Diplomat Alex Saab reunited with his family after being unjustly kidnapped

  • last year
Diplomat Alex Saab reunited with his family. He was extradited to the United States (U.S.) in October 2021 from Cape Verde, after his detention and a process against him, described by his defense as illegal. teleSUR

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00:00 We are now going to continue following this latest update of these and many other news
00:06 in upcoming newscasts.
00:09 So please stay tuned.
00:10 [ Foreign Language ]
00:33 We are watching the images at the airport.
00:39 These are the images on screen of the arrival of Alex Saab.
00:44 Let's recall that Alex Saab has been illegally detained for around three and a half years,
00:52 first in Cape Town and then in the United States.
00:55 And what we are watching are the images of his final long-awaited return home.
01:03 He is seen in the airport with his daughters.
01:07 He is also accompanied by his wife Camila, which was a very important figure in all of
01:16 the continuous claim of the Free Alex Saab campaign, which was intended to bring him
01:24 home.
01:25 He is finally in Venezuelan soil.
01:28 He is now being greeted by different officials along with family members.
01:35 The press is at the same time trying to cover the event and also provide him with some privacy
01:42 so that he can be reunited with his family at last.
01:49 We were hearing directly from the airport from Patricia Villegas, the president of our
01:57 multimedia, she was reporting from the site and narrating the importance of this moment,
02:09 both for the Venezuelan claim, for Alex Saab's personal history.
02:19 And now what we're watching on screen is the official communique that was released
02:33 by the Venezuelan government.
02:42 The official communique was released just a few minutes ago before the return of Alex
02:52 Saab to Venezuelan soil.
02:57 The communique stated that the government is joyful to have released Alex Saab and is
03:08 awaiting him.
03:10 He is now in Venezuelan soil.
03:12 We have just seen the live images.
03:17 And the communique also addressed the context in which this happened.
03:24 Let's recall that he has been over three and a half years illegally imprisoned.
03:30 The communique talks about negative conditions in which Alex Saab was held during this year's
03:41 first period in Cape Town and then later on since the year 2021 in the United States.
03:55 The statement finally talks about this final release as a conqueror of the victorious freedom
04:07 policy of the Venezuelan government.
04:13 And of course, the constant claim that the free Alex Saab campaign held during all these
04:20 years and was held through different demonstrations, both in Venezuela and in every corner of the
04:34 world.
04:43 Let's recall that Saab was arbitrarily captured in Cape Town on June 12th, 2020, when the
04:51 plane he was traveling in landed in that African nation in order to refuel before continuing
04:58 its journey to Iran on a humanitarian mission.
05:04 Saab's detention was in violation of international law as he serves as a Venezuelan diplomat,
05:14 which made it illegal or against international law for him to be detained.
05:28 Saab is also part of the government delegation at the dialogue table in Mexico with the country's
05:33 opposition.
05:35 And after spending more than 491 days imprisoned without an arrest warrant or due process,
05:43 and after being the victim of torture and degrading treatment, Saab was transferred
05:49 to the United States on October 16th, 2021.
05:54 Let's recall we are going over the context in which Alex Saab, after three and a half
06:01 years, finally arrived home.
06:06 He is back home in Venezuelan soil after having left in the year 2020 in the context of an
06:17 ongoing pandemic.
06:19 Let's recall that June 2020 was one of the toughest periods of the pandemic where all
06:28 exchange between countries was officially or practically closed.
06:36 And in this context, the illegal blockade against Venezuela was in force, making it
06:45 even more difficult to face this context.
06:53 And it was in that moment that Alex Saab risked his life and his freedom in a humanitarian
07:03 mission which landed him illegally detained.
07:20 We are looking at the images from his landing in Venezuela.
07:28 While we go over this context, Alex Saab is on his way to meet the country's authorities.
07:43 We are waiting for that official meeting, which really brings this whole journey of
07:51 international claims to a happy ending.
07:54 Let's recall that since he was illegally detained in the year 2020, numerous campaigns were
08:06 held under the slogan "Free Alex Saab."
08:14 His wife Camila was one of the main leaders of the campaign, accompanied by Venezuelan
08:24 officials and the Venezuelan people, which did not rest in their claims that Alex Saab
08:38 detention first in Cape Town and then in the United States was against international law
08:53 and demanded constantly his release.
08:56 Well, his release was finally obtained today, and that is what we are covering in this moment.
09:07 And those are the images that we are seeing on screen as Alex Saab takes his first steps
09:17 in Venezuelan soil after arriving, after waiting for more than three and a half years in prison.
09:38 We were saying, let's recall, that Saab was also part of the government delegation at
09:44 the dialogue table in Mexico with the country's opposition.
09:52 He was over 491 days imprisoned without an arrest warrant or due process, reportedly
10:04 being the victim of torture and degrading treatment, and Saab was then transferred in
10:15 spite of Venezuela's constant claim that he should be sent to his country.
10:26 He was transferred to the United States on October 16th in the year 2021, over a year
10:35 after being illegally detained.
10:41 And there he was held for over a thousand days under alleged charges of money laundering.
10:53 Alex Saab's efforts at a time of great need, as was the pandemic, especially in its first
11:01 months, were key to being able to bring food and medicines from various countries to Venezuela
11:12 within the framework of the illegal economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed
11:18 by the United States against the South American country.
11:25 So what we're seeing on screen are the images of Alex Saab finally reunited with his family.
11:33 We see his wife Camila, very important figure in the campaign that claimed for his release
11:47 during all these years.
11:51 She hosted many demonstrations demanding the release of Alex Saab, bringing awareness about
12:03 how his detention went against international law.
12:10 She talked to the international media at many moments in time, trying to increase awareness
12:20 about the situation and also not to let people and the government and international community
12:32 forget about the situation in which Alex Saab was being held.
12:43 So finally we see her now hand in hand with her husband and their daughters at the airport.
13:00 We are now waiting for what will probably be an official statement, maybe an official
13:11 visit to the country's authorities in such a historic day for the Venezuelan government
13:20 and the Venezuelan people.
13:33 Minutes before, the plane that brought Alex Saab back home to Venezuela landed.
13:47 A plane that brought back the whole delegation that was carrying out the negotiations which
13:55 brought about the final release, the long-awaited release of Alex Saab.
14:05 This delegation was led by Jorge Rodriguez, president of the National Assembly of Venezuela,
14:14 who was also part of the delegation that arrived with Alex Saab in Caracas.
14:29 And just minutes before the plane with the official delegation finally landed, the government
14:37 of Venezuela issued an official statement titled "A Statement for the Victory of Truth
14:49 and Dignity of Venezuela."
14:54 The official communique in this sense stated that the government of the Bolivarian Republic
15:01 of Venezuela celebrated joyfully the liberation and return to his homeland of diplomat Alex
15:09 Saab, who had been until today unfairly kidnapped at a U.S. prison.
15:20 The people received him with pride after having suffered for three and a half years of illegal
15:28 detention under cruel treatment, under inhumane and degrading treatment, which violated his
15:42 human rights along with the Vienna Convention that provided him with diplomatic immunity.
15:54 Alex Saab is a victim of the retaliation on behalf of the United States government for
16:05 his exceptional efforts, his exceptional international efforts in the protection of social rights
16:15 of all Venezuelans.
