Episod 396 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 13 Januari 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji M/S 113-114 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

  • 8 months ago
Episod 396 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 13 Januari 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 32-41) Halaman 113-114 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 32-41, halaman 113 hingga halaman 114. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah CEO Institut Ulama Al-Juwaini, Ustaz Syamil Esa.

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:24 In Surah Al-Ma'idah, it is explained about the character of the people of the Book among the Jews and Christians.
00:31 What is the importance of the struggle for the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and also the importance of our connection as the people of the Prophet at this time?
00:40 Let's follow in the revision of Surah Al-Ma'idah.
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01:07 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
01:12 O you who believe! Fear Allah and seek the means to Him
01:35 And strive in His cause that you may succeed
01:47 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
01:53 [Prayer]
02:06 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:08 We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfaq.
02:10 Together we want to revise two pages, page 113 and 114 of Surah Al-Ma'idah.
02:18 Today we are with the panel of Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamil Issa.
02:23 How are you Ustaz?
02:24 Alhamdulillah.
02:25 Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
02:26 Alhamdulillah Ustaz Dan and Ustaz Tormizi. How are you?
02:27 Alhamdulillah.
02:28 Today is okay, right?
02:30 Yes, we brought a lot of people.
02:31 One gang, right?
02:33 MashaAllah.
02:34 And we also want to welcome our guest today.
02:37 Ustaz Shamil, where are you from?
02:39 I am from Kuala Lumpur.
02:41 Okay.
02:42 We have guests who come from far away from Pahang, Ustaz Shamil.
02:47 And Ustaz Faz, we have guests from Jum'ah Masjid Al-Taqwa, Third Firda Triang.
02:52 From Masjid Al-Rahma, Mayam Firda.
02:55 Masjid Al-Ubudiyah, Tementi Firda.
02:58 And also Masjid Al-Hidayah, Third Firda Triang.
03:02 MashaAllah.
03:03 Don't forget our guest.
03:04 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
03:06 Walaikumussalam.
03:07 Maybe one day we will go to the mosques.
03:10 InshaAllah.
03:12 To share and meet the people there.
03:15 I am a representative of the four mosques.
03:18 And for those of you who are at home, if there is an organization mosque that wants to come,
03:24 together in the session of My Quran Time,
03:27 Amad D. Alu.
03:29 Let's start our session with the prayer,
03:31 Subhanakallah, ilmalana illa ma'allam tana innaka'n tala alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma
03:39 Let's look at the 32nd verse first,
03:43 before we move on to the 35th verse,
03:46 which was read by Al-Fatihah al-Syastawi Zizi a moment ago.
03:49 The translation is,
03:50 "For this reason, We have set forth a law for the Children of Israel,
03:54 that whoever kills another, not because he has killed another,
03:58 or not because he has committed a crime on earth,
04:01 then he has killed all men."
04:04 This is part of the translation of the 32nd verse.
04:07 And at the end there is a word,
04:10 "la musrifun",
04:12 "excessive", if it is translated here,
04:14 it is "excessive limits on earth".
04:16 If Ustaz Shamil can continue to explain what this "al-musrifun" means,
04:20 later when he talks about the Children of Israel in this verse.
04:23 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
04:25 Alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalamu 'ala Rasulillah, wa 'ala a'alihi wassalatu wassalamu 'ala jami'a ilayhi wa sallam.
04:28 Thank you, Ustaz Sass, Ustaz Tirmizi,
04:30 and all the guests who are present today.
04:33 So when we see the verse that Ustaz Faz mentioned earlier,
04:39 how Allah SWT,
04:41 this is a continuation of the story of 'Habil' and 'Qabil' before this,
04:45 and finally 'Qabil' sees his mistake,
04:49 and after that, the punishment of whoever kills is legislated,
04:54 then the heavy sin is the act of killing all humans.
04:58 So what is said at the end of the verse,
05:01 Allah SWT tells when the messengers have explained,
05:07 have brought the revelation to explain the prohibition of killing and the heavy sin of killing,
05:12 but there are still groups of people,
05:15 from the Children of Israel,
05:17 "al-musrifun", that is, exceeding the limit.
05:19 Why exceeding the limit?
05:20 Because when it has been explained to them,
05:24 the great sin is this,
05:26 and also that the soul is not only for humans,
05:31 who can do whatever they want with it.
05:35 That's why in religion,
05:36 whoever kills himself will be punished in the hereafter,
05:39 because the soul is actually owned by Allah SWT,
05:42 and it belongs to the Ummah.
05:43 When we say it belongs to the Ummah,
05:45 there is a system that needs to be maintained.
05:47 That's why when there are groups of people,
05:50 or from the Children of Israel,
05:52 who exceed the limit,
05:53 or do not follow what is given by Allah SWT to them,
05:59 they are called exceeding the limit,
06:01 because they have broken the limits,
06:04 or the limits that Allah has set,
06:08 which is the system of the community itself.
06:11 So they exceed the limit,
06:12 they kill,
06:13 they steal,
06:15 and all of that is a limit that Allah has set,
06:20 and Allah has explained,
06:21 and the Prophet has conveyed,
06:23 but they still want to,
06:25 because of their ego,
06:26 because of their greed,
06:28 because of their lust,
06:30 they still exceed the limit.
06:33 So this is the meaning of 'Lamu Srifun' in the 32nd verse,
06:37 even though it has been reminded that killing and the soul
06:41 is something that needs to be taken care of,
06:44 needs to be given attention,
06:46 and there are still people who are 'Lamu Srifun',
06:48 and this is perhaps related to what is happening now,
06:51 meaning that there are still people who exceed the limit,
06:54 even though they know that in the book,
06:57 it has been stated that the soul is very precious.
07:02 So when we talk about this,
07:04 we want to read verse 33,
07:06 in the leadership of Al-Fadl Usas and Mizi,
07:08 how the pressure from Allah SWT,
07:11 those who are 'Musrifun',
07:13 verse 33,
07:14 together with Al-Fadl Usas.
07:16 Thank you Al-Fadl Usas Fazrul, Al-Fadl Usas Shamil,
07:18 ladies and gentlemen,
07:19 ladies and gentlemen,
07:20 companions of the Qur'an,
07:21 thank you Allah SWT.
07:22 We want to read verse 33,
07:24 it is a long verse,
07:25 until it is finished, God willing.
07:27 Verse 33, let's go.
07:28 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
07:32 Verily, the reward of those who fight Allah and His Messenger,
07:45 and strive in the land for corruption, is that they be slain, or they be crucified,
08:06 or their hands be cut off, and their feet be cut off from the ground,
08:27 that is a disgrace for them in this world,
08:36 and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.
08:47 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
08:53 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
08:54 Verse 33, the punishment for those who fight Allah and His Messenger,
08:58 and strive in the land for corruption,
09:00 is that they be slain, or they be crucified,
09:02 or their hands be cut off, and their feet be cut off from the ground,
09:05 that is a disgrace for them in this world,
09:09 and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.
09:13 This is verse 33, which is related to verse 41.
09:17 At the end, there is,
09:19 and for them in the world is a disgrace, and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.
09:23 Verse 41.
09:24 Verse 33,
09:25 and for them in the world is a disgrace, and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.
09:29 It's the same, right?
09:30 It's the same, but why is it the same?
09:32 What is the connection?
09:33 That is what we want to discuss in a moment.
09:35 But we will take a break first.
09:37 By Quran Time, Quran Salat, Infa'a, Qadr Shara'ah.
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12:35 Welcome back to Quran Time, Quran Salat, Infa'a.
12:37 Together we look at pages 113 and 114 of Surah Al-Ma'idah.
12:42 Together we look at how Allah's guidance to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
12:47 to us as the people of the Prophet.
12:49 And it is read in verse 33, just a moment ago,
12:52 how the people who are given a reward,
12:55 "Yuhal ribu nallaha wa rasulah"
12:57 "Fighting Allah and His Messenger"
12:59 That is the translation, right?
13:00 Yes.
13:01 If you can explain, what does it mean, "Fighting Allah"?
13:03 How to fight Allah?
13:05 Yes.
13:06 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
13:08 When we see Allah SWT gives a use of Allah and His Messenger in the Quran,
13:16 it shows something big, something big.
13:20 So when it is mentioned in this verse,
13:22 who is really a reward for people who fight Allah and His Messenger,
13:26 it means all things that represent Allah and His Messenger,
13:32 including the Messenger, including the Muslims, including the Islamic state,
13:37 including the Islamic law.
13:39 So whoever fights all things that Allah has made lawful,
13:43 he is fighting Allah and His Messenger.
13:45 It is impossible for us to fight Allah SWT, Allah is our God.
13:48 So it is not the same at all, because this battle means there are two sides who are fighting,
13:53 who are fighting in appearance.
13:55 But this is used in the Quran as a form of a description or a metaphor.
13:59 And not in the form that we understand in terms of a part or that we can touch.
14:05 So the first is to show the greatness of the value of that sin.
14:12 And the second, if we want to see too,
14:14 how Allah SWT, when He tells about something big,
14:22 how Allah SWT represents a lot to show, to remove the barrier.
14:27 For example, in the verse of the Riba, Allah SWT says,
14:30 "If you do not stop from the riba, then allow the war from Allah and His Messenger."
14:39 While this riba is overpowering humans.
14:43 What is the connection with God?
14:44 So because of the greatness of that thing, Allah removes the barrier immediately,
14:47 because it is as if it is fighting Allah SWT.
14:50 For example, in the hadith of the Prophet SAW,
14:52 "Whoever fights my ally, my helper, then I will allow the war."
15:00 It means that Allah SWT is using a certain term to describe something big and a sin.
15:10 In another aspect, we can see the greatness of this religion.
15:14 Islam is not just a ritual or a touch that cannot be seen, touched, and held.
15:23 Therefore, when we say that Islam is a system, a state, a nation,
15:28 all these nations that follow Islam are representing the faith.
15:32 The laws represent the faith,
15:34 which is the unification of faith to Allah SWT.
15:37 Therefore, when a person or a group that fights Allah and His Messenger,
15:42 in reality, they are fighting the laws, the society,
15:47 but in reality, they are fighting Allah SWT,
15:51 because they are opposing what Allah has established.
15:54 This is the advantage of religion,
15:56 when it is not just a ritual that cannot be touched,
15:59 but there is struggle, jihad, and the building of a system,
16:03 a community that has laws.
16:05 This shows that Islam is a religion that builds the community.
16:10 It is not just building the faith and then the community itself.
16:15 No, there is a system that is being built.
16:18 And that is what is said in verse 33,
16:22 when they fight Allah and His Messenger and cause damage,
16:26 they are killed, crucified, cut off their hands and feet,
16:30 or they are banished.
16:32 Who is this done to?
16:36 This verse is directed to the group that we call 'muharib' or 'hirobah' in the Islamic faith.
16:44 'Hirobah' is a group that is rebellious.
16:48 It means that they are either rebellious or causing chaos in the country.
16:55 There are several degrees or levels of punishment
16:59 because they are in the criminal category.
17:01 There are several types of punishment.
17:03 If they kill, they are punished with murder and crucifixion.
17:08 If they steal, they are punished with murder and crucifixion.
17:12 If they kill and steal, they are punished with murder and crucifixion.
17:16 If they steal, they are punished with cut off their hands and feet.
17:19 If they cause chaos and threaten people, they are banished or they are imprisoned.
17:24 So all of these are punishments.
17:26 We understand why it is like that because we see that it is a challenge to the system of religion
17:35 that is formed or manifested through laws, countries and governments.
17:40 So that is an explanation of how the laws in the Islamic faith that we need to know
17:48 in terms of the practice of our laws, whether they have been practiced or not,
17:53 that is also a struggle because these are the laws that were revealed to the Prophet at the end of his preaching.
18:00 So the process of educating the direction of these laws is very important.
18:06 If not, we will be in a state of disquiet for 50-60 years
18:10 still speaking about laws that are not from God.
18:14 And finally people will say, "Is it necessary?"
18:17 Because these laws are not discussed or discussed and are not an agenda in our own system of government.
18:25 So speaking about these laws, Allah has stated the term of repentance in the 34th verse.
18:33 Let's read it together with the leader of Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tamiri Abdur Rahman.
18:38 Thank you Al-Fadhil Ustaz Fazrul, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Shamil, ladies and gentlemen,
18:41 ladies and gentlemen, companions of the Quran, viewers, may Allah have mercy on you.
18:45 The 34th verse we are going to read.
18:48 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
18:53 Except for those who repent before You have determined for them.
19:10 So know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
19:26 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
19:35 We seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
19:40 Except for those who repent before You have determined for them.
19:49 What does this mean, Zaid?
19:51 If he causes all these problems, then he repents and says, "Okay, I have repented."
19:58 Is this punishment not applied or how is this verse understood?
20:02 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
20:05 The meaning of this verse is to refer to those who committed the rebellion.
20:11 Until a point where they were not arrested, then they repented and returned to the loyalty to the Islamic state.
20:19 So they did not cause any disturbance, did not create a group of militants, for example, to overthrow or anything.
20:28 So if they were clearly proven that they did not cause any disturbance,
20:36 then they were not brought to justice until there was a murder.
20:42 If there was a murder or a theft of property, then it must be punished.
20:52 For example, if someone committed a murder, then they were punished.
20:54 But it was not the punishment of the robber.
20:57 The robber was killed and buried.
20:59 But if someone repented, but there was blood on his hands, then the blood must be paid.
21:05 And the property that was taken must be returned.
21:09 If they were brought to justice, then it was not released.
21:12 But if they were brought to justice and suddenly they said, "We have repented,"
21:17 then repentance was not counted because the robber was still in the sin of the rebellion.
21:24 So here we say that human rights were not ignored.
21:31 If they were in debt or something that was required to be claimed as human rights in blood and property.
21:38 So that's how we see this verse 34.
21:41 Because if it is not explained, remember if someone has committed a murder or a theft,
21:47 then they must repent.
21:48 He said in court and then the court said, "Okay, because you repented before you were arrested, then you were released."
21:55 That's not the understanding.
21:56 The understanding is that if he caused disturbance, not involving the life, not involving the property,
22:01 then it is if it is settled.
22:04 If it is settled, then there is no more disturbance, no more other plans, etc.
22:10 Then the goal has been achieved, that is, there is no or there is a military.
22:15 So that is important.
22:17 But the life and property must still be brought to the court.
22:21 And if it is brought to justice, then it is a violation of the law, the prohibition set by this religion.
22:30 So we continue with verse 35 which was read earlier.
22:35 But we read again, "A great call from Allah to the believers."
22:41 Verse 35 with Al-Fatihah of Sister Mizi.
22:43 Thank you Al-Fatihah of Fathrul, Al-Fatihah of Sister Shamil, Ibu Aya, dear viewers.
22:47 Thank you Allah SWT.
22:49 Now we move to verse 35.
22:51 We try with reading of Taranum Ras.
22:54 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
22:57 O you who believe! Fear Allah and seek the means to Him and strive in His cause.
23:26 And strive in His cause that you may succeed.
23:38 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
23:45 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
23:46 Verse 35.
23:47 O you who believe! Fear Allah and seek the means to Him and strive in His cause that you may succeed.
23:57 There are 40 times repeated the word "falaha" in the Quran.
24:00 And one of them is in verse 35 which we want to know how to succeed in this world and in the hereafter.
24:07 We take a break.
24:08 We come to Quran Time.
24:09 Quran, Salat, Infah.
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27:07 We are back in My Quran Time.
27:08 Quran, Salat, Infah.
27:09 We are together to see and re-study pages 113 and 114.
27:14 We hope that we are clear that in the law of the country, there is a guidance line that Allah has explained in Surah Al-Ma'idah.
27:23 And this is a guidance for the Prophet, peace be upon him, his companions and all of us who want to be a nation of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
27:32 And while we were reading, "O you who believe, fear Allah and seek the means to His way."
27:42 What does "Al-Wasilah" mean in this verse?
27:45 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
27:47 "Wasilah" in Arabic means "road".
27:51 Road that leads to the destination.
27:54 So when it is in Arabic.
27:57 And one of the terms used by the Prophet, peace be upon him, means that this "Wasilah" is the highest rank in heaven.
28:06 The highest station in heaven.
28:08 That is why the Prophet, peace be upon him, in the hadith about the answer to the call to prayer,
28:10 "Tumma salullahalil wasilah"
28:12 Then he asked Allah, "For me to get "Wasilah", which is the highest station in heaven."
28:18 So in this verse, the context is more to show that "Wasilah" means good deeds.
28:24 All the ways that lead to righteousness.
28:27 That is why this verse is important.
28:29 Because this verse shows how practical the religion of Islam is.
28:33 How Islam, when it is about faith, must be combined with good deeds.
28:38 "Innaladhina amanu wa'amilus salihat."
28:41 "Innaladhina amanu wa'amilus salihat."
28:43 "Walladhina amanu wa'amilus salihat."
28:45 So all of that, he cannot believe in it alone.
28:48 The perfection of faith is with good deeds.
28:51 Good deeds are the path to prove that faith.
28:56 That is why when this verse is said,
28:58 "O you who believe, fear Allah and seek the path to that fear."
29:05 The path is good deeds, all of them are in a good way.
29:09 And also, if we can say, all of the ways that lead to that path.
29:13 Including in the recitation of the Quran.
29:15 Including attending the gatherings of knowledge.
29:17 Teaching and so on.
29:19 Learning the knowledge of Shara'ah and so on.
29:21 So this is something that we said earlier, how practical the religion of Islam is.
29:26 And shows how big the value of fear must be explained in our lives.
29:33 That is why when Allah SWT says in another surah,
29:37 "Innaha zi tazkiruhu, fa man insya'a itta khawla ila rabbi isa bi'lah."
29:41 "Whosoever desires," this is a reminder.
29:44 Whoever desires this reminder, he must seek the path.
29:48 Seek the path to God.
29:50 Not to follow someone else.
29:52 That is why in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW,
29:54 "Laisal imanu bittamanni wala bittahalli wa innama waqma waqara filqalbi wasadaqahul amal."
30:00 Faith is not just following someone else.
30:02 Not just by being a decoration.
30:04 But faith is what is in our hearts and is justified by good deeds.
30:10 That is why we can say that wasilah is a form of understanding.
30:15 So when you talk about wasilah,
30:17 some people say that wasilah is like a medium.
30:21 An intermediary.
30:22 So there is an intermediary, there must be a sheikh
30:25 to make sure that he can go to Allah more.
30:32 So we can see that wasilah is an intermediary.
30:55 So we can see that wasilah is an intermediary.
30:57 So we can see that wasilah is an intermediary.
31:01 First, we put that between humans and God,
31:04 there is nothing that prevents us from meeting Allah.
31:06 Except for ignorance.
31:08 So there is nothing that prevents us from meeting Allah,
31:11 learning or knowing Allah.
31:13 Except for ignorance.
31:14 So whatever increases the ignorance,
31:17 it is a form of wasilah that is legitimate.
31:19 For example, the one that increases ignorance is the Prophet.
31:21 The Prophet is our path to God.
31:23 Because we don't know God.
31:25 The one that can introduce us to God is the Prophet.
31:28 So what this means is that if we say sheikh or guru,
31:32 because a guru introduces us to God,
31:34 not a guru.
31:37 So the task of a sheikh or a murabbi,
31:39 or a hartar,
31:41 is to bring us to Allah.
31:43 So the rise of prayer is when there is no intermediary
31:46 from a creature to Allah.
31:50 And if this is in connection with the Prophet,
31:54 in connection with a creature,
31:56 in connection with something,
31:57 then that is a discussion that is not sure if it is appropriate here or not.
32:00 But it is enough that we go where we agree that
32:02 we can ask Allah SWT,
32:04 by using our good deeds,
32:07 that is ittifak.
32:08 And also we can ask people to pray for us.
32:12 That is a form of connection.
32:14 We ask, please pray for me,
32:15 like the Prophet SAW asked Omar to pray when he went to Umrah.
32:18 And there are also views that say
32:20 we can ask Allah SWT
32:23 and use the nobility of the Prophet SAW,
32:28 the greatness of the miracle of the Prophet SAW,
32:30 or the high value of the Prophet SAW,
32:32 for us to be brought to Allah SWT.
32:36 Besides that,
32:37 maybe we say that is a long discussion,
32:39 there are additions and rejections that we can discuss.
32:43 Thank you,
32:44 said to Ustaz Shamil.
32:45 So it means our deeds,
32:47 or we ask people to pray for us,
32:50 that is a medium,
32:52 because it is not us who do it,
32:53 it is other people who do it,
32:54 who pray for us.
32:55 But it also hopes that
32:57 it will bring us closer to Allah,
32:59 and of course the prayer of a righteous child is known.
33:02 In the hadith,
33:04 the mother and father may be surprised
33:07 when they reach the hereafter,
33:08 because apparently the prayer of forgiveness from the child
33:12 is very much at the moment
33:15 when the mother and father are still alive,
33:17 or have passed away.
33:19 So this is the understanding of wasilah,
33:21 which we need to search for,
33:23 and it is certain that when Ustaz touched on the prayer after the azan,
33:28 we pray to the Prophet to be given wasilah.
33:32 So maybe Ustaz can touch on this a little,
33:34 why do we pray to Allah
33:37 so that the Prophet is given wasilah,
33:39 the nobility of Allah itself?
33:40 Actually,
33:41 that is the way the Prophet taught us to repay the service.
33:44 That is why we always recite salawat and perform the prayer.
33:47 Although the Prophet had a high status on the side of Allah,
33:51 but among the signs of our loyalty to the Prophet Muhammad,
33:57 we always pray,
33:59 because the rank has no end.
34:02 Therefore, the Prophet, even though he has passed away,
34:04 his rank always increased,
34:06 and so the salawat and ummah to the Prophet,
34:09 finally increased the rank of the Prophet himself,
34:12 and also gave us rewards.
34:14 So our request to the Prophet is not a simple request.
34:17 First, we ourselves are the recipients of rewards,
34:19 and second, we ourselves give a service to the Prophet.
34:24 That is how we serve the Prophet Muhammad,
34:26 because what other way is there?
34:28 Right?
34:29 Pray,
34:30 fight,
34:31 and among all of these is to recite salawat and ask Allah to increase the rank of the Prophet Muhammad.
34:35 Because every salawat we recite to the Prophet,
34:38 the Prophet knows who recites salawat to him.
34:41 Whoever always prays to him,
34:43 all of these are a form of loyalty,
34:47 and also how we appreciate the service and contribution of the Prophet Muhammad.
34:52 So that is the explanation,
34:53 if we always recite salawat after the azan,
34:56 sometimes we hear on TV,
34:58 there is wasi,
34:59 fardi,
35:00 apparently,
35:01 that is a sign that we want to appreciate.
35:04 If we love our parents,
35:06 we pray as a form of appreciation,
35:08 we want to repay them,
35:09 like our parents,
35:11 we cannot repay them.
35:12 So, with prayer,
35:13 and prayer to the Prophet,
35:15 with salawat,
35:16 is one of the ways to get closer to Allah SWT.
35:24 So, let us continue together,
35:27 by looking at page 114,
35:30 verse 37.
35:32 One reminder,
35:35 a warning from Allah,
35:36 we will recite together,
35:37 Al-Fadilus Sastangh Bizi.
35:39 Thank you Al-Fadilus Fadilus Al-Fadilul,
35:40 Al-Fadilus Al-Shamil,
35:41 ladies and gentlemen,
35:42 and ladies and gentlemen,
35:43 we are now in page 114,
35:48 we will recite the verse at the top,
35:50 verse 37,
35:51 we will try with Taranum Ras,
35:56 the answer,
35:57 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
35:58 [Quran Recitation]
36:01 [Quran Recitation]
36:30 [Quran Recitation]
36:51 May Allah bless you,
36:52 we have recited verse 37,
36:54 they want to leave hell,
36:56 but they will not be able to leave it,
36:58 because of the torment that remains.
37:01 This verse,
37:02 verse 37,
37:03 if we read verse 37,
37:05 we may misunderstand,
37:08 as it was misunderstood by the people before,
37:11 but who are they,
37:13 that are mentioned in this verse,
37:15 we will take a break,
37:16 we will be back again,
37:17 in the time of the Quran.
37:29 [Quran Recitation]
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41:00 [Music]
41:09 Shafaz,
41:10 I was looking for you,
41:11 I was about to continue.
41:12 Oh, Masha'Allah.
41:13 I was remembering,
41:14 how the struggle of the Prophet,
41:16 when in the verse 32,
41:21 in Surah 13,
41:22 he was trying to face
41:24 their group of Musrifun,
41:26 or the ones who were in the battle,
41:28 the ones who were trying to fight Allah and the Messenger,
41:31 but the Prophet still continued,
41:33 continued to move on.
41:35 And in the verse 37,
41:38 it was mentioned about
41:39 'Azabun Muqim',
41:41 usually in the Quran,
41:42 we find 'Azabun Azim',
41:44 'Azabun Muhin',
41:45 but what does 'Muqim' mean?
41:47 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
41:49 'Muqim' from the meaning of 'Aqama',
41:53 which means 'continue'.
41:55 So when we say we are 'Muqim',
41:57 it means we are still there,
41:59 against the 'Musafir',
42:00 which means always moving on.
42:03 So, in the context of this verse,
42:06 first of all,
42:07 this verse tells about the 'Kafir',
42:09 because this verse shows
42:11 that the person is trying to get out of hell,
42:13 but he is not allowed to get out,
42:15 and he gets 'Azabun Muqim',
42:17 'Azabun' that remains there,
42:19 which means it remains,
42:20 it is still,
42:21 it is not removed,
42:23 it is not lost,
42:25 and it cannot be removed.
42:27 That is why we say it is specific for 'Kafir',
42:29 because a believer,
42:31 if his sins are beyond his capacity,
42:33 he will enter hell at a certain time,
42:37 and the one who will save him is the one who is 'Ketauhidan',
42:39 or the one who is 'Keimanan',
42:41 who will get him out of hell.
42:43 So he does not get 'Azabun Muqim',
42:45 he gets 'Azabun Alim',
42:47 'Azabun Muhin',
42:48 'Azabun Azim',
42:49 or 'Azabun Besar',
42:50 'Azabun Hina',
42:51 'Azabun Perib',
42:52 but it is not permanent.
42:54 So this verse,
42:55 we can see the context is in accordance with the previous verse.
42:58 In verse 36, which shows the 'Kafir'
43:00 if given everything on this earth,
43:04 and also,
43:05 once what is given,
43:08 he will try to
43:10 get through it with all the wealth.
43:13 And that is what is mentioned in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW,
43:15 when a person from hell,
43:17 is put into hell,
43:19 and he is 'Azab',
43:20 and Allah SWT asks the person from hell,
43:22 "What is your view on this place of your residence?"
43:24 He will say, "It is the worst place of residence."
43:26 Then Allah SWT says,
43:28 "What if you can get through with
43:31 the size of this earth,
43:33 the size of this earth of gold,
43:35 can you get through?"
43:37 He will say, "Of course, I can get through.
43:39 If I am there, I will get through."
43:41 Then Allah SWT says, "You are a liar.
43:43 While in this world, I have asked for lower than the world of gold.
43:47 I only ask that you follow the words of Tawheed.
43:50 That is all you can do,
43:52 what else if there are more than that."
43:54 So, this verse, this context of muqtim,
43:56 shows to the non-believers
43:58 who want to get out of hell.
44:01 As if they have a scene that we can imagine,
44:03 looking for a way out,
44:05 but they cannot get out.
44:07 And this verse is one of the verses
44:09 that shows that scene,
44:11 or the situation that scares them.
44:13 So, that is what we understand,
44:16 or what we are told,
44:18 the term, 'adabu muqim',
44:20 the muqim punishment.
44:22 It means that it is stuck there,
44:24 but this is not for the believers.
44:26 And we are grateful,
44:28 there is faith that we need to strive for,
44:30 that we need to fight for,
44:32 because we have mistakes,
44:34 that we hope to continue to repent,
44:36 that we hope to continue to clean up.
44:38 But if there is even a little,
44:40 we do not want it,
44:42 not even a second,
44:44 and we ask Allah,
44:46 Allah protects us every day.
44:48 "Wa qina adha adha banal."
44:50 So, talking about repentance,
44:52 we have discussed in verse 34,
44:54 but in verse 39, it appears again,
44:56 after talking about the law,
44:58 "Asar ikutawasalkah",
45:00 the theft of a woman's man.
45:02 There is repentance,
45:04 maybe in this short time,
45:06 why is repentance repeated again
45:08 In the repentance,
45:10 in verse 39,
45:12 it means that this shows that
45:14 Allah SWT is very accepting of repentance,
45:17 and also shows that Islam is not a religion
45:19 that wants to punish people.
45:21 It just wants to punish.
45:23 Because there is always a way out
45:25 for a person who makes a mistake.
45:27 Even though they have been punished,
45:30 say in this case, cut off their hands.
45:32 But that does not mean that
45:34 they have no hope of living.
45:36 Allah SWT still promises
45:38 to those who repent,
45:40 Allah will still accept their repentance.
45:42 And they can be among the people of heaven,
45:44 who can enter heaven without any worries.
45:46 And some companions were also kidnapped
45:48 and cut off their hands.
45:50 Then the companions entered heaven.
45:52 So that's what we say,
45:54 actually this religion is not the purpose
45:56 of punishing, cutting off hands,
45:58 killing people, etc.
46:00 The purpose is to give public order.
46:02 That's all it has.
46:04 To give people a place to live in Islam,
46:06 in a peaceful state,
46:08 with a safe life,
46:10 with a safe property,
46:12 with a safe fate.
46:14 All of this is to provide a conducive medium
46:16 for a society that embraces Islam.
46:18 So that is the actual role of repentance.
46:20 To bring security to a country,
46:22 and to anyone who does not want it.
46:24 A country that is safe,
46:26 with a safe life,
46:28 with a safe property,
46:30 and this repetitive term
46:32 is a different place.
46:34 Because repentance is expensive,
46:36 it is expensive for us in this world,
46:38 and when we reach the hereafter.
46:40 We pray to Allah SWT,
46:42 so that we understand that
46:44 we always need to return
46:46 to Allah SWT.
46:48 Because that is the way
46:50 to get closer,
46:52 and Allah will continue to forgive
46:54 and love us.
46:56 We pray at the end with Fadhil Ustaz Shamil.
46:58 (Reciting)
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47:52 (Reciting)
47:54 (Reciting)
47:56 (Reciting)
47:58 Ameen, Ameen.
48:00 May Allah accept our prayers today.
48:02 And I would like to thank Fadhil Ustaz Shamil
48:04 for explaining
48:06 some beautiful verses
48:08 which hopefully
48:10 give hope.
48:12 While talking about the laws,
48:14 about the limits of the world,
48:16 we are provided
48:18 with the understanding
48:20 that Allah is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
48:22 And Allah gave
48:24 these rules for
48:26 security, not to
48:28 make this country
48:30 more vulnerable to the revelation of the Quran.
48:32 This is what we want to fight for
48:34 in the movement of the Quran.
48:36 The opportunity to contribute and also
48:38 to connect the numbers in the channel.
48:40 How we want, even though we have heard
48:42 once, but we want to repeat
48:44 these verses and spread
48:46 in each location. Many
48:48 do not know the content of this content
48:50 so much that they feel that the discussion
48:52 about the laws is fierce.
48:54 Whereas in fact, there are many
48:56 commandments that Allah has delivered
48:58 and it needs to return to
49:00 the Quran itself. So, God willing,
49:02 we will meet again in a new verse,
49:04 a new episode, in the
49:06 upcoming episode of Quran Time,
49:08 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:10 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:12 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:14 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:16 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:18 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:20 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:22 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:24 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:26 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:28 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:30 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:32 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:34 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:36 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:38 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:40 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:42 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:44 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:46 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:48 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:50 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:52 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:54 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:56 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
49:58 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:00 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:02 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:04 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:06 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:08 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:10 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:12 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:14 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:16 Quran Salat, Inshallah.
50:18 [Music]
50:32 [Music]
