How Adam Would Book... Royal Rumble 2023

  • 7 months ago
How Adam Would Book... Royal Rumble 2023
Cody? Dwayne? Or Sami?

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00:00 Happy New Year everyone!
00:02 Now for some, the new year means a new star, new goals, new ambitions, new hair, new dreams
00:08 of a better era in professional wrestling.
00:11 Will the company be sold?
00:12 Will Vince snatch back creative control?
00:15 And what of Cedric Alexander?
00:17 One certainty we can look forward to is that the Royal Rumble is very, very soon.
00:22 As of this recording, I'm recording this on Friday the 20th of January, so it's coming
00:27 out very soon before the Rumble, so it's going to age immediately.
00:30 Also, if anything changes between now and the Rumble, like a Raw sex number for example,
00:36 if Trips is still at the creative helm, who knows?
00:39 But if he is, this will mean it's his first Royal Rumble.
00:42 Ooh Paul!
00:43 But what would January be without me sticking my oar in and saying how I think the Rumble
00:48 should go?
00:49 And hey, I can confidently say that my fantasy booking video last year was better than what
00:52 happened in the actual match.
00:54 Course it f***ing was.
00:55 I didn't book f***ing that.
00:58 Can I go back to back two years in a row?
01:00 Let me have a go.
01:06 So a bit of backstory first.
01:08 I know, everyone's favourite bit about a Rumble booking.
01:10 At Raw Sex Number, all generations of the bloodline celebrate the Tribal Chief.
01:15 Despite everything Roman's been saying, the Sami chants have been getting to Roman, so
01:20 he tells Sami to stay behind and not be part of the ceremony.
01:25 Just for blood.
01:26 This will obviously get Sami Zayn chants, which Reigns plays up being annoyed by.
01:31 It derails the segment.
01:33 Roman brings Sami out in front of everyone, rips off his shirt.
01:36 But this time, no.
01:38 No Sami.
01:39 It's for real.
01:40 The Usos beg off the Tribal Chief.
01:42 Everyone else in the Anoahi family is in the ring apart from one person.
01:45 You know the person I mean.
01:46 Rikishi's there.
01:47 Afasika, Samu, Manu.
01:49 Roman tells Sami to look around.
01:50 What is the problem with this picture?
01:52 He tells Sami to get on his knees and acknowledge him.
01:55 Not in that way.
01:56 Grow up.
01:57 Roman says "I am the leader of this family.
01:58 I am the head of the table.
02:00 I am the Tribal Chief."
02:02 Sami is humiliated and looks to comply when out comes "If you smell…"
02:08 The Rock comes out, cleans house, declares himself for the Royal Rumble.
02:12 I know, right?
02:14 Another Royal Rumble surprise announced ahead of time.
02:17 But hear me out.
02:18 We're at the Rumble pay-per-view itself.
02:20 The Usos retain their tag straps over Drew McIntyre and Sheamus.
02:23 Roman beats Kevin Owens via Uso interference, but Sami Zayn noticeably hesitates and doesn't
02:29 attack his friend.
02:30 He doesn't save his friend, but he doesn't attack his friend either.
02:33 Roman calls a meeting of the Bloodline backstage before the Rumble without Sami.
02:37 He needs everyone on peak performance to stop The Rock from getting to WrestleMania.
02:43 He says he's spoken to the higher ups and tonight he's taking care of his boys.
02:48 Where Sami asks Jimmy Uso "I have taken care of my boys" replies Roman.
02:55 Tonight my right hand man gets his shot.
02:59 It's you, J. Tonight is your night, Uso.
03:02 You've been here the entire run.
03:04 You've been with me from the beginning, kind of.
03:06 At WrestleMania you will get what you're owed because unlike some you have never used
03:10 the Bloodline to get yourself over the Bloodline.
03:14 Then leave the locker room and from behind a door appears Sami Zayn.
03:18 Looking sad.
03:19 How much has he hurt?
03:20 We start the Rumble with number one, a man who's just about as reliable a big match
03:24 performer as Shawn Michaels in the Shawn Michaels spot.
03:28 Number one, it's Seth Freak.
03:33 It's Seth Rollins.
03:34 Am I contractually obligated to call him Seth Freakin' Rollins?
03:37 Because shan't.
03:38 Seth and his weird dyed blonde hair.
03:41 And honestly, who would have dyed blonde hair in their 30s?
03:44 Grow the fuck up.
03:45 Seth stands in the ring laughing, cackling, hooting, pointing at his watch saying "ask
03:51 the man I can go all night".
03:55 Suddenly the lights go out.
03:57 Wrestling has more than one royal family.
04:00 Number two, Cody Rhodes.
04:02 They've announced him so might as well get the surprise return out of the way.
04:07 And honestly, which two wrestlers have the most "destined to do this forever" energy
04:11 in the company?
04:12 It's Seth and Cody.
04:13 Seth looks very sheepish.
04:14 He's had a bit of a change of heart since Hell in a Cell, but even so, he's the one
04:18 who put Cody on the shelf.
04:20 He's the one who held a kendo stick to his fucking boob.
04:23 Seth extends a hand to Cody in the middle of the ring.
04:26 Let bygones be bygones.
04:28 Cody also extends his hand and then slaps Seth in the face and they go off on each other.
04:34 Cody goes for the crossroads.
04:35 Seth slips away.
04:37 Seth goes for the curb stomp.
04:38 Cody slips away.
04:39 They do the thing where it's like "oh move move move move move".
04:43 Stand.
04:44 Look at each other.
04:45 Oh, oh the royal rumble.
04:46 Number three, Ricochet.
04:48 Hurrah for flips.
04:49 Pretty Ricky is riding a little higher these days in WWE under the kindly watch of Saint
04:54 Paul.
04:55 So instead of getting immediately munched by the two certified main eventers, we get some
04:58 nice sequences of flippy the bushkanger moves.
05:01 For example, Ricochet being thrown towards the ropes, landing on the top rope, turning,
05:05 stepping over Cody's shoulders to hurricanrana Rollins.
05:08 It's just a little thing.
05:09 It's just a little thing.
05:10 Number four, Shinsuke Nakamura.
05:12 A kinshasa for everyone.
05:14 Shinsuke kicks Seth in the stomach who goes on all fours.
05:17 Shinsuke then steps, jumps off Rollins' back to kinshasa Cody in midair.
05:21 Ricochet goes for a moonsault off the middle rope and Shinsuke kinshasas him upside down
05:25 in midair.
05:26 Number five, Santos Escobar.
05:28 He arrives with Legado del Fantasma flanking him.
05:31 Him and Ricochet get into it.
05:32 That harks back to their World Cup final a little while ago.
05:35 Ricochet throws Santos over the ropes, super kicks him.
05:38 Santos falls back into Legado del Fantasma who catch him and push him back onto the apron.
05:43 He grabs Ricochet, suplexes him to the outside, but Ricochet also lands on Legado del Fantasma,
05:49 steps up onto their shoulders and runs back onto the apron.
05:52 Ricky and Santos duel on the apron.
05:54 Trading blows as the buzzer goes off and in comes number six, Kofi Kingston.
05:59 After Santos has flukily escaped elimination and Ricochet has flukily escaped elimination,
06:05 out comes the master of such things, Kofi.
06:08 He runs up to Ricochet and Santos and pushes both of them off the apron.
06:13 They both jump from the apron to the barricade and cling onto it, Spider-Man style.
06:18 Kofi applauds.
06:19 Cody then hauls Kofi over the ropes.
06:22 He hits him.
06:23 Kofi then jumps onto the barricade and he is there, clinging on as well, between Ricochet
06:28 and Santos.
06:29 All three men cling to the barricade for dear life.
06:32 They slowly scramble up so they're standing on the barricade.
06:35 Kofi is in the middle.
06:37 Santos and Ricochet each kick one of Kofi's legs out from under him.
06:40 Kofi then falls to the floor but lands on his back with his feet in the air.
06:46 Right then, I'm going to act this out, then he kicks the barricade.
06:51 Ow, my f***ing ow.
06:53 He then kicks the barricade which shifts, dropping Santos and Ricochet also to the floor.
06:59 They land also like they're presenting or like seeing their OBGYN.
07:04 They're all like that.
07:06 Then they backflip, right?
07:09 Please don't let this be a gif.
07:10 They backflip, you know like Charlotte does when she gets into the ring.
07:14 She sort of like rolls up, pushes up and then kind of like stands up.
07:18 They roll backwards, push up so that their legs are on the apron and then they can pull
07:24 themselves up into the ring to do a triple fluky save from elimination.
07:30 Bloody hell, I'm knackered now and I really regret how much of that you saw.
07:38 Make that look good, Rich, please.
07:40 Number seven, Tajiri.
07:42 Nostalgia pop time.
07:44 We know from the Cruiserweight Classic that Tajiri's still got it.
07:52 He arrives, he kicks Cody, he kicks Seth, kicks Kofi, kicks Santos, wraps Ricochet up
07:57 in the tarantula, then comes face to face with Shinsuke Nakamura.
08:01 They have a sequence built chiefly around kicks and where those kicks should go, i.e.
08:06 face and head.
08:07 Both men kick each other and fall as the buzzer reaches down to zero.
08:11 Number eight, the Great Muta.
08:13 The retirement tour continues with the Great Muta making his first and only appearance
08:17 in a WWE ring.
08:19 Little quid pro quo for Noah, you can have Shinsuke, but then we get to act like being
08:23 in the Royal Rumble with a lifelong ambition of the Great Muta.
08:27 He's one of the most influential Japanese wrestlers of all time.
08:30 Rich likes Japanese wrestling.
08:31 Rich, what do you think of the Great Muta?
08:33 Delightful.
08:34 He and Tajiri and Nakamura mix it up, of course.
08:38 Muta ducks as Tajiri spits his green mist, blinding Nakamura.
08:42 Muta then hits Tajiri with his own green mist, as he invented it.
08:45 He grabs both Tajiri and Nakamura and eliminates both men before soaking up his hopefully very
08:51 big pop.
08:52 He will need it, because number nine is Gunther.
08:55 Entering at number nine, it's...
08:59 Oh, stupid time for everyone to die.
09:04 Gunther stands face to face with the Great Muta and they chop the living shit out of
09:08 each other.
09:09 Gunther eliminates Muta, kicks Santos full in the face, eliminates him too.
09:13 Ricochet jumps on the ropes to springboard in, but a chop sends Ricky sprawling to the
09:19 outside.
09:20 Cody and Seth both eat chops, but join forces to try and double suplex Gunther, but he in
09:25 fact suplexes both of them.
09:27 Number 10, Xavier Woods.
09:29 Xavier enters and him, Kofi, Cody and Seth try to team up and eliminate Gunther, but
09:35 he chops each of them away.
09:38 Get the fuck away from me.
09:39 Kofi runs at Gunther, he throws Kofi out of the ring.
09:43 Kofi lands on his back, feet up in the air.
09:45 I'm not doing it again.
09:46 Gunther then picks up Xavier and throws him out of the ring onto Kofi, and then the two
09:52 of them are eliminated.
09:53 Gunther then hits Seth with a big boot, Cody with a clothesline.
09:57 Gunther stands tall, alone in the ring, as enters number 11, Omos.
10:03 Two giants standing toe to toe and Gunther just clobbers the fucking shit out of them.
10:07 He clobbers the fucking shit out of him.
10:09 He kicks him full in the face, then picks him up like Cesaro picked up the Big Show
10:12 at WrestleMania 30, and just dumps Omos out of the ring.
10:16 And yes, those observant of you remember, I booked this in my last year's video, but
10:20 they didn't fucking do it.
10:21 They're doing it this time.
10:22 Why?
10:23 Because Gunther's the fucking best, that's why.
10:25 Cody and Seth try to double suplex Gunther again, but no.
10:28 Chop, chop, number 12, Braun.
10:33 Braun walks up to the ring, he then looks up at Gunther, but decides to run around the
10:37 ring and do his choo-choo thing to Cody and Seth.
10:41 He then picks up both men, looks Gunther straight in the eye, slams both men to the mat.
10:46 Then he slowly steps into the ring, stands chest to chest with Gunther.
10:50 The buzzer sounds, out comes number 13, Dominic Mysterio.
10:56 Dominic enters looking like all the characters from GTA San Andreas all rolled into one,
11:01 steps into the ring with both Gunther and Braun Strowman, thugging it big school.
11:06 Remember that old prison mentality, on your first day walk up to the biggest guy in the
11:09 yard and deck him.
11:10 Dom slaps Gunther, he then slaps Braun Strowman, who then look at each other and take it in
11:17 turns wrecking his crash.
11:19 Chops from Gunther, running power slam from Braun Strowman, they throw him around until
11:24 out comes number 14, Rey Mysterio.
11:28 Rey runs in and shields his son, he kneels down next to Dominic and he begs both giants
11:33 to please, please leave him alone.
11:36 Commentary plays up the fact that sure, Dom and Rey have been getting into it recently,
11:39 but Rey is still Dominic's father and he's still Rey's son.
11:43 Rey helps Dominic to his feet and then eliminates him from the Royal Rumble.
11:49 On one hand, a concerned father removing his son from a dangerous situation.
11:53 On the other, an annoyed dad disciplining his annoying son.
11:57 Both work.
11:58 Rey then uses his speed to escape Gunther and Braun who grapple with each other and
12:03 their grappling leans them on the ropes as Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins rush in and heave
12:08 both men out of the ring.
12:10 Seth once again offers Cody his hand in reconciliation.
12:14 Once again, Cody rebukes him.
12:18 Out comes number 15, Sami Zayn.
12:21 So we're halfway through the Rumble, Act 1 is more or less over, time for Act 2.
12:25 That begins with Sami Zayn making his way down to the ring, the only member of the Bloodline
12:30 so far, pretty much on his own.
12:33 He runs down, mixes it up with Seth, Cody, Rey Mysterio, reminding everyone that oh yeah,
12:38 Sami Zayn is really good at this.
12:41 16, Finn Balor.
12:43 Out comes the leader of the Judgment Day riding Damian Priest like a BDSM pony.
12:48 It's Leather Dad and all-round dicked gentleman Finn Balor, the swashfuckling Dread Pirate
12:54 Nobberts of WWE.
12:56 Sling blades for all as Rhea comes down to the ring as well, pulling Dominic like a pouting
13:00 shark.
13:01 Come on Dominic.
13:02 Dominic come on.
13:03 17, Damian Priest.
13:05 At the sound of the buzzer, Priest slides into the ring and joins Finn in brutalising Rey
13:11 Mysterio, making exhibition out of him.
13:13 Rhea even gets into the ring to lay the boots in.
13:15 Finn Balor picks Rey Mysterio up, throws him out of the ring to eliminate him.
13:19 Rhea picks Rey up on the outside, throws him back into the ring.
13:22 Damian Priest then gets a turn eliminating Rey Mysterio.
13:25 Finally, Rhea Ripley gets into the ring, picks up Rey, throws him out of the ring and of
13:30 course Dominic gets a turn eliminating his dad as the Judgment Day pose in the ring.
13:35 Out comes number 18, The Miz.
13:37 The Miz comes down to the ring with Bronson Reed and instead of getting in the ring says
13:41 actually I need some time to strategise with Bronson and just remains on the outside.
13:46 Judgment Day are in the ring hitting their finishes on everyone as commentary plays up
13:49 how this may be the first time ever that two people from the same faction win the Royal
13:53 Rumble in the same year.
13:54 Rhea of course won the Women's Royal Rumble earlier in the night.
13:57 Out comes number 19, Edge.
14:00 On this day he sees clearly, remembering very vividly the Judgment Day pretty much killed
14:06 his wife at Extreme Rules and now it's time for everyone to die.
14:10 Edge spears Dominic, spears Priest, spears Finn Balor.
14:14 Rhea taunts him, what are you going to do?
14:16 Edge spears Rhea Ripley.
14:18 He throws out Damian Priest.
14:19 He throws out Finn Balor.
14:21 He throws out everyone of the Judgment Day.
14:23 Edge then spears Seth Rollins for good measure, because he never forgets and he's pissed.
14:28 Number 20, WABUDO!
14:31 Out comes John Cena.
14:33 He runs down to the ring, stops, grabs The Miz, throws him into the ring where he meets
14:38 a spear from Edge.
14:39 Then Cena and Edge stand face to face for that old rivals meeting again part.
14:44 Gosh it's like 2006 all over again.
14:48 That was 17 years ago.
14:52 Both men trade blows before Miz sneaks up behind Edge and gives him the skull crushing
14:56 finale and Bronson Reed hits him with the Tsunami.
14:58 Miz tells Reed to go up top for the same on Cena, but Cena picks up Miz, plants him with
15:03 the AA, grabs Reed off the top rope and AAs him onto The Miz.
15:08 Cena eliminates The Miz.
15:10 Out comes number 21, Austin Theory.
15:13 Austin Theory and John Cena finally stand face to face in an official match.
15:17 Theory shouts "Ruthless Aggression" into Cena's face and smacks him as hard as he
15:22 can.
15:23 The two go at it, trade encounters before Theory hits Cena with a town down.
15:26 Edge spears Theory for Edge and Seth, then get into it with Cody, actually saving Rollins
15:32 from elimination.
15:34 Hitting Edge with a crossroad, then Sami Zayn hits Edge with a Huluva Kick, sending Edge
15:39 over the top rope.
15:40 Sami Zayn eliminates Edge.
15:42 Out comes number 22, Logan Paul.
15:46 Returning early from injury, what thankfully turned out to be less serious than initially
15:48 thought is the man who is annoyingly really good at wrestling, Logan Paul.
15:53 He flips into the ring and hits Cody and Seth with a double buckshot lariat because, and
15:57 it f***ing appalls me to say it, he has the best one in wrestling.
16:01 Logan Paul and John Cena stand face to face.
16:05 This is the WrestleMania match.
16:06 When suddenly, Jake Paul attacks Cena from behind, giving him a low blow.
16:10 Both Paul brothers put the boots to Cena, then Logan gives a phone to Jake and gets
16:15 him to video Logan eliminating John Cena from the Royal Rumble.
16:20 It is hateful.
16:21 And I love it.
16:23 23, Dolph Ziggler.
16:24 Dolph Ziggler arrives and him and Theory have unfinished business I guess.
16:28 I mean, there's a little showcase here for the US title pitcher, minus one person who
16:33 will arrive at some point, don't worry.
16:34 But for now, that person arriving, just as the ring is slightly filling up, is number
16:39 24, Brock Lesnar.
16:41 Now it's time for everyone to die again.
16:43 Brock Lesnar comes in and munches a lot of people.
16:47 Dolph Ziggler is eliminated by Austin Theory, steps to Lesnar, eats another F5, this time
16:53 out of the ring.
16:54 Logan Paul and Brock Lesnar stand face to face.
16:57 Jake Paul tries to sneak up behind Lesnar in his court, taking an F5 for his f***ing
17:01 trouble, and then Logan Paul eats an F5 as well.
17:04 Number 25, Baron Corbin.
17:06 JBL has a microphone and walks Baron Corbin down to the ring.
17:10 JBL lists off all of Baron's accomplishments and says that very shortly, Baron Corbin will
17:14 be able to add Royal Rumble winner to the list.
17:17 JBL keeps talking as Baron Corbin slides into the ring and is immediately clotheslined out
17:22 by Brock Lesnar with JBL then going "Right, so, okay, he wasn't ready".
17:27 JBL then cuts an angry promo about how it didn't count as both men are escorted out
17:32 of the building.
17:33 Cody Rhodes takes an F5.
17:34 Seth Rollins takes an F5.
17:36 Sami Zayn takes an F5.
17:38 Brock stands tall when out comes number 26, Bobby Lashley.
17:42 Brock and Bobby stand face to face.
17:44 Logan Paul stands in the middle of them, then leapfrogs Bobby as Lashley spears Lesnar.
17:50 Logan Paul then offers Bobby Lashley a high five, and Lashley just throws the YouTuber
17:55 out of the ring.
17:56 Goodbye now, Logan.
17:57 Lashley and Lesnar lock up, with Bobby getting the bet of the encounter until Lesnar rakes
18:01 Bobby Lashley's eyes and throws him over the top rope and immediately eliminates him,
18:06 getting another cheap win over the Almighty.
18:09 Lashley lands on his feet, he looks up at Lesnar.
18:11 "You and me", he says.
18:13 "One more time".
18:14 I think that's probably the better Mania match.
18:18 We should get Gunther and Lesnar, but I think that's SummerSlam.
18:22 Cody and Rollins try to team up and eliminate Lesnar together, but he runs through them
18:27 both.
18:28 Brock and Lesnar stand tall, stand alone, as out comes number 27, IF YOU SMELL, it's
18:35 The Rock, and he's cooking.
18:37 The Rock runs down to the ring, and 20 years after Brock beat The Great One, the two stand
18:43 toe to toe and wail on each other, with The Rock snatching Brock into a rock bottom and
18:48 then tossing The Beast out of the ring to eliminate him.
18:52 The Rock catches Cody with a rock bottom, he catches Seth with a rock bottom.
18:57 Cody and Seth are still in the match, by the way, that was just Lesnar double clotheslining
19:00 both lads.
19:01 The Rock stacks Seth Rollins on top of Cody Rhodes, he goes for the People's Elbow,
19:06 but Sami catches him with a Halluva Kick while he's rebounding off the ropes.
19:10 He looks down at The Rock, who's lying prone in the ring, and he thinks, "Am I the bad
19:14 guy?
19:15 Am I?"
19:16 Number 28, Solo Sakoa, and so begins the final act of the Rumble.
19:22 Bloodline drama.
19:23 Roman Reigns and his advocate Paul Heyman have pulled strings to get the last three
19:27 spots in the Rumble secured for Solo Sakoa and The Usos.
19:31 Solo screams at Sami, tells him to pick up the rock, Sami does, and Solo hits the Samoan
19:37 Spike.
19:38 Cody and Seth try to fight back, but Solo brutalises them too.
19:42 Number 29, Jimmy Uso.
19:44 Jimmy joins the fray, helping Solo beat down The Rock, who pops up for a hope spot.
19:49 The Rock stands in between Cody and Seth Rollins, and they face off against Solo, Sami and Jimmy.
19:56 Everyone goes at it in the middle of the ring, rights and lefts.
20:00 Everyone in the Bloodline is knocked down, Seth Rollins offers Cody Rhodes his hand one
20:04 more time, and Cody finally shakes it for grabbing Seth's arm and heaving him out
20:11 of the ring to eliminate him.
20:12 And he taps his peck one last time.
20:15 Number 30, Jey Uso.
20:17 The Tribal Chief appointed winner of the Royal Rumble, the right hand man, runs down to the
20:21 ring to turn the tide in favour of the Bloodline.
20:24 The Usos hit a double superkick and double splash to Cody Rhodes in the middle of the
20:29 ring.
20:30 However, not even they can stop The Rock.
20:32 The Rock throws out Solo Sakoa, then he hits The Usos with a double rock bottom before
20:37 standing face to face with Sami Zayn.
20:40 He berates Sami, tells him to look inside himself, tells him "you wanna kick me?
20:46 Go ahead, make your choice".
20:48 He lays down The Usos on top of each other, like he did with Cody and Seth, and he goes
20:53 for a People's Elbow, and Sami doesn't kick him this time.
20:56 The Rock hits the People's Elbow on The Usos, then stands up and is hit by a spear
21:01 from Roman Reigns.
21:03 Reigns picks up The Rock and dumps him over the top rope to eliminate him.
21:08 Roman squares up to Sami, tells him "I saw everything, and this, this is why you
21:15 need to work so much harder to prove yourself".
21:19 Roman goes into the corner, Cody Rhodes is in the middle of the ring, he's slowly
21:22 rising to his feet.
21:23 Roman preps for another spear, goes "Ooooh" and...
21:28 Roman eats a Halluva Kick from Sami Zayn.
21:32 Everyone in the ring looks in shock at Sami.
21:35 Sami even looks in shock at himself.
21:38 Sami Zayn, who pulled the trigger first, who got them before they could get him.
21:44 Zayn and Cody Rhodes pick up The Usos and throw them out of the ring.
21:49 The last two left in the ring, Cody Rhodes and Sami Zayn, and I love Cody, Cody deserves
21:54 the world, he deserves to be world champion, maybe at SummerSlam, but right now Sami's
21:59 the story.
22:00 Give Sami and Cody a genuinely tense and thrilling 5 minute mini-match between the two, and have
22:06 Sami Zayn boot Cody out of the ring.
22:10 Sami wins the Royal Rumble match.
22:13 I know, I know it's not going to happen, I know that, but it's what I want more than
22:19 anything, and God Sami deserves it after this year.
22:23 Cody deserves it too, but I think there will be other Rumbles for him.
22:25 Right now Sami finally breaking free from the bloodline and punching an inescapable
22:32 ticket to WrestleMania, that is what I want, please and thank you.
22:37 And that is how I would book the 2023 Royal Rumble.
22:40 Sami Zayn would then go on to main event night one of WrestleMania, winning the WWE Championship
22:46 from Roman Reigns.
22:47 Roman would then defend the Universal Championship against The Rock on night two, because Roman
22:53 Reigns eliminating The Rock from the Rumble was technically illegal.
22:57 I know there's no DQs in the Rumble, but The Rock can then argue, well no one in the
23:01 Rumble eliminated me, I want what's mine, head of the table, Universal title, blah blah
23:07 blah.
23:08 Roman pulls double duty, those are your two WrestleMania main events.
23:10 I think they can do it.
23:11 But who do you want to see win the Royal Rumble?
23:13 What do you want to see me book next?
23:15 Let me know in the comments.
23:16 Enjoy the Rumble everyone, it's very soon, isn't it?
23:19 We got this video out a little bit late.
23:21 But I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy the Royal Rumble, please let it be good
23:25 this year.
23:27 Please.
