Palestine: once again, hospitals are turned into shelter centers

  • last year
Once again, hospitals in Gaza become refugee centers for thousands of displaced people fleeing the violent Israeli escalation. More details with our correspondent Noor Harazeen. teleSUR
00:00 The situation in Gaza worsens as thousands seek shelter from ongoing shelling in hospitals
00:05 in central and southern Gaza.
00:07 Tel Azzur correspondent Noor Harassin reports from the ground.
00:11 Let's start talking about the latest on the ground here and I am inside the Shuhada al-Aqsa
00:18 hospital.
00:19 It is such a chaos here, it is very noisy and the reason why is because hundreds, thousands
00:25 of people actually are seeking shelter after they evacuated their homes in Al-Bureij and
00:32 Al-Nusayrat refugee camps, seeking shelter inside the Shuhada al-Aqsa hospital because
00:38 they actually have nowhere else to go.
00:41 The situation is actually deteriorating.
00:43 Palestinians are facing the worst of the worst.
00:48 They are going through the hardest humanitarian crisis, no access to water or food and all
00:53 of this is happening while they are being subjected to continuous bombing and continuous
00:59 Israeli attacks.
01:02 Talking about and going back to one of the highlights that happened today, the Israeli
01:08 forces delivered the bodies of 80 Palestinians that were killed in northern Gaza to the Palestinian
01:14 ministry here, the Israeli health ministry.
01:18 The doctors who received the bodies through Karim Abu Salim border said that they did
01:22 not manage to ID the bodies of the 80 people because they were discomposed.
01:28 Doctors also said that there were organs that are missing and they said that they will file
01:34 actually to the courts at the same time.
01:37 They were disappointed that they did not know the IDs of those that their bodies were delivered.
01:43 Nur Harazin, Telsour, Gaza.
