Episod 390 My #QuranTime 2.0 Ahad 7 Januari 2024 Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 32) Halaman 113

  • 8 months ago
Episod 390 My #QuranTime 2.0 Ahad 7 Januari 2024 Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 32) Halaman 113

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 32 halaman 113 ini adalah:
* Penetapan hukum membunuh ke atas kaum Bani Israel dan keutamaan menjaga nyawa sesama manusia (32)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 32 halaman 113:
* Jangan berbuat kerosakan dan kezaliman di muka bumi ini (32)
* Tidak dengki kepada orang yang sampaikan kebenaran sehingga jadi permusuhan (32)
* Sentiasa ingat besarnya dosa membunuh dan lapang dada memberi maaf kepada orang lain (32)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
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01:33 [Prayer]
01:46 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:48 We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfaq today.
01:51 Together we look at page 113, verse 32 of Surah Al-Ma'idah.
01:58 Surah that gives us guidance on how the blessings Allah has given us should be used as best as possible
02:04 to complete our promise to Allah,
02:07 in completing our promise to the human and creature,
02:11 to fulfill our responsibilities as best as possible.
02:14 And today we will read together with Al-Fadil Ustaz, Tammidi Abdul Rahman.
02:18 Alhamdulillah, Al-Fadil Ustaz.
02:20 Alhamdulillah Ustaz.
02:22 Yesterday we were at the end of the page, today we are at the beginning of the page.
02:26 That's right Ustaz, we are at the beginning of the page.
02:29 And we are back to the story of Bani Israel,
02:32 which was the story of the two children of Prophet Adam.
02:35 And if we look at it, it's like, eh, this is a story that is changing,
02:39 but if we look at it in the movie, sometimes it goes backwards, suddenly.
02:43 For those who don't think too much, they say, what is this, jumping around?
02:48 But for those who can think well, they know that there must be a connection
02:55 between the story of the two children of Prophet Adam and the story of Bani Israel,
03:00 which is connected again.
03:02 So we want to see and ask Allah to give us knowledge full of wisdom with our prayer.
03:07 Subhanakallah, ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma.
03:15 We will read the summary for two or one verse only today.
03:19 That is in the 32nd verse, the establishment of law, killing above the people of Bani Israel,
03:25 and especially preserving the lives of fellow humans.
03:29 Let's read together the 32nd verse from Surah Al-Ma'idah, led by Al-Fadl Ustaz.
03:35 Amin.
03:36 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
04:04 We want to read one verse, which is the 32nd verse, which is quite long.
04:09 For the beginning, let's start first.
04:12 We will try to read using Taranum.
04:14 I want our friends, our followers, what song are we going to read today?
04:18 What Taranum?
04:19 Jiharqah.
04:20 Jiharqah, mashallah.
04:21 The parents are at home.
04:22 Let's try to use Taranum Jiharqah or Jiharqah.
04:26 Reading verse 32.
04:27 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
04:32 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
04:42 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
05:02 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
05:27 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
05:42 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
05:58 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
06:18 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
06:38 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
06:58 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
07:03 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
07:26 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
07:46 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
08:05 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
08:16 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
08:43 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
09:10 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
09:27 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
09:47 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
10:11 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
10:38 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
10:48 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
11:08 [Music]
11:30 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
11:37 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
11:51 [Music]
11:56 [Music]
12:08 [Music]
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12:38 [Music]
12:48 [Music]
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13:33 [Music]
14:01 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
14:27 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
14:51 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
15:19 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
15:35 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
16:03 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
16:31 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
16:41 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
17:05 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
17:34 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
17:48 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
18:08 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
18:28 [Al-Fadl Ustaz reads Surah Al-Ma'idah]
18:36 Surah Al-Quran Azim, that is the reading of the 32nd verse as a reminder from Allah SWT
18:41 in writing, "Qata'bana 'ala bani Israel"
18:45 Before this, there was a reminder from Allah through the tongue,
18:48 but this is in the form of a rule, something that is written in the Torah,
18:54 which was given to the Bani Israel.
18:57 So, what is the rule for them?
18:59 They cannot kill without the right,
19:02 even though it is like killing all the people.
19:05 Why is it like that?
19:07 One, when we say that we can kill a single soul without the right or reason,
19:14 then the effect is that if the first person can be killed,
19:17 then the second person can be killed.
19:19 So, because of the lightness, because of the lightness of looking at a single soul,
19:23 it is very dangerous.
19:25 Then, this person can actually kill the second, third, thousand, fifteen thousand people.
19:30 And that is what happened in Palestine.
19:33 When they felt that it was okay to kill a single person,
19:37 when in fact, it was not put in the Torah,
19:41 and how could they do that at that time?
19:44 Because of the hatred.
19:46 No matter how much hatred is given to the Tazkirah,
19:49 their lust has become worse than that of animals.
19:53 So, we bring the story of Habib and Qabil,
19:57 Qabil, when he regretted it, he had to look at the animals.
20:00 Because, the animals that fought until they died,
20:03 he killed them, but he hid them or buried them.
20:09 Meaning, he felt that it was not something that he should be proud of.
20:13 But in this day and age, there are people who kill people,
20:16 kill babies, kill small children,
20:19 then he is proud.
20:20 He said, "We bring the mission of security.
20:22 We will fight because we are being oppressed."
20:26 This is not from, even the Gagak did not do that.
20:31 Even the Gagak did not do that.
20:32 He went to bury his brother.
20:34 He did not tell the public that this is the murder
20:38 to ensure that he would survive in life.
20:43 In this matter, we learn that actually,
20:47 if we save lives, like the bomb that was dropped earlier,
20:50 it is like saving all humans.
20:53 There are many rewards.
20:54 But if we support, for example,
20:56 we have to see that this is a Malay person against a Chinese person.
20:59 For example, if we say that one of them is a murderer,
21:01 because we are Malay, and when Malay murder Chinese people,
21:04 we say, "It's okay."
21:06 This is our people.
21:08 Supporting even one person, not us who killed,
21:11 but other people who kill other people without rights,
21:14 then that is also like killing all humans.
21:18 That is why we have to maintain this understanding of extremism.
21:22 We cannot play with the issue of race.
21:25 We say, "If he is from another race,
21:27 our other religion, we will just give it to him."
21:30 That is not allowed.
21:33 It is not as easy in our religion to kill others
21:36 because killing is only when it is a criminal offense.
21:42 Or when people attack us,
21:45 and at that time we defend ourselves,
21:48 then it is allowed.
21:50 That is as good as not sacrificing our lives.
21:54 This is a lesson from verse 32,
21:57 which leads to the choice of words today.
22:00 Let's see.
22:01 The words, "Our facade didn't fill out."
22:05 "Fasaddin" is from the word "fasad", "rosak" or "binasa".
22:09 This word appeared in Surah Al-Baqarah earlier,
22:13 Surah Al-Anfal, Surah Hud, Surah Al-Qasas,
22:15 and this is the word, the question of angels.
22:18 Angels ask Allah,
22:20 "Will this spill blood or cause damage
22:24 on the face of the earth?"
22:27 And when someone does damage,
22:29 such as raping and marrying people,
22:32 or committing murders,
22:35 then these people are indeed a problem.
22:39 So the criminal law is that they are killed.
22:42 But other than that, it is not permissible
22:45 for a life to be sacrificed.
22:49 And we will see at the end of the lesson
22:52 from verse 32.
22:54 But we will take a break.
22:55 My Quran Time, Quran Salat Infa'ah.
22:58 [Music]
23:08 [Music]
23:28 [Music]
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24:30 It is mentioned by Imam al-Nawawi in the book of
24:34 Surah Al-Riyal, in the chapter of repentance.
24:36 There are three ways of repentance to Allah.
24:39 This is our sin with Allah.
24:41 The first is that we leave the sin.
24:44 The second is that we regret it.
24:46 We will not repeat it.
24:47 The third is that we repent properly.
24:50 We will not repeat the sin.
24:53 So regret, leave, repent.
24:55 But if the sin involves a human,
24:58 then if it involves a property that has been abused,
25:02 we have to return it.
25:03 For example, if we have lied to someone in an investment,
25:07 not many, but within 500 people,
25:09 we have to go and find that person,
25:11 apologize to him,
25:12 return it,
25:13 not even a cent less than the property that we have lied to.
25:16 This is important.
25:17 It is not that we repent,
25:19 it is okay to lie,
25:20 it is okay to go to the mosque,
25:21 to the Tarawih,
25:22 23 rak'ahs,
25:23 or to pray to Allah,
25:24 to prostrate,
25:25 to bow down on the floor,
25:26 because we have a lot of prostrations.
25:28 It is not meaningful in the sight of Allah if we do not do it.
25:31 [Music]
25:56 [Music]
26:11 [Music]
26:29 [Music]
26:31 Palestine is ours,
26:34 and God willing,
26:35 one day God will bring victory.
26:38 And that is actually a guidance for us,
26:41 how their struggle in Palestine is not to kill people.
26:47 For example, the ban from Israel to the US,
26:51 they really take care of it,
26:53 kill people,
26:54 but it is very far.
26:55 Why?
26:56 Because when someone is visited by the Prophet's sunnah,
26:59 visited by the miracle of the Quran,
27:01 he is not willing to,
27:03 even though he wants to pinch people's fingers,
27:05 pinch people's eyes,
27:08 he is not willing to kill.
27:10 But if people in Israel,
27:12 remember here,
27:13 the ban from Israel,
27:14 why?
27:15 Because they are a group that forgot to commit themselves to their scriptures,
27:20 that is what leads to tragedy.
27:22 We hope that we read the Quran correctly today,
27:25 we want to read it right now,
27:26 so that we are protected from committing this crime, God willing.
27:31 Thank you, Fatouh Safas.
27:32 Palestine, right?
27:33 Palestine.
27:34 God willing, we will pay it back.
27:36 Thank you, Allah SWT.
27:37 As usual, we want to see,
27:39 or we want to re-examine the Tajweed segment in this episode.
27:43 We want to see our choice of words,
27:46 in terms of the mention and also in terms of the rule of the Tajweed.
27:50 Let's see.
27:51 The first one,
27:52 involves the letters Tanween,
27:57 involves Tanween,
27:59 meets the letter Ba.
28:02 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
28:04 (Recites in Arabic)
28:10 Try it, one, two, three.
28:11 (Recites in Arabic)
28:16 One more time.
28:17 (Recites in Arabic)
28:26 Alright, Subhanallah.
28:27 The first one, be careful with the letters Fa.
28:29 The wind of Fa.
28:30 (Recites in Arabic)
28:39 That's Fa.
28:40 Be careful.
28:41 It involves the letter Pa.
28:43 (Recites in Arabic)
28:46 The letter Pa is not yet attached.
28:47 (Recites in Arabic)
28:49 Don't get angry, Fatouh.
28:50 I'm just joking.
28:51 Alright.
28:52 So, be careful with that.
28:53 (Recites in Arabic)
28:54 Alright.
28:55 Then, Tanween, the sun, meets Ba.
28:58 (Recites in Arabic)
29:08 When Tanween,
29:09 he wants to give us a picture,
29:11 which is,
29:12 to change the voice of Tanween,
29:13 or the voice of Nun,
29:14 to the sound of Mim.
29:18 That's the sign.
29:19 One line of Tanween,
29:20 for Mim.
29:25 Try.
29:26 (Recites in Arabic)
29:29 Together with the ears.
29:30 How many movements?
29:33 Only two movements.
29:34 (Recites in Arabic)
29:36 Try.
29:37 (Recites in Arabic)
29:40 MashaAllah, Alhamdulillah.
29:41 Alright.
29:42 So, be careful,
29:44 so that our ears are clear.
29:47 Two movements.
29:48 And also, one more word,
29:50 in the word,
29:51 (Recites in Arabic)
29:53 Try to say,
29:54 (Recites in Arabic)
30:02 In our throat,
30:04 where is it located?
30:06 The tip of our throat.
30:10 (Recites in Arabic)
30:12 Together with his friend,
30:14 Muhammad.
30:16 The letter Kha,
30:17 Muhammad Khairi.
30:18 It's beautiful.
30:19 Kha.
30:20 Try.
30:21 Kha.
30:22 (Recites in Arabic)
30:24 That's it.
30:25 Alright.
30:26 That's the first word.
30:27 One more time.
30:28 (Recites in Arabic)
30:35 SubhanAllah.
30:36 What I heard,
30:37 Alhamdulillah,
30:38 the letter Gh is thick.
30:39 Good.
30:40 There are those who read it thinly.
30:41 (Recites in Arabic)
30:45 So, it's Ra.
30:46 Right?
30:47 Not Ra, but Gh.
30:48 Gh.
30:49 Okay.
30:50 Next,
30:51 this is the word we said,
30:52 involving the letter F,
30:54 which is Nafsin.
30:55 Nafs.
30:56 Try.
30:57 Nafs.
30:58 That's a challenge if we do Waqf.
31:01 For example, we read,
31:02 (Recites in Arabic)
31:10 There is Sin,
31:11 there is F, there is Sin.
31:12 Don't just say Naf.
31:13 Naf.
31:14 There must be Sin.
31:15 Nafs.
31:16 Try.
31:17 One, two, three.
31:18 Nafs.
31:19 Nafs.
31:20 Nafs.
31:21 Nafs.
31:22 Nafs.
31:23 If I say it, it changes.
31:24 How does it change?
31:25 Just like that.
31:26 There is no movement.
31:28 Nafs.
31:29 From F to Sin.
31:31 Nafsin.
31:32 Nafs.
31:33 Nafsin.
31:34 Okay.
31:35 One more time.
31:36 (Recites in Arabic)
31:40 Nafs.
31:41 One, two, three.
31:42 (Recites in Arabic)
31:47 There is Sin.
31:48 There is.
31:49 Nafs.
31:50 That's Nafs.
31:51 That's Nafs.
31:52 Don't say Nafs.
31:53 That's Nafs.
31:54 Try it first.
31:55 Nafs.
31:56 Nafs.
31:57 That's a challenge.
31:58 I'll just continue.
31:59 Continue and it's safe.
32:00 She's good at continuing.
32:01 She continues.
32:02 (Recites in Arabic)
32:04 It's safe.
32:05 That's a practice.
32:06 Who knows while we read,
32:07 our breath will run out.
32:08 Nafs.
32:09 (Recites in Arabic)
32:10 Nafs.
32:11 Okay.
32:12 (Recites in Arabic)
32:13 That's a practice.
32:14 I'll just continue.
32:15 Continue and it's safe.
32:16 Okay.
32:17 (Recites in Arabic)
32:18 That's a practice.
32:19 Okay.
32:20 (Recites in Arabic)
32:21 That's a practice.
32:22 Okay.
32:23 (Recites in Arabic)
32:24 That's a practice.
32:25 Okay.
32:26 (Recites in Arabic)
32:27 That's a practice.
32:28 Okay.
32:29 (Recites in Arabic)
32:30 That's a practice.
32:31 Okay.
32:32 (Recites in Arabic)
32:33 That's a practice.
32:34 Okay.
32:35 (Recites in Arabic)
32:36 That's a practice.
32:37 Okay.
32:38 (Recites in Arabic)
32:39 That's a practice.
32:40 Okay.
32:41 (Recites in Arabic)
32:42 That's a practice.
32:43 Okay.
32:44 (Recites in Arabic)
32:45 That's a practice.
32:46 Okay.
32:47 (Recites in Arabic)
32:48 That's a practice.
32:49 Okay.
32:50 (Recites in Arabic)
32:51 That's a practice.
32:52 Okay.
32:53 (Recites in Arabic)
32:54 That's a practice.
32:55 Okay.
32:56 (Recites in Arabic)
32:57 That's a practice.
32:58 Okay.
32:59 (Recites in Arabic)
33:00 That's a practice.
33:01 Okay.
33:02 (Recites in Arabic)
33:03 That's a practice.
33:04 Okay.
33:05 (Recites in Arabic)
33:06 That's a practice.
33:07 Okay.
33:08 (Recites in Arabic)
33:09 That's a practice.
33:10 Okay.
33:11 (Recites in Arabic)
33:12 That's a practice.
33:13 Okay.
33:14 (Recites in Arabic)
33:15 That's a practice.
33:16 Okay.
33:17 (Recites in Arabic)
33:18 That's a practice.
33:19 Okay.
33:20 (Recites in Arabic)
33:21 That's a practice.
33:22 Okay.
33:23 (Recites in Arabic)
33:24 That's a practice.
33:25 Okay.
33:26 (Recites in Arabic)
33:27 That's a practice.
33:28 Okay.
33:29 (Recites in Arabic)
33:30 That's a practice.
33:31 Okay.
33:32 (Recites in Arabic)
33:33 That's a practice.
33:34 Okay.
33:35 (Recites in Arabic)
33:36 That's a practice.
33:37 Okay.
33:38 (Recites in Arabic)
33:39 That's a practice.
33:40 Okay.
33:41 (Recites in Arabic)
33:42 That's a practice.
33:43 Okay.
33:44 (Recites in Arabic)
33:45 That's a practice.
33:46 Okay.
33:47 (Recites in Arabic)
33:48 That's a practice.
33:49 Okay.
33:50 (Recites in Arabic)
33:51 That's a practice.
33:52 Okay.
33:53 (Recites in Arabic)
33:54 That's a practice.
33:55 Okay.
33:56 (Recites in Arabic)
33:57 That's a practice.
33:58 Okay.
33:59 (Recites in Arabic)
34:00 That's a practice.
34:01 Okay.
34:02 (Recites in Arabic)
34:03 That's a practice.
34:04 Okay.
34:05 (Recites in Arabic)
34:06 That's a practice.
34:07 Okay.
34:08 (Recites in Arabic)
34:09 That's a practice.
34:10 Okay.
34:11 (Recites in Arabic)
34:12 That's a practice.
34:13 Okay.
34:14 (Recites in Arabic)
34:15 That's a practice.
34:16 Okay.
34:17 (Recites in Arabic)
34:18 That's a practice.
34:19 Okay.
34:20 (Recites in Arabic)
34:21 That's a practice.
34:22 Okay.
34:23 (Recites in Arabic)
34:24 That's a practice.
34:25 Okay.
34:26 (Recites in Arabic)
34:27 That's a practice.
34:28 Okay.
34:29 (Recites in Arabic)
34:30 That's a practice.
34:31 Okay.
34:32 (Recites in Arabic)
34:33 That's a practice.
34:34 Okay.
34:35 (Recites in Arabic)
34:36 That's a practice.
34:37 Okay.
34:38 (Recites in Arabic)
34:39 That's a practice.
34:40 Okay.
34:41 (Recites in Arabic)
34:42 That's a practice.
34:43 Okay.
34:44 (Recites in Arabic)
34:45 That's a practice.
34:46 Okay.
34:47 (Recites in Arabic)
34:48 That's a practice.
34:49 Okay.
34:50 (Recites in Arabic)
34:51 That's a practice.
34:52 Okay.
34:53 (Recites in Arabic)
34:54 That's a practice.
34:55 Okay.
34:56 (Recites in Arabic)
34:57 That's a practice.
34:58 Okay.
34:59 (Recites in Arabic)
35:00 That's a practice.
35:01 Okay.
35:02 (Recites in Arabic)
35:03 That's a practice.
35:04 Okay.
35:05 (Recites in Arabic)
35:06 That's a practice.
35:07 Okay.
35:08 (Recites in Arabic)
35:09 That's a practice.
35:10 Okay.
35:11 (Recites in Arabic)
35:12 That's a practice.
35:13 Okay.
35:14 (Recites in Arabic)
35:15 That's a practice.
35:16 Okay.
35:17 (Recites in Arabic)
35:18 That's a practice.
35:19 Okay.
35:20 (Recites in Arabic)
35:21 That's a practice.
35:22 Okay.
35:23 (Recites in Arabic)
35:24 That's a practice.
35:25 Okay.
35:26 (Recites in Arabic)
35:27 That's a practice.
35:28 Okay.
35:29 (Recites in Arabic)
35:30 That's a practice.
35:31 Okay.
35:32 (Recites in Arabic)
35:33 That's a practice.
35:34 Okay.
35:35 (Recites in Arabic)
35:36 That's a practice.
35:37 Okay.
35:38 (Recites in Arabic)
35:39 That's a practice.
35:40 Okay.
35:41 (Recites in Arabic)
35:42 That's a practice.
35:43 Okay.
35:44 (Recites in Arabic)
35:45 That's a practice.
35:46 Okay.
35:47 (Recites in Arabic)
35:48 That's a practice.
35:49 Okay.
35:50 (Recites in Arabic)
35:51 That's a practice.
35:52 Okay.
35:53 (Recites in Arabic)
35:54 That's a practice.
35:55 Okay.
35:56 (Recites in Arabic)
35:57 That's a practice.
35:58 Okay.
35:59 (Recites in Arabic)
36:00 That's a practice.
36:01 Okay.
36:02 (Recites in Arabic)
36:03 That's a practice.
36:04 Okay.
36:05 (Recites in Arabic)
36:06 That's a practice.
36:07 Okay.
36:08 (Recites in Arabic)
36:09 That's a practice.
36:10 Okay.
36:11 (Recites in Arabic)
36:12 That's a practice.
36:13 Okay.
36:14 (Recites in Arabic)
36:15 That's a practice.
36:16 Okay.
36:17 (Recites in Arabic)
36:18 That's a practice.
36:19 Okay.
36:20 (Recites in Arabic)
36:21 That's a practice.
36:22 Okay.
36:23 (Recites in Arabic)
36:24 That's a practice.
36:25 Okay.
36:26 (Recites in Arabic)
36:27 That's a practice.
36:28 Okay.
36:29 (Recites in Arabic)
36:30 That's a practice.
36:31 Okay.
36:32 (Recites in Arabic)
36:33 That's a practice.
36:34 Okay.
36:35 (Recites in Arabic)
36:36 That's a practice.
36:37 Okay.
36:38 (Recites in Arabic)
36:39 That's a practice.
36:40 Okay.
36:41 (Recites in Arabic)
36:42 That's a practice.
36:43 Okay.
36:44 (Recites in Arabic)
36:45 That's a practice.
36:46 Okay.
36:47 (Recites in Arabic)
36:48 That's a practice.
36:49 Okay.
36:50 (Recites in Arabic)
36:51 That's a practice.
36:52 Okay.
36:53 (Recites in Arabic)
36:54 That's a practice.
36:55 Okay.
36:56 (Recites in Arabic)
36:57 That's a practice.
36:58 Okay.
36:59 (Recites in Arabic)
37:00 That's a practice.
37:01 Okay.
37:02 (Recites in Arabic)
37:03 That's a practice.
37:04 Okay.
37:05 (Recites in Arabic)
37:06 That's a practice.
37:07 Okay.
37:08 (Recites in Arabic)
37:09 That's a practice.
37:10 Okay.
37:11 (Recites in Arabic)
37:12 That's a practice.
37:13 Okay.
37:14 (Recites in Arabic)
37:15 That's a practice.
37:16 Okay.
37:17 (Recites in Arabic)
37:18 That's a practice.
37:19 Okay.
37:20 (Recites in Arabic)
37:21 That's a practice.
37:22 Okay.
37:23 (Recites in Arabic)
37:24 That's a practice.
37:25 Okay.
37:26 (Recites in Arabic)
37:27 That's a practice.
37:28 Okay.
37:29 (Recites in Arabic)
37:30 That's a practice.
37:31 Okay.
37:32 (Recites in Arabic)
37:33 That's a practice.
37:34 Okay.
37:35 (Recites in Arabic)
37:36 That's a practice.
37:37 Okay.
37:38 (Recites in Arabic)
37:39 That's a practice.
37:40 Okay.
37:41 (Recites in Arabic)
37:42 That's a practice.
37:43 Okay.
37:44 (Recites in Arabic)
37:45 That's a practice.
37:46 Okay.
37:47 (Recites in Arabic)
37:48 That's a practice.
37:49 Okay.
37:50 (Recites in Arabic)
37:51 That's a practice.
37:52 Okay.
37:53 (Recites in Arabic)
37:54 That's a practice.
37:55 Okay.
37:56 (Recites in Arabic)
37:57 That's a practice.
37:58 Okay.
37:59 (Recites in Arabic)
38:00 That's a practice.
38:01 Okay.
38:02 (Recites in Arabic)
38:03 That's a practice.
38:04 Okay.
38:05 (Recites in Arabic)
38:06 That's a practice.
38:07 Okay.
38:08 (Recites in Arabic)
38:09 That's a practice.
38:10 Okay.
38:11 (Recites in Arabic)
38:12 That's a practice.
38:13 Okay.
38:14 (Recites in Arabic)
38:15 That's a practice.
38:16 Okay.
38:17 (Recites in Arabic)
38:18 That's a practice.
38:19 Okay.
38:20 (Recites in Arabic)
38:21 That's a practice.
38:22 Okay.
38:23 (Recites in Arabic)
38:24 That's a practice.
38:25 Okay.
38:26 (Recites in Arabic)
38:27 That's a practice.
38:28 Okay.
38:29 (Recites in Arabic)
38:30 That's a practice.
38:31 Okay.
38:32 (Recites in Arabic)
38:33 That's a practice.
38:34 Okay.
38:35 (Recites in Arabic)
38:36 That's a practice.
38:37 Okay.
38:38 (Recites in Arabic)
38:39 That's a practice.
38:40 Okay.
38:41 (Recites in Arabic)
38:42 That's a practice.
38:43 Okay.
38:44 (Recites in Arabic)
38:45 That's a practice.
38:46 Okay.
38:47 (Recites in Arabic)
38:48 That's a practice.
38:49 Okay.
38:50 (Recites in Arabic)
38:51 That's a practice.
38:52 Okay.
38:53 (Recites in Arabic)
38:54 That's a practice.
38:55 Okay.
38:56 (Recites in Arabic)
38:57 That's a practice.
38:58 Okay.
38:59 (Recites in Arabic)
39:00 That's a practice.
39:01 Okay.
39:02 (Recites in Arabic)
39:03 That's a practice.
39:04 Okay.
39:05 (Recites in Arabic)
39:06 That's a practice.
39:07 Okay.
39:08 (Recites in Arabic)
39:09 That's a practice.
39:10 Okay.
39:11 (Recites in Arabic)
39:12 That's a practice.
39:13 Okay.
39:14 (Recites in Arabic)
39:15 That's a practice.
39:16 Okay.
39:17 (Recites in Arabic)
39:18 That's a practice.
39:19 Okay.
39:20 (Recites in Arabic)
39:21 That's a practice.
39:22 Okay.
39:23 (Recites in Arabic)
39:24 That's a practice.
39:25 Okay.
39:26 (Recites in Arabic)
39:27 That's a practice.
39:28 Okay.
39:29 (Recites in Arabic)
39:30 That's a practice.
39:31 Okay.
39:32 (Recites in Arabic)
39:33 That's a practice.
39:34 Okay.
39:35 (Recites in Arabic)
39:36 That's a practice.
39:37 Okay.
39:38 (Recites in Arabic)
39:39 That's a practice.
39:40 Okay.
39:41 (Recites in Arabic)
39:42 That's a practice.
39:43 Okay.
39:44 (Recites in Arabic)
39:45 That's a practice.
39:46 Okay.
39:47 (Recites in Arabic)
39:48 That's a practice.
39:49 Okay.
39:50 (Recites in Arabic)
39:51 That's a practice.
39:52 Okay.
39:53 (Recites in Arabic)
39:54 That's a practice.
39:55 Okay.
39:56 (Recites in Arabic)
39:57 That's a practice.
39:58 Okay.
39:59 (Recites in Arabic)
40:00 That's a practice.
40:01 Okay.
40:02 (Recites in Arabic)
40:03 That's a practice.
40:04 Okay.
40:05 (Recites in Arabic)
40:06 That's a practice.
40:07 Okay.
40:08 (Recites in Arabic)
40:09 That's a practice.
40:10 Okay.
40:11 (Recites in Arabic)
40:12 That's a practice.
40:13 Okay.
40:14 (Recites in Arabic)
40:15 That's a practice.
40:16 Okay.
40:17 (Recites in Arabic)
40:18 That's a practice.
40:19 Okay.
40:20 (Recites in Arabic)
40:21 That's a practice.
40:22 Okay.
40:23 (Recites in Arabic)
40:24 That's a practice.
40:25 Okay.
40:26 (Recites in Arabic)
40:27 That's a practice.
40:28 Okay.
40:29 (Recites in Arabic)
40:30 That's a practice.
40:31 Okay.
40:32 (Recites in Arabic)
40:33 That's a practice.
40:34 Okay.
40:35 (Recites in Arabic)
40:36 That's a practice.
40:37 Okay.
40:38 (Recites in Arabic)
40:39 That's a practice.
40:40 Okay.
40:41 (Recites in Arabic)
40:42 That's a practice.
40:43 Okay.
40:44 (Recites in Arabic)
40:45 That's a practice.
40:46 Okay.
40:47 (Recites in Arabic)
40:48 That's a practice.
40:49 Okay.
40:50 (Recites in Arabic)
40:51 That's a practice.
40:52 Okay.
40:53 (Recites in Arabic)
40:54 That's a practice.
40:55 Okay.
40:56 (Recites in Arabic)
40:57 That's a practice.
40:58 Okay.
40:59 (Recites in Arabic)
41:00 That's a practice.
41:01 Okay.
41:02 (Recites in Arabic)
41:03 That's a practice.
41:04 Okay.
41:05 (Recites in Arabic)
41:06 That's a practice.
41:07 Okay.
41:08 (Recites in Arabic)
41:09 That's a practice.
41:10 Okay.
41:11 (Recites in Arabic)
41:12 That's a practice.
41:13 Okay.
41:14 (Recites in Arabic)
41:15 That's a practice.
41:16 Okay.
41:17 (Recites in Arabic)
41:18 That's a practice.
41:19 Okay.
41:20 (Recites in Arabic)
41:21 That's a practice.
41:22 Okay.
41:23 (Recites in Arabic)
41:24 That's a practice.
41:25 Okay.
41:26 (Recites in Arabic)
41:27 That's a practice.
41:28 Okay.
41:29 (Recites in Arabic)
41:30 That's a practice.
41:31 Okay.
41:32 (Recites in Arabic)
41:33 That's a practice.
41:34 Okay.
41:35 (Recites in Arabic)
41:36 That's a practice.
41:37 Okay.
41:38 (Recites in Arabic)
41:39 That's a practice.
41:40 Okay.
41:41 (Recites in Arabic)
41:42 That's a practice.
41:43 Okay.
41:44 (Recites in Arabic)
41:45 That's a practice.
41:46 Okay.
41:47 (Recites in Arabic)
41:48 That's a practice.
41:49 Okay.
41:50 (Recites in Arabic)
41:51 That's a practice.
41:52 Okay.
41:53 (Recites in Arabic)
41:54 That's a practice.
41:55 Okay.
41:56 (Recites in Arabic)
41:57 That's a practice.
41:58 Okay.
41:59 (Recites in Arabic)
42:00 That's a practice.
42:01 Okay.
42:02 (Recites in Arabic)
42:03 That's a practice.
42:04 Okay.
42:05 (Recites in Arabic)
42:06 That's a practice.
42:07 Okay.
42:08 (Recites in Arabic)
42:09 That's a practice.
42:10 Okay.
42:11 (Recites in Arabic)
42:12 That's a practice.
42:13 Okay.
42:14 (Recites in Arabic)
42:15 That's a practice.
42:16 Okay.
42:17 (Recites in Arabic)
42:18 That's a practice.
42:19 Okay.
42:20 (Recites in Arabic)
42:21 That's a practice.
42:22 Okay.
42:23 (Recites in Arabic)
42:24 That's a practice.
42:25 Okay.
42:26 (Recites in Arabic)
42:27 That's a practice.
42:28 Okay.
42:29 (Recites in Arabic)
42:30 That's a practice.
42:31 Okay.
42:32 (Recites in Arabic)
42:33 That's a practice.
42:34 Okay.
42:35 (Recites in Arabic)
42:36 That's a practice.
42:37 Okay.
42:38 (Recites in Arabic)
42:39 That's a practice.
42:40 Okay.
42:41 (Recites in Arabic)
42:42 That's a practice.
42:43 Okay.
42:44 (Recites in Arabic)
42:45 That's a practice.
42:46 Okay.
42:47 (Recites in Arabic)
42:48 That's a practice.
42:49 Okay.
42:50 (Recites in Arabic)
42:51 That's a practice.
42:52 Okay.
42:53 (Recites in Arabic)
42:54 That's a practice.
42:55 Okay.
42:56 (Recites in Arabic)
42:57 That's a practice.
42:58 Okay.
42:59 (Recites in Arabic)
43:00 That's a practice.
43:01 Okay.
43:02 (Recites in Arabic)
43:03 That's a practice.
43:04 Okay.
43:05 (Recites in Arabic)
43:06 That's a practice.
43:07 Okay.
43:08 (Recites in Arabic)
43:09 That's a practice.
43:10 Okay.
43:11 (Recites in Arabic)
43:12 That's a practice.
43:13 Okay.
43:14 (Recites in Arabic)
43:15 That's a practice.
43:16 Okay.
43:17 (Recites in Arabic)
43:18 That's a practice.
43:19 Okay.
43:20 (Recites in Arabic)
43:21 That's a practice.
43:22 Okay.
43:23 (Recites in Arabic)
43:24 That's a practice.
43:25 Okay.
43:26 (Recites in Arabic)
43:27 That's a practice.
43:28 Okay.
43:29 (Recites in Arabic)
43:30 That's a practice.
43:31 Okay.
43:32 (Recites in Arabic)
43:33 That's a practice.
43:34 Okay.
43:35 (Recites in Arabic)
43:36 That's a practice.
43:37 Okay.
43:38 (Recites in Arabic)
43:39 That's a practice.
43:40 Okay.
43:41 (Recites in Arabic)
43:42 That's a practice.
43:43 Okay.
43:44 (Recites in Arabic)
43:45 That's a practice.
43:46 Okay.
43:47 (Recites in Arabic)
43:48 That's a practice.
43:49 Okay.
43:50 (Recites in Arabic)
43:51 That's a practice.
43:52 Okay.
43:53 (Recites in Arabic)
43:54 That's a practice.
43:55 Okay.
43:56 (Recites in Arabic)
43:57 That's a practice.
43:58 Okay.
43:59 (Recites in Arabic)
44:00 That's a practice.
44:01 Okay.
44:02 (Recites in Arabic)
44:03 That's a practice.
44:04 Okay.
44:05 (Recites in Arabic)
44:06 That's a practice.
44:07 Okay.
44:08 (Recites in Arabic)
44:09 That's a practice.
44:10 Okay.
44:11 (Recites in Arabic)
44:12 That's a practice.
44:13 Okay.
44:14 (Recites in Arabic)
44:15 That's a practice.
44:16 Okay.
44:17 (Recites in Arabic)
44:18 That's a practice.
44:19 Okay.
44:20 (Recites in Arabic)
44:21 That's a practice.
44:22 Okay.
44:23 (Recites in Arabic)
44:24 That's a practice.
44:25 Okay.
44:26 (Recites in Arabic)
44:27 That's a practice.
44:28 Okay.
44:29 (Recites in Arabic)
44:30 That's a practice.
44:31 Okay.
44:32 (Recites in Arabic)
44:33 That's a practice.
44:34 Okay.
44:35 (Recites in Arabic)
44:36 That's a practice.
44:37 Okay.
44:38 (Recites in Arabic)
44:39 That's a practice.
44:40 Okay.
44:41 (Recites in Arabic)
44:42 That's a practice.
44:43 Okay.
44:44 (Recites in Arabic)
44:45 That's a practice.
44:46 Okay.
44:47 (Recites in Arabic)
44:48 That's a practice.
44:49 Okay.
44:50 (Recites in Arabic)
44:51 That's a practice.
44:52 Okay.
44:53 (Recites in Arabic)
44:54 That's a practice.
44:55 Okay.
44:56 (Recites in Arabic)
44:57 That's a practice.
44:58 Okay.
44:59 (Recites in Arabic)
45:00 That's a practice.
45:01 Okay.
45:02 (Recites in Arabic)
45:03 That's a practice.
45:04 Okay.
45:05 (Recites in Arabic)
45:06 That's a practice.
45:07 Okay.
45:08 (Recites in Arabic)
45:09 That's a practice.
45:10 Okay.
45:11 (Recites in Arabic)
45:12 That's a practice.
45:13 Okay.
45:14 (Recites in Arabic)
45:15 That's a practice.
45:16 Okay.
45:17 (Recites in Arabic)
45:18 That's a practice.
45:19 Okay.
45:20 (Recites in Arabic)
45:21 That's a practice.
45:22 Okay.
45:23 (Recites in Arabic)
45:24 That's a practice.
45:25 Okay.
45:26 (Recites in Arabic)
45:27 That's a practice.
45:28 Okay.
45:29 (Recites in Arabic)
45:30 That's a practice.
45:31 Okay.
45:32 (Recites in Arabic)
45:33 That's a practice.
45:34 Okay.
45:35 (Recites in Arabic)
45:36 That's a practice.
45:37 Okay.
45:38 (Recites in Arabic)
45:39 That's a practice.
45:40 Okay.
45:41 (Recites in Arabic)
45:42 That's a practice.
45:43 Okay.
45:44 (Recites in Arabic)
45:45 That's a practice.
45:46 Okay.
45:47 (Recites in Arabic)
45:48 That's a practice.
45:49 Okay.
45:50 (Recites in Arabic)
45:51 That's a practice.
45:52 Okay.
45:53 (Recites in Arabic)
45:54 That's a practice.
45:55 Okay.
45:56 (Recites in Arabic)
45:57 That's a practice.
45:58 Okay.
45:59 (Recites in Arabic)
46:00 That's a practice.
46:01 Okay.
46:02 (Recites in Arabic)
46:03 That's a practice.
46:04 Okay.
46:05 (Recites in Arabic)
46:06 That's a practice.
46:07 Okay.
46:08 (Recites in Arabic)
46:09 That's a practice.
46:10 Okay.
46:11 (Recites in Arabic)
46:12 That's a practice.
46:13 Okay.
46:14 (Recites in Arabic)
46:15 That's a practice.
46:16 Okay.
46:17 (Recites in Arabic)
46:18 That's a practice.
46:19 Okay.
46:20 (Recites in Arabic)
46:21 That's a practice.
46:22 Okay.
46:23 (Recites in Arabic)
46:24 That's a practice.
46:25 Okay.
46:26 (Recites in Arabic)
46:27 That's a practice.
46:28 Okay.
46:29 (Recites in Arabic)
46:30 That's a practice.
46:31 Okay.
46:32 (Recites in Arabic)
46:33 That's a practice.
46:34 Okay.
46:35 (Recites in Arabic)
46:36 That's a practice.
46:37 Okay.
46:38 (Recites in Arabic)
46:39 That's a practice.
46:40 Okay.
46:41 (Recites in Arabic)
46:42 That's a practice.
46:43 Okay.
46:44 (Recites in Arabic)
46:45 That's a practice.
46:46 Okay.
46:47 (Recites in Arabic)
46:48 That's a practice.
46:49 Okay.
46:50 (Recites in Arabic)
46:51 That's a practice.
46:52 Okay.
46:53 (Recites in Arabic)
46:54 That's a practice.
46:55 Okay.
46:56 (Recites in Arabic)
46:57 That's a practice.
46:58 Okay.
46:59 (Recites in Arabic)
47:00 That's a practice.
47:01 Okay.
47:02 (Recites in Arabic)
47:03 That's a practice.
47:04 Okay.
47:05 (Recites in Arabic)
47:06 That's a practice.
47:07 Okay.
47:08 (Recites in Arabic)
47:09 That's a practice.
47:10 Okay.
47:11 (Recites in Arabic)
47:12 That's a practice.
47:13 Okay.
47:14 (Recites in Arabic)
47:15 That's a practice.
47:16 Okay.
47:17 (Recites in Arabic)
47:18 That's a practice.
47:19 Okay.
47:20 (Recites in Arabic)
47:21 That's a practice.
47:22 Okay.
47:23 (Recites in Arabic)
47:24 That's a practice.
47:25 Okay.
47:26 (Recites in Arabic)
47:27 That's a practice.
47:28 Okay.
47:29 (Recites in Arabic)
47:30 That's a practice.
47:31 Okay.
47:32 (Recites in Arabic)
47:33 That's a practice.
47:34 Okay.
47:35 (Recites in Arabic)
47:36 That's a practice.
47:37 Okay.
47:38 (Recites in Arabic)
47:39 That's a practice.
47:40 Okay.
47:41 (Recites in Arabic)
47:42 That's a practice.
47:43 Okay.
47:44 (Recites in Arabic)
47:45 That's a practice.
47:46 Okay.
47:47 (Recites in Arabic)
47:48 That's a practice.
47:49 Okay.
47:50 (Recites in Arabic)
47:51 That's a practice.
47:52 Okay.
47:53 (Recites in Arabic)
47:54 That's a practice.
47:55 Okay.
47:56 (Recites in Arabic)
47:57 That's a practice.
47:58 Okay.
47:59 (Recites in Arabic)
48:00 That's a practice.
48:01 Okay.
48:02 (Recites in Arabic)
48:03 That's a practice.
48:04 Okay.
48:05 (Recites in Arabic)
48:06 That's a practice.
48:07 Okay.
48:08 (Recites in Arabic)
48:09 That's a practice.
48:10 Okay.
48:11 (Recites in Arabic)
48:12 That's a practice.
48:13 Okay.
48:14 (Recites in Arabic)
48:15 That's a practice.
48:16 Okay.
48:17 (Recites in Arabic)
48:18 That's a practice.
48:19 Okay.
48:20 (Recites in Arabic)
48:21 That's a practice.
48:22 Okay.
48:23 (Recites in Arabic)
48:24 That's a practice.
48:25 Okay.
48:26 (Recites in Arabic)
48:27 That's a practice.
48:28 Okay.
48:29 (Recites in Arabic)
48:30 That's a practice.
48:31 Okay.
48:32 (Recites in Arabic)
48:33 That's a practice.
48:34 Okay.
48:35 (Recites in Arabic)
48:36 That's a practice.
48:37 Okay.
48:38 (Recites in Arabic)
48:39 That's a practice.
48:40 Okay.
48:41 (Recites in Arabic)
48:42 That's a practice.
48:43 Okay.
48:44 (Recites in Arabic)
48:45 That's a practice.
48:46 Okay.
48:47 (Recites in Arabic)
48:48 That's a practice.
48:49 Okay.
48:50 (Recites in Arabic)
48:51 That's a practice.
48:52 Okay.
48:53 (Recites in Arabic)
48:54 That's a practice.
48:55 Okay.
48:56 (Recites in Arabic)
48:57 That's a practice.
48:58 Okay.
48:59 (Recites in Arabic)
49:00 That's a practice.
49:01 Okay.
49:02 (Recites in Arabic)
49:03 That's a practice.
49:04 Okay.
49:05 (Recites in Arabic)
49:06 That's a practice.
49:07 Okay.
49:08 (Recites in Arabic)
49:09 That's a practice.
49:10 Okay.
49:11 (Recites in Arabic)
49:12 That's a practice.
49:13 Okay.
49:14 (Recites in Arabic)
49:15 That's a practice.
49:16 Okay.
49:17 (Recites in Arabic)
49:18 That's a practice.
49:19 Okay.
49:20 (Recites in Arabic)
49:21 That's a practice.
49:22 Okay.
49:23 (Recites in Arabic)
49:24 That's a practice.
49:25 Okay.
49:26 (Recites in Arabic)
49:27 That's a practice.
49:28 Okay.
49:29 (Recites in Arabic)
49:30 That's a practice.
49:31 Okay.
49:32 (Recites in Arabic)
49:33 That's a practice.
49:34 Okay.
49:35 (Recites in Arabic)
49:36 That's a practice.
49:37 Okay.
49:38 (Recites in Arabic)
49:39 That's a practice.
49:40 Okay.
49:41 (Recites in Arabic)
49:42 That's a practice.
49:43 Okay.
49:44 (Recites in Arabic)
49:45 That's a practice.
49:46 Okay.
49:47 (Recites in Arabic)
49:48 That's a practice.
49:49 Okay.
49:50 (Recites in Arabic)
49:51 That's a practice.
49:52 Okay.
49:53 (Recites in Arabic)
49:54 That's a practice.
49:55 Okay.
49:56 (Recites in Arabic)
49:57 That's a practice.
49:58 Okay.
49:59 (Recites in Arabic)
50:00 That's a practice.
50:01 Okay.
50:02 (Recites in Arabic)
50:03 That's a practice.
50:04 Okay.
50:05 (Recites in Arabic)
50:06 That's a practice.
50:07 Okay.
50:08 (Recites in Arabic)
50:09 That's a practice.
50:10 Okay.
50:11 (Recites in Arabic)
50:12 That's a practice.
50:13 Okay.
50:14 (Recites in Arabic)
50:15 That's a practice.
50:16 Okay.
50:17 (Recites in Arabic)
50:18 That's a practice.
50:19 Okay.
50:20 (Recites in Arabic)
50:21 That's a practice.
50:22 Okay.
50:23 (Recites in Arabic)
50:24 That's a practice.
50:25 Okay.
50:26 (Recites in Arabic)
50:27 That's a practice.
50:28 Okay.
50:29 (Recites in Arabic)
50:30 That's a practice.
50:31 Okay.
50:32 (Recites in Arabic)
50:33 That's a practice.
50:34 Okay.
50:35 (Recites in Arabic)
50:36 That's a practice.
50:37 Okay.
50:38 (Recites in Arabic)
50:39 That's a practice.
50:40 Okay.
50:41 (Recites in Arabic)
50:42 That's a practice.
50:43 Okay.
50:44 (Recites in Arabic)
50:45 That's a practice.
50:46 Okay.
50:47 (Recites in Arabic)
50:48 That's a practice.
50:49 Okay.
50:50 (Recites in Arabic)
50:51 That's a practice.
50:52 Okay.
50:53 (Recites in Arabic)
50:54 That's a practice.
50:55 Okay.
50:56 (Recites in Arabic)
50:57 That's a practice.
50:58 Okay.
50:59 (Recites in Arabic)
51:00 That's a practice.
51:01 Okay.
51:02 (Recites in Arabic)
51:03 That's a practice.
51:04 Okay.
51:05 (Recites in Arabic)
51:06 That's a practice.
51:07 Okay.
51:08 (Recites in Arabic)
51:09 That's a practice.
51:10 Okay.
51:11 (Recites in Arabic)
51:12 That's a practice.
51:13 Okay.
51:14 (Recites in Arabic)
51:15 That's a practice.
51:16 Okay.
51:17 (Recites in Arabic)
51:18 That's a practice.
51:19 Okay.
51:20 (Recites in Arabic)
51:21 That's a practice.
51:22 Okay.
51:23 (Recites in Arabic)
51:24 That's a practice.
51:25 Okay.
51:26 (Recites in Arabic)
51:27 That's a practice.
51:28 Okay.
51:29 (Recites in Arabic)
51:30 That's a practice.
