Philippine Population Development Plan of Action 2022-2028

  • 9 months ago
Philippine Population Development Plan of Action 2022-2028;

Alamin ang mga proyekto ng CPD para ma-empower ang pamilyang Pilipino
00:00 [Filipino Newsreel Narration]
00:27 [Music]
00:29 [Filipino Newsreel Narration]
00:58 Okay, you mentioned earlier, can you please clarify the importance of Memorandum 40 as you said earlier, that it was approved by our beloved President.
01:08 What is this?
01:09 Yes, the Memorandum Circular No. 40, Series of 2023, actually approved and mandated the implementation of the Philippine Population and Development Program or Plan of Action of our country,
01:23 which is the blueprint of our country on managing the population and its impact on socioeconomic development.
01:31 So, it lays out our strategies to ensure that our population processes and outcomes are supportive of socioeconomic development.
01:40 Sir, what are the strategies that are included in this Memorandum?
01:45 Our key strategies are, first and foremost, our aim in general is to optimize the demographic opportunity that we have right now and address the prevailing issues.
01:57 When we say demographic opportunity, this is what we see, for example, the changing age structure of our population where we are now experiencing increasing working age population.
02:07 If our country would be able to optimize the working age population and make them more productive, definitely they will contribute positively to our socioeconomic development.
02:18 We also see the decrease of young dependency, the proportion of 0 to 14 because of the more manageable, we can see that our families and women are planning on their children,
02:34 which gives them opportunity for more family development.
02:39 So, these are the opportunities that we see, but of course, there are also issues that we see such as, for example,
02:47 the number of women who are still being given birth is still high, those who are in the poor and those who are studying in rural areas are low.
02:56 And we still have an issue on teenage pregnancy that is still facing.
03:00 So, those are the issues that we are still solving.
03:04 That is why our Philippine Population and Development Plan of Action, it is based on major strategies such as the continuous promotion of our responsible parent to their family planning,
03:16 adolescent health and development, the aim is to lower teenage pregnancy, and the population and development,
03:23 to integrate it to the sectoral development concerns such as, for example, in employment, in education, in health, in environment also,
03:32 and other sectoral concerns that the population has a big factor.
03:37 What you said about your program is good regarding this, but how when it comes to implementation of the projects that you mentioned?
03:46 Because I can really see personally, the problem here is that there are a lot of children and there is no sufficient way for them to be protected, right?
03:56 So, how is the implementation of this Circular No. 40?
04:00 Actually, it calls for a whole of government and whole of society approach, this implementation of our plan of action.
04:08 That is why what we are doing in the Commission of Population and Development is we are partnering with various agencies,
04:16 especially with national government agencies such as the DOH, for example, in the provision of family planning services,
04:23 and with local government units which are the ones who are on the front line of providing family planning services.
04:30 We are also partnering with CSOs who are on the ground, with people in the organization, with each family in the community,
04:40 and development partners who are also here in our country.
04:44 So, that means, it is not only the Commission of Population and Development that is doing this and working on this, but in partnership with other institutions.
04:51 Well, you mentioned earlier the issue regarding teenage pregnancy,
04:55 although you said that there was a major decline from the 1970s to the present, right?
05:00 These issues of population increase.
05:03 But regarding the teenage pregnancy issue, how is the CPD giving support in the implementation of projects
05:11 that are related to reproductive family planning here in different regions of the country?
05:17 As I mentioned earlier, our programs are in partnership with different institutions, and in particular, our strategies in the reduction of teenage pregnancies,
05:27 we are working with local government units.
05:30 So, what we are doing is we are giving capacity building initiatives to local government units so that they can have their own programs.
05:40 We also work with schools, particularly with DepEd in the comprehensive sexuality education,
05:44 also in educating parents because we know that their role is very important in educating their adolescent children.
05:54 And also with the civil society organizations, youth organizations that also meet the needs of the youth.
06:03 So, what we do is we partner with them, we provide them the tools, for example,
06:11 and the training that they need so they can implement programs that would respond to the issue of teenage pregnancy.
06:18 Okay, sir, what is the CPD's plan for the next years based on your current initiative and project?
06:25 What we see is that all sectors are helping here, and we hope that the opportunity that we have right now,
06:36 especially on our population, would be able to be factored in in their projects and programs.
06:45 For example, the impact of population on health, education, and employment services can be put in their programs,
06:56 as well as the environment, which is really a very relevant issue nowadays, in climate change.
07:03 Because migration is also part of our population dynamics, especially rapid urbanization,
07:12 which is caused by rapid influx of migrants in urban areas.
07:16 But sir, somehow, has the mindset of the new millennials helped you?
07:21 They want to delay the birth of their children. Does this help your program, sir?
07:28 In a way, it's a factor, but it's really an emerging attitude and behavior among young people nowadays,
07:40 their preference for delayed marriage and the preference for smaller family size.
07:46 Somehow, it's an indication that they are thinking or planning their family,
07:53 but we just hope that the family formation will still become valuable to them.
08:01 Because we'd like to balance our population in the coming future,
08:06 we want to reach the point where the children don't want to have children.
08:12 For us, the overall policy of our program is still family-oriented.
08:18 We are promoting family formation, but informing family,
08:23 what we're saying is that within the demands of responsible parenthood,
08:27 and ensure the quality of life for the family.
08:29 Alright, one last message for our RSP, sir.
08:34 We are encouraging all Filipino families to continue planning their family,
08:42 because we know that if the family is planned, it will be more affected.
08:47 Alright, thank you very much, sir Lolito Tacardon, for joining us this morning.
08:52 Well, we heard good news from you.
08:55 And more power to your agency.
08:57 Once again, we are pleased to have sir Lolito Tacardon, the Deputy Executive Director, CPD.
09:03 Thank you.
09:04 Thank you very much, sir.
