Episod 373 My #QuranTime 2.0 Khamis 21 Disember 2023 Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 7) Halaman 108

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Episod 373 My #QuranTime 2.0 Khamis 21 Disember 2023 Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 7) Halaman 108

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 7 halaman 108 ini adalah:
* Perintah agar mengingati nikmat petunjuk agama Islam dan konsisten dalam ketaatan (7)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 7 halaman 108:
* Melaksanakan syariat agama dengan sempurna (7)
* Sentiasa bersyukur atas pemberian nikmat-nikmat daripada-Nya (7)
* Taati dan segera lakukan perintah Allah secara konsisten tanpa bantahan (7)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:20 Is it true that when someone performs salat, Allah greatly appreciates the person who performs salat?
00:30 Or is it the opposite of what we usually think?
00:36 Let's learn together in Surah Al-Ma'idah.
00:41 [Music]
01:03 And remember the favor of Allah upon you and His covenant, which He has promised you.
01:24 If you say, "We hear, we obey," and fear Allah,
01:41 Allah knows what is in the hearts.
01:58 [Prayer]
02:12 How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
02:14 We meet again in My Quran Time.
02:16 Today's Quran is a Salat Imfaq.
02:18 To continue our study and learning together.
02:22 To clean ourselves together.
02:26 And of course, this is the hope.
02:29 We learn from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet.
02:37 And we will read today the seventh verse.
02:40 Surah Al-Ma'idah with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidhi Ali.
02:43 How are you, Ustaz?
02:44 Alhamdulillah, I'm fine. How are you?
02:46 Alhamdulillah, we will read a short verse today.
02:49 We will read it together.
02:51 Before this, it was long.
02:52 It was about wudu' and tayammum.
02:55 And today we will see how Allah reminds us of a big thing.
03:00 To take a lesson.
03:02 Let's read together, ladies and gentlemen at home and in the studio today.
03:06 To start our session with our hope in Allah.
03:11 May He grant us knowledge full of wisdom in seeing each letter and line in the seventh verse.
03:18 Surah Al-Ma'idah.
03:19 We start with the prayer.
03:20 [Al-Quran recitation]
03:29 We will see what is the summary of the seventh verse today.
03:32 That is, at page 108, we will read the seventh verse of Surah Al-Ma'idah
03:37 which is related to the commandment to remember the blessings of the guide of the religion of Islam
03:42 and to be consistent in the piety.
03:45 We will read the seventh verse together with the leader of Al-Fadhil Ustaz in Malaysia.
03:50 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz in Bahasa Malaysia]
03:55 [Alhamdulillah]
03:56 [Shukr to Allah SWT]
03:58 [At this time, we are together]
04:02 [I feel blessed and grateful]
04:04 [Allah SWT chose us among His servants]
04:07 [To be in the gathering of knowledge]
04:09 [We are everywhere]
04:12 [We are at home, at work, outside]
04:15 [Maybe we are taking our children out and so on]
04:19 [But Alhamdulillah, we are together with Al-Quran]
04:22 [I also welcome you to the studio this time]
04:27 [From the Muslim Doha College]
04:30 [Taman Angsamas Seremban]
04:33 [How are you, people of Negeri Sembilan?]
04:36 [Are you doing well, God willing?]
04:39 [Alhamdulillah, God willing]
04:42 [The color is bright, I don't even know what color it is]
04:45 [Safas, what color is that?]
04:47 [I don't know, I don't know]
04:49 [Let's see how the light is, the joy with Al-Quran]
04:53 [And don't forget our group, our family members]
04:56 [And our fellow Muslims today]
04:58 [Alhamdulillah, today is a challenge for me too, Safas]
05:02 [Again, a challenge because the verse is short, Safas]
05:05 [Only two lines, just a little]
05:08 [For the seventh verse, but the advantage is, subhanallah]
05:11 [We can focus on each verse, word for word]
05:15 [Hopefully we won't miss it today]
05:17 [God willing, Allah will make our affairs easier]
05:20 [Let's listen to the recitation of the seventh verse]
05:27 [I will repeat it a little because the verse is short]
05:30 [Hopefully we can focus on the words of Allah]
05:34 [Subhanahu wa ta'ala]
05:36 [I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan]
05:41 [And remember the favor of Allah upon you]
06:02 [And His covenant, which He has promised you]
06:21 [And remember the favor of Allah upon you]
06:30 [And His covenant, which He has promised you]
06:44 [Say, "You have heard and obeyed;]
06:52 [But fear Allah]
07:19 [And fear Allah; indeed Allah is Knowing of what is in the hearts]
07:39 [May Allah bless you]
07:40 [May Allah bless you]
07:41 [That was the recitation of the seventh verse]
07:43 [For us to pay attention]
07:45 [We read, Alhamdulillah, led by Al-Fadl Ustaz Ibn Bizi]
07:48 [We read, Alhamdulillah, led by Al-Fadl Ustaz Ibn Bizi]
07:50 [We read, Alhamdulillah, led by Al-Fadl Ustaz Ibn Bizi]
07:51 [Allah gives a reward for every letter we read]
07:53 [10 marks, 10 rewards]
07:55 [And these rewards are not only in this world or in the hereafter]
07:59 [Usually people say that these rewards are only in the hereafter]
08:01 [We want to enter heaven]
08:02 [Actually, these rewards are actually needed]
08:05 [To get the best in the world]
08:07 [And also when we reach the hereafter]
08:09 [We want the best in the hereafter]
08:11 [And we want to be kept away from the fire of hellfire]
08:15 [Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala]
08:17 [For example, when we read, we get rewards]
08:19 [And we are eager to get blessings from the Quran]
08:23 [The Quran is only blessed when we see its content]
08:30 [And what is the content of the seventh verse?]
08:32 [And remember you all about Allah's favor to you]
08:40 [What is this Allah's favor?]
08:42 [We need to follow the context of this verse]
08:45 [If we look at verse 6]
08:47 [It talks about wudu' and tayammum]
08:50 [What is it for?]
08:52 [For someone who is ready to go to a great blessing]
08:57 [Which is prayer]
08:59 [Actually, when you get wudu' or if there is no water]
09:04 [Then you get tayammum]
09:06 [Actually, that is the blessing that Allah says]
09:08 [Wal qur'u]
09:09 [Not wal qur'u]
09:10 [It means, please remember]
09:13 [Please remind everyone]
09:15 [Who can get wudu']
09:17 [Because this person wants to go to prayer]
09:19 [Or if there is no water, then you get tayammum]
09:21 [This is a blessing from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala]
09:24 [So usually, people say that if I pray]
09:27 [This is something that will make Allah happy with me]
09:33 [Actually, Allah says, no, no, no]
09:35 [It's the opposite]
09:36 [You have to remember the blessing]
09:38 [When you are chosen as a person who prays]
09:40 [At that stage, Allah reminds him in this verse]
09:43 [Why? Because there are people who say]
09:45 [If I pray, hopefully Allah will like me]
09:48 [But before Allah likes us]
09:50 [Actually, we have to like Allah choosing us as a person who prays]
09:54 [Because a person who prays is a blessing]
09:57 [And this blessing is elevated as high as this seventh verse]
10:02 [We may have a car, for example]
10:04 [We may have a child, a family]
10:06 [We may have food, drink, anything]
10:08 [But all of these are small blessings]
10:10 [When a person gets a big blessing]
10:13 [It is called prayer]
10:15 [And in another interpretation, this blessing refers to Islam]
10:18 [When we refer back to verse 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
10:22 [We know that when Allah says]
10:24 [The person who can fulfill the promise in the first verse of Surah Al-Ma'idah]
10:29 [This is the person who gets a blessing]
10:32 [If we say in the second verse]
10:34 [It is about Allah giving guidance]
10:37 [And we always help in piety and righteousness]
10:41 [That is a blessing]
10:42 [And when Allah says in the third verse]
10:45 [That this religion of Islam is complete]
10:49 [That is a blessing]
10:50 [And the peak of this blessing in Islam]
10:53 [When a person is chosen as a person who establishes prayer]
10:57 [Is preceded by a complete wudu']
11:00 [That Allah's purpose is not to cause trouble]
11:02 [But to cleanse]
11:04 [And this holy word has been mentioned in verse 25 of Surah Al-Baqarah]
11:09 [What is that verse?]
11:10 [We will see in a while]
11:12 [We take a break]
11:13 [And return to Quran Time]
11:14 [Quran Salat Unkaha]
11:15 [Inshallah]
11:16 [Music]
11:24 [And make it for us two arguments]
11:31 [O Lord of the worlds]
11:42 [Music]
12:02 [Music]
12:06 [And call upon the name of your Lord who created]
12:13 [This verse is in the Quran]
12:15 [In My Quran Time]
12:17 [Every day at noon on TV9]
12:20 [And on Astro 149]
12:24 [Quran Salat Unkaha]
12:27 [Music]
12:32 [And make it for us two arguments]
12:37 [And make it for us two arguments]
12:43 [Music]
13:03 [Music]
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13:44 [And make it for us two arguments]
13:51 [O Lord of the worlds]
14:02 [Music]
14:10 [And remember the favor of Allah upon you]
14:17 [And the covenant of Him who has committed you to it]
14:27 [If you should hear and obey us]
14:34 [And fear Allah, Allah knows what is in the hearts]
14:51 [Surah Al-Quran 7]
14:54 [In My Quran Time]
14:56 [Quran Salat Unkaha]
14:57 [Music]
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