Meeting Easton Stick: Excitement & Nerves Before Game

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:03 Why don't we get to meet our friend Easton here today for
00:06 the first time on Coast to Coast, here he is.
00:08 >> Is this a nervous time for you or how nervous are you?
00:12 >> No, no nerves, maybe on Thursday, that's kind of standard, right?
00:18 For everybody before you go out there, but no,
00:21 obviously this isn't how I envisioned it.
00:25 But when they selected me five years ago, this is what you want as a kid,
00:31 this opportunity to go play and so I'm excited for that.
00:33 >> I'll tell you what, I think he's gonna poop his pants before the game,
00:38 to be honest with you.
00:40 I watched him play last week for Orange Sherbert, and
00:45 candy ass Orange Sherbert's done for the year.
00:47 So you bring in this guy, I mean, where'd they find him?
00:51 Down at the Pop Warner Field?
00:53 >> Honest to Christ, I'm on the under, I have no faith in him and
00:58 he better call his mommy, somebody.
01:01 >> Yeah.
01:02 >> Pray to Jesus.
01:04 >> Under sounds about right.
01:05 [MUSIC]
