart to be filled with the remembrance of Allah."
34:58 The scholars say, "The remembrance of Allah"
35:00 is in the Al-Quran.
35:03 "The remembrance of Allah and what has come down from the truth,"
35:09 both refer to the Al-Quran.
35:11 "Is it not yet time for you to live by the Al-Quran?"
35:16 "To read the Al-Quran?"
35:18 "To approach the Al-Quran?"
35:21 "To take guidance and to do what Allah SWT says in the Al-Quran?"
35:29 "Do not be like the people of the Book."
35:36 "The people of the Book have passed a long time,
35:45 until their hearts became hard."
35:47 What does this verse mean?
35:49 The people of the Book left their books for such a long time.
35:54 They left their books for such a long time,
35:56 until their hearts became hard.
36:02 "They left their books for such a long time,
36:08 until their hearts became hard."
36:09 "And many of them became disobedient."
36:16 What can we learn from this verse?
36:19 It means that if we leave the Al-Quran for a long time,
36:28 for example, today we read,
36:31 and we want to read again,
36:33 we will read again next month.
36:35 Or maybe half of the people are already done,
36:37 and Ramadan has just started.
36:39 Ramadan has just started,
36:41 and we say that we are entering the month of Tadarus.
36:48 So when we are entering the month of Tadarus,
36:50 we want to open the Quran.
36:51 We want to open the Mus'haf,
36:52 and then we read Allahu Akbar.
36:54 We read the Kalimut.
36:56 The Ustaz who is in charge of Tadarus,
36:58 he is very confused.
36:59 The other people are waiting,
37:01 "Oh Allah, when will this be finished?"
37:02 "I want to go home."
37:03 "I want to go home."
37:04 It is not finished yet.
37:05 So, he opens the Quran only during Ramadan.
37:07 It is not a bad thing,
37:09 it is good.
37:10 But,
37:11 he left the Al-Quran for a long time.
37:13 When he wants to open the Quran again,
37:14 he waits for Ramadan to come.
37:16 After Raya, he takes the Quran,
37:18 keeps it well,
37:19 and puts it on the shelf.
37:21 That's it.
37:22 We will meet again during Ramadan.
37:24 There is also a story about the experience.
37:27 Yes.
37:28 There was an uncle who came,
37:29 he wanted to form the letters,
37:31 and wanted to study again.
37:32 He wanted to study again,
37:34 but he had left it for a long time.
37:35 "Ustaz, it's okay, I will read it."
37:37 He was so eager to read it again.
37:41 When he finally read it,
37:42 he was in Khatam,
37:43 a low school.
37:44 Allah! A low school!
37:46 He wanted to go back.
37:47 There is also a story like that.
37:49 When he was in Khatam,
37:50 he had already passed one of the conditions,
37:52 he made a yellow shirt,
37:53 and then he stopped.
37:54 Allah!
37:55 Then, he wanted to study again.
37:57 Maybe,
37:58 he had the patience to study again.
38:01 It is a bit difficult to return it,
38:04 because he left it for a long time.
38:05 Yes.
38:06 So, if possible,
38:07 as the doctor said,
38:08 don't leave it for a long time.
38:09 We have to understand,
38:11 that the Al-Quran
38:13 is not like reading Al-Quran
38:15 as if it is a pilgrimage.
38:16 It is not like that.
38:17 As if the pilgrimage is near.
38:19 It is not like we read it once,
38:20 then it is finished,
38:21 then it is done.
38:22 The pilgrimage is finished.
38:23 Yes.
38:24 Al-Quran is not like that.
38:25 Al-Quran is not like we read it once,
38:27 Khatam,
38:28 Alhamdulillah,
38:29 the yellow shirt is out,
38:30 everyone is full,
38:31 it is finished.
38:32 It is not the season.
38:33 It is not like that.
38:34 It is not for the season.
38:36 Because Al-Quran is
38:38 like an air for us,
38:41 where we need it always.
38:43 The guidance from Al-Quran,
38:45 we should always refer to it,
38:48 not only according to the season we want.
38:50 So, dear friends,
38:52 let's get closer to Al-Quran,
38:54 always read Al-Quran,
38:56 always recite its verses.
38:58 Then, our hearts can be
39:01 "Khusyuk" to Allah SWT.
39:03 Allah SWT says,
39:04 Al-Quran, Ustaz,
39:06 has its own power.
39:08 Because of that,
39:09 Allah SWT says,
39:10 "Allah has sent down the best of the hadiths,
39:12 a book similar to the other,
39:14 "Takashyairu minhu juludu allatheena yakhshauna rabbahum"
39:17 People who are afraid of Allah,
39:19 people who are fearing Allah,
39:21 when they hear Al-Quran,
39:23 "Takashyairu",
39:24 their skin will be like,
39:26 what is it called?
39:27 If a person is cold like that,
39:29 he will feel his skin,
39:31 his skin will be like,
39:33 what is it called?
39:34 Then,
39:35 "Thummatallinu juluduhum waqulubuhum ila dhikrillah"
39:39 Then,
39:40 their skin,
39:41 their heart will be soft,
39:44 by remembering Allah SWT.
39:46 If we haven't reached that level,
39:49 then we need to make more efforts.
39:51 We need to make more efforts.
39:53 If we haven't yet,
39:55 when people read Al-Quran,
39:56 don't have the feeling of watering the water,
39:59 then it means we need to make more efforts.
40:02 We need to read more,
40:04 we need to pursue knowledge more.
40:06 Because Al-Quran,
40:07 people who can truly live by Al-Quran,
40:11 are those who have knowledge about Al-Quran.
40:14 That's why it is mentioned in Al-Quran,
40:17 "Innama yakhshallaha min 'ibadihil ulama'"
40:21 "Ketahuila bahawa orang yang paling takut kepada Allah adalah golongan ulama'"
40:26 Why?
40:27 Why?
40:28 Because the scholars,
40:29 if we read the verse earlier,
40:31 for example,
40:32 "Alam ya'ninil ladheena amanu antakhsha'apulubuhum li dhikrillah"
40:36 We read it,
40:37 we just think,
40:38 maybe some of us think,
40:39 the title should be given correctly.
40:41 Some people don't even care about the title.
40:43 Just play with it.
40:44 That's more exciting.
40:45 But there are some people,
40:46 Alhamdulillah,
40:47 the title should be taken care of.
40:48 But the meaning is not that much to be conveyed to the heart.
40:52 It is said that
40:53 Al-Furdal ibn 'Ayyab,
40:57 at one time,
40:58 he wanted to go,
40:59 there is a will that he wanted to do.
41:04 Then,
41:05 he heard someone reciting this verse,
41:08 "Alam ya'ninil ladheena amanu antakhsha'apulubuhum li dhikrillah"
41:12 Right?
41:13 So at that time,
41:14 Al-Furdal heard this verse,
41:16 and said,
41:17 "Isn't it time yet for you to recite the Al-Quran?"
41:21 So at that time,
41:22 Al-Furdal said,
41:23 "I don't want to do that will."
41:25 He immediately stopped and repented.
41:27 "I haven't had time to do it yet."
41:28 That's what people say,
41:30 when people really live by the Al-Quran,
41:33 when people really understand the Al-Quran,
41:35 when they hear the Al-Quran,
41:37 the impact it has on their soul is very big.
41:39 So that is what we are trying to achieve.
41:42 What is the reason,
41:43 dear audience,
41:44 why are you sitting in front of the TV screen,
41:45 trying to understand the Al-Quran?
41:47 Because if you can,
41:48 the Quran should be with you.
41:50 To bring in your heart,
41:52 there is the Quran.
41:53 If not,
41:54 even a little bit,
41:55 right?
41:56 What we want to bring into the grave.
41:58 Then Allah SWT said,
41:59 "Know that Allah is the One who creates the earth and the heavens and the earth is His own."
42:02 "Know that Allah is the One who creates the earth and the heavens and the earth is His own."
42:04 "Know that Allah is the One who creates the earth and the heavens and the earth is His own."
42:06 "And after it has been dead, it will be dry."
42:08 "And after it has been dead, it will be dry."
42:10 "And We have made clear to you Our signs of our greatness, so that you may understand."
42:18 Why is this verse mentioned,
42:20 after the previous verse?
42:22 Question.
42:24 Why is it mentioned?
42:26 Because,
42:28 if Allah is able to bring into existence the dead earth,
42:32 by bringing forth its trees,
42:34 right?
42:35 Then,
42:36 Allah is also able to bring into existence the dead heart,
42:39 by listening and reading
42:41 as well as by the life of the Quran.
42:43 That is what He wants to emphasize.
42:45 So, it is mentioned,
42:46 "Know that Allah is the One who creates the earth and the heavens and the earth is His own."
42:49 "And after it has been dead, it will be dry."
42:52 Then it is mentioned,
42:53 "Indeed, the charitable men and women will be paid double for their good deeds."
43:12 Finally,
43:13 the face of this surah or this page
43:15 is ended with the verse about the charitable men
43:19 where the charitable men
43:21 and the charitable women are mentioned.
43:24 It is interesting, Ustaz, if we look at it.
43:26 People say that Islam oppresses the women.
43:29 It is very far from the truth.
43:31 In the matter of the hereafter,
43:33 in the matter of the hereafter,
43:35 Allah sees us all as the same.
43:37 That is why,
43:39 when it is mentioned in the previous verse,
43:41 "Yawmata'ra almu'minina almu'minat"
43:44 Then,
43:45 "mu'min" and "mu'minat".
43:47 Here,
43:49 Allah mentions "Musaddiqin" and "Musaddiqat".
43:52 So,
43:53 in the matter of the hereafter,
43:54 whether it is a man or a woman,
43:56 in front of Allah's eyes,
43:57 we are all the same.
43:59 Let us look at the resolution
44:01 for our session today.
44:03 If you can see it on the screen.
44:06 The first resolution or our first action
44:11 is that we can enrich the charity
44:14 so that it will be illuminated
44:16 in the hereafter.
44:18 The second resolution is to cast doubt
44:20 on the truth of the Day of Resurrection
44:23 and immediately make a preparation.
44:25 And the third resolution is to revive
44:27 a pure heart and always be enthusiastic
44:30 in performing the duty of a servant.
44:34 To further enrich this session,
44:36 I would like to invite Ustaz Termizi
44:38 to read the prayer.
44:40 Faliha ta'fabba, thank you.
44:41 Welcome, dear viewers.
44:43 Let us pray for safety and health
44:46 and for the protection of the flood
44:49 that is being experienced by all of them
44:52 in Balin and Kedah.
44:54 May Allah SWT give ease,
44:57 protection and replace it with something better
45:00 and grant them all the rewards.
45:03 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
45:05 All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
45:07 And peace and blessings be upon the most honored of the prophets,
45:09 and upon his family and companions.
45:12 O Allah, do not leave us in this hour
45:14 to be a sinner unless You forgive us,
45:16 a burden unless You relieve us,
45:18 a debt unless You pay us,
45:20 a sick person unless You heal him,
45:22 a prisoner unless You ease him,
45:25 a witness unless You accept him,
45:28 and a need of the worldly and the hereafter.
45:31 It is You who is pleased with us in our righteousness
45:33 unless You pay it and ease it by Your mercy,
45:35 O Most Merciful of the merciful.
45:37 And peace and blessings be upon the most honored of the prophets,
45:39 and upon his family and companions.
45:41 All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
45:44 Alhamdulillah, thanks to all the audience and the companions.
45:47 As usual, we invite all of you to contribute
45:50 in the donation or movement of Al-Quran.
45:53 Hopefully, every contribution
45:56 is considered as a reward from Allah SWT
45:59 and can be beneficial to the whole community
46:01 with Al-Quran.
46:03 And don't forget to watch the replay
46:05 tonight and tomorrow morning.
46:08 And hopefully, we will all be honored
46:10 by Allah SWT with Al-Quran.
46:13 See you again.
46:15 My Quran Time.
46:16 Read, understand, and act.
46:18 Al-Fatiha.
46:37 [Music]
46:52 [Music]
