A very dry week ahead for most of the US after a weekend storm

  • last year
AccuWeather's long-range forecasters say milder weather is on the way for much of the U.S. from Dec. 11-17.
00:00 Well, after quite a stormy weekend
00:01 across the country, things look to
00:03 quiet down some as we head into next week.
00:05 Bernie Rayno and AccuWeather long range expert
00:07 Joe Lundberg show us what we can expect.
00:09 - Well, this week is going to end on a very stormy note.
00:15 Well, next week, Joe, looks a wee bit more tranquil.
00:19 - I think so.
00:20 I mean, this is gonna be a big storm this weekend
00:22 wrapping up on Monday in the Northeast,
00:23 but next week, behind it, there's just not much cold air
00:26 for the country and it goes hand in hand
00:28 with a lack of snow and a lack of storminess.
00:30 Now, that being said, keep an eye on this feature
00:33 late in the week.
00:34 Looks like an area of low pressure will try to get organized
00:37 in the Southern Plains and could have ramifications
00:39 next weekend across the South and maybe the Southeast.
00:42 - Yeah, when we take a look at the pattern,
00:43 you can see where that storm is.
00:44 It's that dip in the jet stream coming across
00:46 the Western United States, more on that in a second, Joe.
00:48 But the thing that catches my eye is a very dry forecast
00:53 for most of the week and much of the country.
00:56 - Absolutely, I mean, you see that dip in the jet stream
00:59 there, but out ahead of it, you have the bulge
01:01 up to the North, which means a lot of mild air
01:03 flooding the nation's midsection.
01:05 That will be spreading eastward with time.
01:07 There'll be a big area of high pressure here in the East,
01:09 a chilly morning, of course,
01:11 but then you have some moderate afternoon,
01:13 so very quiet weather pattern for most of the East.
01:15 The cold air is really kind of locked up in Eastern Canada,
01:18 but with that dip in the jet stream coming in
01:20 through the West late in the week,
01:22 again, that area of low pressure down here
01:23 in the Southern Plains could spell trouble
01:25 for the South and the Southeast late next weekend
01:27 into next weekend.
01:28 - And of course, we're not far away from Christmas, Joe.
01:30 Christmas on a Monday.
01:32 Let's talk about maybe a highlight or two
01:34 for the week prior.
01:36 - Well, not an awful lot changes.
01:38 There's going to be a mild flow across the country, Bernie.
01:40 Most of the cold air is locked up in Canada,
01:42 but there's still concern sometime the middle of the week
01:45 before Christmas that an area of low pressure
01:47 again comes in the Southern Plains,
01:48 heads its way to the East.
01:49 That could mean some travel disruptions
01:51 with a chance for rain, but not much snow.
01:53 (thud)
