FTS 9:30 02-01: New Israeli raid in the West Bank leaves 5 Palestinians dead

  • 7 months ago
FTS 9.30
*Israel rejects proposal to free hostages
*7.6 magnitude earthquake leaves over 48 killed in Japan
00:09 In Palestine, a new Israeli military operation in the West
00:12 Bank left five Palestinians dead.
00:13 Israel's Zionist government rejected a proposal
00:19 for the Palestinian organization Hamas
00:21 to release several Israeli citizens.
00:23 And in Japan, authorities registered over 48 people
00:29 killed following a 7.6 magnitude earthquake that
00:32 struck the West.
00:32 Hello, welcome to "From the South."
00:42 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the LSU studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:46 We begin with the news.
01:05 In Palestine, at least five Palestinians
01:07 were killed Tuesday in the West Bank
01:08 amid a new Israeli military operation
01:10 against the Palestinian territory.
01:12 Israel's defense ministry reported
01:13 that its soldiers shot dead a man in the middle of the raid.
01:16 Hours earlier, another four Palestinians
01:18 were reportedly killed in the midst of an armed raid
01:20 in the northern West Bank town of Hasun.
01:23 The four deceased were identified
01:24 as Walid Radwan, 18 years old, Qusai Jamal Adwan, 21 years
01:29 old, Iyad Shbeta, 22 years old, and Mohamed Abdel Fattah
01:33 Radwan, 29 years old.
01:35 During the military operation, Israeli forces
01:37 conducted raids and searches of homes and businesses,
01:40 seizing surveillance footage from multiple stores.
01:43 Israel has intensified its nighttime actions
01:45 in several cities in the Palestinian territory.
01:48 Israel's Zionist government rejected a proposal
01:56 for the Palestinian organization Hamas
01:58 to release several Israeli citizens taken by the resistance
02:02 since October 7.
02:04 Israeli media cite several official sources
02:06 who confirm that they have received,
02:08 through the intermediary of the Qatari and Egyptian mediators,
02:11 a three-phase proposal stipulating
02:13 the release of hostages, even if Tel Aviv maintains
02:15 its attacks on Gaza.
02:17 The first phase provided for the withdrawal of Zionist troops
02:20 from the enclave in exchange for the release of 40 hostages
02:23 and some Palestinians kidnapped in the Hebrew country.
02:27 The war campaigners rejected the proposal
02:29 and asked the mediators on Monday
02:30 to work on a more acceptable one.
02:32 On Monday, the Palestinian resistance
02:40 confirmed the launching of a barrage of rockets
02:43 towards Tel Aviv during New Year's Eve.
02:46 The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing
02:48 of the Hamas movement, fired dozens of M-90 rockets
02:51 in response to Israel's massacres against civilians
02:53 in the Gaza Strip.
02:55 Videos posted on social media showed a projectile falling
02:58 on the occupied town of Ramla, southwest of Tel Aviv,
03:01 and rockets flying over the Iron Dome system.
03:04 According to Israeli media, 13 of the 27 rockets launched
03:07 by Hamas overnight were fired from an area north of Gaza
03:11 that Israel claims is under its control.
03:13 Also on Monday in Palestine, the Hamas resistance movement
03:22 refused to release more hostages without assuring
03:25 a permanent ceasefire by the Israeli occupation forces.
03:27 The leader of the Palestinian movement, Hamas
03:29 in Lebanon, Osama Hamdan, indicated
03:32 the priority of Hamas is to stop the aggression
03:34 of the Israeli forces in Gaza.
03:36 For this reason, there has been no talk
03:38 of an exchange of hostages until the fighting ceases.
03:41 Likewise, Osama Hamdan denied the news
03:43 published by the Israeli media that indicated a possible
03:45 release of Hamas hostages in exchange for a one-month cease
03:48 fire by Israel.
03:50 Likewise, the Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad movement
03:52 in Palestine rejected any possibility of an agreement
03:55 with Israel to exchange prisoners
03:57 without stopping the aggression and the withdrawal
03:59 of the occupying forces in the Gaza Strip.
04:01 The Palestinian presidency rejected any suspicious attempt
04:12 to displace citizens of the Gaza Strip.
04:15 In a statement issued on Monday, the Palestinian Authority
04:17 condemned the United Kingdom for naming former British Prime
04:20 Minister Anthony Blair in charge of the displacement
04:23 operation of Palestinians from Gaza.
04:25 The document described the decision
04:26 as a violation of international law and legitimacy,
04:29 with the only objective of serving the interests of Israel.
04:32 The note also urged the Secretary General of the United
04:34 Nations to do his most to prevent the British decision
04:37 and accuse the major of completing the Balfour
04:39 Declaration, which led to the catastrophe
04:41 of the Palestinian people and started dozens
04:44 of wars in the region.
04:45 On Monday, the Palestinian city of Jerusalem
04:54 local authorities received a shipment
04:55 of vaccines against childhood diseases
04:57 from the Harafa border, crossing with Egypt.
05:00 The Ministry of Health informed that the vaccines
05:02 have been procured by the Palestinian National Authority
05:05 and are sufficient in number to cover
05:06 the needs of the population for the next eight to 14 months.
05:10 It also specified that once in Gaza,
05:12 they will be used in accordance with international standards
05:14 for the conservation of vaccines and under the supervision
05:17 of UNICEF.
05:18 On the other hand, the Ministry of Health
05:20 appreciated the cooperation shown
05:21 by the Egyptian Ministry of Health
05:23 in the conservation of vaccines to allow the transport given
05:26 the serious epidemic situation caused by current armed conflict
05:29 in Gaza.
05:29 The director of the United Nations Children's Fund
05:39 denounced that more than 1,000 children
05:41 have lost their limbs as a result
05:42 of the constant Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip.
05:45 The entity indicated that the health crisis
05:47 and the lack of medical supplies in Gaza
05:49 forces doctors to amputate limbs without anesthetics
05:53 or painkillers, even practicing them outside health facilities.
05:57 He also condemned that although the children are stabilized,
06:00 they are still at risk of death due to the continuous attacks
06:03 by the Tel Aviv regime.
06:04 The organization's spokeswoman warned
06:06 that the patients and wounded are suffering from extreme pain
06:08 and asked for food and water to be sent to them.
06:11 Israel's Supreme Court overturned on Monday
06:20 the amendment to the basic judicial law, which
06:22 had been passed as part of the judicial reform pushed
06:24 by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
06:27 The decision was approved by the Supreme Court
06:29 by a tight vote of 8 to 7, becoming the first time
06:33 in Israel's history that a court nullifies basic quasi
06:35 constitutional level law.
06:37 On the other hand, the court upheld by a vote of 12
06:40 the court's prerogative to review laws passed
06:42 by Parliament, including basic laws such as the one
06:45 that in July repealed the so-called probable cause law.
06:48 This judicial reform had been the reason for months
06:51 of protests against the Netanyahu government, which
06:54 the opposition accuses of totalitarianism
06:56 and undermining the vision of power.
06:58 Let's now take a short break, but remember,
07:06 you can join us on TikTok @TelesurEnglish,
07:08 where you will find news in different formats, news
07:10 updates, and much more.
07:12 Other stories coming up.
07:16 Stay with us.
07:22 Welcome back from the South.
07:47 Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday
07:49 that Ukraine is not Russia's enemy,
07:51 but those who seek a strategic defeat of the Eurasian
07:53 country.
07:54 The president made the statements
07:55 after Ukraine's shelling of the Russian border city of Bogorod
07:58 caused 24 deaths on Saturday.
08:00 Speaking during a meeting with Russian soldiers injured
08:02 in Ukraine at one of Moscow's military hospitals,
08:05 Putin said strikes on the Russian border city of Bogorod
08:07 that killed 24 people, including three children,
08:09 and damaged 30 apartment buildings
08:11 were a terrorist act and warn of more strikes
08:14 on military facilities in Ukraine.
08:16 It's a targeted attack on the civilian population.
08:25 Of course, this is a terrorist attack.
08:27 It cannot be called anything else.
08:29 Should we respond this way?
08:31 Of course, we can.
08:32 We can hit squares in Kiev and any other city.
08:35 Chinese, children, mothers with strollers walk there.
08:39 I understand.
08:40 I'm boiling over myself.
08:41 I want to ask you, do we need to do this?
08:44 Hit the squares?
08:46 Of what they are doing.
08:47 They want firstly to intimidate us,
08:49 and then create some kind of uncertainty inside our country.
08:52 Undoubtedly, such crime, and this, of course,
08:55 is a crime against the civilian population.
08:57 We're not going punished.
09:00 Russia began its term as pro-temporary chair
09:02 of the BRICS group to promote associative cooperation
09:04 in politics, security, and economics.
09:06 Russia pro-temporary presidency is
09:08 assumed under the slogan of strengthening multilateralism
09:11 for equitable global development and security.
09:13 Russian President Vladimir Putin assured
09:15 that the state will also ensure the promotion of cooperation
09:18 between the countries at a cultural and humanitarian
09:21 levels.
09:21 The Russian head of state pointed out
09:23 that he will also work for energy and food security,
09:27 and the implementation of national currencies in trade.
09:29 In this context, the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin,
09:42 confirmed on Monday the incorporation of five countries
09:44 to the BRICS group, bringing the total number of members to 10.
09:48 The organization, formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China,
09:51 and South Africa, also comes now with Egypt, Iran, the United
09:55 Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia
09:57 as new members of BRICS.
09:59 The announcement is one of the first actions carried out
10:01 by the Russian president as president pro-temporary
10:03 of the international organization.
10:05 Those attracting more supporters,
10:07 the president pointed out that they
10:08 will work in the category of these two partners in three
10:11 key areas, such as politics, economy, and cultural contacts.
10:15 In Europe, around 30,000 migrants
10:24 crossed the English Channel from France to the United Kingdom
10:27 in an irregular procedure in 2023.
10:29 UK authorities reported the number
10:31 of cross-channel migrants has fallen by more than a third
10:34 this year, the second highest since 2022, which
10:37 saw a record of 45,000 migrants.
10:40 For its part, the main labor opposition
10:43 points out that the British prime minister, Richard Sunak,
10:45 has not fulfilled his promise to stop migrant journeys,
10:48 and they denounce his migration policy as chaos.
10:51 Meanwhile, Sunak's government said
10:53 that $610 million US agreements signed with France
10:57 to prevent the crossing is beginning to bring results.
10:59 Pope Francis presided over a solemn mass
11:09 for the 57th World Day of Peace on New Year's Day.
11:12 The Supreme Continent's speech recalled with gratitude
11:15 the countless initiatives of prayer and commitment
11:18 for peace promoted by ecclesial communities on all continents
11:21 on this day.
11:23 The Bishop of Rome also referred to the conflicts taking place
11:26 in various countries of the world,
11:27 and invited all those present at the celebration
11:29 to reflect and pray unceasingly to promote
11:32 ways of peace for humanity.
11:35 The Church dedicates this first day of the year
11:37 to the Virgin Mary, and for this reason,
11:39 Pope Francis dedicated his Angelus Message
11:41 to all women and mothers, emphasizing
11:44 that in them we can find the peace that the world needs.
11:47 The world needs to look to mothers and to women
11:55 in order to find peace, to emerge
11:57 from the spiral of violence and hatred,
12:00 and once more see things with genuinely human eyes
12:03 and hearts.
12:04 Every society needs to accept the gift that is woman,
12:08 every woman, to respect, defend, and esteem woman
12:13 in the knowledge that whosoever harms a single woman
12:16 profanes God, who was born of a woman.
12:21 In the Netherlands, thousands of people
12:23 brave the wind and waves on a chilly New Year's Day
12:26 during the annual celebration of the New Year's
12:28 Druik, which translates as New Year's Plunge,
12:31 in the coastal town of Scheveningen.
12:33 For the first time since 1960, the traditional New Year's
12:36 Plunge was held at a place other than the beach
12:39 in front of the Kurhaus, as the boulevard is
12:42 under construction.
12:43 The location was 400 meters south near the building and sea
12:46 museum.
12:47 The organizers reported that this year they
12:49 had a record number of more than 65,000 participants
12:53 in various plunges all over the country.
12:55 Last year, some 50,000 people participated in 143 dives
12:59 across the country.
13:00 In this regard, locals and visitors
13:01 express their experiences with this New Year's tradition.
13:04 We have now a second short break coming up,
13:14 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
13:17 for our English-speaking audience,
13:18 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
13:21 and share the link to reach more people.
13:23 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
13:25 as well as the rest of the world.
13:27 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
13:30 Final short break, don't go away.
13:31 Welcome back to "From the South."
13:54 This January 1st, Cuba celebrated the 65th anniversary
13:57 of the triumph of the revolution with various commemorative
14:00 events.
14:01 At Santiago de Cuba's Santa Eugenia Cemetery,
14:03 the people paid homage to the revolution's historical leader,
14:06 Fidel Castro Cruz.
14:07 On the other hand, the Cuban Guard
14:09 held a ceremony to show its gratitude
14:11 to the commander-in-chief for his high contribution
14:13 to the nation's definitive independence.
14:16 The event was presided over by the members
14:18 of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party
14:20 and the governor of Santiago de Cuba.
14:22 [AUDIO OUT]
14:28 Earlier on Monday, Cuba held its traditional military ceremony
14:31 for the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the revolution,
14:34 which included the firing of 21 artillery salvos.
14:37 The detonation began at 12 AM local time on January 1st
14:42 from the San Carlos de la Cabaña Fortress,
14:44 located in the city of Havana.
14:46 As usual, the capital's population
14:48 attended the ceremony to celebrate
14:49 a new anniversary of the revolution led
14:51 by Commander Fidel Castro, a process that
14:53 made possible the beginning of a transcendental change
14:56 in the life of the Cuban people, brought the awareness
14:59 and certainty that a very difficult stage was coming,
15:02 full of new combat challenges and difficulties.
15:04 [AUDIO OUT]
15:12 And after the British ship HMS Trent
15:14 left the Atlantic coast on Sunday,
15:16 Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino
15:18 wrote on his social media ex that the Bolivarian National
15:21 Armed Forces was withdrawing its units from the Gulf of Paria,
15:24 but remained alert and vigilant in the face
15:27 of any provocation.
15:28 Padrino's message read, "Given the departure
15:30 of the British warship HMS Trent from disputed waters,
15:33 Commander-in-Chief Nicolás Maduro
15:35 has ordered to move to a new phase of the Cifontes joint
15:39 action exercise and to withdraw part of the air naval resources
15:43 to their respective bases."
15:44 Likewise, he effusively congratulated
15:46 the Bolivarian National Armed Forces personnel members
15:49 of this task force who responded to the call
15:51 to defend the homeland.
15:52 "We will remain alert and vigilant
15:54 against any provocation, while we
15:55 hope that the Aragau agreements are respected,
15:59 which today are undoubtedly a guarantee of peace
16:01 in the region."
16:02 The Finance Minister of Honduras, Rikishi Moncada,
16:12 presented on Monday her resignation
16:13 to aspire to the presidency of the republic.
16:16 Moncada made her decision known through a publication
16:19 on social media.
16:20 In this sense, current President Xiomara Castro
16:22 also announced changes in her government cabinet.
16:24 In the text, Moncada expressed her gratitude to Castro
16:27 for her commitment to the people and communicated her desire
16:31 to participate as a candidate for the presidential candidacy
16:33 for the Free Party to continue with the mission of re-foundation.
16:36 She also communicated that Mauricio Ramos
16:39 will be his running mate in the next elections at the end of 2025.
16:43 Moncada's resignation to the finance secretary
16:45 is effective as of January 1st.
16:47 Authorities in Japan reported on Tuesday
17:08 that at least 48 people were killed
17:10 in the 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck the west
17:13 coast of Japan on Monday.
17:15 According to authorities in Ishikawa Prefecture,
17:17 20 fatalities were confirmed in Susu City,
17:20 19 in Wajima City, five in Nanao, two in Anamisu,
17:25 and one in Hakui, and one in Chiga.
17:27 The previous death toll was 30 in addition to numerous injuries.
17:31 The earthquake was felt over a wide area
17:33 from Aomori Prefecture in northeastern Japan
17:36 to the Kyushu region in the southwest,
17:38 forced the suspension of bullet trains,
17:40 and knocked out power to more than 32,000 homes.
17:43 Tsunami warmings were initially issued for coastal areas
17:45 in five prefectures, but the wave did not
17:47 reach the height that was feared.
17:49 It was the strongest earthquake since records began in 1885,
17:53 according to the Japan Meteorological Agency.
17:55 The head of Guinea's ruling Junetown Monde says
18:03 a constitutional referendum will be held in 2024,
18:06 a key step toward the return of civilian rule
18:08 after seizing power in a coup.
18:10 Colonel Mamari Dumbuya, who has ruled the country
18:13 since ousting the first elected president,
18:15 announced the vote during a year-end speech late Sunday.
18:18 Although he did not give a date for the referendum,
18:20 he promised a constitution approved by the people
18:23 and which is not a copy and paste,
18:25 but a constitution that draws on the past
18:27 to build the future together.
18:29 Dumbuya also said that the state appointees will soon
18:32 be appointed to head the municipal councils, which
18:35 were elected in 2018 and whose terms end
18:38 in the first month of the year.
18:49 In the new year, a new constitution
18:51 will be put to the referendum, one that reflects us
18:54 and brings us together, a constitution approved
18:56 by the people that is not a copy and paste,
18:59 but one that draws inspiration from the past
19:02 to build our future together.
19:06 A special delegation will be set up throughout the country
19:09 to continue the considerable efforts
19:11 to restore constitutional order by organizing free, democratic,
19:15 and transparent elections from the bottom up,
19:17 in confluence with the 10 points of the transition timetable.
19:23 Like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
19:25 You can find these and many other stories
19:27 on our website at telesuryenglish.net.
19:29 Also, join us on our social medias on Facebook, X,
19:32 Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
19:34 For "Telesurye English" and with Alberto Matos,
19:36 thank you for watching.
19:45 (upbeat music)
