Palestinian refugee camps are the primary targets of Israeli attacks

  • last year
Our teleSUR correspondent in Gaza, Noor Harazeen, reports on the intensification of Israeli bombardment of Palestinian refugee and displaced persons camps, such as the Jabalia camp.
00:00 But it has been more than two months since the beginning of the Israeli siege on the
00:03 Gaza Strip and the occupation army is only intensifying its bombardment and ground incursions
00:09 throughout the Gaza Strip, where refugee camps have become the main target of attacks.
00:14 With more information, our correspondent in Gaza, Noor Harassin, reports directly from
00:18 the ground.
00:20 The 73rd day of this deadly Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and Israel's continued attacks
00:29 on Gaza specifically and intensively now on refugee camps.
00:35 Over the past 24 hours, the Israeli warplanes targeted the Jubailia refugee camp.
00:41 A whole block was destroyed.
00:42 We're talking about 10 to 8 homes that were completely or partly damaged in Jubailia refugee
00:49 camp.
00:50 The Palestinian Health Ministry talked about 130 people being killed and missing, as there
00:56 is dozens of people that are still under the rubble of their homes.
01:00 Because of the lack of equipment and materials, the Palestinian civil forces and paramedics
01:06 could not reach them until this moment.
01:09 At the same time, there was an Israeli attack on the Ashabura refugee camp in Rafah.
01:15 Five people were killed.
01:16 Also a new Israeli attack on the Anusayrat refugee camp, where 12 people were killed.
01:23 This is only talking about refugee camps over the past hours.
01:28 At the same time, the Israeli forces continue striking several cities, streets, farms, residential
01:36 homes in all Gaza, from its north to its south.
01:41 At the same time, Palestinians are now talking about the reopening of the Karb Abu Salim
01:47 border in order to allow more humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.
01:52 However, nothing changed on the ground.
01:54 What is happening now is actually the Israeli forces are searching the humanitarian aid
02:00 trucks and still being allowed through the Rafah crossing.
02:05 Zero humanitarian trucks until this moment entered via the Karm Shalom.
02:11 This is Nur Harwezin, Telesor, Gaza.
