Episod 379 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 27 Disember 2023 Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 14) Halaman 110

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Episod 379 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 27 Disember 2023 Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 14) Halaman 110

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 14 halaman 110 ini adalah:
* Sikap dan perbuatan orang-orang Nasrani yang tiada bezanya dengan Bani Israel (14)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 14 halaman 110:
* Pelihara hati yang boleh mengundang permusuhan dan kedengkian sesama saudara (14)
* Berhati-hati dengan kejahatan orang lain terhadap agama Islam (14)
* Jauhi sikap derhaka, melanggar janji dan berlaku khianat dalam kehidupan kita (14)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:26 Maybe some of you are wondering in the Quran, why Allah repeated how big is the sin of Shirk to Allah SWT.
00:34 Apparently, in Surah Al-Ma'idah, Allah revealed the effects of Shirk in human life,
00:41 until he was able to make Durjah in this world.
00:45 Let's follow in the episode this time.
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02:05 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:07 We meet in My Quran Time.
02:09 Quran is a benefit to us today.
02:11 We continue our study from Surah Al-Ma'idah, the fifth Surah.
02:16 The Surah that gives us guidance when we are given benefits, one by one, in life.
02:22 We actually need to fulfill our promise to Allah SWT,
02:27 to fight for justice in both aspects.
02:33 And this is what we want to read next today with Al-Fadhil Ustaz, Tirmidhi Abdul Rahman.
02:39 Alhamdulillah, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Fazlur. How are you?
02:42 Alhamdulillah, Fadhil Ustaz.
02:43 How are you today?
02:44 Good.
02:45 Good, Alhamdulillah.
02:47 Ustaz Faz, where do you usually go to Masjid in Putrajaya?
02:53 Masjid...
02:54 There are two Masjids there.
02:55 Usually Masjid Basi.
02:57 We always have a program in Masjid Basi.
03:00 Because we want to invite Ustaz Faz, today with us in the studio,
03:04 we want to welcome the group of the body of virtue, Mutiara Putrajaya.
03:14 Assalamualaikum.
03:16 You look like Ustaz Faz, the leader of the group.
03:22 How are you all?
03:25 Alhamdulillah.
03:26 Thank you for visiting the recording of My Quran Time today.
03:31 Hopefully, the journey will be blessed by Allah SWT.
03:36 Ameen, Ya Rabbal.
03:37 Ameen.
03:38 We are also with the group of...
03:40 Istiqamah.
03:41 Istiqamah.
03:42 With the friends from Al-Ustaq.
03:44 Yes, from Suinghan Petani.
03:46 And also Al-Ustaq, also recited the Surah this time.
03:50 Alhamdulillah.
03:51 All are healthy, right?
03:52 Alhamdulillah, MashaAllah.
03:54 We pray to Allah SWT, that we gather the knowledge of wisdom today,
03:59 with one verse in the 14th verse.
04:01 Let's start together with the prayer.
04:03 Subhanakallah.
04:04 Ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antal 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma.
04:11 Let's see what the abbreviation is for verse 14, page 110.
04:15 Today, we will see the attitude and behavior of the Christians,
04:19 the Christians who are no different from the Israelites among the Jews.
04:26 Let's read verse 14, led by Al-Fadil Ustaz, Tammidi Abdul Rahman.
04:32 Thank you, Fatiha Fazrul.
04:33 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
04:35 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
04:37 Once again, for the parents, ladies and gentlemen,
04:39 the children of the Prophet, may Allah bless them.
04:42 Alhamdulillah, thumma alhamdulillah, wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulullah,
04:46 wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man walahu wa ba'da.
04:49 InshaAllah, ladies and gentlemen,
04:51 the children of the Prophet, may Allah bless them.
04:53 We will start reading from page 110, verse 14.
04:59 We will try to read it differently every day.
05:02 Sometimes, we meet with the repetition of the Taranum.
05:07 When we read it, we use the Bayyati, Nahawan, Sohbah, etc.
05:13 So, today, we will read verse 14.
05:17 We will ask the group of the body of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
05:24 What song do you want to hear?
05:25 Or do you want to read using the Taranum?
05:27 For the first one, please.
05:29 Bayyati?
05:32 Usually, I forgot to tell you earlier,
05:35 usually, the one who asks for it, he has to read it first.
05:37 It's okay, we will read it together.
05:40 InshaAllah, we will start with the Taranum Rotel Bayyati.
05:45 May Allah bless you.
05:47 A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
05:49 Invite the parents who are watching on TV or on our platform.
05:54 We will read it together.
05:56 A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
05:59 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
06:07 And of those who say, "We are Christians, we have taken their covenant."
06:27 They say, "We are Christians, we have taken their covenant."
06:39 But they have forgotten a part of what they were reminded of.
06:53 "So We caused between them the torment and the cold."
07:19 "And Allah will tell them what they were doing."
07:47 "And they will hear."
07:54 "Allah Almighty has spoken the truth."
08:01 May Allah bless you.
08:02 That was the recitation from the 14th verse.
08:04 We will continue our teaching together.
08:07 Before this, in the 12th and 13th verses,
08:10 we have seen the Israelites who took the road.
08:14 The 13th verse is the Jewish road.
08:17 The road where they broke the covenant,
08:22 they changed the word of Allah,
08:24 and they forgot what was reminded to them.
08:28 Those are the Jewish people from the Israelites.
08:31 We have to separate the Israelites from the people.
08:33 One group is from Prophet Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham.
08:37 But there is a group of Jews.
08:41 And another group, the second group, Allah states in the 14th verse,
08:45 "And of those who say, 'We are Christians,'
08:48 We have taken their covenant,
08:50 and they have forgotten a part of what they were reminded of."
08:53 That is, the second group is those who say,
08:56 "We are Christians."
08:59 Christians, from the word 'Nusrah', is the helper.
09:03 The one who helped Prophet Isaac,
09:05 they call them the helper, 'Hawariyun',
09:08 the one who fought with Prophet Isaac.
09:11 But what did they do?
09:14 When Allah took, "Akhadna mi'tha qohum",
09:17 took their covenant,
09:19 they forgot what Allah had reminded them.
09:24 What does this mean?
09:26 If the Jews broke the covenant in the 13th verse,
09:30 it means that they were cursed and their hearts became hard.
09:34 They became hard, and they betrayed,
09:37 and promised that today, not many hours later, they would reject.
09:40 And that is what happened in the time of Prophet Muhammad,
09:44 and it still happens today.
09:47 When we look at the tragedies around the world,
09:50 especially in Palestine or Gaza.
09:53 The covenant was kept in Metrai,
09:56 but it was broken at any time.
09:59 But for Christians, what did Allah state?
10:01 Even though they said that they believed in Prophet Isaac,
10:05 or sometimes they said that he was the son of God,
10:10 and they thought in many ways,
10:12 the polytheism brought by the Christians,
10:15 the effect is that they broke the covenant.
10:17 "Akhadna mi'tha qohum",
10:19 we have taken the covenant,
10:21 this covenant is one of the things that is explained in the 12th verse,
10:23 we need to always perform prayer,
10:26 perform zakat,
10:27 believe in the messengers,
10:29 and when you believe in Prophet Isaac,
10:32 you should continue with the belief in Prophet Muhammad.
10:36 But apparently, they forgot,
10:39 they forgot the original teaching from Prophet Isaac,
10:43 the term "Fanasu Hawwam Mimadhukirubih",
10:47 they forgot the teaching.
10:50 So from this first part,
10:52 if we pay attention to the word "Qalu",
10:55 they said, why is it so important to be recorded in the 14th verse?
11:01 This word is related to them,
11:03 "say more",
11:05 "say more",
11:06 and this is the second group,
11:08 "say more",
11:09 but apparently, it is not according to the original teaching from Prophet Isaac,
11:14 and the third group that is related to us now,
11:17 there are people who say more,
11:19 "I fight for justice",
11:21 which verse in the Quran that you say you support justice?
11:25 I forgot,
11:27 not that I forgot,
11:28 they don't know.
11:29 So that is the tragedy that happened to the first group,
11:33 to the second group of Christians,
11:35 and apparently, it can happen to the Muslim group,
11:39 which is what we hope.
11:40 We learn today,
11:41 you know, those who are at home,
11:42 those who are in the studio,
11:43 we do not continue the tragedy that happened to the Christians,
11:49 which we want to learn after this.
11:51 We take a break,
11:52 we come back with Quran Time,
11:53 Quran Salat Infa'ah.
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15:20 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
15:21 Welcome back to Quran Time,
15:22 Quran Salat Infa'ah.
15:23 We are together to dive into the 14th verse today.
15:27 Apparently, although this verse is related to the Christians,
15:31 it is actually a lesson for us,
15:33 so that we do not repeat it to the second group.
15:36 The first group is the Jews,
15:38 where they broke the agreement,
15:40 they changed the word of Allah among their Ustaz or Pundit,
15:45 until when their Ulama Pundit changed the words
15:49 to be a curse to the leaders,
15:54 their Naqib,
15:55 then what is the effect?
15:56 When they have changed,
15:57 the lower people forgot what the real lesson is
16:01 from Prophet Musa a.s.
16:04 In this 14th verse, we are told about the followers of Prophet Isa a.s.
16:08 Meaning, the Christians said,
16:10 "We are proud."
16:11 "Qalu inna nasara"
16:13 They are proud by saying,
16:15 "We are the ones who helped Prophet Isa a.s."
16:19 But apparently, they are not the real fighters.
16:23 What we hope is that we, as the third group,
16:25 do not say,
16:26 "I am an Islamic person,
16:27 I fight for justice."
16:29 Then ask,
16:30 "In which surah,
16:32 or what is mentioned in Zukirubih,
16:36 what is remembered by Allah in Zikr?"
16:39 The name of other Al-Quran is Zikr.
16:41 "Where is it mentioned?
16:42 What is the concept of justice that is meant?"
16:44 Or various viral issues.
16:46 The viral issues that are now on Facebook.
16:48 If we look at the comments,
16:50 "Do these people actually remember that in Al-Quran,
16:53 there is a saying ABC?"
16:55 But why?
16:57 Because,
16:58 "Fanasu hazzam mimma zukirubih"
17:00 "Zukirubih"
17:01 Many people, when Allah uses "fa"
17:03 "Fanasu"
17:05 It means that they have promised.
17:06 They have said two Shahadahs,
17:08 if they are Muslims,
17:09 but they forgot to ignore
17:11 what "hazzam" is.
17:13 Which is,
17:14 a blessing that is very fortunate
17:17 for the Muslims.
17:20 Where the Bible was revealed to the people of Prophet Isa.
17:25 But apparently,
17:26 it was ignored.
17:28 It was placed on the rug.
17:31 We pray for the audience in the studio,
17:33 those at home,
17:35 we are the ones who have cleaned the dust.
17:38 And the Quran is indeed a mess.
17:40 Because every day we open it,
17:42 because we do not want to repeat
17:44 what was done by the Jews and the Christians
17:47 who were slandered in the Quran.
17:49 What is the effect when they forget
17:51 what Allah has reminded in the revelation that was revealed?
17:56 We read the 14th verse again.
17:58 "Isamal Fadhilus Sastang Izi"
17:59 Thank you, Fatouh Isak Fazlur.
18:01 Ladies and gentlemen,
18:02 Muslims and audience,
18:04 we want to read the 14th verse again.
18:09 We have read it earlier with Taranum Muratal.
18:12 The translation of the Muratal song "Bayati".
18:15 We want to read it again.
18:16 What song do we want to try?
18:18 Let's try.
18:19 What song is it?
18:20 "Nahawan"
18:21 Subhanallah, there is a request for the song "Nahawan".
18:23 Is it the same as "Ibu Kat Rumah"?
18:25 I don't know.
18:27 InshaAllah, we will try to read the song using Taranum Nahawan.
18:31 The song "Nahawan" is already sung by Ustaz Fazlur.
18:34 But I read it.
18:35 Thank you.
18:36 Subhanallah.
18:37 So, we will try to read the 14th verse using Taranum Nahawan
18:41 in a Muratal way.
18:42 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
18:44 "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"
18:54 "And of those who disbelieved, indeed We took a covenant from them,
19:09 but they forgot a portion of that which they were reminded of,
19:27 so We made clear to them the punishment and the punishment
19:39 until the Day of Resurrection.
19:46 And Allah will inform them of what they used to hear."
20:03 "Allah Almighty has spoken the truth."
20:12 We have read the 14th verse.
20:14 When we look at this verse,
20:16 when the Christians said, "We are Christians.
20:20 We will help fight with Prophet Isa AS."
20:25 Apparently, when they were followed by "fa" which means "they forgot",
20:30 actually their struggle was to fight against the revelation
20:34 which was reminded of, "Mimma Zubkirubih".
20:37 But they ignored it.
20:39 And the effect of that ignorance,
20:42 "Fa'a'u Rayna Bainahumul 'Adha Watawal Baudha Ila Yaumil Qiyamah"
20:47 which I read earlier,
20:49 it turns out to be "fa" again.
20:51 So it means, "I have said, I am a Christian."
20:54 Then the effect of forgetting,
20:57 the effect of forgetting is "fa'a'u rayna".
21:01 What does "wa'ra" mean?
21:02 "A'u' rayna" is like a hunter.
21:05 A hunter, a dog.
21:07 When he sees something he wants to catch,
21:10 he will release the dog and catch it.
21:13 So when people forget the revelation,
21:17 what is the effect?
21:18 "Fa'a'u rayna bainahumul 'adha watawal baudha"
21:21 which means he will release a hunting dog
21:24 which is called "adha wal baudha"
21:27 which means in his soul,
21:29 full of hatred and animosity.
21:31 And this is what we see in history.
21:34 In the years 1095-1291,
21:37 during the Battle of Salib.
21:40 For 200 years,
21:42 if we look at the history,
21:44 we know that with the agreement or struggle
21:47 for the name Salib or Christian,
21:50 the effect is animosity and hatred everywhere.
21:55 They only find women who are carrying
21:58 a piece of their stomach.
22:00 They cut their hands,
22:02 they cut their eyes and so on.
22:04 And this is what has been said
22:08 1500 years ago.
22:10 But it happens and happens.
22:12 And this is what we learn.
22:14 The effect of the Shirk,
22:16 the effect of the Shirk is to forget the revelation.
22:19 The person will be different.
22:21 And the lesson for us Muslims,
22:23 if we say in France or England,
22:26 the Catholic, the Christian,
22:28 he is at war with the Protestants
22:30 who are in the Protestant's work.
22:32 He said, "Catholic, you cannot enter."
22:34 "This one, you cannot enter."
22:36 All of them are enemies and also hate,
22:39 apart from hating other religions,
22:42 to the Muslims who are made like that.
22:45 But in the end of the Battle of Salib,
22:47 the Muslims won.
22:48 Because Allah is not with those
22:52 who fight for truth.
22:55 Just say more.
22:56 "Indeed, the Christians followed the Prophet Jesus,
22:59 but not the truth."
23:01 So what is the lesson for us,
23:03 the Muslims, the third group?
23:05 When Allah gives the first and second,
23:07 to see the pattern,
23:08 "Okay, they broke the promise
23:10 because they forgot the teachings of religion."
23:12 They broke the promise,
23:14 their hearts became hard,
23:15 then they like treason.
23:17 The lesson for Muslims is
23:19 if we forget the Quran,
23:21 our revelation,
23:22 the truth is the same.
23:24 The effect of breaking the promise,
23:26 then treason,
23:27 today you say A,
23:28 tomorrow you say B,
23:29 people break the promise.
23:31 This is if the 13th verse,
23:33 the 14th verse,
23:34 treason and hatred
23:36 happens with Islam.
23:38 And this is what we hope
23:40 it does not happen, for example,
23:42 when we have learned the Quran,
23:44 until there is a difference,
23:45 we have different opinions.
23:47 But don't let people say
23:49 that people are really hell-bound.
23:51 If this person goes and does a little sin,
23:54 this is what we hope to be burned,
23:57 the lightning,
23:58 the dust,
23:59 the dust.
24:00 Actually, what is the truth?
24:02 Even though we say that
24:03 we are Muslims,
24:05 we are Muslims,
24:08 but when we forget the teachings of revelation
24:10 and the Sunnah of the Prophet,
24:11 it seems like there are elements of hatred
24:14 and treason that come out of our mouths,
24:17 that come out of our actions.
24:19 "Ila ya'uminu qiyamah"
24:20 That is what happens to Christians,
24:21 even though we may think they are okay,
24:23 but we have to tell our friends
24:26 not to let their shirk
24:29 be gathered.
24:30 Because this is a secret from Allah,
24:32 so we have to be careful.
24:34 Why?
24:35 Because if Allah is willing to shirk
24:38 or violate the rights of man,
24:41 just by being a little bit,
24:42 that is a big effect from this shirk.
24:45 Let's look at the word of choice today.
24:48 The word is
24:50 "Bimakanu yasna'un"
24:53 At the end, Allah uses the word "yasna'un"
24:55 not "yaf'alun" or "ya'malun".
24:58 "Sana'a" means
24:59 "to work, to build, with a system".
25:02 It is mentioned 20 times in the Quran.
25:04 It is mentioned in Surah Al-A'raf,
25:05 Surah Hud, Surah Nahh,
25:07 and in Surah Al-Ankabut.
25:09 "Sana'a" is actually like a "Qilang" now.
25:12 If an engineer, a teacher,
25:15 indeed, it is related to this word.
25:18 So, why Allah uses this word at the end of verse 14?
25:21 We will find out in a while.
25:23 But we take a break first.
25:24 Baik Quran Time.
25:25 Quran, Salat, Ifaah.
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26:59 There is a verse that is called "Hadith Maudud".
27:03 There is a hadith that is not known.
27:07 It is not correct.
27:10 There is a scholar whose name is "La Aslalahu".
27:14 There is no origin.
27:15 One of the other names of false hadiths is "Tidak Ada Asal".
27:20 Yes.
27:21 If we meet a boy,
27:25 we ask him, "Where are you from?"
27:27 "I'm from there."
27:29 "Where is your mother?"
27:30 "I don't have a mother."
27:31 "Father?"
27:32 "I don't have a father either."
27:33 "Are you really from the same place?"
27:34 "No, I was born here."
27:35 He suddenly appears in this world.
27:37 So, this child must have a father.
27:41 A mother who gave birth to him.
27:43 If he suddenly appears,
27:45 no one can accept him.
27:47 No one can.
27:48 That is the false hadith.
27:50 He suddenly appears,
27:51 there is no sign.
27:52 Okay.
27:53 There is no story.
27:55 There is no story line.
27:56 He suddenly appears.
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