• 2 years ago
Take a look back at some of the most memorable weather moments from the year with AccuWeather's team of meteorologists.
00:00 Looking back at 2023, the one thing that stands out to me is the Hawaii wildfires in Maui.
00:06 I mean, we started looking at this story from a meteorological perspective.
00:10 We knew that the winds were going to be strong.
00:12 But boy, did we not see this one coming.
00:16 The stories that came out of this island,
00:19 harrowing stories of people losing their homes, businesses, their families.
00:24 And there goes the house I lived in.
00:26 Do we have any idea how many people are unaccounted for?
00:29 There are at least several hundred people believed to be missing.
00:33 We started interviewing people from CNN, people from the Red Cross,
00:37 and they were getting kind of in deep to the stories of what was happening to the people.
00:42 And after doing that a few times, I started to think,
00:44 "Gosh, how would you be one of those people from the Red Cross that goes out to a situation where there's so much horror?"
00:51 People have lost everything, including family members.
00:54 So I was interviewing a Red Cross official, and I asked him that question.
00:58 You know, "How do you do it?"
00:59 And he said, "Look, I just put myself in their position."
01:02 And I think because we're humanitarians, we realize that it could be us.
01:07 And I thought, "You know what? That really makes sense.
01:11 This Red Cross official, he's pretty much going by the golden rule.
01:14 He's treating them the way he would want to be treated, and I think that's what we should all do."
01:19 [Music]
