• last year
A vigil is being held on the steps of South Australia's parliament house in memory of the women who died in violent circumstances in the past year.


00:00 More than 100 supporters have gathered here on the steps of Parliament, as you can see
00:06 behind me, to pay tribute to victims of gender-based violence right across Australia.
00:11 Now this event is being held by Pay Our Respects, the Adelaide branch, and what they're doing
00:15 is, this is actually their sixth annual event.
00:18 So it's been described as a call to action to reduce the death toll of victims of gender-based
00:23 violence, which we know last year was 71 women, and that is basically one woman every five
00:29 days, which is six more than the previous year.
00:32 Now domestic violence isn't just a huge issue nationally, we know last year in South Australia,
00:37 four women in the space of seven days were allegedly killed in gender-based violence,
00:41 which prompted a huge response from the community, and even brought calls for a Royal Commission.
00:47 Now at today's rally we spoke to the organisers and ministers, and here's what they had to
00:51 say.
00:53 We need the whole of our community to realise that they all need to be involved to make
00:59 a difference.
01:00 We can't just rely on governments, we can't just rely on funding from governments, we
01:05 need everybody working together.
01:07 Women who were sisters, mothers, wives, aunties, daughters, colleagues, who were part of our
01:13 community, we are absolutely devastated, and devastated by the fact that their deaths were
01:19 preventable.
01:21 It's clear as a community that we're not doing enough to eradicate domestic violence.
01:26 I think a lot of us were hopeful that we were making progress.
01:30 It's clear that more needs to be done, and that's why we've supported a Royal Commission,
01:34 so that a Royal Commission can examine all of the gaps.
01:40 Now David, the government has announced that they will hold a Royal Commission, and the
01:44 decision on what will be reviewed and the terms of reference, and the elected Royal
01:48 Commissioner is expected to be announced in coming weeks.
