Major storm on the horizon for the East Coast

  • last year
A significant storm packing gusty winds and heavy rain will track up the East Coast over the weekend and into the start of next week.
00:00 Alright, batten down the hatches along the East Coast.
00:02 We have some major problems Sunday and in the Monday and Monday night.
00:07 Alright, this is a storm that we've been telling you about all week.
00:10 It's going to be moving northeast.
00:12 And here's the key.
00:14 It's going to be guided.
00:15 This dip in the jet stream isn't going to push it out to sea.
00:17 It's going to guide it up the eastern seaboard.
00:19 But you know what?
00:20 It's not only the track.
00:21 It's this word.
00:22 It's going to strengthen it.
00:23 And they rapidly do so.
00:24 And if this storm gets as strong as we think it could, this could have a look and feel
00:28 of a tropical storm along the East Coast Sunday in the Monday.
00:33 No doubt about it.
00:34 Now, here's the area that has to be concerned most in this red.
00:37 This is where at the very least you're going to get a soaking rain.
00:40 There's going to be some gusty winds.
00:41 Now, listen, there's not much snow with this on its front side, but it is going to be turning
00:46 much colder behind this storm with a return to December like weather as we get into Monday
00:52 night and Tuesday.
00:53 We talked about the flooding rain.
00:55 I do want to talk about what I think may be the biggest aspect of this storm is the coastal
01:01 wind beach erosion.
01:03 And I think we could be looking at some inundation with this storm because you're going to get
01:07 a six to seven hour period of a strong onshore flow with gusts between 40 to 60 miles per
01:14 hour.
01:15 I think there could be gusts past 60 miles per hour just offshore.
01:18 I'm worried about power outages.
01:20 I'm worried about major beach erosion.
01:22 And I think we could also have some coastal inundation and some damage from this storm
01:26 as it moves up to coast Sunday, North Carolina coast Sunday afternoon, Sunday night across
01:32 the mid-Atlantic coast.
01:34 Then Sunday night, Monday morning, once you get toward Long Island and eastern parts of
01:38 New England, let's track the rain.
01:40 That's going to be a story as well.
01:42 All right.
01:43 By the time we get in the Sunday morning, there it is from Charlotte, Raleigh toward
01:46 Wilmington.
01:47 Rain ending in South Carolina.
01:48 We start bringing in the rain Sunday afternoon, Washington, D.C.
01:52 Rain starts in New York City, but the heaviest is off to your south.
01:56 Here it comes into Philadelphia as we move into Sunday evening, Sunday night right around
02:00 New York City.
02:01 And then watch that rain move in toward Boston late Sunday night into Monday morning.
02:06 Then the rain continues its move north, steady soaking rain, eastern parts of Pennsylvania
02:10 and New York State.
02:11 And then everything ends from south to north as we move into Monday afternoon.
02:15 And then on the backside of this storm, here comes some colder air and there's going to
02:19 be some lake effect with this as well.
02:21 Finally, it's going to feel a little bit more like December.
02:24 Want to show you the rain area.
02:25 This is a large area where we're going to get one to two inches of rain, two to four
02:30 inches of rain around Boston, New York City, Washington, D.C., Raleigh.
02:34 Once you get toward Charlotte, Columbia and in toward the northern part of Florida, we
02:39 could be looking at four to eight inches of rain and certainly there's going to be flooding.
02:43 We have an acua of the local storm, max of ten inches.
02:46 And by the way, behind this storm, yeah, more like winter with lake snows and numerous snow
02:51 showers and flurries west of the I-95 corridor Monday night into Tuesday morning.
02:56 (thudding)
