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#acidityhomeremedies #homeremedies #gastric
Acidity or acid reflux, is a condition that is characterized by heartburn that is felt around the lower chest area. It is a common condition that occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the food pipe.
"Treat Acidity - Home Remedies & Acupressure " By Varsha Iyer, Therapist & Healer ( Yoga, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Sujok Therapy, Magnet Therapy & Water Therapy).

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00:00 Welcome to F3 Healthcare.
00:05 I am Varsha Iyer. Today we are going to talk about Acidity.
00:10 So let's move towards health.
00:15 I want to tell you why Acidity occurs.
00:20 One small reason for Acidity is that when you eat fried food
00:25 or something outside, you feel Acidity.
00:30 Or if someone's body is acidic, then eating anything causes Acidity.
00:35 But the main reason is that when you drink water with food, Acidity is sure.
00:40 So you don't have to drink water with food.
00:45 You have to drink a glass of hot water first and then you don't have to drink water with whatever food you want to eat.
00:50 Why don't you drink water?
00:55 I'll tell you in detail.
01:00 When we eat food, a liquid forms in your mouth, which is ready to digest your food.
01:05 As soon as the food goes inside, the Acidity is hot.
01:10 Acidity fire is ignited and our food melts there too.
01:15 At that time, if we drink water with food,
01:20 we put water on the fire that the fire ignited.
01:25 What happens by adding water?
01:30 The fire will be extinguished and Acid will be created.
01:35 If you don't do this basic thing, then no matter how old Acidity you have, it will be completely removed.
01:40 The way to drink water and the way to eat is that you drink a glass of hot water half an hour before.
01:45 After half an hour, you eat food and after an hour, you drink two glasses of hot water.
01:50 You will never have Acidity.
01:55 You eat anything.
02:00 I am going to tell you some medicines for Acidity that are available in your kitchen.
02:05 If you are having Ometting Sensation, you feel heavy in the head and you are burning here,
02:10 then you take 1 teaspoon of carom seeds and chew it well.
02:15 Chew it and then drink a glass of hot water.
02:20 Swallow it little by little.
02:25 This will also remove your Acidity in 10-15 minutes.
02:30 If you have Ometting Sensation, then you should do Ometting.
02:35 How to do Ometting?
02:40 If you can drink two glasses of water at a time, then you have to drink two and a half glasses.
02:45 You have to heat the water, add salt to it and drink it together.
02:50 After drinking water together, you will get Ometting.
02:55 If you have Ometting, then you will feel light in the head.
03:00 When you have Ometting, then you should gargle.
03:05 When you vomit, acid comes here and itches you.
03:10 It makes you feel uneasy.
03:15 If you gargle, you will feel good.
03:20 I want to give you one more remedy which is very easy and is available in your kitchen.
03:25 Take 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds, chew it well and swallow it.
03:30 Take a glass of hot water and sip it.
03:35 Your acidity will go away immediately.
03:40 Now I am going to tell you Acupressure points for Acidity.
03:45 Place your four fingers on your palm and place one finger below.
03:50 Press it 60 times and you will feel the pain.
03:55 You will feel relief in your acidity.
04:00 Press it 60 times and you will feel relief in your acidity.
04:05 There is another color therapy.
04:10 Make a ball of black color.
04:15 You will feel relief in your acidity.
04:20 Press it 60 times and make a ball of black color.
04:25 Black color warms you up.
04:30 Black color and green color cool your eyes.
04:35 If you apply black color here, your acidity will subside.
04:40 If you apply black color here, your acidity will subside.
04:45 I am sure my tips will be very helpful to you.
04:50 If you like my video, please like and share it.
04:55 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
05:00 Thank you for watching it.
