Pope Francis heads solemn mass during 57th world day of peace

  • 7 months ago
Pope Francis presided over a solemn Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on the occasion of the 57th World Day of Peace. In his homily, the pontiff reflected on the theme of artificial intelligence and peace, and called for the use of this technology with responsibility, ethics and respect for human dignity. teleSUR
00:00 Pope Francis presided over a solemn mass for the 57th World Day of Peace on New Year's Day.
00:07 The Supreme Pontiff's speech recalled with gratitude the countless initiatives of prayer and commitment for peace
00:15 promoted by the ecclesial communities on all continents on this day.
00:20 The Bishop of Rome also referred to the conflicts taking place in various countries of the world
00:25 and invited all those present at the celebration to reflect and pray unceasingly
00:31 to promote ways of peace for all humanity.
00:34 The Church dedicates this first day of the year to the Virgin Mary
00:38 and for this reason Pope Francis dedicated his Angelus message to all women and mothers
00:43 emphasizing that in them we can find the peace that the world needs.
00:52 The world needs to look to mothers and to women in order to find peace,
00:57 to emerge from the spiral of violence and hatred
01:00 and once more see things with genuinely human eyes and hearts.
01:05 Every society needs to accept the gift that is woman, every woman,
01:10 to respect, defend and esteem woman in the knowledge that
01:14 "whosoever harms a single woman profanes God, who was born of a woman".
01:21 [sound of a plane taking off]
